pb or warshade
a) What's wrong with your Caps-lock button?
b) You're wrong about Warshade Dwarfs not having decent PBAoE. They do now, in Mire which now recharges in 20 seconds, one which also boosts their damage significantly for 10 seconds, making them a lot more scrappy than they used to be. They should easily outdamage a PB now. They also have a Self-Heal (one that does need to hit but will actually tend to outheal the PB version if its slotted up).
And my Warshade Dwarf was outlasting a Fire Tank on the Dark Watcher arc on Friday. She happily tanked Fake Posi each time the Fire Tank died without much of a problem.
why you need to put 5 of your slots onto hasten,
[/ QUOTE ]
What? You do know about ED, right?
I said I was typing it fast that is why I did not use cap locks <removed by mod>
I know ws dwarfs have pbaoe but alltogether pb has better pbaoe
And yeah I think they have a self heal to hit or it drains mobs around them
and fire tanks don't have much defence or damage resistance so they aren't that good for tanking
fire tanks do have excellent resistance to attribute attacks tho
but still pb's are better
and yeah by 5 slotting hasten I was on about how you can get perma hasten for your eclipse
I would (and do!) play both. Why limit yourself because of some rather arbitrary decision on what's better?
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
<removed comments on an edited sentence>
and fire tanks don't have much defence or damage resistance so they aren't that good for tanking
fire tanks do have excellent resistance to attribute attacks tho
[/ QUOTE ]
Soooo they are good for tanking or they are not good...which is it, seems you enjoy contradiction as much as Bill Clinton
and yeah by 5 slotting hasten I was on about how you can get perma hasten for your eclipse
[/ QUOTE ]
Again...did you miss the part about ED?
Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"
Hmmm, having read your post, I think the best course of action I could recommend to anyone making a choice between peacebringer and warshade would be to ignore utterly everything you have to say. Almost all of your post is factually incorrect and shows little or no understanding of the archetype. I think your whole argument could be summed up as "I like peacebringers more than warshades." This, to me, does not constitute advice, rather misinformation based on a personal preference.
In addition, as Stryke says above, being needlessly rude to someone who is attempting to address your post is completely unnnecessary, and does you no credit.
Time to dissect the falsities![ QUOTE ]
warshades are not any good in human form till lvl 30, while pbs are excellent in human form from lvl 1
[/ QUOTE ]Subjective.[ QUOTE ]
pbs have a better tank form as the attacks are pbaoe and it has a self heal which is quite fast but heals a lot when slotted
[/ QUOTE ]Both Dwarf forms have only one PBAoE and a self heal. The Warshade has no knockdown in their Dwarf form's PBAoE, but it does higher base damage. It does MUCH higher damage if you get its recharge fast enough to benefit from its own buff, which is not hard. The Warshade's self heal functions as an extra single target attack over the Peacebringer's, and with a constant Mire buff and good accuracy slotting will only miss 5% of the time, while outhealing the PB's self heal over time, assuming equivalent slotting.[ QUOTE ]
warshades tp throughout the whole game while peacebringers fly, if you get another travel power for either one of your pb or warshades then your build sucks [censored] from a straw lol
[/ QUOTE ]Subjective on the latter point. I don't understand what you're trying to say with the former one, unless this is another "TP sucks lol" brainfart.[ QUOTE ]
warshades suck till higher lvls
[/ QUOTE ]Subjective, though I'll admit they're late-blooming. Neither Kheldian "sucks" past level 6, though. And, technically, neither sucks any more than any other AT before level 6, either.[ QUOTE ]
warshades are [censored] in human form till you reach lvl 30 and onwards
[/ QUOTE ]Subjective. [censored] at what?[ QUOTE ]
peacebringers are much more enjoyable because warshades get two forms while peacebringer gets 3
[/ QUOTE ]Both Kheldians only get two forms, Nova and Dwarf. Light Form and Nebulous Form are not true forms, but if you count those, both get 3.[ QUOTE ]
the peacebringer gets another form which is light form where you are like a little wisp or star and you are super uber for a lil bit
[/ QUOTE ]Not a true form, it's a melee godmode power. On top of that, it restricts the use of true forms.[ QUOTE ]
warshades have eclipse instead of a 3rd form
[/ QUOTE ]Warshades have Nebulous Form, if you want to take power names literally and consider it a seperate form, as you did for Light Form.[ QUOTE ]
eclipse is a power where you drain all the foes end or hp or both around you and adds it to ur end and hp, if you get hasten and put 5 recharges on it then you have hasten nearly all the time and keep using that so you get eclipse back
[/ QUOTE ]Eclipse doesn't drain HP. It drains endurance and grants a stacking resistance buff per enemy affected.[ QUOTE ]
although eclipse sucks in a small team of 4 or 5 and under and is [censored] for soloing
[/ QUOTE ]False. On even small teams Eclipse will cap your resistances. When soloing, you don't need it, but you can herd mobs together if you really want to use it.[ QUOTE ]
while the peacebringers light form is uber for helping the team and super sexy uber for soloing especially with hasten slotted
[/ QUOTE ]It just caps your resists and increases recovery, while blocking the use of forms. Eclipse also caps your resists, but you can enter forms while Eclipse is active. Light Form has a horrible crash when it wears off, Eclipse does not. Eclipse can be perma, Light Form can not.[ QUOTE ]
if a pb and a ws had a duel then the pb would win 75% of the time
[/ QUOTE ]lolPvP[ QUOTE ]
okaii so the most important form is the dwarf form, because NEARLY ALL the teams will want you to be the dwarf form so your a tank especially if they dont have a tank or only have 1 which most teams do, and every taskforce the team would want you to be in a dwarf form, and you love that cimerora tf you always wanna do it lol and you would HAVE to be dwarf form for the whole enter taskforce otherwise you might lose, especially when you face rom you would have to be in dwarf form, any Elite boss or arch villain you would have to be in dwarf form to survive
[/ QUOTE ]Falsefalsefalsefalsefalse. I only ever use Dwarf in teams if there's no tank or the tank has trouble keeping agro for whatever reason (such as over-agroing). The rest of the time I blast away in Nova form because this is more useful. Eclipsed Nova form will not even come close to dying unless the entire team is doing something horribly wrong and the situation would be hopeless either way.[ QUOTE ]
the peacebringers have a better dwarf form, the attacks are pbaoe so you will kill mobs a lot quicker so therefore you tank better, it has a self heal which when slotted will recharge and heal super well and if your about to die tanking in dwarf form as a pb use the self heal then if ur gna die again go human form as a pb and use your self heals as a ws you coudnt do this or not aswell deffo
[/ QUOTE ]This entire paragraph is so incredibly false I just stared at it for a while. "Better" is subjective. Better at what? Both Dwarves have one PBAoE, Warshades have the stronger one, which also buffs the other three ST attacks they have (Peacebringer Dwarf only has two ST attacks that cannot be selfbuffed in Dwarf form). Warshades self heal more over time. A WS could do a panic-shift better thanks to Eclipse, whereas a PB would have a much higher chance of faceplanting due to losing HP and resistances. Warshades have ample amounts of control powers in human form, and can use Stygian Circle for a huge heal off existing corpses, before shifting back into Dwarf.[ QUOTE ]
so if all the tfs and nearly all the teams or prefer you to be in dwarf form woudnt you wanna be a better dwarf form, excactly a pb is , the warshade dwarf forms have less hp and will die easier as the pb has more hp built secondarys
[/ QUOTE ]Most TFs and teams I'm in Nova because it kills stupidly fast, Dwarf if there's no tank or a second tank is needed. Black Dwarf is better for such offtanking because it plays more like a Brute, and thus deals much more damage than White Dwarf both in AoE and single target. Both Dwarf forms have equal HP without buffs. With Essence Boost, PBs have a tiny bit more HP, but then you have Warshades with Sunless Mire and Eclipse for capped damage and resistances. And you yourself said that killing faster makes you a better tank, so... Warshades win?[ QUOTE ]
