Base Construction Requests




This list was posted awhile ago, but the devs for some reason will not mess with base construction anymore, so I'm going to keep this list at the top, please add your own requests.

New Item or Aux item to:

  • Increase destinations on Teleporter
  • Increase amount healed from Reclaimators
  • Different Portal designs of base entry
  • Trading Terminal (allows connection to Wentworth or Black Market)
  • Influence Bank
  • Personal Vault (similar to Invention Vault, but allows other types of items)
  • Supredyne Lab (as per game)
  • COT crystals
  • Low G Field (hover effect or enhance jump/slow effect)
  • Targeting Dummies (always targetable/indestructible)

  • Personal Rooms
  • Flight Operations
  • Starship Dock
  • Missile Storage
  • Maintenance Bay
  • Elevator
  • Submarine Bay
  • Training Room (danger room)
  • Barracks (work with Gladiator Badges)
  • Alternate Oversight Room
  • Hallways
  • Secure Storage Room
  • Tech Doorway
  • Arcane Doorway

  • Thin, Double sided Stackable Walls (so we won't have to use cabinets and bookcases)
  • Have mission souvenirs unlock a base item of souvenir to place
  • Bed
  • Windows or Glass panels that are flush
  • Supergroup portraits
  • NPC’s for base
  • Trees without planters
  • Tech style bridges
  • Mannequins (ie icon) (also allow costume to be modified on mannequin)
  • Hanging plants
  • Scrolling marquee
  • Divider curtains on movable racks,
  • Medical beds
  • Hanging IVs
  • Storage cabinets that can have items placed on top
  • Torch and propane canisters
  • Pool
  • Fountains
  • Block (allows items to be placed on, including stairs)
  • Long Stairs (lowest floor to the highest floor)
  • Corner staircase
  • Smaller bonfire (campfire)
  • Decorative versions of Raid items (nonfunctional)
  • Hand shaped chair
  • Kitchen equipment
  • Single Wall Placement (Places a 1x1 Wall for dividing rooms)
  • Pipe Organ
  • SG Banners which hang from ceiling
  • Grass Tile set
  • Water Tile set
  • Archanos Tile set
  • Sky Raider Tile set
  • Glass Tile set
  • Sky Horizon Tile set
  • Forrest Tile set
  • Cave Tile set
  • Lava Tile set
  • Arched ceilings
  • Organic Tile set

  • Bloody Bay
  • Siren’s Call
  • Warburg
  • Hive
  • Abyss

  • Ability to set security level to individual storage devices
  • Super group Invention Storage (accessible by all in SG)
  • Icon employee or item costume workbench
  • Mystical version of Invention workstation
  • Multiple levels or floors
  • Option to remove trim
  • Ability to log off and in Base
  • Uniformity in size regarding items with identical functions (ie supercomputer/orbits of control)
  • Portal in base give same zoning options portals outside of base give
  • Unique Room Dividers (Railings, glass walls, half-walls, etc)
  • More variety in room sizes (ie more 1x3)
  • Edit colors on base items (or add custom colored lighting to them)
  • More SG Computer missions
  • Base Sounds
  • Ability to turn items which cost power/control on and off
  • Have doorways be able to hold decorations
  • Seasonal Decorations (Christmas, Halloween, ect)
  • Make bookcase stackable
  • Minimize all footprints
  • Increase storage size on items or craftable better storage items
  • Lockers
  • Bathroom fixtures
  • Gym equipment
  • Vases
  • Trash barrel fire
  • Vehicles



All I can say.....good luck on this thread.There have been many relating to the same you are asking.Some items you ask for will never happen,such as mission teleport.You get this power by purchasing an add on pack,so...I cannot see them giving it away as many people have paid extra money for it.

The "Mission Computer" was originally intended for a specific mission to acquire "Items of Power" It was on-line for ....oh.... perhaps 4 months.Shut down because of exploitations and bugs.

Some items are already available.Med rez ring will heal you 45% once you earn the badge for the med aux.All storage bins have a permission to take/add that can be set to the desired rank.

The PvP zones do not have portals because of the propensity for exploitation.Nor will you see a WW connection in the base for the same reason.And there is a beacon to Pocket D.

Now,as for placing items on top of other items,it's possible,very,very possible.
I would suggest you look over the main thread topics here in the "Base" section,there are many video's that show you step by step how to float/stack/hang items in the base.

My son once said to me I should get Sims,he said I could build whatever I wanted with proper tools provided.
My reply to him was...."The challenge is making the items I want - out of items that were never intended to become - what they are now"
I guess the point I was attempting to make is...would it be the challenge that it is today?
Would my base look as awesome as it does now,if I had real floors to use? Real walls to use? Probably not. I have walls made from the hanging lamps,and I have to my opinion they look very cool!

