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  1. Hi! I would appreciate it very much if this discussion could be continued on the other Going rogue thread.

    It makes it that little bit easier to track things down when feedback/suggestions/speculations are not scattered across several threads.

    Thank you!
  2. Avatea

    pb or warshade

    Thread locked upon request by the initiator and reviewing the content of the thread.
  3. Level pacts being broken by account inactivity is indeed confirmed as stated in the corresponding Knowledge base article here.
  4. Correct, those are indeed the prices in £.
  5. There is indeed an issue with the currency displayed in the Ingame store (character slots and Respecs) as all our European players seem to only be getting the prices in Euro but you should be charged the correct amount in Sterling Pound.

    This issue is different than the one currently affecting our Architect Edition. For those of you who were overcharged, please get in touch with our Customer Support team either ingame with the /petition command or via our Support centre. Please note that you may not receive an immediate reply as our support team has been rather busy since last week but your petition will be dealt with and the refund processed.
  6. La recherche et le test de certains systèmes de forum a repris mais je préfère ne pas vous donner d'indication de temps pour le moment.
  7. One thing that needs to be kept in mind is that all those changes are being made in the context of the Mission Architect that wasn't indeed meant to become a farming tool. The MA is for people who want to create their own stories or experience other players' stories.

    Farming in itself is not THE problem, various parts of the game are being used to "farm" rewards to a certain extent for those who enjoy doing that, but the Mission Architect should be for more creative purposes.

    And Lady_Arete, Synapse will be posting a followup post after the weekend and it should answer some of your questions and others posed on these boards and on the North American boards.
  8. Ok this thread needed a bit of cleaning up. Let's keep it that way now, thank you!
  9. Please post your feedback in the corresponding thread in the Mission Architect section, many thanks!
  10. Locking this thread now that an update with the updated list of Mission Architect badges has been posted in this section.
  11. Edited the badge list to add "Virtually Unpredictable" in the removed badge list.

    Posted on behalf of Synapse:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Greetings everyone,

    I wanted to fill you all in on our plans for the Mission Architect badges and also our plans for future badges as well. We really didn’t want the Mission Architect to be an environment that encourages farming for XP, Rewards or Badges, and we thought long and hard about the current Architect badge situation. Ultimately we’d like it to be a place where you go to play great player created content.

    So, going forward—beginning with the Mission Architect badges—we’ve decided to move away from “count” badges that might encourage farming and/or aberrant game play. Instead, we’d like to encourage players to try all of our content by offering badges for completing 1 time accomplishments and achievements. What this means for the Mission Architect badges is that many of them are going to be removed in Issue 15. This is because they encouraged farming, because they encouraged aberrant behavior by doing one thing over and over again, they were unobtainable by a large portion of our players, or earning them was completely out of a player’s hands and in the hands of other players.

    I’d like to outline the Architect badge changes to show you precisely what will be happening in Issue 15. Below is a list of badges that are being removed:

    <ul type="square">Adventurer
    Plugged In
    Hardcore Gamer
    Ticket Hound
    Ticket Fiend
    Ticket Master
    Golden Ticket
    Story Teller
    Living Legend
    The Chosen One
    Button Masher
    Pressed the Red Button
    Virtual Victor
    Virtual Destroyer
    Virtual Warrior
    Virtual Soldier
    Virtual Slayer
    Virtual Button Masher
    Virtually Curious
    Virtually Erratic
    Virtually Unpredictable
    Two Thumbs Up
    Virtual Ticket Taker
    Virtual Ticket Hound
    Virtual Ticket Fiend
    Virtual Ticket Master
    Virtual Golden Ticket
    Hall of Famer
    Master Builder
    Champion of Justice
    Show Off
    Went the Extra Mile
    Do Gooder
    To The Rescue
    Virtual Do Gooder
    Virtual Guardian
    Virtual Savior
    Virtual Rescuer
    Virtual Decimation
    Virtual Obliteration
    Virtual Marauder
    Virtual Cataclysm
    Below is a list of Architect badges that will remain:

    <ul type="square">Thrill Seeker
    Ticket Taker
    Mission Engineer
    Early Bird
    Poor Impulse Control
    Virtually Impulsive
    Bug Fixer
    Among Friends
    Virtual Victim
    Virtual Extractor
    Now, as a player myself after reading this I would have a ton of questions: What does this mean for pre-I14 badges? What about future badges? Why did the Dev Choice and Hall of Famer badges go away?

    I’d like to answer those questions now:

    Q: What about non-Mission Architect badges?

    A: We have no current plans to revisit old badges at this time, and I don’t foresee us doing this really. All badges unrelated to the Mission Architect will remain unaffected by the changes outlined above.

    Q: If I’ve already earned the Architect badges, will I get to keep them?

    A: No. Only the badges listed above in the “badges that will remain” section will be kept.

    Q: What can you tell me about future badges?

    A: As I quickly mentioned above, our plans for future badges excludes many types of “count” badges. This means we will try to avoid badges that require repetitious tasks, aberrant play styles and give the illusion of “grindiness.” There may be “count” badges in the future, but they won’t be based on something you can grind at to achieve. An example would be a count badge for the number of badges you collect. That’s all I can really say right now as I don’t want to spoil any of the exciting badges that will go into future issues at this time.

    Q: Why did the Dev Choice and Hall of Famer badges get removed?

    A: We realize that a lot of players worked really hard for these badges and to create content worthy of these prestigious awards. However, we want badges to be something that everyone can obtain. We also want badges to be completely within a player’s grasp, so no outside influence should affect earning these badges. The Hall of Famer badge and the Builder line of badges are a perfect example of why these badges are being removed. We saw a lot of griefing done by certain players against players who had highly rated missions that would prevent them from ever getting into Hall of Fame and earning this badge. We wanted having missions flagged Dev Choice or Hall of Fame to be coveted by authors, not by badgers. Thus these badges are also being removed.

    Q: What can you tell me about the badges that remain?

    A: These badges have all been modified so that they are granted for a first time accomplishment. For example: The first time you rescue a kidnapped NPC you’ll earn the Extractor badge. The same goes for the other badges that will remain in Issue 15. They’re much easier to earn, but they require a player to try every aspect of Mission Architect to earn them all.

    Q: What about the Mission Engineer Accolade badge?

    A: This badge had its required badges changed to the following:

    <ul type="square">Thrill Seeker
    Ticket Taker
    Early Bird
    Bug Fixer[/list]
    This means that this accolade will be significantly easier to get now, which means that a lot of players—that published and played Architect missions--will find themselves earning this accolade and find themselves with the really cool ability to edit and publish architect content from anywhere, including your Supergroup base by simply clicking a power icon.

    Q: If I have some or all of the badges listed as badges that will remain, will I get to keep them?

    A: Absolutely. You should not have to earn the remaining badges again.

    I’d like to close by saying that to some of you this might appear be an extreme decision, but we want you to know that this was done to make the Mission Architect fulfill its designed purpose: to be a place where content creators could write to their hearts’ content or for players who want to explore the endless content created by other players. We feel that these changes are a step closer to this goal. Also, don’t be surprised if you see Architect badges in future issues as well as we make this feature even more robust than was available at launch.

    Thanks for reading,

    [/ QUOTE ]
  12. Avatea

    Guess Who?

    Ok, let's stop it here! While it is always nice to see someone come back to our shores, it should never be a cause for disruption.
  13. Avatea


    That she should have now
  14. The easiest way to contact our GMs is indeed ingame if you can do it. Please send me a PM if you do find that you are having problems using the NCsoft Support page. The last thing we want to do is discourage anybody from contacting our Support team!
  15. Steps are being taken to address this issue. In the meantime, our Customer Support team has been made aware of this and anybody affected by this pricing issue should get in touch with them either ingame with the /petition command (NOT the /bug one) or via the NCsoft Support centre.

    Many thanks for your understanding with this!
  16. First to answer Saxtus' question, that issue with half the boards disappearing the other day was due to the fact that some of the board functionalities are broken and as soon as they are used, the boards cease to respond. In that case, it was the creation of the Market section.

    As for the little forum rollback we experienced yesterday, we believe it was just a glitch in the matrix indeed. No work was being done on the infrastructure supporting the forums that could explain the glitch. That's not much of an explanation but our technical team is now aware that they should keep an eye out in case this were to happen again.
  17. There was indeed an issue with pricing displaying in Euro even for UK based players (but charging the right ammount in Sterling Pound).This should now be fixed.

    The amount displayed for UK based players should now be the correct Sterling Pound prices.

    Sorry for the confusion and thank you for raising the issue!
  18. I am also querying this. Changes were recently made to our pricing system and this may be linked to the current issue with the Sterling Pound pricing in the NCsoft store.
  19. I spotted that too, we're investigating! Sorry for the loss of posts!
  20. I am currently in touch with the Sales and NCsoft store Web team to fix this issue as quickly as possible. I will update this thread once this has happened. This is a recent issue and shouldn't have affected too many people, but I should have more info on this when our European office is back at work tomorrow.
  21. Avatea

    Vet Badge issue

    Please do get in touch with our Support team (via the NCsoft Support page or ingame via the /petition command, not the /bug one or you won't get a reply), they will make sure your billing and account information are up-to-date so you can get your Veteran Rewards when they are due.
  22. Please do let me know if you get charged more than £9.99 for the Architect Edition, I can query that, but there would indeed be a problem if the Sterling Pound and Euro prices were the same.
  23. It would be great if you could indeed continue this discussion in this thread, thank you
  24. We are working on getting new forums but since the first processes initially took place a few months back, a few things happened that meant that the project had to be reconsidered, but not abandoned.