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  1. I think he gave us the appropriate information in his post in the Base Manifesto Thread as well. He confirmed there are plans, and didn't start a Forum War between folks who want this and folks that want that. Or, folks arguing about how it is going to work when it eventually gets here.

    I take comfort in the fact that he did say they have Big Plans. That means we are not forgotten.
  2. If you are looking additions for your list, consider the following;

    Spiral Staircases, that stack as easily as Safes.

    Stair Sets that Stack Period.

    More variety in Stairs Period.

    If we have to continue Stacking;

    More color choices for the Desks. Black would be awesome, and is widely used in Interior Decorating these days.

    Give us a complete set of each color in use now, with Book Shelves to match. Now, we have book cases that only match one desk. With several different colors of desks, wouldn't it be reasonable to add Bookcases to match them?

    I know, your Art department is with GR, but it don't take nothing to copy Items that exist, and change the color.

    I'll keep dreaming.
  3. Black_Strike

    Need more

    I agree with you 100%.

    Check out the "Base Manifesto" Thread a little further down the Forum, and you will read that the Devs have nothing new planned for Bases in the near future. As much as we all want it, it isn't coming anytime soon.
  4. Agreed, I just started a Mind/Energy, and it's the best Solo Dom I've played. I have experimented with many of them, but this one just seems to be able to handle anything she fights. An all around good choice.

    Coupled with the fact that Mind/Energy can completely render an AV helpless with the right Perma Build...

    Go figure.
  5. I'm looking to build this toon for Perma-Dom, to render an AV Helpless. I too plan on playing it PVE/SF, LRSF specifically. According to another Thread I've been reading here in the Dom Forum, the Mind/Energy Build is best in the Game for that. I don't want to kill the AV, but render it helpless, so that my team mates can catch a break on a bad pull. If we just so happen to have a very bad pull, and have more than 2 Heroes pouncing on us, I understand I'll have my work cut out for me to render multiple ones helpless.

    I also understand that I've got to stay alive to be effective, so Soft-capping Defenses is always a good thing.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Cost might not be a factor, as I have several 50's with Inf on them, and three private Enhancement tables with Crafted Procs/Rares/Uniques to sell or use.
  6. Lol, you are one step ahead of me. I see it is posted.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix View Post
    I have a build that is Perma without Hasten and has soft-capped Energy/Ranged with 41 Negative and 38 S/L Def. I can pull it out if you want to take a look. It's ridiculously expensive.

    Wonder if it'd be worth it to not worry about ranged and see if I can get 45 S/L/N/E.
    Sure Post it. I'd like to see it. So far I'm absolutely loving this toon. It's the best Dom yet that I've Solo'd with. Not too bad when I teamed last night either.
  8. Well, I created my Fire/Fire, and decided quite quickly that I didn't like it, lol. I have since started a Mind/Energy, since a couple peeps here said Mind/Anything is good. So far I'm loving that Combo.

    Thanks for all the suggestions, and help.

    Once I get a Perma-Build worked up in Mid's I may post it for further suggestions on how it can be improved.
  9. I was aking which Combo's are best because two Members of my SG asked me. They don't care much for using the Forums, even though I have told them numerous times that there is a wealth of Info and Help here.

    I'm looking at Grav/Energy because I already have one that is lvl 24, and would hate to have to start over myself. I also have an Earth/Earth I started after I16 but haven't played as much.

    However, after reading your responses, I am looking at starting a Fire/Fire.

  10. This is the Dom I've been working on, and the Build I have in mind. Let me know what you think, and if there are any improvements I could make.

    Thanks again.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    |78DAA593594F13611486BF99B6962E504A6507810242A11DA 8C6C425D1183681D68|
    |0881A35361398C024A5253383B1ACDECB3DEEEBBFD0BFE1AE 3FC1082EB7A69EE56B|
    |C16B27EDFBCC9C39EFF9B633E93BC34121EE9E134A6828ABD B766638BF64E674276|
    |F79D2FA8239E74FE9F385C4A46E2DE95E214447F97566289F 73AC7C561BB3F4DBA6|
    |53283DB7EF679CB76D7D25EB682339C35A28941EC3E3B945C 332728E56BA094EE5A|
    |1CEA8E9E40CDB0EF043D65C5874FC743FB36C18F321BA4D19 FABC61D98BE672E3C8|
    |B239A7ED8F955EC9A475DB31AC42034C3306FFB84BC8ABE81 16BAA103D425D271CD|
    |A20243619AB8C2DC237F5806B4760C87D9FE07FC07848083E 22241F13123096225D|
    |CA3094480A7584706894101C23545F201C1D277C077549976 B9542EE35C29175427|
    |C8330B0C9D82278E01C3C345851781282DE4015AF2CE49DA2 AC8A69C6251E7786D0|
    |7299879F25F8C0E26397F0D52A345B080564ED402FD5F642A 892436AE515CAAA9A5|
    |070D1556701AD220009212EA3863E53E5A62FBC8AAF8424CC 2E2C67177EABA2A7E6|
    |1DE33DA1EB03A1E723E313A102CA46785C5764870A1D6E170 750C7D88557B5B27A6|
    |D9CF2EA1284068D31C06B4F12BA06097BA0F5EC52EAFBA950 13230AE336CAE53472|
    |A8F31FD44042B3DCB6E60E0A45BC38639E43EB535EFB3342C 77342E70B1EFC2521F|
    |68A701CF6A54DBADA7629D4BEC7F8C1F8C9357E317E138E81 2BCA2E777482CF7392|
    |D093E23649F3AE5F24A0A95BA677733FF7713FF7713FF7713 F27B99FB7A17AAF3CE|
    |DDE1374DAB1189D76AC954E3B0C4BED9709FDDC34F13F02DF C47D94770F2A68F431|
    |148526CF0D3C8372C706D9D3E22E7F66F0834BA430225B4FF 8C837E52E7F5542A1A|
    |4E8BEEDBFAED7C1521DDFB41F74066516E52ACA3594EB2837 506EA2DC42C9A014DF|
    |94DDA19338A15328A751CEA06C63923700124009A254A254A 18450AA51222875284|
  11. Hi,

