Official word on new forums?




A while ago there was talk of an update or new forums or some such. I was wondering if there's any official news on whats happening with them, or whether they've gone the way of the CoX Vault - a pipe dream?






Avatea talked about it on the french board a few weeks ago... but you now... at the moment, the french board is quite... inaccessible.

IIRC, TRT got it pretty right I think they had some kind of bug with the forum they were developping, so they restart to "build" a new one. Anyway, TRT is right if you want a ETA.



They just have some technical problems with the 100 Ko forum limit

Level 50 => Elsynia, Elsyd, Omni-tek ghost, Barbarrior, Laaaaaaaapin, Poyo poyo, Technowarrior, Rominet, Epsilon One, Briareoss, Gros quick, Texas rongeur, Doc 666, Ponpon masque, ...



Avatea won't mention anything (again) about the new forum unless it's absolutely 100% certain it absolutely will happen! me!



We are working on getting new forums but since the first processes initially took place a few months back, a few things happened that meant that the project had to be reconsidered, but not abandoned.

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Just make sure they're ready for I16

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



In real terms :

Don't hold your breath.



We are working on getting new forums but since the first processes initially took place a few months back, a few things happened that meant that the project had to be reconsidered, but not abandoned.

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So in effect it's abandoned. Thanks for the update.

Please fight My Brute:

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.



sounds like Soon™ to me >.>



It'd be far cheaper and less hassle for Paragon Studios if they just ditched the official forums - we get all our news about the game from Massively and TenTonHammer anyway, long before someone decides to make an official post here...

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



I have to agree (with regards to the English speaking anyway), It would be a good way to kill two birds with one stone. Less administration for them, and we get to post somewhere where Devs browse more often.

But what happens to the French and German speaking parts of the though?, and are they even moderated anymore past patch notes being translated?.



I have to agree (with regards to the English speaking anyway), It would be a good way to kill two birds with one stone. Less administration for them, and we get to post somewhere where Devs browse more often.

But what happens to the French and German speaking parts of the though?, and are they even moderated anymore past patch notes being translated?.

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I think Avatea still lurks in the shadows there, waiting to pounce on any French or German players who think they're not being watched

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I think Avatea still lurks in the shadows there, waiting to pounce on any French or German players who think they're not being watched

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't worry, she does



These current forums are pants. Invalid forms (after a small amount of time, annoying when you've written a significant post), crappy search function (no preview of post, actual finding of required text seems hit or miss) etc.. Also, needs moar pic sigs.

That is all.