Lots of unhappy badge collectors?
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
i'm not really a badge collector but this makes me a sad panda, i was so happy to solo through some stories and actually achieve 1-3 badges nearly every arc. made me feel good and special. i can see AE building being very quiet if the accolade really lets you edit arc from lots more places
Well, those badges on the list have in common that it takes a while to get them the regular way which is why many badge who... enthusiasts decided to create and play missions specifically designed for farming those badges with little to no value whatsoever for players who are looking for AE missions that are actually fun to play.
The very same farmers also tended to rate their farms with five stars flat, thus really clogging up the AE mission list with highly overrated rubbish that non-farmers would not play unless somebody threatened to cut off their balls.
After hearing enough complaints about this problem the devs investigated the matter and came to the conclusion that encouraging farming the way they did with many AE badges was not a smart move in the first place. Locical conclusion: Take a step back and remove the problem.
Bad for some who have taken the "effort" to farm them, good for the rest of us who hate starting AE missions with a normal description only to find yet another cloaked farm.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Great Decision...
Time for Bug Hunter, Anniversary Badges, Illusionist, DE Eminators, Infiltrator, Tank Buster, Stinger, Spider's Kiss, Bloodletter, Gangbuster, Unbreakable, Healing Badge 3-6, Damage badge 4-8, Mez badge 2-6, Finder, Clockstopper, Kill.Skuls, Hellspawned, Inf Badges, Goldbricker Bosses, Ouroborous Badges, i9 Badges...
...to go also? They fit synapses description pretty darn well.
(In all seriousness, I understand what has been done and why, I'm just annoyed at the lack of responsibility and the thin veil of reason behind it)
i don't mind badges being removed as much but some of the name in those badge i like and got as my toons badge title thing. i wish they either make them easy to get or something but not remove them. here are some i like to see that stayed.
Living Legend
The Chosen One
Button Masher
Pressed the Red Button
Virtual Victor
Virtual Destroyer
Virtual Warrior
Virtual Soldier
Virtual Slayer
Virtual Button Masher
Champion of Justice
Show Off
there maybe a few more, i just wished there where work around oh well nothing i can do about it, just be upset for a while about it
hey ? what ?
what badges are being removed ?
Greetings everyone,
I wanted to fill you all in on our plans for the Mission Architect badges and also our plans for future badges as well. We really didnt want the Mission Architect to be an environment that encourages farming for XP, Rewards or Badges, and we thought long and hard about the current Architect badge situation. Ultimately wed like it to be a place where you go to play great player created content.
So, going forwardbeginning with the Mission Architect badgesweve decided to move away from count badges that might encourage farming and/or aberrant game play. Instead, wed like to encourage players to try all of our content by offering badges for completing 1 time accomplishments and achievements. What this means for the Mission Architect badges is that many of them are going to be removed in Issue 15. This is because they encouraged farming, because they encouraged aberrant behavior by doing one thing over and over again, they were unobtainable by a large portion of our players, or earning them was completely out of a players hands and in the hands of other players.
Id like to outline the Architect badge changes to show you precisely what will be happening in Issue 15. Below is a list of badges that are being removed:
Plugged In
Hardcore Gamer
Ticket Hound
Ticket Fiend
Ticket Master
Golden Ticket
Story Teller
Living Legend
The Chosen One
Button Masher
Pressed the Red Button
Virtual Victor
Virtual Destroyer
Virtual Warrior
Virtual Soldier
Virtual Slayer
Virtual Button Masher
Virtually Curious
Virtually Erratic
Two Thumbs Up
Virtual Ticket Taker
Virtual Ticket Hound
Virtual Ticket Fiend
Virtual Ticket Master
Virtual Golden Ticket
Hall of Famer
Master Builder
Champion of Justice
Show Off
Went the Extra Mile
Do Gooder
To The Rescue
Virtual Do Gooder
Virtual Guardian
Virtual Savior
Virtual Rescuer
Virtual Decimation
Virtual Obliteration
Virtual Marauder
Virtual Cataclysm
Below is a list of Architect badges that will remain:
Thrill Seeker
Ticket Taker
Mission Engineer
Early Bird
Poor Impulse Control
Virtually Impulsive
Bug Fixer
Among Friends
Virtual Victim
Virtual Extractor
Now, as a player myself after reading this I would have a ton of questions: What does this mean for pre-I14 badges? What about future badges? Why did the Dev Choice and Hall of Famer badges go away?