    Was wondering, after all the changes, which Combo is best suited for Perma-Dom Build in PVE?

    I know Fire/Psi was the King before, but which Combo works best now?

    Thanks for the input.
  12. If you are trying to work on a large raised platform, get one Floor Plate the height you want it, then stack other Floor Plates on it, spreading them out to cover the area you want to floor. It don't matter that they may be overlapping the area you want floored or each other. They will be deleted anyways. It give you a very large and very easy surface to stack on, and all you have to do is get the first one the right height, and slide the others out from there.

    Saves alot of headaches with the safes, lamps etc.

    Edited: (For Grammar, and to Add)

    The Floor Plate being a Stacking surface is the largest in the Editor. Use it to set others for big projects. Makes life alot simpler.
  13. Hi,

    Please critique my Fort Build, I believe I have all he bases covered, but want to be sure.


    Are the De-Buffs of the Psi Ranged Attacks effeective against AV's?

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    |78DAA594594F53411886A71BA5B4746129FBD2CABE147AE79 28080A018510C08468|
    |DCD111A38A19E92F62072E70F30115CA237B8C5F5C2F552FF 897AEDFA1344EBF77D|
    |EFD89878E18527F47DA6D36F7967CE0C53170F0494BA34AC1 C556319239F4F8DE48|
    |C85652B9B4FCD9B8BD975EF51C35ECB1999E04436B76619B6 D13A9A311656BC4AA9|
    |9804A46673866999D65282226C09294E35CCA68DF3EBD9DCC A9FBFE9A9C8A4B59CC|
    |EA52D3BF17B1098CE66338909D3B6D2F9BC1F5F32E6D2B25D 26E399D5747A3122C3|
    |49EB829937CF9919D3DE888EAF9A0B89B9F191D9D44C762D9 39A32F2763AB7514B0|
    |6BBE973851687A7E056DB84A472DE1694DD1104EE0A9AEF0B C6CA080E0977292F0D|
    |3A95BB14A8767040382CD80CE8302AEBF877D9712AEBD2655 D285B82B225A817467|
    |50FEDAB0771CAD32FA95BD4C98B4E1E2F3A95A253293A35A3 53DB3D000D27A8A14F|
    |17F2D5D0A049F9A88A1F85941FEDBC34558E2867F99C4C050 F8BADE090E4F829208|
    |41C67E89D93036ADF031F04D7C85D44BB8B3C93D615CF8117 82E84B41E72BE0359C|
    |53D94ABD1D9537A550D555A01571C010ADA25AC75563BFA2D 8BD7A2CA0AD4A7090E|
    |26AF46A6B62921AA7167530E6A8EB95A97AE010053720D8D3 F040BA363E041E095A|
    |1F034F80A78249CA6AD2569A6025062B317888C1D12DDA901 6BD212DDF2575D70EF|
    |003F829E82800CAC5D84FD5E33A2BFE51B6BEE393A0FB33F0 05F82AE8F926B84EBD|
    |DA75563B8E460F8E460F8E461F8E461F8E461F8EC60E75ECD 2EFB4EB86981ED8023|
    |605C364A61701AE5EACAA1F6BEC8F001582518A4BE83B9080 E901984EC27412A693|
    |305D426F6450BFA4C12EB1D2E82E5E4EFAA3471DF96B66DA5 DBC69CA2133C7DCC53|
    |BFA5FCF9BE2BF06DF71BEF6332C2758E6594EB29C6239CD72 86E52C4B8AA5F0B698|
    |1DDACD86F6B0EC65D9C7729983BC7CDFFC2C01967296204B8 825CC52C91265A967D|
  14. I've Solo TOT'd with toons of varying levels during this years Event, and have found that if I'm in the Zone that is appropriate for the level of the toon, it's fun. I've been on Teams with these same toons doing the Banners, GM's, Zombie Raids, and still had quite a bit of fun. Lowest was a lvl 8 Archery/Trick Arrow Corr. I also had success with a lvl 11 Claws/Ninj Stalker.

    While Perma-Faceplanting would be a bad thing to happen in any Event, I haven't found that to be the case. Did I die some? Sure, but I survived much more than I died. If it's not a challenge why do it?

    My problem with the Events is the repitition. This is why I'm not much of a Farmer. After the 3rd or 4th run of the same Mish, I'm like Okay time to go do something else, I'm bored. After the 6th or 7th time I do something on a toon in an event, I'm bored.
  15. Yeah, the Undo Button is something I've always wanted. It would be an immense improvement.
  16. I usually use some form of the desks myself. I have a Tech Base, so never experimented with the Arcane Rubble you mention. Which desk I use depends on the project, and how I want it to look.
  17. Black_Strike

    Base Manifesto

    Well, at least he said his is working on some Base stuff, and they have big plans for Bases waiting in the wings.

    At least that tells us there are plans.
  18. Black_Strike

    Base Manifesto

    Thanks Fire-Away.

    It seems the idea is there, but the time isn't. Which means they plan to get around to it eventually. As you said, no telling when eventually will be.

    It struck me that their answers to the SG/VG Side Switching was going to be an involved process. One where players will have options. There is no telling how that could affect SG's/VG's that presently exist as far as Roster Counts, Activity, etc...

    I am glad they are doing more work with Reflective, and Shadow effects, and building it into the game. New artwork for Praetoria sounds intriguing.

    Guess we'll just have to keep working with the tools we got, and hope eventually gets here...eventually.

    Thanks again to you and Cende, and any other Base Builders folks who attended.

    Edited for spelling, and to add:

    From what you've said, it sounds like some plans are at least already in the works, but behind the scenes of the Current Plan. Being worked on in spare time by some. We'll just have to see. I wouldn't say the door is 100% closed either.

    I look forward to GR though!
  19. Black_Strike

    Base Manifesto

    Glad to know Cende and Fire-Away are there. Hopefully others are as well. Good luck, and keep us posted.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Don't forget, some people do this for fun, to show off, and stress the base editor

    I dont' know about that. Yeah, the O-portal's handy - but so's having one-stop-shopping in the base (plus some crafting,) then being able to go wherever. Of course, it's easy to do with four porters redside. Blueside, it takes a bit more.
    LOL, If they'd give us more Zones Red-Side, I'd be happy to accomodate more Porters.
  21. Hi,

    We are planning a Hamidon Raid, Villain Side for this coming Saturday; 10/24/09. I will post more specifics as we get this together, but all who are interested please let me know in this thread. The time is not yet set, I will try to post that tomorrow night, by 8:00PM EDT.

    We would love to have a good turn out for this, and plan on doing Monster Island in the near future too.

    All are welcome.

    Furies End,

  22. I like that you say you like your Bases well lit, but use the Fortress of Solitude, and the Bat Cave for examples of Hero Home Bases.

    You do realize the Bat Cave is a gloomy, shadowy, dark place? Bats live in there with Bat Man. Bright light sends Bats into a frenzy.

    The Fortress of Solitude wasn't well lit either. It was lit only by the suns rays being deflected thought the facets of the crystals that formed it's wall, and by some of the crystals that actually gave off light of their own. Sounds kind of shadowy, in a multi-colored kind of way.


    I run a SG that has a full Base, and dimmed the lights to the lowest settings. I used the Lighting items to add light to accent each room. It is neither gloomy, or dark, but kind of realistic looking.

    I also have a Solo Base, That I call my Home. It is lit the same way.

    But to each his own.

    Sounds like you need to build you a Solo Base. It takes alot of playing and time, but it is extremely do-able, and rewarding.
  23. Hi folks.

    There have been threads in the past where folks have asked for a whole new Base Editor.

    To try to draw Dev interest, I guess we might want to state how we would like it function.


    My ideas are as follows;

    Give us an empty squared grid, like we get now, but give us Wall placement control so we can build our own rooms. Whatever size, whatever door size we want. Have it where we have to specify the Function of the room for Item placement. (Tag the room "Control" to be able to place Control items, etc...) It would be nice to be able to click and drag sections of rooms, and "Tag" them to hold different items, or perform different Functions.

    Give us elevation features on flooring sections that can be placed where we want them. Double sided. So that we can create thin floors at whatever elevation we want.

    Give us Elevation Control of all Items. So that we can position them where we want them.

    Give us Angle Control of Items, so that they don't rotate on 90 degrees.

    Give us more control of the lighting. The Lighting Items should be adjustible, in lumens and color.

    Give us active Water effects.

    Please contribute anything you would like to see in a new Base Editor to this thread. I know we are beating the same drum we have beat for years but, hey...we gotta keep trying.

    Note: I know all of my suggestions are going to take alot of Code changing, and re-programing. They have said that the Base Editor needed to be re-worked, so that is what this thread is about.

  24. Black_Strike

    Info needed

    Well, LoTG's are reasonable, on the market. I have many stored in Enhancement tables in my base. Sadly I use them on my toons. If you are looking to make a fortune, then you should seek advice at the Market Forum.

    The Marketeers will be happy to add you to their numbers.
  25. So it's every ten seconds? Interesting, I was sure someone told me 60 seconds. Ah well, now I know, lol.