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  1. I agree with Grey that while Air Superiority can be a very useful attack, it is by-and-large unnecessary on an El/El Blapper. With Short Circuit and Power Sink alone you can completely drain most mobs of their endurance (and by "most" I mean "all save the mobs you miss with SC" because PS is auto-hit), making your life fairly easy most of the time. Combining them with Tesla Cage (a Hold and -Recovery power) and Shocking Grasp (a decent DoT damage Hold).

    As an E3 you can get a second ranged hold with Shocking Bolt which, when combined with TC and SG, can easily perma-hold most bosses and EB's that don't have PToD.

    Those powers combined with the bit of -End you get with your attacks will keep most if not all mobs in a given spawn from attacking much. The melee attacks in Electric Manipulation are pretty nice, IMO. While I'm not a huge fan of the KB from Thunder Strike, its still a fun and hard-hitting attack.
  2. It definitely depends on what you're comfortable with and what build you're playing, IMO.
    My lvl 50 E3 solos on non-Cimeroran +3/+3 spawns with Bosses and no AV's solo without a problem (it was my first toon, and I still find it very easy to solo with). I can finally do +2/+3 on my lvl 50 F3, but its still *very* dicey, and RotP figures into the decision to solo on those settings at some point (which I'm not exactly proud to admit, but hey... what good is pride anyway?).

    My lvl 50 Psy/MMM/EM and my lvl 32 Ice/Ice are fine on +2/+3. Things occasionally get interesting, but usually +2/+3 is very manageable for them. Someone who plays more often than I have been able to over the past year+ might be able to do more.
  3. My Ice/Ice Blaster just hit lvl 32, and I find that I have a pretty good amount of damage mitigation with Freeze Ray, Bitter Freeze Ray, Chilling Embrace, and Ice Slick with no set bonuses yet. I am one of the many who will take a tough spawn solo by pulling them into an Ice Slick that I've hidden around a corner, then coupling it with CE to keep anyone who does stand up long enough to take a swing at me from doing so often.

    I am finding that with Flight I don't have to worry much about KB, but I have to remember to turn it off before laying down an Ice Slick (not sure if you need to be on the ground to activate it or not, but rather than not being near enough to the ground, I just turn it off and then turn it back on), so I *may* respec into super speed and save up for a BotZ -KB to stick into it.

    Are the Leadership and/or Fighting pools are useful on a Blaster? Honestly, this one is a matter of personal preference, I find. Leadership is a great pool to take when there are other players who take it to stack with yours or if you PvP regularly and want Tactics. Otherwise Assault is a mildly decent damage buff if you can afford a second slot in it to reduce the Endurance cost.

    Fighting.... again, probably a matter of personal preference. I have never felt the need to take any part of the fighting pool on any powerset combo I have ever played in this game... and I have played a LOT of combos. However, I can see people taking it to get to Tough and/or Weave to eke out a little bit of extra Resistance and/or Defense (the Steadfast Res/Def IO fits well into Tough, obviously).

    Again, to each their own, but I find that neither the Leadership nor Fighting pools are necessary with an Ice/Ice Blaster (or a E3, or a Psy/MM, or a Sonic/EM). A Fire/Fire Blaster... if you build for Recovery bonuses, then I could possibly see them being worth it to stack with whatever Ancillary PP armor you may take.
  4. Hyp3r

    WS soloings?

    I'm late to the party as usual, but allow me to add my voice to the masses in that my tri-form WS (who has no set IO's or HO's... altitis is a disease, what can I say? ) has an *extremely* easy time soloing on either the second most difficult or most difficult setting.

    Without any set IO's I need insps to beat some bosses and a lot of insps to beat an EB (even with the easier EB's it takes me just about a whole tray of insps and time to beat them with my WS slotted with just SO's and some generic IO's).
  5. Cool... glad it worked for 32-bit installs as well!
  6. I just installed Win7 Pro (x64... clean install as I was running XP x64 prior) yesterday and installed the CoH client today. At first I was running into the same issue noted in this thread. I went and pulled down CoH Helper to post my config/diag info, and then thought I'd poke around the Properties of the CoH app. I noted that it was set to Run as Administrator, but that it was also running under XP Compatibility Mode (SP3). I disabled Compatibility Mode and fired up the client... BAM... it started up much more quickly, and there was no issue getting from the char selection screen into whatever zone the toon was parked in.

    So, while I'm not saying that it should work for everyone, what worked for me is:

    1) Make sure that the CoH client is running under Administrator creds, and
    2) Turn off Windows XP Compatibility Mode.

    If that solves the issue, post it here so that others will know for sure if it worked or not. Since I'm running a 64-bit OS, it might possibly have been why doing the above worked for me.
  7. Banes don't get Defense Debuff resistance, IIRC, and Widows get Mind Link... which, when combined with the other Defense-based powers in their tree can get them close to the soft cap.... and its easy to make it perma on a Night Widow.

    Just sayin'...
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    yes elec/elec or elec/eng has soome great defiance chain atks ...ppl say sparky sucks but if you boost/aim./build up/ sparky/ aoe's the damg boost some1 quotes was in like 26% i dont look at the numbers but i notice a diff in his dmg if i do that and if i just summon.... low starting dmg yes but its not resisted much and has good potential else were

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think Sparky's Defiance buff alone is closer to 30%.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    It has been said time and time again, and people still disagree. To some, Electric Blast needs to be reworked, whether that means more end drain spread out amongst the rest of the powers, upping Voltaic Cell's damage output, etc. To others, Electric Blast is fine as-is, and people just need to realize that it plays differently than other powersets.

    Personally, I have a foot in both parties. I enjoy playing my Elec^3 blaster now, but that's only because I have gotten past my "this-isn't-what-I-was-expecting-at-all" stage. I can't see them replacing a power in an existing powerset, so there are a couple things that could tweak the set just enough.

    1. Change around the End Drain. From what I can see, NPC Enemy endurance doesn't work the same as ours, and they can use any attack provided that they have the slightest sliver of a blue bar. To modify this, perhaps make the end drain a bit stronger in some of the other powers.


    2. Up the damage output. I think this could mostly be done by making some changes to Voltaic Sentinel (although upping the numbers of Short Circuit could work as well). If Voltaic Sentinel put out more damage with each attack, OR had more than just one attack, OR had a quicker attack rate, OR could be summoned in duplicates, etc. it might be viewed as a more viable power. Note: I am not bashing VS, because I love the damage boost it gives me. But when it is slotted the same as Charged Bolts but isn't putting out the same numbers with each attack, and then has to be re-summoned every minute, it can get very tiring. A few tweaks is all it needs.

    There's my 2 cents.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm actually not adverse to adding appreciable damage to Tesla Cage... although the -Recovery debuff on top of the Mag 3 Hold makes it plenty fine for me. It would end up making for a more appreciable ST attack chain than CB/LB/repeat (although most Blasters who play elec/ have attacks from their secondary to cycle in).
  10. I teamed with one other elec/elec on decent sized teams in the past... never more than that though. Having two on the same team made most fight ridiculously easy.
  11. To me, the only downer about end drain with Elec Blast is the long animation time of Short Circuit, but considering that as an Elec/Elec, I can drain whole spawns (including bosses) of their endurance at once, that's a minimal problem for me (unless I'm fighting large groups of mobs with high defense... in which case its a pain to be rooted for ~3 seconds while SC fires off.
    On the upside, SC also does damage, and used with Static Discharge and Ball Lightning, makes for part of a decent opening AoE chain.

    Loading End Drain into Elec's attacks isn't a bad idea, per se. they do that now, but most of us don't slot the attacks for Endurance Drain. If we did, we would most likely see a decent amount of drain happen with every hit, but suffer the consequences of dealing less damage (and after all, we're Blasters! ). However, a slight bump up in the amount of drain to the ST attacks (or maybe even just a mild -Recovery debuff tacked on to them) wouldn't be game-breaking, IMO.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Those numbers are very, very misleading. They're also incorrect--your division's wrong. I'm not sure why, but it is. For example, Ball Lightning's single-target DPA should be 59.64 (63.81 Damage / 1.07 Activation Time). There are division errors all the way through your data--you'll want to recheck them all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, they're exactly as accurate as City of Data is and account for Arcanatime. Straight divisions are what's misleading. And I already said that if you manage to hit the AoE cap for SS, you catch up to the cone attacks or ranged AoEs, but again, if your starting point is 1/2 of those other attacks, you're still not catching all the way up, even if you happen to hit all 16 mobs, which, lets face it, rarely happens.

    Elec might beat out Ice becaues Ice Storm recharges so slowly, but then IC has approx 3x the DPA or SS (yeah, yeah, it's a rain). Blizzard also far outdamages TB too--I'd call those two a wash. Elec absolutely does not beat out En (hardly an AoE powerhouse itself) for any practical purposes. Ball Lightning does a hair more damage than ET, but ET recharges faster, and EB outdamages & outrecharges SS. Yes, you could argue Elec does decent AoE damage (more than En or Ice) given absolutely perfect conditions, but for most practical situations, it's below average.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    One thing to note here:

    Blizzard has such high numbers for damage because half of its damage is typed as Lethal, which is heavily resisted in the game from the 30's on.

    TB is weaker numerically because its a Targeted AoE attack (i.e., mobs can't run out of the nukes AoE), but only 20-25% of its damage is Smashing (also heavily resisted). The remainder is all Energy damage (which, while somewhat more commonly resisted in the later game, is still far less-resisted by most mob types than Lethal).

    As a lvl 50 E3 Blaster, I can easily say that Elec/ is not a Blaster primary that will mow mobs down all that quickly unless paired with a secondary that adds significant damage capability (Fire/MM/Elec/nrg). However, it does have good mitigation, and despite the maligning of Sparky by many forum-goers, I have I have to say that I find it very helpful in helping take out hard targets more easily. Bosses and higher go down much faster with Sparky around (and not just because of his rather large Defiance buff), and while Sparky sometimes attacks minions that you're attacking, it has been helpful in taking out runners with a sliver of health left as well.

    So yeah, not huge on the damage scale based on raw numbers, but unless you take, say, /Ice as your secondary, you're not really going to be hurting for overall damage output. You won't mow stuff down like a Arch/MM will, but you'll take spawns out with relative ease and safety.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Sir, you need to level your Warshade a bit. You don't even have the pets, of which you can have multiple out, and they do about as much damage as you do. Warshades really start to shine around level 40, and there's little that can keep up with them after that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am inclined to agree.

    Actually, From about lvl 34 or so on... Warshades are nasty.
    Basically once you have your pets slotted, as well as your mez powers and Mires. You basically take out minions en masse, Lieuts with relative ease, and bosses with moderate difficulty, and end pretty much every fight with full green and blue bars.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Of course, I tend to save lightform if I know there's a boss or some such coming up. Don't think I've had to worry about a mid-pivotal-battle LF crash.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I pretty much only pop Lightform in order to fight a boss or some other expected foe, or as a sort of panic button after an unexpected ambush or something. In these situations, either I survive, and get ready to pop a heal and a blue later, or I die trying and needn't worry about it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Same here.

    If crap is hitting the fan and Dwarf form/Essence Boost doesn't do it for me, then yeah, Light Form it is. Also, if I know a boss fight is coming up, I save Light Form for that fight, and pop it right before engaging the boss spawn. I don't recall having to worry about Light form dropping during fights since engaging the blinking buff icon. Its pretty much idiot-proof at that point. If you see your LF buff blinking, you've got 10 seconds to either finish up the battle (if you haven't already) or run.

    Once it crashes, I don't believe there's actually a -regen/-recovery debuff that prevents you from regaining health/endurance at the standard rate. Also, I tend to hit rest right before it crashes so that I can start recuperating right away.

    IF I were to be in a situation where LF was crashing and:

    1) the fight wasn't over, and/or
    2) I could not run

    I would have my finger over the Function keys for my insps to pop a couple of greens and blues the second AFTER the crash happened (doing so during the crash may well waste the insps, as the crash just sets End at 0 and health at 10% of your full amount, rather than subtracting values from your existing end/health).

    Then I'd pop Essence Boost if need be.

    Hitting Conserve Energy will do nothing to lessen or prevent the Endurance crash when LF times out IME.
  15. As someone with a Lvl 50 PB, WS, and Crab... and a lvl 49 Fortunata:

    I enjoy the hero and villain epic archetypes for different reasons, but I have to say that I agree that VEATS are easy mode. My Crab was a blast to play, and he just got more and more powerful... able to take out groups of mobs at once and summon multiple pets to eat aggro and dish out extra damage. My Fortunata has so much in the way of control and defenses that she rarely has to pop a purple or green insp, if ever. I've literally played Tanker on teams as a Fort, because the combination of control and Defense allows me to stay standing pretty easily (and no, I'm not soft-capped).

    By comparison, my PB was effective from lvl's 1-50, but was easily more challenging to play than either VEAT because of his lack of mez protection outside of Dwarf/Light form. That's not a big deal though... having played a Blaster as my first toon, its not a big deal to mitigate mez most of the time.

    My WS was painful to play until about lvl 20, and then it just got better and better until, by the early 40's, it was a lawnmower on minions... and the only time I really had to slow down and be careful was around bosses, whereas my PB didn't much worry about bosses (especially after getting Light Form), but had to do a lot of form-switching to string together a decent AoE attack chain to soften up large groups of minions/lieuts.

    Khelds, for me, are definitely more of a challenge than VEATs, but are still fun to play, albeit in a different way.
  16. Hyp3r


    To the OP:

    From my own experiences playing an Elec3 build:

    Running Manuvers just for the LoTG +Rech is going to be tough. The Leadership pool toggles use a good amount of endurance (about twice that of most regular toggles at .39 end/sec). Even with Stamina, the Perf. Shifter proc, and Power Sink, you WILL find yourself hurting for endurance if you string together attacks in a chain like most Blasters to.

    If you're going to go the Leadership route, might I suggest the following to tweak your build a tiny bit:

    1) invest some slots into Maneuvers, a couple for End redux and Defense, and then 2-3 for uniques (namely, the LoTG _Rech, a Karma -KB, and possibly a Kismet +Acc). FYI, you could also stick any of these IO's in Combat Jumping as well.

    2) consider skipping Tactics and taking either Aim, Build Up, or both much earlier. Tactics is a GREAT power, but if you're soloing most of the time it will be hard on your endurance, and the Acc from your enhancements plus Aim/BU/both, and possibly the Kismet +Acc unique could make up for most of the benefit of Tactics (not entirely, I realize, and also you wouldn't get the +Perception that you'd get from Tactics, but it bears noting).

    3) This is just me, but considering you've got Swift 3x slotted and have Super Jump, you could save yourself the slots in Sprint and instead go with Blessing of the Zephyr in Super Leap or Combat Jumping (or both if you can slot it multiple times... don't remember if you can slot the full set multiple times or not) and get decent Defense bonuses to Ranged and AoE as well as -4mag KB protection. If you slotted the Karma -4mag KB protection in Maneuvers, plus 1-2 of the -4mag KB BotZ IO (in Combat Jumping and/or Super Leap) you'd get -8-12mag KB protection, which would more or less preclude the need to get Acrobatics for PvE play.

