Fort Build Critique, and question





Please critique my Fort Build, I believe I have all he bases covered, but want to be sure.


Are the De-Buffs of the Psi Ranged Attacks effeective against AV's?

Thanks in advance for the help.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA594594F53411886A71BA5B4746129FBD2CABE147AE79 28080A018510C08468|
|DCD111A38A19E92F62072E70F30115CA237B8C5F5C2F552FF 897AEDFA1344EBF77D|
|EFD89878E18527F47DA6D36F7967CE0C53170F0494BA34AC1 C556319239F4F8DE48|
|C85652B9B4FCD9B8BD975EF51C35ECB1999E04436B76619B6 D13A9A311656BC4AA9|
|9804A46673866999D65282226C09294E35CCA68DF3EBD9DCC A9FBFE9A9C8A4B59CC|
|EA52D3BF17B1098CE66338909D3B6D2F9BC1F5F32E6D2B25D 26E399D5747A3122C3|
|49EB829937CF9919D3DE888EAF9A0B89B9F191D9D44C762D9 39A32F2763AB7514B0|
|6BBE973851687A7E056DB84A472DE1694DD1104EE0A9AEF0B C6CA080E0977292F0D|
|3A95BB14A8767040382CD80CE8302AEBF877D9712AEBD2655 D285B82B225A817467|
|50FEDAB0771CAD32FA95BD4C98B4E1E2F3A95A253293A35A3 53DB3D000D27A8A14F|
|17F2D5D0A049F9A88A1F85941FEDBC34558E2867F99C4C050 F8BADE090E4F829208|
|41C67E89D93036ADF031F04D7C85D44BB8B3C93D615CF8117 82E84B41E72BE0359C|
|53D94ABD1D9537A550D555A01571C010ADA25AC75563BFA2D 8BD7A2CA0AD4A7090E|
|26AF46A6B62921AA7167530E6A8EB95A97AE010053720D8D3 F040BA363E041E095A|
|1F034F80A78249CA6AD2569A6025062B317888C1D12DDA901 6BD212DDF2575D70EF|
|003F829E82800CAC5D84FD5E33A2BFE51B6BEE393A0FB33F0 05F82AE8F926B84EBD|
|DA75563B8E460F8E460F8E461F8E461F8E461F8EC60E75ECD 2EFB4EB86981ED8023|
|605C364A61701AE5EACAA1F6BEC8F001582518A4BE83B9080 E901984EC27412A693|
|305D426F6450BFA4C12EB1D2E82E5E4EFAA3471DF96B66DA5 DBC69CA2133C7DCC53|
|BFA5FCF9BE2BF06DF71BEF6332C2758E6594EB29C6239CD72 86E52C4B8AA5F0B698|
|1DDACD86F6B0EC65D9C7729983BC7CDFFC2C01967296204B8 825CC52C91265A967D|

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



The -recharge from mental blast is not very effective against AVs. A lvl 50 AV has 85% resistance to recharge debuffs, so mental blast is only -4.5% recharge, not really noticeable.

As for the build, you are over the soft-cap without mind link assuming you're running mask presence and hover. However the down time on your mind link is very long, for teaming you want to get that as low as possible (optimally no downtime) and then you can remove some of the other defenses you have in there and improve the build elsewhere. What you have now is workable, but perma-ml makes you more attractive and effective for teams. Also Aim is a pretty nice damage booster, I'd switch it in for Soul Tentacles.



I would consider dropping Mental Blast for Gloom. I find it much better than MB.

Level 50s: to many to remember at this point