the warshades have a slightly better nova squid form, but the squid form has no defence so you cant solo like that and you would need a large team to go squid form
[/ QUOTE ]Eclipse, Nova form's inherent flying ability, knockdown from the blasts. Soloing in Nova only becomes problematic when fighting enemies that mez a lot.[ QUOTE ]
if your gonna be a tri form build which is be in the forms more than human form then you need macros and binds
[/ QUOTE ]"Need" is subjective, but they're handy.[ QUOTE ]
knockbacks will help keep your team alive well if you aren't soloing
[/ QUOTE ]This is more often false than true.[ QUOTE ]
almost all the warshades attacks are ranged or holds but there range is either close or melee range and they havent been updated sicne issue 3 and they wont be anymore the new company are leaving them. and warshades hp will be lower than pbs hp later on anyway and if your attacks are melee range and u go dwarf quick ur dwarf will die easier and wont be as a good as a pb dwarf form
[/ QUOTE ]You lost me here. I don't see a shred of truth here, so just replace everything with the opposite and you have a fixed version.[ QUOTE ]
the nova squid form has no defence so they always get hit everytime and their dam resistance is [censored] but I suppose in a large team you would get buffs
[/ QUOTE ]I already fixed this a quote or three up.[ QUOTE ]
you need to put 5 of your slots onto hasten
[/ QUOTE ]ED came ages ago, horrible advice.[ QUOTE ]
enjoy a 3rd form more and you don't see many people with the light form
[/ QUOTE ]Warshades have Nebulous Form. And Eclipse is better than Light Form anyway.[ QUOTE ]
thanks for reading hope it helps
[/ QUOTE ]For the love of all that is holy, I hope nobody takes any of the "advice" you posted here, it's so horribly wrong in so many ways.[ QUOTE ]
i know it sounds like peacebringers are a lot better but they are pretty much
[/ QUOTE ]Subjective, and arguably even false, based on power(set) analysis.[ QUOTE ]
warshades do have good potential and when you 5 or 6 slot hasten their eclipse is good for every mob so their potentional when slotted is awesome, but not as fun
[/ QUOTE ]Fun is subjective. 5 or 6 slotting Hasten is, again, terrible advice, do not do this.[ QUOTE ]
hope it helps
[/ QUOTE ]If your goal was to help people be completely ignorant about Kheldians and feed off your misinformation, then it probably does.[ QUOTE ]
I know ws dwarfs have pbaoe but alltogether pb has better pbaoe
[/ QUOTE ]They do not.
I realize I have a 5 Warshade in my sig which hints at bias, but I was being as objective as possible in this post. If anyone finds anything wrong in my dissection, feel free to point it out, I've never claimed to be infallible and all-knowing.
Post deleted by GhostRaptor
@MidnightGuard - on Union you may know me as:
Mr. Vile - Electroman X - Zenodorus - Battler
Naga Knight - Stinkspitter
I never thought I'd say this, but Illusion_Master has a competitor for the Special Guide Writer award...
It just caps your resists and increases recovery, while blocking the use of forms.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just thought I better mention that Light Form also gives mez protection.
And Eclipse is better than Light Form anyway.
[/ QUOTE ]
To subjective. You seem to be basing this conclusion on Light Form blocking form shifting. Not a significant drawback if, like me, you don't play a tri-form.
I really should do something about this signature.
It just caps your resists and increases recovery, while blocking the use of forms.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just thought I better mention that Light Form also gives mez protection.
And Eclipse is better than Light Form anyway.
[/ QUOTE ]
To subjective. You seem to be basing this conclusion on Light Form blocking form shifting. Not a significant drawback if, like me, you don't play a tri-form.
[/ QUOTE ]Eek, completely forgot the mez protection. Point taken.
Post deleted by GhostRaptor
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
And here was me logging in to give advice to a newish player on how fun PBs are.
But nooooo!
And I left my troll slaying axe behind when my WAR sub expired. How absent minded of me.
Now all I need to do is find out the OP's global so I can add him to my ignore lists for being "an individual of detrimental personality to the community".
It just caps your resists and increases recovery, while blocking the use of forms.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just thought I better mention that Light Form also gives mez protection.
And Eclipse is better than Light Form anyway.
[/ QUOTE ]
To subjective. You seem to be basing this conclusion on Light Form blocking form shifting. Not a significant drawback if, like me, you don't play a tri-form.
[/ QUOTE ]
Light Form has a manky crash.
I would have killed for some mez protection last night though, so annoying fighting Malta and having to Dwarf up all the time (even worse when they combine the incredibly long Stuns with a Sapper and rip you apart. Hurrah for Stygian Return).
Light Form is all well and good if you're playing a Human or Dual-form, but it's no where near as useful if you're a Tri-form. It's a mediocre shield at best and a shackle at worst. In order for it to be a viable "Godmode" you need to have the other toggle shields active. Then there's the nasty crash at the end.
Light Form has a manky crash.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just let yourself be defeated, use your self rez, and switch to dwarf, and you are strieght back into the battle.
I really should do something about this signature.
Sadly I saw the title on this and thought "Oh good, a chance to provide some advice", how wrong I was.
Others have already said most of the things that need saying about your post but I am bored at work and thought I may as well give my own replies too!
this is my info on why i would pick a pb
[/ QUOTE ]
You mean your barely fact based opinion?
I typed all this out to help you choose what you will pick outta pb or ws, as I can easily tell you cba to lvl them both up lol, I am gonna type this fast so there might be a lotta typos
[/ QUOTE ]
Typo's forgiven, formatting forgiven, assumption people are lazy forgiven.
warshades are not any good in human form till lvl 30, while pbs are excellent in human form from lvl 1
[/ QUOTE ]
Depends what you want from your Warshade really. I won't argue that damage isn't uber but there are plenty of other reasons for human form with PBAoE damage and stun aura's, good immob and hold + the damage powers. Human form PB's are better but even they struggle with lack of slots when going human only from level 1, I would always advise taking Nova form at least until stamina.
okaii the most important form of all the tank form which is dwarf form
pbs have a better tank form as the attacks are pbaoe and it has a self heal which is quite fast but heals a lot when slotted
[/ QUOTE ]
How is Dwarf the most important form? Thats utter rubbish! In teams Nova is the most useful form for either PB or WS as that is where the damage comes from.
Dwarf form is good when you have to tank, which considering the Tanker AT exists and the game doesn't even need tanks is very rare.
warshades tp throughout the whole game while peacebringers fly, if you get another travel power for either one of your pb or warshades then your build sucks [censored] from a straw lol
[/ QUOTE ]
Both can fly by level 6 when you get Nova, both can TP by 20 when you get Dwarf. My build has SS and SJ and nobody who has seen the build can say anything but wow.
warshades are like tanktrollers while peacebringers are like blappers and a scrapper in one
if u didnt kno wot a blapper is then it is a blaster that is ment to be a build and toughened up for melee so it would have powersets like fighting and that
[/ QUOTE ]
The definition of a blapper is about right, but the whole point of Kheldians is that you CAN NOT and SHOULD NOT pigeon hole them into roles like this. [u]Both can tank, both can blast, PB's can scrap well and WS's can control well, but PB's can still control and WS's can still scrap.[u]
warshades suck till higher lvls which is when they are rlly good
[/ QUOTE ]
Warshades are very good at higher levels, but from lvl 6 onwards unless you are for some strange reason avoiding picking the key powers (Nova) they are really good. A tri-form Warshade is good at all levels.
warshades are [censored] in human form till you reach lvl 30 and onwards
[/ QUOTE ]
Covered above - lies somewhere between subjective and total rubbish.
peacebringers are much more enjoyable because warshades get two forms while peacebringer gets 3
the peacebringer gets another form which is light form where you are like a little wisp or star and you are super uber for a lil bit
warshades have eclipse instead of a 3rd form
[/ QUOTE ]
Both only get 2 actual forms, light form is a god-mode not a form, if you are including light form you should include nebulous form rather than eclipse.
eclipse is a power where you drain all the foes end or hp or both around you and adds it to ur end and hp, if you get hasten and put 5 recharges on it then you have hasten nearly all the time and keep using that so you get eclipse back
[/ QUOTE ]
Eclipse is one of the best powers in the game that drain the end from nearby enemies and gives it back to you in the form of +Resist to ALL (Including Psi).
ED means hasten should really never get more than three slots, your advise is just plain bad.
although eclipse sucks in a small team of 4 or 5 and under and is [censored] for soloing
because with not many mobs eclipse doesnt have much to do and some of the other powers are made for aoe draining aswell for the ws
[/ QUOTE ]
Hitting two mobs with Eclipse will cap the resists for Dwarf form. Hitting 3 mobs will give you SO'd scrapper levels of resists to all. Even solo you get spawns of about 4 so heard two together for capped resists to all.
Eclipse is not even needed solo due to the other great powers a Warshade has,
while the peacebringers light form is uber for helping the team and super sexy uber for soloing especially with hasten slotted
[/ QUOTE ]
Light-form is more about helping yourself than the team as it is used to keep you alive. Slotting hasten is good advise however.
if a pb and a ws had a duel then the pb would win 75% of the time
[/ QUOTE ]
A - lolpvp
okaii so the most important form is the dwarf form, because NEARLY ALL the teams will want you to be the dwarf form so your a tank especially if they dont have a tank or only have 1 which most teams do, and every taskforce the team would want you to be in a dwarf form, and you love that cimerora tf you always wanna do it lol and you would HAVE to be dwarf form for the whole enter taskforce otherwise you might lose, especially when you face rom you would have to be in dwarf form, any Elite boss or arch villain you would have to be in dwarf form to survive
[/ QUOTE ]
The least important form is Dwarf form because nearly all the team want you in NOVA blasting away.
The ITF is the one task force where you never need Dwarf because not much does any kind of AoE mez. For fighting Rom I assume you want the blasters to just hide out of sight and not shoot in case they die? That must surely be your logic behind not wanting a Kheldian to attack from distance in Nova form?
the peacebringers have a better dwarf form, the attacks are pbaoe so you will kill mobs a lot quicker so therefore you tank better, it has a self heal which when slotted will recharge and heal super well and if your about to die tanking in dwarf form as a pb use the self heal then if ur gna die again go human form as a pb and use your self heals as a ws you coudnt do this or not aswell deffo
[/ QUOTE ]
Both dwarf forms get only one PBAoE, and dark dwarf mire is the best of the two for damage. PB's get knockdown which helps their survivability.
Both forms get one type of self heal and providing you can hit the target the dark dwarf heal will heal the most in the long run.
Currently most people I know think Dark Dwarf is the best Dwarf form because of the new mire being on a very fast recharge and being able to stack +to-hit and +damage on yourself.
so if all the tfs and nearly all the teams or prefer you to be in dwarf form woudnt you wanna be a better dwarf form, excactly a pb is , the warshade dwarf forms have less hp and will die easier as the pb has more hp built secondarys
[/ QUOTE ]
The PB gets a power to increase HP, it does not have more as standard. Staying alive by hiding in a box will not endear you to your team. Using a damage dealing form will be much more effective unless you have no tank, in which case both forms are quite capable of staying alive, especially with support from the team!.
the warshades have a slightly better nova squid form, but the squid form has no defence so you cant solo like that and you would need a large team to go squid form, and if the large team has no tank your the tank in dwarf form!
[/ QUOTE ]
Both Nova forms are essentilly the same out the box. Warshades get a side effect of -recharge, PB's get -DEF (I think).
The difference is that Warshades can use a mire in human form to boost the Nova forms damage for 30 seconds.
warshades are still awesome when there past lvl 30 tho, if u slot them right of course and stuff, which i would help you with on any toon or build
[/ QUOTE ]
Warshades are awesome when you get past 6 imho, so are PB's that aren't damaged by people deliberately not picking Nova.
Warshades over level 30 (Or 38 to be exact) are awesome for AoE damage and survivability, PB's can do more of less the same damage without the survivability in Nova but are also very good at high levels.
Neither needs to be massively invested in to be good, you just need to plan your builds well.
if your gonna be a tri form build which is be in the forms more than human form then you need macros and binds
i would help you with them also, some of the guides for kheldians might have some good binds tho for ya
[/ QUOTE ]
Good advice!
peacebringers have good defence de buffs and knockbacks so they can solo well and defence debuffs and knockbacks will help keep your team alive well if you aren't soloing
[/ QUOTE ]
Defense debuffs of ~7.5% are not really going to help any team except at low levels. Knockback will annoy your team more than help them live.
Both PB's and Warshades are excellent soloers.
almost all the warshades attacks are ranged or holds but there range is either close or melee range and they havent been updated sicne issue 3 and they wont be anymore the new company are leaving them. and warshades hp will be lower than pbs hp later on anyway and if your attacks are melee range and u go dwarf quick ur dwarf will die easier and wont be as a good as a pb dwarf form
[/ QUOTE ]
I have no idea what this even means. Are you saying ranged damage is bad? Or are you trying to say that Warshades ranged attacks have very short range?, which is rediculous.
peacebringers can solo better and surive better and are better for taking on a eb or av
[/ QUOTE ]
I have never come across an EB I can't solo on my Warshade, and very few PB's can take on an AV once lightform drops without popping a load of inspirations/temp powers.
while warshades have a lot better damage per second with their ranged and holds attack like a troller, but in melee range so it makes them a tanktroller pretty much while the pbs are scrapper blappers
[/ QUOTE ]
Why would you be in melee with your Warshade? No wonder you die a lot.
if ur going for human form pick pb deffo, if your going for a tri-form build then decide if you want a better dwarf tank form to keep you surving and to tank to keep the rest of the team surving and to solo well or a better blaster nova squid form with the warshade to do some good damage and a few minor aoe attacks which would help but not as much as normal blasters have better attacks but the nova squid form has no defence so they always get hit everytime and their dam resistance is [censored] but I suppose in a large team you would get buffs
[/ QUOTE ]
You just called Nova form AoE attacks minor when in fact they are some of the best AoE attacks in the game, although I had very little respect for you I now have none at all.
later on though warshades are still awesome past lvl 34ish
their eclipse is still good but slow recharge that is why you need to put 5 of your slots onto hasten, where you could normally put 5 of them slots on a self heal or some attacks for your dwarf form or anything else but eclipse is still cool but not that fun as i would prefer and enjoy a 3rd form more and you don't see many people with the light form
[/ QUOTE ]
Covered above, but to recap:
Light form is not a form
5 slotting hasten is a waste of two slots due to ED.
Eclipse can be made perma so the slow recharge comment is pointless, all great powers like that have slow recharge.
thanks for reading hope it helps
[/ QUOTE ]
It didn't
i know it sounds like peacebringers are a lot better but they are pretty much
warshades do have good potential and when you 5 or 6 slot hasten their eclipse is good for every mob so their potentional when slotted is awesome, but not as fun
[/ QUOTE ]
Again you should not 5 slot hasten!
Yes Eclipse gives Warshades awesome potential, but that doesn't mean PB's don't have awesome potential.
Not as fun is an opinion.
i would rather go for fun than potential that is why I would pick pb
[/ QUOTE ]
Good advice!
hope it helps
[/ QUOTE ]
Once again - It didn't
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Nice critique PrincessDarkstar. I still can't believe how wrong and, in 99% of it, totally contrary to tried, tested and accepted wisdom on Kelds the OP is!
Random addition to the comment on Dark Nova vs. Bright Nova survivability.
Dark Nova, even without selfbuffs, is more survivable due to having -Recharge in its attacks. At low levels, Bright Nova somewhat balances this out due to hitting mobs easier wue to -Defense in attacks, but this advantage is quickly lost by the time you get to SOs, because - and I can say this with confidence - most people choose to slot more accuracy as opposed to relying on -Defense to hit things more often. Both Nova forms have Knockback in some blasts. With Hasten on, I can stack quite a bit of -recharge on mobs, which not only prevents them from attacking me as fast as they normally would, but also prevents them from running. Well, assuming they live long enough to try running.
I hope no-one new to Kheldians actually listens to a single piece of this advice.
It's by far an away the most inaccurate, badly informed "guide" I've ever read on anything. Reading some of this actually made me quite angry that someone might take you seriously.
Stop hating on all human ws
1 in eclipse
Those resists seem somewhat low - how many mobs is that off of? Slotted for resist you shouldn't need very many to hit cap (85%) across the board.
Yes Human form can be a lot of fun - needs more attention in terms of how to play it especially in you need to adapt playstyle according to team makeup.
Was also funny when Nightstar (I think) held me and then died to my Whirling Death - I'm still sure that toggle should suppress as it does damage but it doesn't.
My first Kheld was a tri form PB (well really Nova/Dwarf - the human form isn't slotted that well) so when I started my WS I decided to go humanform and never regretted it - excellent in teams and very capable of soloing when necessary even before they nerfed Voids. The more conventional builds are Human or Human/Dwarf PB and triform WS - I do need to sort out a second build to try out the Purple Floating Forrtress Of Doom from the triform WS at some point though.
Basically PBs and WSs both play differently from each other and each have a multitude of different build options so the best advice is to try both, consider the type of playstyle you like - What ATs do you tend to play and are you looking for something with a similar playstyle or something different then select two different types of build on each that you can work with. Also don't let the voids and quantums get to you - they are still a threat at low levels but once you get some damage mitigation they have been nerfed to oblivion. Definitely make sure you do the Kheld arcs - there are some surprises in some of them from a variation of a popular villain group.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
1 in eclipse
1 in eclipse
1 in eclipse
1 in eclipse
1 in eclipse
1 in eclipse
Those resists seem somewhat low - how many mobs is that off of? Slotted for resist you shouldn't need very many to hit cap (85%) across the board.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah 6 then
Ok off of a single foe it makes sense
As for the "guide" I think I counted 2 bits I would agree with - one being the subjective judgement that White Dwarf tanks better than Dark Dwarf although his rationalle behind it is seriously flawed. The other being that it is full of typos.
All in all I'd agree with the other opinions already given and recommend you ignore everything he says in it.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
White Dwarf keeps agro better due to a stronger Antagonize and a taunt component in the PBAoE and has better active mitigation in the form of PBAoE knockdown, as well as can buff itself with Essence Boost from human form for a marginal HP bonus.
Black Dwarf deals far more damage in both single target and PBAoE, and can cap its resistances easily with just a few targets in Eclipse, as well as further boost its damage with Sunless Mire for 30 seconds AND since you'll probably be Dwarfing in a team that has a bunch of offensive ATs, your Dwarf will gain even more damage from Dark Sustenance (depending on your recharge on Dwarf Mire, you could probably end up damagecapped most of the time WHILE being resistancecapped); it also has Extracted Nictus Essences to aid it in dealing even more damage, from which it can keep agro off of to let them blast away merrily. Negative Energy damage is, on average, less resisted than Energy damage, by mobs.
