Need more




There are like 20 times more decorative items for Arcane than there are for Tech. We need more Tech items and designs/styles. Also, since people wanna build rooms and complexes inside the bases, why not add regular walls in the lists instead of making us use cabinets and bookshelves to seperate things or made rooms.



I agree with you 100%.

Check out the "Base Manifesto" Thread a little further down the Forum, and you will read that the Devs have nothing new planned for Bases in the near future. As much as we all want it, it isn't coming anytime soon.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



To be honest, we should be thankful we got what we have now.
CoH isn't a Simulator, it's an MMORPG for superheroes.
Frankly, I think asking for more is asking Superman to fix the Bullet holes in your car after he just saved your life.



I don't think we're going to accomplish much in asking for new shineys at this point. As Caleb says, they are focused on GR, and Sunstorm himself has said that any new base shineys are a long way off.

However, I don't see that as an excuse to ignore longstanding problems that could be fixed. All I have to do is go to MadScientist's list of i12 issues to pick out a few:

on Storage:
  • Storage logs have lost functionality when they were merged to only one log per base. Can the log entry include some way of knowing (and filtering on) which storage item the entry applies to? Conversely, this could go to the other extreme with storage being universal for the base and the items merely adding capacity. eg, one collective Enhancement list when you click any Enhancer Table. The current implementation, however, is not efficient being in between those two ideas.
  • Base storage repainting the base upon use can cause crashing, lag, and visual problems.
  • Storage needs to be sortable, or simply default sorted by item instead of by time (such as using the same sort order as an NPC store)
  • Storage log can be spammed to remove history - should something be guaranteed to exist for a length of time before being pushed off the list?
  • Storage doesn't always remember who placed an item, and definitely forgets it all if you move the storage to a new room.
  • Lack of a way to pool Recipe resources among a SG. Those should have SG Storage items.
  • Whatever happened to seeing Salvage Storage from a Worktable/Empowerment? (If that idea was dropped, just tell us and we'll stop asking.)
  • Text labels on Storage item interface would help organize items, since groups have many diverse systems for that. (eg, "Magic Enhancers only in here")
  • Why are teleporter rooms unable to hold storage?
Adding my own peeve:
  • Storage limits are too harsh. 30 pieces per rack is not enough to support a SG much larger than 3-5 players with their alts. When storage limits were nerfed in i13, it was promised that it would be reconsidered after a time..... IT'S TIME. Please raise the limit to at least 100 items per rack so we can quit using our lvl 50 char's as salvage mules.
Base Usage bugs
  • Upkeep Overpayment - if you pay too early, your next bill for rent will be due 2 weeks earlier than it should
  • Game Client can shutdown while you are zoning to your base with the message ""You have been forcibly disconnected from the server. MapShuttingDown"
  • Empowerment stations list 15 minute durations, they were changed to 1 hour in the 8.16.06 patch but the text was not updated.
  • What's the status on the Cathedral of Pain and Items of Power? What exactly was broken about it? (Players have some likely causes, but no Dev has ever spoken on it.) Maybe knowing where the problems are, the community can suggest COP/IOP designs without those troublesome parts of the system.
Base Usage flaws
  • Inf to Pres trade-in at the Register is a huge ripoff. A level 50 turning on SG Mode gives up about 150,000 Inf in order to earn 2,000 Prestige, the Register charges 1 million for 2k. Certainly SG Mode should remain the best income source, but the Register should be close, not 500:1. If there's an issue with too much converting, have the Register trade 100:1 to reduce Rent, thus limiting how much you can trade in.
  • Unable to control the direction you face on zone-in
  • Combat Logs is too weak for its huge prerequisite. In fact, with inspiration merging, it's hardly worth the placement cost even if it's earned.
  • Mission Computer needs more use (see wishlist)
  • Most Empowerment buffs are considered insanely weak, and most are rather dull since you can get better effects from Inspirations. Tangent thread on Empowerment, since there's a lot to focus on.
  • Inability to use the Base features when teamed in a co-op zone.
  • Why do certain zones lack beacons: Cimerora/Midnighter's, Ouroboros, FBZ. Is there a reason PVP zones lack beacons?
  • Lack of PVE uses for the huge amount of raid-related base items. Some ideas,
  1. - PVE raids. ie: defend your base against the game's AI. or raid a pre-made base defended by the AI.
  2. - Justify "raidable" items with a PVE usage. For example, give a PVE reason to have to leave a clear path to your generator, such as giving the generator a clickable function.
  3. - Make some items no longer require pathing, such as Control Aux and Teleport Beacons. (Though see the next item.)
  • Teleport Beacons are difficult to distinguish, especially Arcane ones. Even when distinguished it's hard to know which beacon goes to which porter. (Though in fairness, is that second issue more of an architect problem than a dev problem?) Suggestion: Have all active beacons usable from any teleporter (similar to how a storage log works on all tables at once) so you don't need to go searching.
  • Power Liberator / Master Thief is not obtainable. Given questions about how it was earned, perhaps the fairest solution is to change the badge requirement to winning any raid by any victory condition.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV