54 KB, NO customs




Well my arc ended up about 54kb with out any custom mobs. arc does have one, but thats the count with out it. It will probly end up being right about the 60kb mark by the time is all said and done.

Just currious what other peoples are coming out at that arnt using custom bosses/mobs

its a full 5 mission arc.. still needs some tweaks i think on clue flow, some clue names, some dialog doesnt matche perfectly, some items changed like one clue talks about a crystal, but its a atler, that sorta stuff.. basically everything needs to be fact checked with the final version... also a little more dialog with a custom boss in the final mission isnt added, but thats really just a teaser for the next arc continuation. But over all im very pleased. Looks like in the furture stories ill atleast have some flex room. figure 40-60 kb for custom stuff.

anyways, just currious how other peoples stuff are coming out. But doing all this its kinda funny its the little things that mater that you go.. ohh that needs fixing. like Ohh that clue is missing a name.. or 2 missions earlier he refered to this, when it should of been XXX.. kinda fun trying to make it perfect



The arc I have with the least customs (only 1 custom ally) is 4 missions long and comes in at 35%. That's with a lot of details as well, 1 mission has a dozen glowies while another has 5 bosses and 11 battles.



I'm usually hanging between 50-60 KB for long to very long arcs. They're usually only around 30-40 KB before I start filling in text (as much in mission as contact text).

I'm really trying to not make custom enemy groups, just using custom critters for bosses and "specials." I find that the stock enemy groups are far more balanced and create a better playing experience with less work, since the Devs did all of that already. Even doing frankengroups (mixing and matching critters from various enemy groups) works out well, since they all take almost no space up.



The thing about the Advertised "Custom Groups" is that if you create one all under the same file, you imediately peg 100kb as soon as you add the group to a Mish.

Hypothetical Custom Enemy Group;

Minion: 3
LT's: 3
Bosses: 3
Elite Bosses: 3
AV's: 3
(All saved under the same file name. [Custom Group File])

With this setup, you will peg the 100kb meter the first time you add this group to a mission. Even if you only wanted to fight minions.

Scenario 2;

Same group, configured this way,

File Name: "Name of the Custom Group" Minions and LT's: 6

File Name: "Name of the Custom Group" Bosses and EB's: 6

File Name: "Name of the Custom Group" AV's: 3

With this setup, you can bring in the level of enemies you want for each type Detail you add. You can select which "Group" out of your Custom Group will appear in Mish.

Under this setup, I have done a full 5 Mission Arc, including all my Custom Enemies, and still only pegged about 80kb.

Scenario 3; Break them down even further, set up a seperate file for Minions, LT's, Bosses, EB's, AV's. All with you Custom Group Name followed by the type spawn it contains. Then you could be even more selective. and the Meter will probably drop again.

It's all about how much the system has to load.


Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow