Vet Badge issue




Last week I should have received my 51st month vet badge but didn't has this happened to anyone else? And if so what can I do about it?



I think the only thing you can do is contact the Customer Support team via the PlayNC website, you could also include a screenshot of your account showing that you are due the Vet reward as well.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Check your account veteran information, and see what date it tells you it's due. That's when you'll get it, it may be different to what you think.




Remember vet badges are award at the 'time' you signed up, down to the exact second of your account creation (give or take a couple of minutes) so while you may officially be on your account creation DAY, it's not that time yet.

For example I don't get award Vet rewards until around 6pm-ish in the evening because that's when I signed up with an account.

But in your case I would also do as above and double check your account for what date it says you should be awarded and also to contact support.

Have you added anything like the Mac edition to your account recently, that did bump my vet reward time by a week when I added it to my account, from the 26th of Feb to the 3rd of March, however it has gone back to awarding on the 26th again once that vet reward passed.

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so if u stopped for a week
your vet rewards are delayed by that same week ...




Have you added anything like the Mac edition to your account recently, that did bump my vet reward time by a week when I added it to my account, from the 26th of Feb to the 3rd of March, however it has gone back to awarding on the 26th again once that vet reward passed.

[/ QUOTE ]

I knew it, the Mac is evil!



My last Vet reward was 12th February, I have paid and played continuosly, so shouldn't I have got it 12th May. My account no longer shows when my next reward is due only the ones I have already received, is this the same for everyone?



Mine stopped showing dates after the last one I got (45 months) but I think that's related to the fact that the next due date for payment is the 25th of May, i.e., before the 48 months reward would be applied.

This is stupid, as I have already (foolishly?) paid for another 6 months when that opportunity to buy them at a lower price (back in the beginning of the year) was offered.

As others have said, you'd best contact CCS for an explanation.

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I just tried to check my vet rewards and when you link for details etc or veterans page, it takes you to the buddy program, which is a bit mental.

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Have you added anything like the Mac edition to your account recently, that did bump my vet reward time by a week when I added it to my account, from the 26th of Feb to the 3rd of March, however it has gone back to awarding on the 26th again once that vet reward passed.

[/ QUOTE ]

I knew it, the Mac is evil!

[/ QUOTE ]

That has nothing to do with the mac pack, but rather the fact there's only 28 days in febuary.

Last year i got a vet reward on feb 3rd then next on april 29th then the one after that on july 30.

This year i got a vet reward on 11th jan, then the next one on 14th april.

So the month of febuary will play a little havoc with the vet reward dates.



No, It MUST be the Mac edition!




Have you added anything like the Mac edition to your account recently, that did bump my vet reward time by a week when I added it to my account, from the 26th of Feb to the 3rd of March, however it has gone back to awarding on the 26th again once that vet reward passed.

[/ QUOTE ]

I knew it, the Mac is evil!

[/ QUOTE ]

That has nothing to do with the mac pack, but rather the fact there's only 28 days in febuary.

Last year i got a vet reward on feb 3rd then next on april 29th then the one after that on july 30.

This year i got a vet reward on 11th jan, then the next one on 14th april.

So the month of febuary will play a little havoc with the vet reward dates.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah, only reason I assumed it was the mac edition being added was because last year, it didn't happen, was awarded my first year vet reward on the 26th of Feb as normal but this year when I added the mac pack prior to that date, it got shuffled to the the third of March.

Still, perhaps it's just the evil month of febuary mucking about with my vet reward times..damn you Febuary...DAMN YOU!

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



iv had afew probs with my vet dates, they should come in the 12th every 3 months but twice they had been delayed to the 17th for some reason and then back to the 12th.



Please do get in touch with our Support team (via the NCsoft Support page or ingame via the /petition command, not the /bug one or you won't get a reply), they will make sure your billing and account information are up-to-date so you can get your Veteran Rewards when they are due.

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i nly got 2 vet badges - a third coming up i tink - but the two i have were definately late.



Yay the Devs sorted it out