Base Manifesto




From Websters: "man-i-fes-to a public declaration of intentions, opinions or purposes"

I note a recurring theme within our community at the mention of ANY type new development. When it comes to new development, you can almost gaurantee that one or more of the following statements will result from within our ranks:

"Bases did not turn out like the devs planned and it's 'thrown them' some", "That has been asked for for years.", "The devs are taking time to get it right", "The devs are doing nothing in the near term.", "The next iteration of development will be pvp based.", "The devs have already acknowleged ___", "We are a small community so don't expect much.", "We are one day going to get the comprehensive 'big fix'". "CoP/IoP raids will be back.", "CoP/IoP raids are dead", "We're getting/not getting more functional ability", "We're getting/not getting more decorative (editing) ability.", "The current system is badly bugged.", "The current system is just plain broken." "The current system is usable but less than ideal.".

I can go on but you get the idea. I have my thoughts on each of the above statements and have even speculated as to their validity from time to time myself. But, to be perfectly honest, I really have no idea as to the "truth" of any of the above (and some are conflicting). And yet these seem to be thrown about as "fact" in the forum depending on the point of view of one who is trying to make a point at the time.

And so I respectfully call for (and not call out... big difference) a written Base Manifesto from someone in authority who can shed some light on the subject. I am totally confused as to where we are at in the new development process for bases (is it suspended?, ongoing?, big reveal planned can't talk about?, dead in the water?)... let alone where we are headed (pvp?, editor?, decorative?, functional?). Should we keep proposing new stuff? Or is it a waste of time (or is the "wish list" queue full... or even complete)?

While I can appreciate (and often enjoy reading) the spin of my fellow players on these topics... I'm essentially begging for red name insight the degree it can be publicly conveyed.

I understand the "answer" we receive may be personally disappointing. I understand that the devs are busy developing and there may be no answer to this at all. But here's my first thread ever in the Base Construction forum... and I thought the request was worth making.

P.S. I'm lucky enough to be going to Hero-Con (old guy, glasses, ballcap, arachnos button, wallflower personality, can't miss me). Hope to see you there Sunstorm!

P.S.S. Players, if I hear anything publicly base related I will let you know

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Development priorities for SG Bases ought to be as follows:

  • 1. Decorative
  • 2. Editor
  • 3. Functional
  • 17. PvP
I say this because the Decorative aspect of bases is both the most immediate and the most enduring. Furthermore, the Decorative aspect of creating bases easily dominates all other time sinks concerning them combined.

Improvements to the Editor are what make the Decorative exploits we love to see (and tour) possible, and reasonable to achieve.

Functional improvements to bases are what make them "useful" beyond simply being an exercise in creative expression. Base functionality gives PURPOSE beyond simply being eye candy.

PvP ... unfortunately ... simply a "nice to have" feature so long as nothing else need be sacrificed upon its altar. Otherwise, it's simply "not necessary" any more. We have arenas (that are barely used). We have PvP zones (that are farmed). There is remarkably little pressing need for SG Base PvP on top of all of that ... especially if it's done as an obligation which can easily turn into a "job" to protect your base on a (set) weekly schedule. To be honest, in a lot of ways, we'd be better off adapting Architect Entertainment to allow PvP use of its maps than re-injecting PvP (and all of its nasty limitations!) back into SG Bases.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Development priorities for SG Bases ought to be as follows:
  • 1. Decorative
  • 2. Editor
  • 3. Functional
  • 17. PvP
I say this because the Decorative aspect of bases is both the most immediate and the most enduring. Furthermore, the Decorative aspect of creating bases easily dominates all other time sinks concerning them combined.

Improvements to the Editor are what make the Decorative exploits we love to see (and tour) possible, and reasonable to achieve.

Functional improvements to bases are what make them "useful" beyond simply being an exercise in creative expression. Base functionality gives PURPOSE beyond simply being eye candy.

PvP ... unfortunately ... simply a "nice to have" feature so long as nothing else need be sacrificed upon its altar. Otherwise, it's simply "not necessary" any more. We have arenas (that are barely used). We have PvP zones (that are farmed). There is remarkably little pressing need for SG Base PvP on top of all of that ... especially if it's done as an obligation which can easily turn into a "job" to protect your base on a (set) weekly schedule. To be honest, in a lot of ways, we'd be better off adapting Architect Entertainment to allow PvP use of its maps than re-injecting PvP (and all of its nasty limitations!) back into SG Bases.
I cannot add anything to this, so I will just nod like Scott Pilgram, and give the thumbs up.



A decent in-game tutorial would be nice too. It could have short videos "This is how to float a lamp" followed by short sessions of practicing.

