pb or warshade




...although I feel that by adding to this I'm not so much beating a dead horse as pounding the slightly sticky earth where the carcass once was... it's such a FREAKIN' HORRIBLE HORSE THAT IT'D BE WRONG NOT TO.


I love PB's. I chose a PB, I would always choose a PB. I will try me a Warshade very soon, seeing as my first attempt failed to get past level 5... but although I could list many reasons to pick a PB over a Warshade, they would all be entirely to do with playstyle.

The OP was and is hideously inaccurate. To call it a "guide" is akin to calling someone who steers the blind into busy roads an "angel of mercy." At least he just referred to it as "info."

Just my two cents.



Is this guide meant to be some sort of Satirical joke?

It can't be for real....is it?

Please tell me this is a joke....



I've seen many not much better guides in the guide section, and they get applauded..no joke. Some of the mistakes that are made are no different to what many other people have made. It's just packaged differently. Subjective thoughts do not consummate factual guidance.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Subjective thoughts are one thing, outright false information is another. And this thing is full of it.



Well with the i13 kheld love, they are both great imo.
They just have diverse playstyles.

And the WS dwarf is great now. Any inferiorities to PB dwarf are long gone.

I played my WS the other week and I was laughing at how good the WS dwarf is now on a big team.



Mmyes. Heck, even pure human Warshades are great now. The only (personal) reasons I disliked it when I tried it was the lack of mez protection, and that Orbiting Death is bugged.



Subjective thoughts are one thing, outright false information is another. And this thing is full of it.

[/ QUOTE ]

They tend to go hand in hand half the time. One thing the OP did get right imo was putting it here first and having feedback.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



A most excellent thread and thanks very much to the OP for posting this guide.....as it's lead to great advice from poeple who actually seem to have played a Kheldan and has re-kindled my desire to dust of my 23 WS and give it another whirl



has re-kindled my desire to dust of my 23 WS and give it another whirl

[/ QUOTE ]
Good on you

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



You all know that this is a bunch of information I gathered from several sites, and I typed it all out in a 5 minute rush. I do not have an idea if it is right or wrong.

I was just posting it so I could get people to point out what is correct and not correct, and thankyou for those that did. Although I did call someone something un-reasonable lol.

Although everyone posting is this a joke and this is the worst advice ever, does that make you feel better, I don't think them posts are any better than mine to be honest.

Thankyou for those pointing out the wrong and correct, hopefully I can choose my Epic AT wisely when I hit 50.

As I said before I just typed out a bunch of info from several sites, not having a clue if it is false or correct.

Please don't bother posting anything on these forums saying peoples posts are a joke and that it is the worst post ever on the forum. After all does that make you feel better, does that make your post any better than what I had put?

I can't say my post was bad though, it is just a bunch of info, hoping people can point out anything correct and wrong, once again thankyou for those that did.

And General Panic, good luck with your HEAT's



To be honest

As I said before I just typed out a bunch of info from several sites, not having a clue if it is false or correct.

[/ QUOTE ]
Is not something I would like to see people doing very often. Posting incorrect information is only ever going to cause harm to new people who read it and upset people who see it as being wrong.

You would have been far better just making a post saying "I have been told x, is this true?" and you would have got some nice replies rather than what you did get.

So for a final piece of good advice: check your facts BEFORE passing something off as advice or information. And this works on forums and in real life.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



You're far better off only posting things you've tried yourself Fiery. Opinions on d'internet are like the hydra, there'll always be tonnes of them, oftentimes contridicing the opinions of others and they're a bugger to kill off. Especially since PBs and Warshades changed so much with the last issue.

Or as Princess says just asking something like "Do Black Dwarfs underperform compared to White Dwarfs" or "How do mid-level Warshades do in PvE" would get you far less flamey responses.



Writing a guide for an AT that you've not unlocked yet? Not really a good idea.



I have a personal issue with misinformation. I hate it with a fiery passion. Because I know it's like a disease, it spreads and spreads. Someone reads your OP and takes it as some golden truth and starts telling his friends, and they tell their friends, and then you have dozens of misinformed people misinforming others. This might just be me, but I hate misinformation so very much.

You really ought to have worded it better, in the form of questions, you made it sound like a bunch of horrible advice. Sorry, I don't have anything against you as a person (I don't even know you), but I make it a point to crush whatever false information or bad advice I see on these forums.
But I'm also always willing to answer -questions- on anything I know about.

Heck, I'm almost inspired to write a quick Triform Warshade information guide thing myself now.



You all know that this is a bunch of information I gathered from several sites, and I typed it all out in a 5 minute rush. I do not have an idea if it is right or wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]
You know, I don't think we do know that at all. Other than the OP the only post you've made to this thread seems to be this one, and the only disclaimer in that is that you were typing fast. If you said it was a assembled from other sites' fragments in the OP I'm damned if I can find it - must be lost in the wall of text.

I was just posting it so I could get people to point out what is correct and not correct, and thankyou for those that did. Although I did call someone something un-reasonable lol.

[/ QUOTE ]
Your post opens

"this is my info on why i would pick a pb

I typed all this out to help you choose what you will pick outta pb or ws, as I can easily tell you cba to lvl them both up lol, I am gonna type this fast so there might be a lotta typos"

How on earth is that meant to be a request for people to point out what's correct? "I typed all this out to help you choose what you will pick", and finishing with "hope it helps" sounds like a guide to me, not a request for info.

As I said before I just typed out a bunch of info from several sites, not having a clue if it is false or correct.

[/ QUOTE ]
Really can't see where you said that.

Please don't bother posting anything on these forums saying peoples posts are a joke and that it is the worst post ever on the forum. After all does that make you feel better, does that make your post any better than what I had put?

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't say my post was bad though, it is just a bunch of info, hoping people can point out anything correct and wrong, once again thankyou for those that did.

[/ QUOTE ]
If nothing else it was poor at pointing out what it was meant to be; from the OP it really does look like it's meant to be a guide.



Heck, I'm almost inspired to write a quick Triform Warshade information guide thing myself now.

[/ QUOTE ]
Got one in progress and believe me they take a looooong time lol.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Hey all!

I'm very sorry about this silly thread my cousin has started. He has also made a few more silly choices on my forum account! I'm lucky that I am not banned on the forums! lol

I would delete this thread if I could, but I mainly wanted to let you know that it wasn't me who made the silly thread, and that I've changed my password.



In addition, I have no idea why he started this thread. I don't think he has actually ever played a Kheldian.....



In addition, I have no idea why he started this thread. I don't think he has actually ever played a Kheldian.....

[/ QUOTE ]

Really? One would never have thought it.



hehe :P



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