Level pact randomly broken




just happily smashing down romulus a few minutes ago when what pops up on my screen?

"level pact has been broken"

my brother who was in the level pact with me has no access to the internet, or CoH at the least, so it should have been down to me if it was broken, but i didnt click anything, it didnt say anything, just randomly went "no more lvlpact 4 u"

please fix this or atleast the tailor bug please cause i want to use my nictus blade



When was the last time your brother's character was logged in?



I dunno, a couple weeks ago

his account time had expired, and was going to buy some more time today



he just bought some time, logged on, and his character is still level 28 and i am 42

33 days since he was last on



If you haven't already, contact support with a /petition or via the web Knowledge Base (linked in my signature).



i did petition and they replied saying they had to talk to "affected person" and afaik there are 2 people in a leveling pact :/

but then he petitioned and they've just replied that they have forwarded it some senior GM type person and are investigigating the situation



Hello X,
At this time, this aspect of the game is working as intended by the developers.
When your account is inactive, you wont get any XP/levels your leveling pact partner makes in that time

[/ QUOTE ]

I dont seem to have any other as my msn chatlogs weren't working that day for some reason when it was said.

but it was on the lines of if you are inactive for 14 days then you wont get XP and your leveling pact breaks

this in my HONEST opinion is just STUPID as if JOHN plays every 3 weeks and BILL plays every 1 week they can't always play together

as far as i know the leveling pact system was so that people/friends can play different ammount of times and not out level one another

but if i'm wrong, please, correct me


I would go back to kicking up a fuss to support again as I would be much a higher level if the missing XP hadn't gone off to hawaii but I would feel as if I was wasting my time as I would end up getting the same response off them.



It doesn't say "account not in use" it says "account inactive".

That says to me that at some point one of the two accounts for which the pact exists was closed. The account was not paid for. It was impossible for the user to log into the game, because they had not paid subscription fees.

During that time, the other character levelled up, which effectively broke the pact, because the inactive account was not registering the earned XP (after all, if you can't earn XP because you're not paying for your account, should you still earn XP? Should you still penalise the character that is on a paid-for account by halving their XP, just because their friend has closed their account?

Sounds to me like WAI is only fair, actually, and if the pact was intended to be kept live, then the pacted character with the live game account should have played a different toon.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Yeah, but if you are using time cards it is possible for you account to lapse for a day or so before you get back to it. Sounds a bit rough to me to penalise them for that. Maybe the account needs to be inactive for a month, and then the XP is awarded to the other character.



I know it's a "bump" of an old thread, but I've just hit this exact issue and was wondering if it was ever resolved?

My account was canceled for just over two weeks, and on logging back in the other day on a pact character, I got the message that the Leveling Pact had been broken. I've spoken with the other player and she says she DID log that char in once during my break period, but doesn't remember getting that message or doing any missioning with it...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Apparently accounts that get unsubsidised break all their level pacts.



Apparently accounts that get unsubsidised break all their level pacts.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm... Is that official confirmed?

That seriously sucks, if that's the case.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Level pacts being broken by account inactivity is indeed confirmed as stated in the corresponding Knowledge base article here.

[/ QUOTE ]
Should be changed so that only characters that are in a pact that is used while account is inactive are removed from the pact. Or an option to re-pact characters that are over lvl5 and have previously been pacted.



Level pacts being broken by account inactivity is indeed confirmed as stated in the corresponding Knowledge base article here.

[/ QUOTE ]

Considering it's REALLY EASY to go inactive for a few days, such as with the recent problems with Maestro, or people who use time cards not being able to get the things, I consider this to be a REALLY poor way to manage the issue.

At the very least, it should have a few weeks grace period before breaking the pact. What if someone's account goes inactive whilst they're on holiday?

Not good customer service. Not good at ALL.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Just had this same problem, except the other account was only inactive for 4 days



So if I'm understanding this correctly as soon as your account go's inactive your pact is broken?

That being the case am i right in thinking that by the time i get the email saying my account has expired its to late and any pacts i have will be broken?

If so that's pretty rubbish as i use the email to remind me that its time to pay my sub often there's only a matter of a few hours between my account running out and me renewing it going to be really annoying if in that small space of time my pacts get broken specially as thanks to the cant create pacts after level 5 rule i wont be able to recreate them.



Good point. I realise that accessing the game is only available when it's paid for but if the pact breaks as soon as one of the accounts goes inactive then both players lose that pact for good. This is unfair if, using yesterday as an exmple, I find out that my account didn't auto renew as my debit card had literally only just been replaced with a new card and as such disabled itself immediatly. Any pacts I may have had (I didn't have any but thats not always going to be the case) would have been lost.

I'm not suggesting that people should have access to their account when unpaid for, but perhaps the pact itself should have a few days extension so an account can be reactivated in time to save it.



Which of these cases is working as intended, I wonder?

My brother and I often duo, so we were keen on the introduction of Level Pacts. We made two sets of Pacted characters, which I'll call PactHeroA & B, and PactVillainC & D.

We deactivated our accounts at the same time just before Christmas last year, and reactivated them at the same time at the end of April. At no time was one account active while the other was inactive.

A couple of days after reactivation, my brother logged in on his own with PactHeroA. He didn't do anything with them, just looked them over, and moved them to a new location before logging out again. PactHeroA didn't gain any XP, and didn't see any messages relating to the Level Pact. The day after that, I logged in, on my own, with PactHeroB, and immediately got a message saying the Level Pact had been broken. As both characters were over Level 5, there was nothing we could do, other than bug report/petition it.

Following this, we logged in simultaneously with PactVillainC and PactVillainD. Both characters were, and still are, in their Level Pact.

Again, both of our accounts were deactivated, and reactivated, at the same time. Neither account was ever active while the other was inactive. Each log in described above was the first one for that character after reactivation of the account. One level pact broke when the characters logged in separately, the other pact still stands.



There should be at least a 7 day allowance in the pact break, and warnings to the active pact member that their counterpart is currently a non member...

I realise why this would be the case, to stop farmers with dual accounts paying only 1 sub and swapping subs from one acct to another and gaining the pact exp...

I would say allow a 7 day limit, but limit exp until the pact is broken, times out or co pact member re-activates.

Nuff Said...
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AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.