Strange Forum Blip?




Anyone noticed some kind of Forum Blip or rollback over the last 15 mins? - only we were discussing things on a forum section and all of a sudden half a dozen posts just vanished!



Please fight My Brute:

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.



Anyone noticed some kind of Forum Blip or rollback over the last 15 mins? - only we were discussing things on a forum section and all of a sudden half a dozen posts just vanished!

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they changed something in the Matrix. Run!

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



they changed something in the Matrix. Run!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, they have removed all developers. Machines win. The end. Thank you for playing Star Wars Galaxies.

On topic: Current forums are pants, new forums please.



Avatea, can you please confirm if the mass loss of threads we had one day before the Going Rogue announcement, was on purpose (moderation action to clean MA moaning discussions) or a random forum "blip" like this?

Thank you.



There seems to be a lot of PlayNC services maintenance, so I think it's to be expected.




Maintenance wasn't happening half week ago, when French people lost access to their area...



Maintenance wasn't happening half week ago, when French people lost access to their area...

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I've been stalking their forums They seem like they're coping (either that or they're waiting for the right moment to strike!)

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



they changed something in the Matrix. Run!

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Yes, they have removed all developers. Machines win. The end. Thank you for playing Star Wars Galaxies.

On topic: Current forums are pants, new forums please.

[/ QUOTE ]

The Machines have begun placing all redpills back into their pods somehow... I escaped and came running here before they could finish the job

Short Story I did:

DevArt Page:



Anyone noticed some kind of Forum Blip or rollback over the last 15 mins? - only we were discussing things on a forum section and all of a sudden half a dozen posts just vanished!

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they changed something in the Matrix. Run!

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you would be seeing a deja vu, you're talking about x-files.....ok, RUN.




Thank you for playing Star Wars Galaxies.

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Don't even joke about that. Worse than clowns. *gibbers a bit and hides in corner*

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



First to answer Saxtus' question, that issue with half the boards disappearing the other day was due to the fact that some of the board functionalities are broken and as soon as they are used, the boards cease to respond. In that case, it was the creation of the Market section.

As for the little forum rollback we experienced yesterday, we believe it was just a glitch in the matrix indeed. No work was being done on the infrastructure supporting the forums that could explain the glitch. That's not much of an explanation but our technical team is now aware that they should keep an eye out in case this were to happen again.

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Actually it was probably FFM landing back here... all that weight hitting one forum...



I see...

Well, is something that we, the community, can do to make you avoid using the broken functions ever again?
I don't think anyone in here would like to see the forum falling apart again...

[evil mode]
I have an idea: Delete all one-line posts with quote-pyramids from an individual in here! That will make board lighter, maybe reduce those integers that overfloating and we won't lose any significant information that can't squeeze in the signature anyway!
[/evil mode]



Actually it was probably FFM landing back here... all that weight hitting one forum...

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Cheeky mongrel. They went squiffy BEFORE I came back!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Actually it was probably FFM landing back here... all that weight hitting one forum...

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Cheeky mongrel. They went squiffy BEFORE I came back!

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They sensed a disturbance in the Force

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork