Base is all messed up

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I posted yesterday that I had no power in my base. Even though there is the combo power and control unit there and it produces more energy and control than my 2 basic telepads need -- there is still no power. Just a zig-zag red bolt over the energy/control bars flashing away. Info says that the telepads are not powered.

I try moving the telepads around a little and accidentally move the floor all the way to the ceiling one section. So I try to lower it again, and it won't let me. I try moving the telepad to another section and it jumps over to far and guess where it goes? Into the section that I raised to high. Now I cannot get the telepad back out. It is stuck in a wall like npcs do sometimes. Also my telepad room is inacessible. I can see it from the top, but can't walk in anymore.

If I sell the telepads to delete the room, I have to find the salvage to make them again. Unfortunally even in SG mode my characters do not loot base salvage. What is up with this game??

I put in for a bug fix and here it is 24 hours later, no support! Do I hear Champions Online calling me? Nah, they probably have more bugs than this game.



/bugging a problem never generates GM support; only a /petition will do that.

Regardless, you may be able to see the offending items by looking at them through the floor, from the bottom up. If so, you should be able to select and move them out of the wall section.

If that fails, you may have to delete the offending items using the "Current Room" button. You can select and delete the offending item here, even if you cannot see it. In this manner, you at least won't have to delete the entire room because of a few objects.

Finally, in regards to base salvage, all base items are currently created using Invention salvage. Therefor, if you have to replace the TP Pad, you may be able to find replacement salvage on the market, usually for a small price. Otherwise, I believe that pads are composed of only common and uncommon salvage, but not rare salvage, so even playing through as normal will eventually net you the pieces required to re-construct the pad.

I hope this info helps.

Edit: in regards to base power, did you pay your rent? This is the most common problem when a base that should have enough power is still un-powered.



Paid the rent lately? that might be the power problem.



You can also go the the room tab where it lists all the items in the room and select the offending item from there.

Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



Okay, I went to current room and both telepads were listed. I sell both of them and then delete the room. Then sell the combo power unit and delete the oversite room (starting fresh).

I create a new oversite room and buy another combo unit. There are no devices in the base that require power. I exit edit mode and walk over to ID the combo unit. It have NO POWER. The same little unpowered icons I see before.

Went again to Galaxy City to check upkeep. It was still paid off.

So here I sit in a plain base with the smallest footprint with no power. The bill is paid, my subsription is up to date. What do I have to do to get my power turned on?



1) When you 'lose' something inside a wall or raised floor, shifting your camera angle so that you are looking up through the floor will often help.

2) If you inexplicably have no power, file a petition describing the problem (NOT a bug report). This is not a common occurrence, but it's common enough (too common?). A GM can fix it.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
2) If you inexplicably have no power, file a petition describing the problem (NOT a bug report). This is not a common occurrence, but it's common enough (too common?). A GM can fix it.
This. Judging from your post history OP, you've recently returned to the game (so WB!). However, a while back, I believe when they switched base rent the 1st time, there was a bug where bases would still become deactivated even when rent was paid. It's less common these days, but since it seems you've been offline for a while, you may be seeing a bug that happened a while back.

/petition a GM (DON'T /bug it) and explain the situation. They can typically fix the problem even if you're offline, so you don't have to worry about waiting around for them to show up. They should send you an email or global /tell once the problem's been fixed.

Sorry to hear about your problems, but this should only be a one-time occurrence, fortunately.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
1) When you 'lose' something inside a wall or raised floor, shifting your camera angle so that you are looking up through the floor will often help.

2) If you inexplicably have no power, file a petition describing the problem (NOT a bug report). This is not a common occurrence, but it's common enough (too common?). A GM can fix it.
Filing a /Petition was what I suggested to you yesterday, Firewasp. A "Petition" goes directly to GM/Customer Support. A "Bug" goes to the techy guys, not a GM. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear in my post in Player Questions.

Regarding having to recraft the Teleporters - yes, it's now done with Common & Uncommon Invention Salvage. There are 3 recipes listed for both Tech & Arcane Teleporters, one each at the low level, mid level and high level salvages. Make a note of what salvage is required and then check the Market. Note that one of the recipes requires a Luck Charm (I would not advise using that one BTW). With some savvy shopping, your new Teleporters shouldn't cost you very much at all.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Okay, I filed a petition (just like I did yesterday -- did the bug report today). All I did was to copy my first post above and pasted it in the petition.

Well it worked. About 30 minutes ago my base power was turned back on. Yes I was absent from the game since June 2009.

Bought a basic work table and made a basic teleport. I had the Luck Charm I needed. They have been selling for 75k. Built just one telepad because between the med reclaimator, the basic work table and the telepad, I am at my limit on the combo power unit.

Now, how do I get more power and control to run more telepads? That combo unit makes 75 control, but the control items I see only go up to 50 and for a lot more prestige. Can I just use another combo unit? Don't know why you can use just one in the oversite room, It is a big waste of space.



Check out this link on the costs of the various rooms and items. You will need to add an energy room and a control room to your base and add a basic power source and basic control unit to get more power and control. You can continue to use your Combo unit or you can sell it and the room back to finance the new power and control you need. No you cannot have more than one Combo unit.

Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



a Good setup is to get the Drill Instructor badge by having people lackied/Sidekicked to you and that will net you the supercomputer. that pumps out ALOT of control, enough to handle quite a bit for a starter. Should try to go for that for more control.



Unfortunately, combo units by design only support one TP Pad. What you can do in the meantime is swap your beacons out if you want your sole TP pad to go somewhere else.

Anything above that, frankly, will cost Prestige, although not as much as it once did. Take a look at the Paragon Wiki. Thier numbers for Bases (rooms, items, etc.) should be refelctive of current Prestige costs. To get more power/ control, you'll need to combe main items with auxiliary items. For example, regarding Control, you'll need a mainframe, and combine it with Aux items like Databases. However, it will cost, so start saving up that Prestige while playing in SG Mode.



Originally Posted by Firewasp View Post
Okay, I filed a petition (just like I did yesterday -- did the bug report today). All I did was to copy my first post above and pasted it in the petition.

Well it worked. About 30 minutes ago my base power was turned back on. Yes I was absent from the game since June 2009.

Bought a basic work table and made a basic teleport. I had the Luck Charm I needed. They have been selling for 75k. Built just one telepad because between the med reclaimator, the basic work table and the telepad, I am at my limit on the combo power unit.

Now, how do I get more power and control to run more telepads? That combo unit makes 75 control, but the control items I see only go up to 50 and for a lot more prestige. Can I just use another combo unit? Don't know why you can use just one in the oversite room, It is a big waste of space.
Well, unfortunately, you have just hit the big bottleneck in building a base (IMHO). The Prestige cost jump between the power/control of the Combo Unit/Oversight Room to the next level of separate Energy & Control Rooms and the basic Energy & Control items is way too big a gap.

You can only have one Oversight Room, period. To Upgrade, you must add rooms and add items.

I agree the Oversight Roomi is quite big. The only thing you can do is to divide it up and decorate it. I made a garden & player apartment in one of mine.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Do you sleep in the apartment? See that's what I don't get. I see these huge bases with miles of deco and besides using the telepads, inventions table and possibly salvage, those other 20 rooms are worthless.

It used to be the biggest reason for leaving a sg when they put the above necessities way in the back. Like the grocery store putting the milk, eggs and bread at the back of the store so that maybe you will buy stuff you don't need along the way.

My base has the largest workroom off to one side of the entrance, and the med and telepad room off the other side. There are some wall prints I won from vet rewards at the entrance, but the rest is of no use and just lags the base.

Thanks for the help and advice on the rest. I don't have the prestige to get the other power and control yet. This is a private base (player housing). The only reason for the telepads is for new alts to use until they get their ourborous portal which made most telepads obsolete.



Don't forget, some people do this for fun, to show off, and stress the base editor

Originally Posted by Firewasp View Post

Thanks for the help and advice on the rest. I don't have the prestige to get the other power and control yet. This is a private base (player housing). The only reason for the telepads is for new alts to use until they get their ourborous portal which made most telepads obsolete.
I dont' know about that. Yeah, the O-portal's handy - but so's having one-stop-shopping in the base (plus some crafting,) then being able to go wherever. Of course, it's easy to do with four porters redside. Blueside, it takes a bit more.



Originally Posted by Firewasp View Post
Do you sleep in the apartment? See that's what I don't get. I see these huge bases with miles of deco and besides using the telepads, inventions table and possibly salvage, those other 20 rooms are worthless.

It used to be the biggest reason for leaving a sg when they put the above necessities way in the back. Like the grocery store putting the milk, eggs and bread at the back of the store so that maybe you will buy stuff you don't need along the way.

My base has the largest workroom off to one side of the entrance, and the med and telepad room off the other side. There are some wall prints I won from vet rewards at the entrance, but the rest is of no use and just lags the base.
I'm going to guess you're not an RPer or someone with any sense of story for your base. For many people (obviously not all), a sense of story goes into the design. For example, if you have items that would be considered valuable and therefore need to be kept safe and secure, would you put them next to the front door so they're the first items seen by someone breaking in, or would you put them in a spot that would make it so they need to search through more of the base to steal them?

Some people, and not just RPers, approach their base design with the idea that the characters are more than just a pile of stats. Even for non-RP bases I've worked on, I've had people give me story reasons for their base design requests. Nothing wrong with it if you're not one of those people. Just might need to look a little harder for people of like mind for a regular SG if you go that route.

Thanks for the help and advice on the rest. I don't have the prestige to get the other power and control yet. This is a private base (player housing). The only reason for the telepads is for new alts to use until they get their ourborous portal which made most telepads obsolete.
Ask around here or look at your server's board and see if anyone is looking for coalitions of small personal bases for members to share telepads. A private base gives you all the privacy and security the game offers for your items, but you have to be willing to put a bunch of work if you want all the usual SG base amenities. See if there are others who are willing to plan it out so each one has two telepads or whatever, spreading out the responsibilities among coalition members. That way you all have access if you need it, until each of you can add more telepads.

Good luck with your base!

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



Originally Posted by Firewasp View Post
Do you sleep in the apartment? See that's what I don't get. I see these huge bases with miles of deco and besides using the telepads, inventions table and possibly salvage, those other 20 rooms are worthless.
"Worthless" is a value judgment. The other rooms have no UTILITY. This is why they are called DECORATIVE rooms. Considering how many bases use decorative rooms, I believe the majority of base builders feel they do indeed have WORTH.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Firewasp appears to have had a meltdown/ragequit over in the Defender forum.

To answer his question, "utility" isn't the only thing that motivates people.

Style and looking cool are important too.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Don't forget, some people do this for fun, to show off, and stress the base editor

I dont' know about that. Yeah, the O-portal's handy - but so's having one-stop-shopping in the base (plus some crafting,) then being able to go wherever. Of course, it's easy to do with four porters redside. Blueside, it takes a bit more.
LOL, If they'd give us more Zones Red-Side, I'd be happy to accomodate more Porters.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow