How do you deal with Lightform crashes?




Ok, so after a long time without Lightform, I've decided to dedicate my 2nd TriFormPB build to a build with Lightform. After respeccing (and with an completely unslotted build) I tried Lightform and after the 3 minutes (or however long it lasts), I crashed, of course.

I wasn't prepared for that crash and losing all HP and Endurance kinda freaked me out, especially the part where you can't regenerate and recover! So, my question is basically, how do you deal with this crash, what tactics do you employ to a) detect when LF is about to crash; b) protect yourself after LF crashed while you wait to regenerate and recover?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Set your buff bar to display the correct types of buffs so that Light Form is in the bar (I always show all buffs, being a Defender fan, so I don't know what option it is exactly). Set "blinking buffs" option to "on" so that in the last 10 seconds of Light Form, the buff icon will flicker in and out.

In your Insp Tray, combine med Insps to make purples and store them away all the time. Make a regular habit of this. Keep at least 6 meld/large Purples at all times, along with a couple blue and greens. 2 Med Purples (Good Luck) will soft cap your defense, and obviously a med/large or large/large will as well.

When Light Form starts blinking in your buff bar, eat two purples, then stack a Green and Blue in one of your Insp columns, and ideally nothing above them that you don't mind eating (another green and blue aren't bad). Hit Conserve Power if its up and you have it.

As soon as you can react to the crash (and your bars are draining), spam-click that Insps column, or spam the appropriate F-key to down the entire column of Insps. Hit a self-heal, then re-enable whatever toggles keep you alive (a shield or dwarf form), and wait out the -recovery crash before you start doing anything end heavy.

This is how I survive any hard crash power, but I'm not a fan of any of them now that none of them perma. But if you want a light form toon (I'm assuming for theme purposes, since triform is probably much better), I don't know any way to survive it besides copious candy.



I figured it is survivable with the "candy", but I was going for something like power-synergies, that perhaps would prevent the crash from being so bad... like maybe using Essence Boost and Conserve Power before the crash could actually lessen the health/endurance loss?

About monitoring the icons and their blinking, I already have the icons showing and blinking, but those visual cues are a little too subtle in the heat of battle.

My character is already a TriFormPB, but there are times where White Dwarf just doesn't cut it tanking-wise and seeing the numbers on Lightform, I figure it's a better tank-form at least for the limited time it's on. The crash though could kill you, and honestly, seeing as Warshades get Eclipse that can stack on top of the Black Dwarf armor, I'm left wanting here... you know?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



There is a neat trick that requires amazing amounts of luck and timing, but it can make activating Dull Pain kill you if Light Form crashes at the same time. I still laugh out loud whenever I manage to pull it off.

Since both of the crash effects are "value setting effects", you can't make them take less than they would by using powers. Activating Dull Pain will essentially leave you with 14% base hit points instead of 10%, but with a higher HP/sec regen due to higher cap. There's nothing that can be done to have end, so you just have to eat some candy no matter what.

I had a friend who was THE laziest player ever, and not a very good CoH player on top of that. He complained about forgetting to rebubble people every 4 minutes when playing his FF, so I suggested he get a digital egg timer and use it to keep track while he played. For some reason, he derived some perverse joy from this tactic, and it actually made him more attentive. Just a thought.



Definitely using Conserve Energy and Essence Boost right before, then popping into Dwarf as soon as you can (perhaps after popping a blue). After recovering a bit, I do an "emergency drop" to the phase shift to activate any other powers I might want to hit (like Hasten, human form self-heal, etc.) then going on with life. Usually in Dwarf form.



I end the fight as fast as possible. If it goes on for too long, I use Restore Essence.

Too many alts to list.



So, my question is basically, how do you deal with this crash, what tactics do you employ to a) detect when LF is about to crash;

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Watch for the flashing icon

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b) protect yourself after LF crashed while you wait to regenerate and recover?

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If the fight's not nearly over, have a blue and Qfly ready. You can combine/heal/retreat/whatever else you need to do with the extra time.

Of course, I tend to save lightform if I know there's a boss or some such coming up. Don't think I've had to worry about a mid-pivotal-battle LF crash.



I figured it is survivable with the "candy", but I was going for something like power-synergies, that perhaps would prevent the crash from being so bad... like maybe using Essence Boost and Conserve Power before the crash could actually lessen the health/endurance loss?

About monitoring the icons and their blinking, I already have the icons showing and blinking, but those visual cues are a little too subtle in the heat of battle.

My character is already a TriFormPB, but there are times where White Dwarf just doesn't cut it tanking-wise and seeing the numbers on Lightform, I figure it's a better tank-form at least for the limited time it's on. The crash though could kill you, and honestly, seeing as Warshades get Eclipse that can stack on top of the Black Dwarf armor, I'm left wanting here... you know?

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you'd still take the full health/end loss. That would help with costs to run toggles once you eat a blue insp though. On my SR scrapper I try to make sure I'm not fighting when elude crashes. I do so by using it as a panic button then waiting out the remaining duration after the room I needed elude for. I'd imagine lightform can be used similarly.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History




Of course, I tend to save lightform if I know there's a boss or some such coming up. Don't think I've had to worry about a mid-pivotal-battle LF crash.

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I pretty much only pop Lightform in order to fight a boss or some other expected foe, or as a sort of panic button after an unexpected ambush or something. In these situations, either I survive, and get ready to pop a heal and a blue later, or I die trying and needn't worry about it.



If I'm soloing, I usually just run away when the icon starts blinking. I survive alot more than not, then I'm back in the fight shortly.

On teams I'll just back away from the crowd, then when crash occurs, pop 1 blue, then hit heals, then turn shields back on, then conserve energy (maybe). I'm out of the fight less than 10 seconds, and again I hardly ever die when the crash comes.

And since I leveled without ever having Dwarf - I used Light Form alot.

At 50 and stronger IOs, my Human form is strong enough that I don't really need LF so much anymore. I can solo the two dueling Death Mage bosses in PI, or Nemesis and Warhulk bosses, and never even think about hitting Light Form.

I usually save LF now for EBs (but only soloing). On teams, Cosmic Balance often gives me enough extra resistance I still don't need it.

Pretty much the only time I'll *always* use it now is when I see a Giant Mob with a Boss in it (such as those giant cave rooms with 5 or 6 groups in it). I'll switch to LF, charge the boss, beat him down while firing off AoEs to whittle minions down, then I'll finish off the minions. Nearly always clear the room before the crash...



I already take those Death Mages and Nemesis/Warhulk Bosses (all orange, I usually don't bother fighting them when they're less than orange) with mostly my White Dwarf so Lightform may prove to be somewhat of an overkill?

Anyway, it seems the synergy between QFlight and LF should be helpful, but I don't want to invest in taking QFlight and giving up something else just to make LF safer. Is QFlight so important for this?

Also, what about the Fitness Pool, can you easily survive LF crashes without Health/Stamina?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I don't generally use Light Form in the middle of battle, unless it's going badly. I hate the crash myself.

I usually reserve using it for when a battle goes REALLY badly and I die. I then hit Restore Essence and Light Form in quick succession.

I just use it as a quick "Get back into battle with extra defense." buff. It gives me a reason to actually use that self-rez that I picked up.

I know it isn't the original purpose of the power, but that's the point of personal gameplay.




I know it isn't the original purpose of the power, but that's the point of personal gameplay.

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I might use the power like that myself, and I can definitely respect personal gameplay choices. Thanks for the suggesion.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



By not taking it.

Seriously, it's one of those powers I just hate, hate, HATE. It's so downright lazy. It replaces my character with a brace of white particle emitters orbiting the point where her navel was a moment ago. Oooooh, that must have taken some GFX designer all of a minute and a half to slap together!

And then there's the crash. So, I just don't bother. Even my humanform PB just carries a breakfree or two and builds for defense. Otherwise, try simply popping into lobsterform.



Dude, it's Crabform. Sheesh.



No real stratergy for me besides watching the LF Icon. I generally don't run since I have too much pride but won't deny doing that occasionally. I make sure to carry one blue with me. If the fight is too much I pop it, use Conserve Energy, then use Quantum Flight for a get away. If it's a fight I'm sure I can handle, I pop it, hit Conserve Energy and then turn to Dwarf Form and use Flare to knockdown (hopefully) foes and only Flare, until I see end recovering. Sometimes I just hit Dwarf Form and ride it out without blues, powers or attacks, but only against weaker foes and that is succesful only half the time.

That's Solo. I'm sure it need not be said but just in case for newer players when your in a team and playing Any AT that has a crash power, inform the team it's happening (if you can) and stay. A lot of teamates can help with Buffs and/or inspires but too many players have this flee mentality that causes them to run and die somewhere off yonder. I say this as both the Crashee and with some Alts the teamate who has a buff click waiting to fire. I've seen more team wipes due to such panic then most other reasons at the higher levels.



You can buy IO recipe for Intangibility. It is a Click not a toggle. Lasts 30 seconds and gives you 10 charges per recipe. I wish they would make the Concealment power pool like this as a click not a toggle. Get the Intangibility recipe power. When light form starts blinking and your in the middle of battle. Click it. Take the 30 secs to recover.



By not taking it.

Seriously, it's one of those powers I just hate, hate, HATE. It's so downright lazy. It replaces my character with a brace of white particle emitters orbiting the point where her navel was a moment ago. Oooooh, that must have taken some GFX designer all of a minute and a half to slap together!

And then there's the crash. So, I just don't bother. Even my humanform PB just carries a breakfree or two and builds for defense. Otherwise, try simply popping into lobsterform.

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Well, honestly, I strongly dislike the *look* of Lightform too. I guess it's supposed to be your 'natural' kheldian form, but I like the Human form's animations. I don't know why it can't be just a Humanoid body of Light...

I'll always keep Lightform cuz it's so Uber when it's used. The crash has never been much of a problem. It's heavy, sure, but that's the price for the power.



I die...then rez, hit essence and toggle up. Or if I actually survive long enough pop a blue, conserve energy and toggle up. Generally I see the icon blinking and run for cover, rest then toggle up. I like the suggestion of pre-popping purps tho, will give that a try. As I play a human-only PB Dwarf is not an option but if I had it I would replace "toggle up" with "go Dwarf".



I use lightform specifically at the end of an EB fight, when I'm out of purples and need to maximize my damage reduction while staying in the fight. That's the only use I have for it. As a result, the "crash" doesn't matter. Either the EB is down and I can wait out the crash, or I'm down and can use the self-rez or hospital.



In addition to being aware of the crash and popping Conserve Energy before it happens, I also pop Eye of the Magus and GEAS if they're up and if I don't have purps or oranges available. Once the crash hits, I pop the heals as quickly as possible, hoping that the EotM can offset any incoming damage before I can get the self heals going. As long as my HP is in a comfortable range, I stay in the fight and Conserve Energy sometimes lets me squeeze out a few attacks. I don't worry about bringing my shields back up and instead rely on EotM to hold up until the end crash finishes. Once GEAS shoots my end right back up, I start putting up all my shields.

If EotM and GEAS are not up, I substitute them with purps and oranges and use the blues to deal with the end crash, but I use the same strategy. But in most cases, I usually have the inspirations I need to deal w/ the LF crash, so I alternate between using the accolades and inspirations.

Mission Architect arc: The Hive Connection, Arc ID: 96660
Triumph: (@UltraBatz)
UltraBatz, lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper (1355 badges)
UberBatz, lvl 50 Peacebringer (769 badges)

SG: The Steel Paladins, Fusion Force



I watch for the blinking to start, and immediately on "blink warning" hit pulsar for the stun, then back out of the heated battle--just enough to give me a little breathing room, and I hit a blue (any size) AS Lightform is crashing (hard to time, but can be done), and that allows me just enough end to activate both my heals. That gets me from almost zero health to over 75% health in less than 3 seconds. After that, you can use any strategy you want to mitigate damage while waiting for the end to start recovering... Personally, I might go ahead and start actvating shields, or I might pop one more blue real quick (depending on the size of the mob), and run in for a Dawn Strike as a "finishing move," since most of my end is gone anyway, so another end drain attack isn't going to make that big of a difference to me. I have a large number of other strategies I can go into as well, but it always tends to start with me hitting pulsar, popping one blue (therefore I carry up to 8 with me at all times), and then hitting both my heals. That gets me out of the "danger zone" health-wise extremely fast, and makes it easier to breathe while considering my next strategy.

I actually love activating the power as often as I can, because I quite enjoy "heat of the moment" strategies... I like living on the edge and getting close to dying. The closer I get to dying without actually dying, the more adrenaline (and a lot less mind-numbing play) goes into every fight...

Call me crazy, but that's how I roll. :P

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Dude, it's Crabform. Sheesh.

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I am a giant radioactive mutant space crustacean! I am too fabulous to be questioned.


Well, honestly, I strongly dislike the *look* of Lightform too. I guess it's supposed to be your 'natural' kheldian form, but I like the Human form's animations. I don't know why it can't be just a Humanoid body of Light...

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See, that's what I expected, too. Then I finally get to 38, I get the power and try it out and .... I'm a little ball of light. I trigger a power and ... do I wobble a little? Am I doing anything?

And I just never like powers that come with a crash. Personal preferences and all that.




Of course, I tend to save lightform if I know there's a boss or some such coming up. Don't think I've had to worry about a mid-pivotal-battle LF crash.

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I pretty much only pop Lightform in order to fight a boss or some other expected foe, or as a sort of panic button after an unexpected ambush or something. In these situations, either I survive, and get ready to pop a heal and a blue later, or I die trying and needn't worry about it.

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Same here.

If crap is hitting the fan and Dwarf form/Essence Boost doesn't do it for me, then yeah, Light Form it is. Also, if I know a boss fight is coming up, I save Light Form for that fight, and pop it right before engaging the boss spawn. I don't recall having to worry about Light form dropping during fights since engaging the blinking buff icon. Its pretty much idiot-proof at that point. If you see your LF buff blinking, you've got 10 seconds to either finish up the battle (if you haven't already) or run.

Once it crashes, I don't believe there's actually a -regen/-recovery debuff that prevents you from regaining health/endurance at the standard rate. Also, I tend to hit rest right before it crashes so that I can start recuperating right away.

IF I were to be in a situation where LF was crashing and:

1) the fight wasn't over, and/or
2) I could not run

I would have my finger over the Function keys for my insps to pop a couple of greens and blues the second AFTER the crash happened (doing so during the crash may well waste the insps, as the crash just sets End at 0 and health at 10% of your full amount, rather than subtracting values from your existing end/health).

Then I'd pop Essence Boost if need be.

Hitting Conserve Energy will do nothing to lessen or prevent the Endurance crash when LF times out IME.