Base Manifesto




Well, at least he said his is working on some Base stuff, and they have big plans for Bases waiting in the wings.

At least that tells us there are plans.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Originally Posted by Fire_Away View Post
Base Decorative Items - Praetoria (new Going Rouge Zone) is totally new. Every tree, every streetlight, every newspaper box is new art. The CoH art department has a lot on their plate right now and Sunstorm was certain a request for base decorative items for art near term would not compete against near term GR art needs (I saw a small glimpse of Praetoria and I see what he means).

Base Functional Items - The devs seemed very receptive to new functional items for bases (such as market, AE, etc. interface) with one exception (recipe storage in bases... Positron feels STRONGLY hoarding recipes will send market prices skyrocketing... no matter that there are already workarounds using alts, player transfers, etc.... in base recipe storage isn't going to happen). The rub with immediate new functional items, again, seems to be artwork. The devs want this stuff to look new and cool when it does go in. And, of course, the art department, once again, has their hands full with GR. (personal observation: the devs didn't seem enthused about the idea of using development "workarounds"... for art or anything else. They had a "If we put it in the game, we want it to look cool and work right" philosophy throughout the Con... not just bases).
I think the problem is that there has been a number of requests for visual items that already exist in the game that players would like despite not being made from scratch. I think a separate topic could be made concerning that but I thank Fire Away for getting the info and I thank Sunstorm for stopping by the thread.



Thanks again for doing the footwork for us Fire_Away, and thanks to Sunstorm et al for the updates and info. Although I was hoping for something a little more near-term, after seeing the posted videos and pictures from Hero Con, it does indeed look like the art team has been knee-deep in new stuff.



Originally Posted by Cende View Post
I've talked to Sunstorm, asked him to please post, give an update.

The bad news is that he's been kept busy and there's no base love on the horizon. He feels terrible about it, however.

There's a teeny-tiny, minuscule possibility that some of the reflection tech for GR will show up in the bases. The shadow-depth won't.
The devs said that shadows are only an outdoors thing, they won't be in any interior spaces.



Originally Posted by Sunstorm View Post
Yep, thanks for posting that Fire Away, that pretty much sums it up perfectly.

It was great talking with you and Cende at the Con as well!

I'm still working on content for bases, and we have some very big plans waiting in the wings, but for right now my main focus is on GR. (In fact, the projects I'm working on are so big I barely have time to get away to post.)
Sun whatever you come up with.....and whenever it goes to test, we as a community are more than willing to test what you need tested (if there are any design changes). If nothing else while we wait, ideas are piling up in my head based on future possibilities.

NPCs, market access, lava, water.......whatever comes our way, I will be waiting.

I fear though for bases to get the attention they deserve, they have to become intertwined with a new issue, part of an issue, most importantly ----the storyline of an issue.

Maybe the way to pitch it isnt .....we need to fix bases, maybe it is ......."I have an idea that will make bases as a focus an absolute requirement, and its so flipping cool it will draw people who normally dont care about bases into the issue............."

Puts on thinking cap :P

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Hmmmm... anyone else notice that Sunstorm's name is no longer red... in this thread or elsewhere?

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.