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  1. Thankyou and the rest of the team for such an amazing time these past 7 years, I didn't know any of you but you shall remain in my heart
  2. I have no idea when it comes to slotting but when I made my elec/elec stalker ages ago I never gave myself a travel power, as I used Lightning reflexes and all the other travel temps I had instead
  3. B looks very retro, but I think A could be used more widely, so Ima gonna vote AAAAAA
  4. Aptum

    Defiant screwed?

    Server has shut down now, but my in progress toons are on defiant
  5. yes it is broke, as you may be a VIP on Exalted the animations have gone all funny
  6. I'll be making my global toon, but most of my others will probably stay on Defiant
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
    Rerolling my main for, oh I don't know... the twelfth time? Maybe more.
    ....and I thought it was just me, I'll get a SJ version of Aptum with a few rewards and name change tokens
  8. I've just got onto the Union server
  9. Aptum


    I don't think it'll be too long before order is restored
  10. No it's been a very frustrating gaming day today, 6 hour maintenence then we found out we'd been rolled back then got a 5 min warning, and all got booted. I'm still waiting to get back online.
  11. Here's a late welcome back but a welcome back all the same
  12. My toon had lvl'd to 30 before 1st maintenance period and had then rolled back to how he was when I logged in this morning mid lvl 29.
  13. I have bought the pack, but it won't let me apply it to my account it says "You can't use the supplied serial code" and "The serial code is valid, but it can not be used to create a new account and it can not be applied to any accounts you already have." I mean wth. I have contacted support and they're looking into it but I doubt anything will get done.

    I have previously bought the other 2 booster packs and not had any problems.
  14. Aptum


    Thank the lord for that thought my comp was dead, well more than usual
  15. Scrappers are my favourite AT;

    Aptum lvl:50 MA/SR (wanted to remake but not delete so moved to a different server)
    HunterZ lvl:50 Claws/Inv
    Dark.Eagle lvl:50 Dark/Dark/Dark
    Frank Murphy lvl:50 MA/Shield
    Aptum lvl:46 DB/Regen
    Zartoichei lvl:15 Katana/WP
    Hell Ryder lvl:14 Fire/Fire
    MK-III lvl:8 BS/Shield

    ps/ my claws/inv went into 50's scrapper retirement until the new changes brought him out to fight again
  16. Aptum

    Your Blasters...

    AR/Dev (50) <-- Love playing him in big teams for STF
    Psy/Men (25) <-- just finding my way atm
    Ice/Ice (4) <-- Hopefully of use in a fire :P
  17. To be honest most stalkers I've attempted have made me bored by lvl 20, but the elec/elec build I'm working on atm has kept me interested so far.
    I have the usual def problems in big mobs or EB's but I can take them, tho when i made my stalker I knew he wasn't gonna be another stone tank equivalent.

    **He's big bad and charges ur phone if u know where to stick the plug**

    -01 Elec/Elec Stalker [Defiant] lvl 24
  18. Hmmmm that depends on which cheek you're referring to

    Merry Christmas everyone
  19. Aptum

    What a week

    I have Nod32 aswell and i had the same problem.

    So to be able to log in i turned off the virus protection while i loaded up COH then turned it back on. . . . . this seems to have corrected the issue.

    Well untill it all goes bog-eyed again
  20. I don't know if this is related but I can't log into game either. On the updater screen my virus checker is saying theres a virus so won't let me upload the patch, it says its an unknown NewHeur_PE virus. Should I uninstall then reinstall the game?
  21. What requirements do u need to join the swords sg?
    (Besides, presumably a sword.)