It's been a year now since Sunstorm arrived. Think it is time to stop by and at least say Hi again.

Basful Banshee Founder of the Benefactors.

Enjoy your day please.



Fire_Away, you and I have had our disagreements in the past, but I fully support and endorse you respectfully bringing up this topic at Hero Con. Not to put Sunstorm as the scapegoat for all of our base development, or lack thereof, but the developers (in general) do owe us some news about what the future of bases will be - and a reasonable timeframe as when we can expect some further development on the base front. It's high time we got an update, and not just price breaks or more rent changes.

That being said, I would like you to ask the developers about construction techniques, such as the aforementioned editor but, more importantly, if there will be an easier way to create multiple floors in rooms, creating vertical bases, and so forth. Like others' I'm also interested in more decorative items and more in-base functioning items, such as consignment terminals, AE terminals, and the like.

Finally, thanks for taking the time to gather input. Since I can't go to Hero Con myself this year, it's good that someone who is looking out for bases to represent us. Have fun in San Jose!



Sunstorm's post history

Read it carefully and ask yourself where his focus really is.

Personally, I think there are some existing problems with bases and the base editor that should be addressed before adding extra decor on top of it all.

These are the things Sunstorm apparently has on his list for us (personally, I think it's rather truncated):

Old Issues given new complications:
- Storage Security
- Crafted item deletion in light of IO usage
- Lack of info about crafted recipes
- Empowerment buff balance issues
- Empowerment station help text still says 15 minutes (at a time when the devs are trying to make this more popular)
- Cost/Benefit balance of the 3 levels of PVP Cannons (eg, Scanner vs Advanced Scanner vs Elite Scanner), especially with the new crafting costs being so simmilar
- Concerns over path-restricted base designing as an abstract cost of base raiding
- Lack of a beacon to the Midnighter Club (now that there are contacts inside)
New Issues:
- Salvage storage capacity, including Holiday salvage
- Rent has been reduced to meaningless amounts of Prestige.
- bug with Base Day Job location and base teleporter vet power
- Idea of joining multiple SGs (inspired by dual builds in I13)
- Idea of removing crafting, either completely, or for all PVE items
- Loss of Magic Doors
Old SG issues:
- Inviting/Promoting/Demoting Offline members
- Players looking to join SG's able to contact SG recuiters. (Via SG register or other method)
My questions would be, do we agree with this list?
Do we need to ask him to change/update things on it?
Is HE even still the one we need to talk to concerning bases?

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



HERO-CON is off the hook and the Welcome Address isn't until tomorrow! I spent $127 at Wentworth's and might head back for more. Seriously, go if you ever can.

I note that one Johnathan Courney (Sunstorm) is leading a panel discussion on another topic (powers balancing) tomorrow afternoon. So I plan on at least introducing myself after that if not beforehand.

Also there's a suggestion box for "Wouldn't it be great if..." topics that they may or may not choose to expound upon Sunday. Somebody has been putting base stuff in that too. I believe I saw the one Obsidious recommended go in pretty much as written above (and thank you for the kind words).

Finally, I'm kinda of a painful introvert by nature so I may not be your best guy for "buttonholing" devs (but I will try and ask as well as keep my ears open and do my best). So if anyone else is at the Con and hears base related stuff, I hope they will also share (provided, of course, it is "sharable" information under forum rules).

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



<crosses fingers> Good luck!

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



Glad to know Cende and Fire-Away are there. Hopefully others are as well. Good luck, and keep us posted.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



I've talked to Sunstorm, asked him to please post, give an update.

The bad news is that he's been kept busy and there's no base love on the horizon. He feels terrible about it, however.

There's a teeny-tiny, minuscule possibility that some of the reflection tech for GR will show up in the bases. The shadow-depth won't.

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Originally Posted by Orion_Star_EU View Post
  • TARGET release date: 2nd quarter 2010
  • They have Base Raid ideas/tech, but not full, and no ETA
I am not surprised.

After close examination of Sunstorm's posts, it was obvious to me that he was being focused on Powers. The business of him being "assigned" to us is looking more like it was a temporary/side assignment primarily for i13.

Once again, base concerns are put on the back burner... and it seems the burner is turned off.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Well that's good.
I am hungry.



Here's my report from Hero-Con regarding bases. It comes from both public (Session Q & A's) and private conversations (one on one I had with Sunstorm and others).

Sunstorm is our base rep. He has a complete handle on the community's base issues and wishes. His personal love for bases (as opposed to the term base love) extends back to before he was a developer and into his CoH playing days.

The new development "current plan" is dominated by Going Rouge (projected release 2nd Quarter 2010). Bases are NOT a part of the "current plan". This is significant because:

Base Decorative Items - Praetoria (new Going Rouge Zone) is totally new. Every tree, every streetlight, every newspaper box is new art. The CoH art department has a lot on their plate right now and Sunstorm was certain a request for base decorative items for art near term would not compete against near term GR art needs (I saw a small glimpse of Praetoria and I see what he means).

Base Functional Items - The devs seemed very receptive to new functional items for bases (such as market, AE, etc. interface) with one exception (recipe storage in bases... Positron feels STRONGLY hoarding recipes will send market prices skyrocketing... no matter that there are already workarounds using alts, player transfers, etc.... in base recipe storage isn't going to happen). The rub with immediate new functional items, again, seems to be artwork. The devs want this stuff to look new and cool when it does go in. And, of course, the art department, once again, has their hands full with GR. (personal observation: the devs didn't seem enthused about the idea of using development "workarounds"... for art or anything else. They had a "If we put it in the game, we want it to look cool and work right" philosophy throughout the Con... not just bases).

Base raids (to include CoP) - The devs really want to bring base raids back. But Positron made it clear that raids were not in "the current plan". However, base raid awesomeness (Positron's words, desire confirmed by Sunstorm) is something they want to get to (I got the impression that some initial raid ideas had been kicked around already but I cannot confirm that part for certain or when raids will be available).

Base Editor - I heard nothing about new editing capability...just that bases, in general, were something the devs really wanted to work on... but they were not... you guessed it... in the current plan (and competing with other things they want to work on).

Base Graphic Effects - All of CoH is going to undergo something the devs called "ultra graphics". Windows (and real game water as opposed to slow fields) reflects, shadows occur with change of day and other effects of that nature happen (it looked great btw). Unknown how much of this will apply to bases; but shadowing indoors (including bases) won't work.

Non "current plan" development - Sometimes, QoL features, fixes, and other such development happens outside the strict plan-execute development process and makes it into the game. This is a result of inside dev conversations and tinkering. During Hero-Con, I noticed that the devs loved to talk about when or how these things happened in the past and made it live. But we players have no clue about this stuff beforehand... for bases or anything else. So, technically, the door isn't 100% completely closed for possible near term base development but we should count on nothing in this category happening. It's just an outgrowth of non-linear thinking from some very smart people.

Bases will eventually accomodate many types of players - The devs have a high confidence in this area. Example (1) - I publicly asked how sg's/vg's were going to work with switching from hero to villain (and vice versa). The answer I got back was that it will be an "involved process" (the details of which were not revealed at the Con). But, I was told this process was designed to include many possible player preferences. Example (2) - A programming dev told me that a raid capable /not raid capable (e.g. decorative base) option is entirely doable when raids come back online.

In closing I would like to thank Sunstorm (sorry I spilled your glass of water and almost fried your phone during my introduction..., I was a little nervous ) and all the devs who responded to my questions for their time and attention. The Con was great even though the [edit add: near term] base news wasn't. I learned more about new development in one and a half days at Hero-Con than one and one half years of prior forum reading.

aka Fifty One Fifty at the Con

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Thanks Fire-Away.

It seems the idea is there, but the time isn't. Which means they plan to get around to it eventually. As you said, no telling when eventually will be.

It struck me that their answers to the SG/VG Side Switching was going to be an involved process. One where players will have options. There is no telling how that could affect SG's/VG's that presently exist as far as Roster Counts, Activity, etc...

I am glad they are doing more work with Reflective, and Shadow effects, and building it into the game. New artwork for Praetoria sounds intriguing.

Guess we'll just have to keep working with the tools we got, and hope eventually gets here...eventually.

Thanks again to you and Cende, and any other Base Builders folks who attended.

Edited for spelling, and to add:

From what you've said, it sounds like some plans are at least already in the works, but behind the scenes of the Current Plan. Being worked on in spare time by some. We'll just have to see. I wouldn't say the door is 100% closed either.

I look forward to GR though!

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



While I have remained silent for quite some time on the issues, my position still stands. I am in full support of keeping the Bases Issues in the forefront and really hope some of those "QoL features, fixes, and other such development" happen in the coming issues.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Thanks a lot, Fire_Away and Cende, for heading to Hero-con, for making sure the base building community was heard, and for reporting back and not leaving those of us who couldn't go out of the loop.

It's great to hear that they do realize that some supergroups would prefer not to use their base for raiding and that they are thinking of giving us options to accommodate those groups. I'm also glad to hear that they would rather put the time and effort in to make everything in bases both look good and work. That says to me that while they may not themselves have spent hours stacking things in a room so that it would look just right, they understand that some of us do, and they understand how important it is to some of us that our bases look fantastic as well as being useful.

Hopefully, since the devs are obviously paying attention to what we want, and since they do want to get to work on bases, and since there IS a massive new expansion coming out soon, we can get some base love after Going Rogue, when they're looking for something not-so-big to work on, and maybe they'll throw us a bone (or fifty).

I won't be holding my breath, but I will be using every breath I take to hope for base love.

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



Originally Posted by Fire_Away View Post
Base Graphic Effects - All of CoH is going to undergo something the devs called "ultra graphics". Windows (and real game water as opposed to slow fields) reflects, shadows occur with change of day and other effects of that nature happen (it looked great btw). Unknown how much of this will apply to bases; but shadowing indoors (including bases) won't work.
Based on watching the videos, trying to understand how Ultra is going to work, and some comments, it looks like we've got the following planned / likely for how Ultra graphics interact with bases. If anyone that was at the con has more specific technical details please fill in.

* Ambient occlusion should work inside bases. This will improve the look of lighting and make complex 3D objects look more "real". It may also highlight the *unreality* of some items, and make composite items created by stacking things into other things look a bit more odd, depending on how their lighting model handles that (or fails to).

* Realistic shadows: not in, they're outdoors-only even for dev-created stuff. Strong implication that the new cool shadows are only created by sunlight (effective infinite distance, parallel rays, very slow moving on predictable path).

* New reflectivity: uncertain. This is a mixture of cube mapping for the scenery and more direct reflection for characters. They gave the impression that the cube maps were pre-computed for the city areas to make it possible, and they weren't sure what they could / should / would do for bases.

* New water: N/A. If we ever got real water in a base, it should render under Ultra with the new effects; but given other comments, no new base items pending means there isn't any to worry about.

Miuramir, Windchime, Sariel the Golden, Scarlet Antinomist...
Casino Extortion #4031: Neutral, Council+Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/CFMA]
Bad Candy #87938: Neutral, Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/HFMA]
CoH Helper * HijackThis



Yep, thanks for posting that Fire Away, that pretty much sums it up perfectly.

It was great talking with you and Cende at the Con as well!

I'm still working on content for bases, and we have some very big plans waiting in the wings, but for right now my main focus is on GR. (In fact, the projects I'm working on are so big I barely have time to get away to post.)



Originally Posted by Sunstorm View Post
Yep, thanks for posting that Fire Away, that pretty much sums it up perfectly.

It was great talking with you and Cende at the Con as well!

I'm still working on content for bases, and we have some very big plans waiting in the wings, but for right now my main focus is on GR. (In fact, the projects I'm working on are so big I barely have time to get away to post.)
Holy crap.

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Originally Posted by Sunstorm View Post
Yep, thanks for posting that Fire Away, that pretty much sums it up perfectly.

It was great talking with you and Cende at the Con as well!

I'm still working on content for bases, and we have some very big plans waiting in the wings, but for right now my main focus is on GR. (In fact, the projects I'm working on are so big I barely have time to get away to post.)
Good news.

I know leaders and members of RO are curious about how Rogue switching issue will work because well, we have 35+ SG/VG I think we'll all go a bit insane if we have to make a Rogue/Vigilante Graygroup.




Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Whew! Glad I got it mostly right and very much appreciate Sunstorm's confirmation. Being an unbiased rep for an entire community isn't easy.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Originally Posted by Sunstorm View Post
Yep, thanks for posting that Fire Away, that pretty much sums it up perfectly.

It was great talking with you and Cende at the Con as well!

I'm still working on content for bases, and we have some very big plans waiting in the wings, but for right now my main focus is on GR. (In fact, the projects I'm working on are so big I barely have time to get away to post.)
Good to hear there are still plans, Sunstorm, and good to hear you're actually alive. Some of us were beginning to wonder!

I'm sure you'll understand if we'll take it a little more seriously once we actually have something to see, at least where bases are concerned. Checking in with us here once in a while even if just to say "hello, I know you're here" certainly could help with morale though.

Originally Posted by Altoholic_Monkey View Post
Good news.

I know leaders and members of RO are curious about how Rogue switching issue will work because well, we have 35+ SG/VG I think we'll all go a bit insane if we have to make a Rogue/Vigilante Graygroup.
My SGs are anxiously waiting on the same information. While I can't say it would be a deal-breaker for us, I'd say that having to add a separate group for Vigilantes and/or Rogues would kill a great deal of the enthusiasm we currently have for Going Rogue. Since I do all of our base editing... yeah, it could wind up like Issue 13 all over again for me where I spend more time base building than playing mishes/TFs if we have to start yet another SG/VG.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))