So..Good Luck to you in your base building. Be creative! Use your imagination! Experiment! Be patient! Your Base will be one of a kind,not a cookie cutter model! That is something to be proud of!

I believe our children are our future and I reflect on the lessons and values we taught them.
I believe the world has many real Villains,what we need are more Heroes.
*May you all be a hero in someone's life.*



Ya know, I started to go thru this list closely to answer some of the things that GH didn't mention - then I realized that the list itself has so many duplications of requests (internally, as in repeated things, including the entire first 2 divisions) that it became too difficult.

I also began to realize that the OP was unaware of some other things that had already been given in Issue 13 (such as Invention Salvage storage shared by the SG and separate bin permissions based on SG rank) or that removal of the base raid pathing and our new stacking techniques had already solved (such as floating TP beacons out from the walls).

I have to applaud OP's efforts in trying to get the list for us, but this isn't the list I want to Devs to keep as our "wishlist", sorry.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Yes AA,I also had problems following the post,looks as if the whole post was somehow duplicated.
I also realized the poster is new to the in that aspect..."Welcome"

In light of all that,I was attempting to direct she/he to the many,many posts here that help new folks learn to stack beacons away from walls

As well as informing that there are....[settable SG Rank permissions on each storage bin]...why a few of the requests will never happen....[portals to WW/PvP zones]

My main goal however was to direct him to the many great posts that..[inform,teach,show]... new folks how to create a fabulous and one of a kind base.

Yes,base development is at times a PITA.
I believe all "Base Builders" have hopes of some well deserved love from the Dev's. Perhaps in the future that will happen.

I also truly hope they figure out what a wonderful and popular side game "Base Building" has become.I do not believe they realize how large the Base population has become.

I also offer any assistance the poster may need with learning how to stack and float items.
I am always willing to make a "Base Building Helper" on any server.I have done this many times to help folks learn the "tricks" I also know many others on the forums have done the same.

I believe our children are our future and I reflect on the lessons and values we taught them.
I believe the world has many real Villains,what we need are more Heroes.
*May you all be a hero in someone's life.*



The Mission Computer sounds like it could be a promising thing to use......

Idea 1 : It allows you to use the AE to store SG missions on outside the AE slots, but it can only be used by SG members..or teams led by members of that SG. 3 SG AE slots so 3 mission Arcs, which could be written by or edited by people using the SG permissions. As a side note to this idea, it would be nice if these were occassionally looked at like AE missions and those deemed great could get a SG Devs Choice, published on the general AE system and used for normal play. A great way to reward SG plaers who think of themed SG missions rather that map farms etc.

Idea 2: Dev written SG missions.....Similar to TF's but soloable if you want like the Orobouros TF's, which unlock new items for your base or give prestige boosts per sg member per times run. This would enable SG's to boost there prestige to use in base construction etc.

Or have both, either way it's just an idea, but I think that either of them would be a great addition to SG's. Both would be great, but if only one was given I would be more than happy. All just ideas to think about.



Well most of the stuff is really needed. A SG message board would be great, as well as, an Influ bank or WW/Blackmarket computer to access from base. as well as actual walls and windows...but who knows. have they ever answered any of these threads?



While I agree wholeheartedly that we need more base love, much of this list is not likely to happen. A few nitpicks:

Teleport to mission doors
- Would defeat the purpose of having the Mission Teleporter power as part of the Valkyrie Booster

Trading Terminal (allows connection to Wentworth or Black Market)
- Not likely to happen for various reasons

Beacon Mounts (so beacons don’t have to hang on walls)
- As mentioned above, this is already quite doable.

Message boards
- To be honest, isn't this what we've got forums for, as well as third-party sites like Guild Portal?

Arena Kiosks
- Not necessary since you can access the Arena from your main menu anywhere, anytime.

Low G Field (hover effect or enhance jump/slow effect)
- While perhaps nifty thematically for space bases or so, this isn't needed.

Targeting Dummies (always targetable/indestructible)
- Only point to this would be if they were similar to the dummies used in Guild Wars to test the potency of attack powers. If they're just there for no reason, why not just make your own?

Supergroup Costume creator/editor
- We have a costume designer already. It's not that hard to design your own SG costume and spread it out to your SG-mates. That's one thing that using a site like Guild Portal is good for, since they come with forums you can post things like that on.

Personal Rooms
Flight Operations
Starship Dock
Missile Storage
Maintenance Bay
Submarine Bay
Training Room (danger room)
Barracks (work with Gladiator Badges)
Alternate Oversight Room
Secure Storage Room
Arcane Doorway

- Pretty much all of this can already be done with the current base editor. As mentioned above, look at the plethora of stacking instructions and the rooms/items we have in the stickied threads to see whats possible.

Other types of Inspiration dispensers
- In all honesty, just use the Inspiration Collectors and keep them stocked with extra inspirations for you take when needed.

Trees without planters
- Unless you're already on the lowest floor height, just place the tree planters below the floor level to hide the planter. Drop a dirt pile and/or some smaller planters around it to give the appearance of it not just growing out of the concrete.

Divider curtains on movable racks
- I have no idea what you're getting at here...

Medical beds
- Already exist in "Other Furniture" I believe

Storage cabinets that can have items placed on top
- Already possible with a little use of stacking. Unless you meant placing items inside so that the cabinets can appear full, at least when using glass-front cabinets.

- Can already be done using a combination of Slow Fields, lighting and floor style, depending on what your preference is for looks.

Block (allows items to be placed on, including stairs)
- Once again, stacking is already possible using Desks, Floor Safes and Accent Lamps.

Bloody Bay
Siren’s Call

- Beacons to PvP zones are a no-no, as mentioned above already. The Hive and The Abyss I could see, but since they are already easily accessed from their own respective entry zones, its not a requirement.

Ability to set security level to individual storage devices
Super group Invention Storage (accessible by all in SG)

- Already have these.

Multiple levels
- Can already be done using the aforementioned stacking tools.

Ability to log off and in Base
- You can log off in your base. When you log back in, you are standing next to the base portal in the last outside zone you were in before logging in your base. Not quite what you're aiming for, but its good enough.

Uniformity in size regarding items with identical functions (ie supercomputer/orbits of control)
- I can't speak for others, but I wouldn't want my Orbits of Control item to be scaled down to 1/5 the size to match the Supercomputer. Unneeded if you ask me.

Portal in base give same zoning options portals outside of base give
- This is what zone teleporters are for. If your entry/exit portal gave the same options as say the Rogue Isles Ferry it would defeat the whole purpose of having zone teleporters.

More variety in room sizes (ie more 1x3)

- I've never had an issue with room sizes. If its too big, use a smaller one. If its too small, use a larger one. Also, any room can be divided up using the various stacking tools.

Base Sounds
- Some items already have their own sounds, such as the Orbits of Control. I for one wouldn't want to listen to constant echoing beeps from every computer console in the base though.

Make bookcase stackable
- Once again, see stacking tools.

Minimize all footprints
- Some of us like our large extravagant bases though, hehe

Increase storage size on items or craftable better storage items
- While this would be nice, its not likely if you ask a redname due to various issues, the most prevalent of which involves the BM/WW.

- I'm hoping that you mean decorative vehicles. Functioning vehicles are a no-no.



And we already have a beacon to Pocket D, and I think you only need one badge to get it.

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



I believe you're correct. The Cage Fighter and Trucker badges aren't required as I recall.



ok, I edited my original list b/c I didn't realized it was all dup'ed. But anyway. The stacking tool may work, but I'd rather them design the base editor and items where making the base look and work the way we want to be easier. And not take 4 hours to make 1 room. And to give more styling options, etc... It's not the ability to do it, it's the fact of having more options to do it with and making it easier.



Originally Posted by Pyber View Post
Medical beds
- Already exist in "Other Furniture" I believe
I, for one, would like to see the medical furniture and accessories we see in hospitals and the RWZ infirmary available in addition to what exists now.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



4 hours for 1 room? Wow your fast. Not sure how many hours I've spent building walls in one of mine but it sure is more then 4. Enjoying it immensley though.

Enjoy your day please.



Hehe...4 hours is a fast room for me as well. My biggest project (Stargate Command complete with Stargate) took over 20 hours of construction, and that's not even counting most of the detail work I've put in since designing the bare bones of the project, and its still not 100% done. Wish I could use the big CoT portal that spawns all those Behemoths for the Stargate though. Would look so much better than the ring of floor safes I currently have.

It's not the ability to do it, it's the fact of having more options to do it with and making it easier.
I see your point, and I don't begrudge you for wanting the base editor to be made easier to use. But for many of us, using the current editor to design things it was never meant to allow or include is half the fun, hehe.

I, for one, would like to see the medical furniture and accessories we see in hospitals and the RWZ infirmary available in addition to what exists now.
True. While we can construct some nifty medical-like objects, there's still some things that would be great to have in place of those.

The same applies to other things as well of course, like the exercise equipment mentioned in that list. It would be much less time-consuming to have ready-made items to place, but I must admit half the fun of the current base editor is using various pieces to make what you want (like my Stargate, heh).



...."The challenge is making the items I want - out of items that were never intended to become - what they are now"

Would my base look as awesome as it does now,if I had real floors to use? Real walls to use? Probably not. I have walls made from the hanging lamps,and I have to my opinion....they look very cool!"

