Price of slots raised?




I recently purchased 5 slots from the store for i think it was 12 or 13 GBP... I went back to do the same and the price has apparently been raised (that or its in the wrong currency) But until i get confirmation on what exactly the price is i refuse to be potentially charged 17.99 for 5 additional slots.

I'm assuming (and praying) it's in USD, can this be fixed or can i get some sort of resolution as to why exactly I'm expected to be charged almost £20 for 5 slots. (:



It's a bug. The price is wrong on the store, and you're being charged the wrong price too. It's showing Euro's for pounds. One would have thought they'd have fixed this by now, slackers.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



It's a bug. The price is wrong on the store, and you're being charged the wrong price too. It's showing Euro's for pounds. One would have thought they'd have fixed this by now, slackers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds like the same bug I got fleeced with when I bought the Architect edition for £14.99 instead of the advertised £9.99, which is still outstanding.



I posted about this in the Technical page.

Now I bought 2 slots which the price at the time was showing as 8.99, but I have only been charged 5.99. I'm guessing you'll be charged the actual price and not the euro price.



I posted about this in the Technical page.

Now I bought 2 slots which the price at the time was showing as 8.99, but I have only been charged 5.99. I'm guessing you'll be charged the actual price and not the euro price.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just be warned you might not though as that's what I expected with the Architect & was charged the EU price but in GBP's. They may have half fixed it though so you actually get charged the correct amount like Faerie was, just thought I'd warn you.



i think the whole store needs an update, i have the pound prices even while i'm suppose to have euro prices.



There is indeed an issue with the currency displayed in the Ingame store (character slots and Respecs) as all our European players seem to only be getting the prices in Euro but you should be charged the correct amount in Sterling Pound.

This issue is different than the one currently affecting our Architect Edition. For those of you who were overcharged, please get in touch with our Customer Support team either ingame with the /petition command or via our Support centre. Please note that you may not receive an immediate reply as our support team has been rather busy since last week but your petition will be dealt with and the refund processed.

Support Centre for our English European players
Support Centre for our North American players
Plateforme d'assistance pour les francophones
Support-Center f�r deutschsprachige Spieler



Cool stuff so i can goahead and get some slots and hopefully just be charged normal. i'll have to check that. Out of interest how much exacly is it you *should* be charged?



If mine is correct -

£5.99 for 2
£11.99 for 5

Well that's what I got billed