Larger spawns? My arcs are all small spawns. Help!




The title says it all... I play arcs with spawns of 4 or 6 or 8, but my arcs, with the same toon, set on challenge level 2, always have one or two per spawn.

What am I doing wrong?



Set your spawns to Hard instead of Easy.



I don't think it's anything you're doing wrong. I've set my setting as high as Ruthless, hoping to start seeing Bosses in any of the missions, and to no avail. I assume MA missions have awkward spawn settings in order to reduce the likeliness of farming. (Like that's stopped it if it is...)

You could set up random generic bosses around the mission as optional objectives, with their accompanying group set to hard.



right - if you want to force bosses, set up boss spawns with actual bosses.

you can also set up boss spawns with Lt's as the "boss" and set the spawn to hard to make larger spawns.



I do what Dugfromtheearth suggests. Works great. I wonder if you could do the same with a battle and get a double group.

H: Victra Defile (Rad/Dark) & Hot Hits (Fire/SD)
V: Spike Cream (NW) & Crescent Wind (Nin/Storm)
Sub Hero Inc ARC: 1541
--If you don't like what I have to say, it was probably a typo you are refering to.



I like the Farming Reference.

You do realize that by manipulating the system to increase the numbers of Spawns, and setting them to Bosses/Elite Bosses constitutes creating a "FARM MISSION"?

Maybe not to the extreme the Pro Farmers are doing it, but it's the same thing.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



I like the Farming Reference.

You do realize that by manipulating the system to increase the numbers of Spawns, and setting them to Bosses/Elite Bosses constitutes creating a "FARM MISSION"?

Maybe not to the extreme the Pro Farmers are doing it, but it's the same thing.

[/ QUOTE ]

No it's not. Farming is mindless repetition of the same map over and over for the sake of reward via game mechanics (experience, tickets, merits, what-have-you). I know, that definition is kind of a given, but it bears repeating.

So how is wanting larger spawns in your arc farming? It isn't. Just because someone has found a way to create larger spawns doesn't mean they intend to make that mission a farm mission. Believe it or not, some people just want their mission to have an epic feel to it. If someone, for example, wants to let the player join in with, say, 300 or so custom allies with broadswords and shields and have them defend a narrow.... street.... against roughly six thousand or so archers, broadsword, axe, mace and rusty katana weilding baddies and uses some of these so-called farming methods to make it seem like there are a whopload of people in the map...

::looks around for the cliche secret police::

...not that I've ever done that...


...then that isn't farming - it's storytelling. My wife once started a MArc that had objectives labelled "destroy me for a badge" and "Kill me for extra tickets." That was farming. What's described above isn't.

So can we please dispense with the Farming Macartheism? If you're making a post about farming or reporting an arc for farming that requires you to distinguish between "Pro Farmers" and "Amateur Farmers" then just let it be.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



If you say so...I'm not convinced.

It is still a manipulation of the system to produce unintended results.

You are saying that doing this for "Story Telling" purposes is different, when you are adding more XP, More Inf, More Tickets. More Prestige if in a SG/VG.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



unintended results.

[/ QUOTE ]

You've evidently never paid much attention to the spawning habits of the groups you already fight. Council alway spawn more that usual. Lost spawn bosses easily. So do Tsoo, which also tend to have an extra minion. Vahzilok cadavers and abominations tend to pop up in fours rather than threes, even on the lowest difficulty.

We can't emulate any of that. All custom groups--even those made up entirely of existing critters--use the generic catch-all spawn profile, which is plaid-pajamas boring. There is no excuse for a spawn to ever consist of a single lieutenant, which is what often ends up happening, even on difficulty 2 or 4.

It's credible that abusability is one (but only one) reason we have no control over spawn weight. But it's nothing short of hilarious to suggest that using MA objectives and settings to do exactly what they say they are supposed to do is creating "unintended results," especially given the fact that the number of allowed ambushes just doubled, and the devs themselves touted the ability to theoretically spawn an AV or EB at every spawn point in a map during their live press preview.



If you say so...I'm not convinced.

It is still a manipulation of the system to produce unintended results.

You are saying that doing this for "Story Telling" purposes is different, when you are adding more XP, More Inf, More Tickets. More Prestige if in a SG/VG.

[/ QUOTE ]

So what if I'm adding more XP, more Inf, more tickets and more prestige? If the risk is commensurate to the reward - and if the spawns are increased it most certainly is - then it ISN'T farming. If someone had found a way to double xp from every mob and posted on how to do it, then you'd have a point, but no one is talking about making experience gain easier; they're talking about increasing spawns to make missions more challenging and more interesting.

There's a big difference between finding creative ways to use the Mission Architect to add more challenge to a mission -and reap the appropriate rewards - and finding ways to use the Mission Architect to make it easer to to reap those rewards.

Finding ways to increase spawn size in and of itself doesn't make it easier to gain that reward, in fact in many cases it makes it harder.

Quite frankly, a farmer doesn't need to use this tactic to exploit the MA to make a farm map - he just sets the enemy group to a high spawning already existing group that players have experience killing, like Council or any other group that was mentioned in the post above this.

There are any number of additional factors that come into play on a farm map. For example, where do the increased spawn sizes come in to the arc, in mission one or mission five? Are they custom mobs being spawned, and if so how hard are they for players to kill? Is there a plot to the arc, or are all the minions called "Kill Me"?

Stop throwing accusations at people who might just want to be creative. Using the MA to make bigger spawns isn't an automatic farming flag by itself, regardless of the amount of reward it generates.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Getting back to the original question and not the hijack about what is and isn't farming...

When you are seeing these spawn sizes, are you in Test Mode, or is the arc published? I'm having difficulty getting bosses to spawn in my missions on Test Mode, no matter what my difficulty is set to. Even on a team of two, set on Difficulty #2, no bosses.

Now, please consider the flip side of the coin: are you trying to design your mission so it's harder, or are you giving consideration to the fact that some people might wish to play it with a solo Controller? Because you can make larger spawns, in certain ways, but by doing so you eliminate many potential players. Your audience will not respond with universal joy to see the mission packed with enemies unless they are farmers, Scrappers, or Brutes.