I like the way you think Pyber

I believe our children are our future and I reflect on the lessons and values we taught them.
I believe the world has many real Villains,what we need are more Heroes.
*May you all be a hero in someone's life.*



Originally Posted by Pyber View Post
But for many of us, using the current editor to design things it was never meant to allow or include is half the fun, hehe.
Which you would still be able to do if the editor was made much less cumbersome and user friendly.

Personally, the more I've used it over the years, the more I believe the editor and base building in general needs a complete overhaul.

Some random thoughts;

First, eliminate the selection of room sizes all together. Instead of paying for a specific fixed size room (ie. a 4x4 teleport room), make each "block" on the layout grid worth X amount of prestige and let us drag/select what size we want to build. This is similar to how homes in the SIMS are built. For those that want to, they can build 1 giant room that takes up the entire plot. For those that want hallways and odd shaped rooms, this would be possible as well.

Second, eliminate the selection of room types altogether. Why aren't we able to put the Supercomputer in the same room as our Teleporters? A room is a room is a room. Let us choose what we want to put where without requiring a specific room types with specific base items.

Third, please please please allow for the building of walls and multiple floors without the need of endless stacking of tables or counters, if for no other reason than to reduce the lag in bases.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Indeed. for those who wanna do it the hard way, they'd still be able to.

I too tire of endless stacking to accomplish things that should be simple, like extra floors and walls. Not to mention the lag and the fact that the prestige costs add up VERY quickly.



If you are looking additions for your list, consider the following;

Spiral Staircases, that stack as easily as Safes.

Stair Sets that Stack Period.

More variety in Stairs Period.

If we have to continue Stacking;

More color choices for the Desks. Black would be awesome, and is widely used in Interior Decorating these days.

Give us a complete set of each color in use now, with Book Shelves to match. Now, we have book cases that only match one desk. With several different colors of desks, wouldn't it be reasonable to add Bookcases to match them?

I know, your Art department is with GR, but it don't take nothing to copy Items that exist, and change the color.

I'll keep dreaming.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Originally Posted by Shard_Warrior View Post
Which you would still be able to do if the editor was made much less cumbersome and user friendly.

Personally, the more I've used it over the years, the more I believe the editor and base building in general needs a complete overhaul.

Some random thoughts;

First, eliminate the selection of room sizes all together. Instead of paying for a specific fixed size room (ie. a 4x4 teleport room), make each "block" on the layout grid worth X amount of prestige and let us drag/select what size we want to build. This is similar to how homes in the SIMS are built. For those that want to, they can build 1 giant room that takes up the entire plot. For those that want hallways and odd shaped rooms, this would be possible as well.

Second, eliminate the selection of room types altogether. Why aren't we able to put the Supercomputer in the same room as our Teleporters? A room is a room is a room. Let us choose what we want to put where without requiring a specific room types with specific base items.

Third, please please please allow for the building of walls and multiple floors without the need of endless stacking of tables or counters, if for no other reason than to reduce the lag in bases.
The biggest problem with any kind of mass overhaul in the manner that you'd like for the base editor is that a new system must allow for backwards compatibility. If they can find a way to make the current bases as they exist to be imported into a new system, with no loss of data or design, then I'm all for it.

If I recall, there was a new editor created at one point leading up to issue 13, but it was shelved when they saw that using it on currently existing bases destroyed those bases. It was really nice for making new ones but wasn't backwards compatible. I can't find where I read that on the forums (perhaps lost to a purge?), but I'm willing to bet this is a hurdle that needs to be overcome.

Anyone else remember this? My memory on the details is a bit fuzzy unfortunately

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



Originally Posted by GeneralHospital View Post
As well as informing that there are....[settable SG Rank permissions on each storage bin]...why a few of the requests will never happen....[portals to WW/PvP zones]
Originally Posted by Pyber
Trading Terminal (allows connection to Wentworths or Black Market)
- Not likely to happen for various reasons

Gee Wally, I dunno (Leave It to Beaver reference FTW)... about the market deal. Do you have some intelligence on this that I do not?

There's multiple ways to get from point A to point B in game already (via base, O-portal, public transportation). There's multiple ways to gain a respec (TF/SF, Vet reward, new issue, patron accolade, buy at market). Heck, there's multiple ways of doing lots of stuff. Why not have multiple ways of accessing the market... to include a "Trading Terminal" in a base? Seems like a natural fit given that's where needed item storage is located. What am I missing that makes you so pessimistic about this? Just the fact that you can purchase a token to get to a market now?

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Agreed. I believe the main reason we don't have more functional base items is due to art time - the dept's deeply impacted by GR, and the devs don't want to add anything until it has its own unique, cool model to go with it. At least that's what I remember Sunstorm posting recently.