Id like to answer those questions now:
Q: What about non-Mission Architect badges?
A: We have no current plans to revisit old badges at this time, and I dont foresee us doing this really. All badges unrelated to the Mission Architect will remain unaffected by the changes outlined above.
Q: If Ive already earned the Architect badges, will I get to keep them?
A: No. Only the badges listed above in the badges that will remain section will be kept.
Q: What can you tell me about future badges?
A: As I quickly mentioned above, our plans for future badges excludes many types of count badges. This means we will try to avoid badges that require repetitious tasks, aberrant play styles and give the illusion of grindiness. There may be count badges in the future, but they wont be based on something you can grind at to achieve. An example would be a count badge for the number of badges you collect. Thats all I can really say right now as I dont want to spoil any of the exciting badges that will go into future issues at this time.
Q: Why did the Dev Choice and Hall of Famer badges get removed?
A: We realize that a lot of players worked really hard for these badges and to create content worthy of these prestigious awards. However, we want badges to be something that everyone can obtain. We also want badges to be completely within a players grasp, so no outside influence should affect earning these badges. The Hall of Famer badge and the Builder line of badges are a perfect example of why these badges are being removed. We saw a lot of griefing done by certain players against players who had highly rated missions that would prevent them from ever getting into Hall of Fame and earning this badge. We wanted having missions flagged Dev Choice or Hall of Fame to be coveted by authors, not by badgers. Thus these badges are also being removed.
Q: What can you tell me about the badges that remain?
A: These badges have all been modified so that they are granted for a first time accomplishment. For example: The first time you rescue a kidnapped NPC youll earn the Extractor badge. The same goes for the other badges that will remain in Issue 15. Theyre much easier to earn, but they require a player to try every aspect of Mission Architect to earn them all.
Q: What about the Mission Engineer Accolade badge?
A: This badge had its required badges changed to the following:
Thrill Seeker
Ticket Taker
Early Bird
Bug Fixer
This means that this accolade will be significantly easier to get now, which means that a lot of playersthat published and played Architect missions--will find themselves earning this accolade and find themselves with the really cool ability to edit and publish architect content from anywhere, including your Supergroup base by simply clicking a power icon.
Q: If I have some or all of the badges listed as badges that will remain, will I get to keep them?
A: Absolutely. You should not have to earn the remaining badges again.
Id like to close by saying that to some of you this might appear be an extreme decision, but we want you to know that this was done to make the Mission Architect fulfill its designed purpose: to be a place where content creators could write to their hearts content or for players who want to explore the endless content created by other players. We feel that these changes are a step closer to this goal. Also, dont be surprised if you see Architect badges in future issues as well as we make this feature even more robust than was available at launch.
Thanks for reading,
[/ QUOTE ] it in the link at the top anyways
Please post your feedback in the corresponding thread in the Mission Architect section, many thanks!
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I reckon there will be soon
Lots of badges from MA go....POOF!!!
See, this annoys me. I can understand getting rid of things to prevent farming for XP, prestige, etc, these are the sort of thing that can adversely affect a lot of people in the game....messing up the auction market, lvl 50's in 5 mins flat for instance......but removing badges that hurt no one?? I'm struglling to see much logic here!
Some people in game will have spent many hours playing MA maps to earn these badges. When you set it so you need a LUDICROUS amount to get a badge, sometimes there's no other way to get them without "farming" them (and I use that word loosely when it comes to badges)
I can see a fair few annoyed badge collectors making their voices heard.
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