NCSoft Extra Slots Store




Has anyone noticed that the prices for more character slots and character respec change prices?

I bought 2 character slots earlier for £8.99, I have now just clicked onto the store to think about more slots and they are only charging £5.99 for 2 extra slots.

Currently showing is - 5 for £11.99, 2 for £5.99, 1 for £3.49 and respec for £5.99.
Before I'm pretty sure it stated £14.99 for 5, £8.99 for 2, £4.99 for 1 and respec for £8.99.

This is quite a jump in prices!! I would be comforted greatly if some light could be shed on this



its a bug where it shows the prices in euros instead of pounds

Mister Volcano lvl50 Tank SA/FM
Silver Sight lvl 50 Controller Mind/Kin
Cryogenic lvl 50 Tank Ice/Stone
Winters Night lvl 50 Corrupter Ice/Dark
Chaos Agent lvl50 Brute EM/EA



Thank you for the responses Mister and Avatea

Got a bit worried for a second there!! Also not knowing what the actual price is for extra slots doesn't help!



There was indeed an issue with pricing displaying in Euro even for UK based players (but charging the right ammount in Sterling Pound).This should now be fixed.

The amount displayed for UK based players should now be the correct Sterling Pound prices.

Sorry for the confusion and thank you for raising the issue!

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