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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ElectroHawk View Post
    This is completely off the subject, but I was browsing the brute forums, and ran across your post, and noticed your avatar... What the frick game is that? That looks friggin' sweet... Should be a taunt move added for tanks and Brutes in CoH...haha!

    "The One"
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarus_NA View Post
    We're not talking about disabling signatures. Heck, I'm using one myself so why would I want to disable them? We're talking about disabling sig IMAGES.
    Sig images ROCK. And FYI, going through this entire thread, there really isn't a lot of people who have them, and there are almost NONE that have any sort of "advertisement" quality to them. I particularly liked the "Chill" one that showcased that user's hero flying across the bottom of their post. That looked amazing. I'm not sure why exactly you're so pissed about it...

    "The One"
  3. Wow, lots of negativity. I like the colors. Matches exactly with the official website, and continuity is a good thing, although most people here don't seem to take change very well.

    I like to see people's sigs. The size is already limited (if you check your settings), so you can't get them taller than like 150px, which is very small compared to a lot of forums I've been on. I like to see peep's sigs, because it shows their personality, and a lot of times, it shows what sort of Photoshop/image editing talent they have. I've learned a lot of Photoshop techniques from people after seeing a sig and asking how they accomplished a particular effect. And... I can't wait to see what people do with thier "signature heroes!" I'm going to try a few myself eventually... Having sigs DEFINITELY takes the "bland" away for me. Very nice.

    I do like that you can post images as well (Comic-Con pics coming soon!), but I'd like to suggest (if this is not implemented already) that the pics get auto-resized to an avatar-sized pick that you can click on to enlarge if you're interested in seeing it. I think that would get rid of the "OMGLOOKATME" aspect that some of these traditionalists are complaining about.

    Not sure if the "reputation" thing is such a good idea, but, meh...It's not going to kill me.

    I would suggest somehow getting rid of the grey background behind the avatars, because some people have transparent avatars, and others have avatars that aren't going to be exactly the size of the avatar space you have alotted.

    I find it very strange that gamers, of all people, are the ones complaining about "page loading slow with these new forums." Gamers are usually the pioneers of the internet, and have better/more advanced computer systems, internet connections, download rates, and storage capacity than the average public. I figured most CoH players would have been off the dial-up by now.

    I think that's all I have for now.

    "The One"
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Not quite "while playing a Kheldian", but involves a Kheldian (or a Nictus rather).

    During Romulus' final cutscene when he confesses his failure to his Nictus masters, people often shout something stupid in the background. Not this time. Just as Rommy begins to transform...

    "Oh, YEAH!! Put the SQUID in me! Ohh, BABY!! This is AWESOME!! DEEPER!! DEEPER!!!"

    I mistimed my Phantom Army after that and faceplanted because I was laughing too hard. I also remember this every time I transform on Extor Umbral. Yeah, I know it's lowbrow, but I'm easily amused.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LMAO... I think I would have done the same... That's great!

    MOAR PLZ... :P

    "The One"
  5. What's some of the funniest things you've said or made newbs believe about the capabilities of your Kheld?

    One "in-game-hilarity" to me is the many misconceptions about Khelds by people who have never had one... Several have told me that they think Khelds can pick any power they want from any power pool... So, I've had fun entering missions with people and saying things like:

    "Hold on, please! Setting traps!"
    "Gather for RA!"
    "Yell out if you want CM"
    "Stay close for bubblez!"

    I'd like to hear some of your stories...

    "The One"
  6. HEY! I can't wait! I'm headed there later today, and I'll be there every single day! Woohoooooooooo! My first year as well... Can't wait to meet Hero One.... :P

    "The One"
  7. I can't wait to try out a blood-red WS... Woohoo!

    "The One"
  8. Double XP + AE = Mass toon deletion from Devs.

    "The One"
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    We should start a thread about which is more fun, a Human-only, a BiForm or a TriForm... then we'll see some heated up discussions...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not usually one for getting in pissing matches, nor would I even say that human is "better" than tri-form, because I can't play the "numbers game" like a lot of the hardcore players on here... But, I certainly like the aggressive/nearly invincible gameplay style my human-only WS affords me (I came from fast-paced FPS games--So, aggressive, fast gameplay is my thing.)
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    its like raiiinnnn on your wedding its a free riiiideee when you've already paid

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's EXACTLY what I thought of when I read his post, which was, in fact, not really that ironic. Alanis Morissette is a genius for pissing everyone off with singing a song about irony with lyrics that didn't truly represent irony...

    ...Which, in and of itself.... Was ironic.

    Irony FTW.

    "The One"
  11. In 2011? Well, I couldn't be sure of what I would do 2 years or more from now... Heck, I may be dead then, and then I wouldn't be able to subscribe to anything at that point, would I? However, if we're going to continue on the hypothetical plane, I'd say... If CoH actually still existed alongside World of Heroes' release, then yes, I would subscribe to both... Hell, I already own 2 accounts in this game... Why not keep one, and use the money going towards the 2nd account for World of Heroes? NCSoft would still be getting the money either way.

    Which, brings up another interesting point. If NCSoft was in charge of making World of Heroes... If the playerbase was split, wouldn't they still be making the same amount of money?

    Actually, scratch that... I just realized the answer. They'd most likely be making MORE money, because the "splitting" part of the playerbase moving from CoH to World of Heroes would ALSO have to pay for the new game as well as switching their subscriptions from the old game to the new.

    On top of that, are you saying that City of Heroes will "last forever", because they have a "solid" game?

    Eventually, people will move on. You may be one of the more hardcore "I'll never leave this game until the day I die!" types, but not everyone is like that-ESPECIALLY gamer types... If there is a crowd with more ADD than you can shake a stick at, it'd be us. I stay with a game I really like for several years (CoH is the longest for me at nearly 4 years), but eventually, I don't play it anymore. I was "hardcore" into Unreal Tournament, but eventually I moved on to Unreal Tournament 2003, then 2004, then Unreal III....

    Players move forward, as does technology and game developers. This is a competetive market. There's already 2 or 3 other MMO superhero games about to be released out there. I'm sure in 3, maybe 4 more years, NCSoft is going to either have to step up their game, or try and support an *eventually* dwindling playerbase.

    "The One"
  12. I would definitely buy "World of Heroes" if it ever came out. I already got a system that can handle 10 times the graphics CoH can dish out... I'm ready for an engine upgrade.

    Don't get me wrong... I LOVE this game, and the gameplay mechanics... No other MMO has really appealed this much to me... But, CoH could definitely be improved on graphics-wise....

    One can certainly dream of an Unreal 3 or 4 graphics engine-powered World of Heroes in 2011 that would have unbelievable graphics, while still able to do the job on just about any system in that day and time...

    Unless, of course, you're still running your system from 1999 with Windows XP installed in 2011... :P

    *sigh*.... It's a nice thought, anyway.

    "The One"
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I've always maintained that raising a TriForm Kheldian through the levels, and then somewhere after Lightform for PB's and Eclipse for WS's and before your 40's you can definitely respec into a Human-only build and then have all the fun you want with a Human-only Kheldian.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I swear by my Human-only builds (both PB and WS), but my 2nd build (on both) is a tri-former with emphasis on Dwarf and Nova forms...

    I agree completely that making a tri-former (as in taking Nova form the moment it's available) when leveling up your Kheld for the first time is a HUGE bonus in survivability... Human-only builds take a lot of time to build and master (I'm still tweaking mine after over a year of playing around with the Human-only form--moving a slot here, changing an IO there, checking the advantages of franken-slotting there, etc...)

    But, I gotta tell 'ya... I have more fun with my human-only WS than any of my 30-something other toons... And I enjoy playing my other toons! :P

    "The One"
  14. If you get to keep Fitness Pool when you transform, then I get to have mezz protection if I choose to stay all human... :P

    "The One"
  15. Ahhh, ok... Thnx for the answer.

    "The One"
  16. Why do I not have the ability to reply to posts in the "Issue 15: Anniversary: Feedback (Open)" section of the forums? Isn't that where you are supposed to be able to post feeback for issue 15? I have no buttons showing "Quote," "Post," or "Quick Reply" or anything like that.

    Sarcastic "because the Devs hate you" remarks aside, is this part of the "forum transition" thing?

    "The One"
  17. Yeah, I've thought about it, but it seems you might have to sacrifice some valuable slots for damage in order to get the defense you want, and with Eclipse *possibly* maximizing your damage resist, it almost seems a little redundant. Yeah, you'd get hit a lot less, and when you were hit, it'd be for a small amount, but when you throw out your attacks, they wouldn't be near as effective as they could have been.

    "The One"
  18. The answer is all of the above. You get them while fighting in PvP zones, the Arena, and only when fighting other toons. (and having a victory over another toon, I might add)

    "The One"
  19. I'll shoot 'ya a vote for "yes." That looks pretty cool, and I can think of a few good possibilities for that as well... I would hope that the buttons stay black though.

    "The One"
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    2) Starting Passive (both) has 4 MAG protection to hold, sleep, disorient only;

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed, agreed some more, and agreed 40 million times over. /signed, /QFT, and whatever else I can say to completely agree with this.

    My fav toons to play on are my Khelds, but I am consistently pissed off that just because I decide to make a human-only form (my fav way to play them), I have to deal with being mezzed at least 50% of the time I'm playing against mezzers, teamed or not. The only thing I can hope for is an empath to be invited to the team who consistently shells out clear mind, but that's a 1 in 25,000 chance right there. (or at least feels like it)

    In my opinion, choosing what build you want your Khelds, whether it be human only, a dual build, or a tri-form, is part of the flavor of being a Kheld. So, choosing to be a human-only build should not be penalized mezz-wise "because you didn't pick dwarf form." What if my playstyle is not the same as yours? I think all forms should have at least more mezz protection--maybe not as much as dwarf form, but at least SOME mezz protection. Sure, getting hit by a quantum should be an auto stun, I could see that no problem. But, every mezzer in the game being pretty much an auto hit? C'mon... That's bull.

    Sorry, I just hate being mezzed for half the fight while the rest of the team does all the work. I prefer to participate in the "activities."

    "The One"
  21. I'd have to say the name (maybe not my best, but still...) that gets the MOST comments every time I log him on is:

    "Worst Warshade Ever"

    I like it. Keeps expectations low. All I can do is impress from that point on... :P

    "The One"
  22. I watch for the blinking to start, and immediately on "blink warning" hit pulsar for the stun, then back out of the heated battle--just enough to give me a little breathing room, and I hit a blue (any size) AS Lightform is crashing (hard to time, but can be done), and that allows me just enough end to activate both my heals. That gets me from almost zero health to over 75% health in less than 3 seconds. After that, you can use any strategy you want to mitigate damage while waiting for the end to start recovering... Personally, I might go ahead and start actvating shields, or I might pop one more blue real quick (depending on the size of the mob), and run in for a Dawn Strike as a "finishing move," since most of my end is gone anyway, so another end drain attack isn't going to make that big of a difference to me. I have a large number of other strategies I can go into as well, but it always tends to start with me hitting pulsar, popping one blue (therefore I carry up to 8 with me at all times), and then hitting both my heals. That gets me out of the "danger zone" health-wise extremely fast, and makes it easier to breathe while considering my next strategy.

    I actually love activating the power as often as I can, because I quite enjoy "heat of the moment" strategies... I like living on the edge and getting close to dying. The closer I get to dying without actually dying, the more adrenaline (and a lot less mind-numbing play) goes into every fight...

    Call me crazy, but that's how I roll. :P

    "The One"
  23. Well, if we had to go with "favorites", I'd have to say the trainer in Boomtown.

    My toons keep asking her out to dinner, but they keep getting turned down...


    "The One"
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    are you serious a paragonwiki??? awsome! i dont think i'll be askin questions again for a while

    this reminds me why i love playing CoX over other MMORPG's, it's the players, you guys are actually helpful, and fun to play with....hope to see you guys in the game....thanks all!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Kinda surprised that it wasn't one of the first responses to your question. Only thing is, I'd be careful looking around over there, I'm not sure how they treat the various spoilers in the game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, if you're wanting to be "suprised" by a story twist or not know what is going to happen next, I'd use ParagonWiki sparingly the *first* time you roll through the game for the best experience--that is, of course, unless you're in a rut!

    Once you've gone through "it all" though, I advise using ParagonWiki all the time! :P

    "The One"
  25. I've always wanted a blood-red Warshade... That would just pwn. :P

    "The One"