David Nakayama DTWT sketch - Whose is it?




I've just seen this post on David Nakayama's deviantART page, and thought it should get passed on to peeps here.

Somebody at Omega Sektor in 2008 commissioned this sketch of a scarily feral beast from the Draw The World Together stand, which didn't get done in time. (I'm guessing that's a villain... )

It got done after the event, but he doesn't know who commissioned it due to the shuffle at Brighton. The original is waiting for the player to claim it!

If you are that player, or know who it is, but don't have a deviantArt account, feel free to PM me and I will pass on the details.

The Purple Party Pagan of Paragon

Globals: @Morgana Fiolett / @Genevieve Moore

Altoholic with too many characters to count now I have all these shiny servers...



Nice piece of work, very similar to one of my toons (stalker) but unfortunately wasn't me that got it commissioned.

Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker

Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.

My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/

LF SG! Arc ID# 193083