this is my info on why i would pick a pb

I typed all this out to help you choose what you will pick outta pb or ws, as I can easily tell you cba to lvl them both up lol, I am gonna type this fast so there might be a lotta typos
warshades are not any good in human form till lvl 30, while pbs are excellent in human form from lvl 1
okaii the most important form of all the tank form which is dwarf form
pbs have a better tank form as the attacks are pbaoe and it has a self heal which is quite fast but heals a lot when slotted
warshades tp throughout the whole game while peacebringers fly, if you get another travel power for either one of your pb or warshades then your build sucks [censored] from a straw lol
warshades are like tanktrollers while peacebringers are like blappers and a scrapper in one
if u didnt kno wot a blapper is then it is a blaster that is ment to be a build and toughened up for melee so it would have powersets like fighting and that
warshades suck till higher lvls which is when they are rlly good
warshades are [censored] in human form till you reach lvl 30 and onwards
peacebringers are much more enjoyable because warshades get two forms while peacebringer gets 3
the peacebringer gets another form which is light form where you are like a little wisp or star and you are super uber for a lil bit
warshades have eclipse instead of a 3rd form
eclipse is a power where you drain all the foes end or hp or both around you and adds it to ur end and hp, if you get hasten and put 5 recharges on it then you have hasten nearly all the time and keep using that so you get eclipse back
although eclipse sucks in a small team of 4 or 5 and under and is [censored] for soloing
because with not many mobs eclipse doesnt have much to do and some of the other powers are made for aoe draining aswell for the ws
while the peacebringers light form is uber for helping the team and super sexy uber for soloing especially with hasten slotted
if a pb and a ws had a duel then the pb would win 75% of the time
okaii so the most important form is the dwarf form, because NEARLY ALL the teams will want you to be the dwarf form so your a tank especially if they dont have a tank or only have 1 which most teams do, and every taskforce the team would want you to be in a dwarf form, and you love that cimerora tf you always wanna do it lol and you would HAVE to be dwarf form for the whole enter taskforce otherwise you might lose, especially when you face rom you would have to be in dwarf form, any Elite boss or arch villain you would have to be in dwarf form to survive
the peacebringers have a better dwarf form, the attacks are pbaoe so you will kill mobs a lot quicker so therefore you tank better, it has a self heal which when slotted will recharge and heal super well and if your about to die tanking in dwarf form as a pb use the self heal then if ur gna die again go human form as a pb and use your self heals as a ws you coudnt do this or not aswell deffo
so if all the tfs and nearly all the teams or prefer you to be in dwarf form woudnt you wanna be a better dwarf form, excactly a pb is , the warshade dwarf forms have less hp and will die easier as the pb has more hp built secondarys
the warshades have a slightly better nova squid form, but the squid form has no defence so you cant solo like that and you would need a large team to go squid form, and if the large team has no tank your the tank in dwarf form!
warshades are still awesome when there past lvl 30 tho, if u slot them right of course and stuff, which i would help you with on any toon or build
if your gonna be a tri form build which is be in the forms more than human form then you need macros and binds
i would help you with them also, some of the guides for kheldians might have some good binds tho for ya
peacebringers have good defence de buffs and knockbacks so they can solo well and defence debuffs and knockbacks will help keep your team alive well if you aren't soloing
almost all the warshades attacks are ranged or holds but there range is either close or melee range and they havent been updated sicne issue 3 and they wont be anymore the new company are leaving them. and warshades hp will be lower than pbs hp later on anyway and if your attacks are melee range and u go dwarf quick ur dwarf will die easier and wont be as a good as a pb dwarf form
peacebringers can solo better and surive better and are better for taking on a eb or av
while warshades have a lot better damage per second with their ranged and holds attack like a troller, but in melee range so it makes them a tanktroller pretty much while the pbs are scrapper blappers
if ur going for human form pick pb deffo, if your going for a tri-form build then decide if you want a better dwarf tank form to keep you surving and to tank to keep the rest of the team surving and to solo well or a better blaster nova squid form with the warshade to do some good damage and a few minor aoe attacks which would help but not as much as normal blasters have better attacks but the nova squid form has no defence so they always get hit everytime and their dam resistance is [censored] but I suppose in a large team you would get buffs
later on though warshades are still awesome past lvl 34ish
their eclipse is still good but slow recharge that is why you need to put 5 of your slots onto hasten, where you could normally put 5 of them slots on a self heal or some attacks for your dwarf form or anything else but eclipse is still cool but not that fun as i would prefer and enjoy a 3rd form more and you don't see many people with the light form
but i am gonna leave my warshade at lvl 34 and delete her if i need space
thanks for reading hope it helps
i know it sounds like peacebringers are a lot better but they are pretty much
warshades do have good potential and when you 5 or 6 slot hasten their eclipse is good for every mob so their potentional when slotted is awesome, but not as fun
i would rather go for fun than potential that is why I would pick pb
hope it helps