    4) Charged Armor is pretty helpful except when you're mezzed. One thing you may want to consider doing (again, this is to help you skip Acrobatics in your build and save yourself a power slot and some endurance in the process) you could drop the Steadfast Protection -4mag KB IO in CA for extra KB protection in addition to the other suggested powers... as well as possibly the Steadfast Res/Def unique for +3 Def global.

    So many options...
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Thx for the info and ideas.

    I'm not too concerned with how I will affect teams because I solo. I just need to be able to lock down multiple mobs and kill them without getting hit. The end drain seems to be the way I should focus the build, since without end there can't be any incoming damage. I also want to maximize the way I can hold mobs because that is paramount I think. I haven't decided yet if clap is something I will get or not. In a pinch it seems like a good way to keep mobs off when i'm waiting for recharges.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have to say, once I started using End Drain as my main mitigation tactic, it was pretty awesome. There are a few mobs/mob types where you will have a harder time though. Offhand, Cimerorans come to mind. The have pretty decent Defense, which means that at least a couple will get missed when you fire off SC unfortunately. Also, they tend to hit easily and regularly too thanks to the inherent acc bonus they get from using handheld weapons and that their secondary effect is a Defense Debuff.

    Also, if you're only going to solo, then yeah, LC could come in handy in a pinch to get mobs off your back. It would be detrimental for your PBAoE drains, but if you didn't have time to fire them off or were waiting on recharges like you said, it could work out well to have that in your toolbox, so to speak.
  18. As a RANGED Elec/Elec specifically you'll find yourself somewhat lacking in overall damage output compared to other Blasters. I tried going that route, until I learned that Short Circuit + Power Sink == drained spawn in most cases.

    IF you're going to not take most of the attacks in the /Elec secondary to pair with the Elec/ primary, at least consider taking the following:

    [u]Power Sink[u] - for obvious reasons... combined with Short Circuit you can completely drain entire spawns of their endurance, and re-applying one or the other will keep them drained as long as they're in range. Also, each mob you hit with it (its auto-hit) transfers some Endurance to you.

    [u]Build Up[u] - again, for obvious reasons... it adds 60% Acc and 100% damage buffs to your attacks for the next ~10 seconds, and after all, you're a Blaster.

    [u]Shocking Grasp[u] - technically, its a melee attack, but it almost doesn't look like one. Besides the fact that it does good damage over time, its also a Mag 3 hold. Sure its a melee hold, but it animates very quickly, and combined with Tesla Cage from the Elec/ primary, you can lock down a boss (or two Lieuts, or a Lieut and a Minion, or two Minions).

    As far as taking Lightning Clap goes... if you're going all ranged... I guess it would make sense to have LC as an OSB, but be VERY wary of using it AT ALL on teams. In most cases you'll just tick off rest of the team, particularly aggro managers and toons who's buffs/debuffs/attacks are best-used on tightly packed spawns.

    As an Elec/Elec, I tried out different ways to play the combo (it was my first toon in CoH, actually) and eventually found a mix of blasting/blapping worked very well. Once Electric Mastery came out for Blasters, I was absolutely ecstatic, as I was able to include a third hold (Shocking Bolt, a ranged hold attack) to go with Tesla Cage and Shocking Grasp, and nice Cone attack (Static Discharge) to flesh out a somewhat respectable AoE chain (along with Ball Lightning and Short Circuit).
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    You play a lot of defenders according to your sig, I'm a little surprised you haven't recognized the value in shields.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Shields are nice. The be-all end-all of everything.... not so much. I appreciate ones that keep everyone from being stunned/mezzed ad infinitum during Ship Raids; most of the rest, I find nice but pretty forgettable.

    Unless its a really horrible shield like the ice ones, which I want off me ASAP. Shields have their uses; i do not fall down and worship at the mere idea of 'em though.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, right on! They're almost (not totally, but almost) as worthless as using Darkest Night, amirite?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As worthless as using RI and EF on a mob in the center of an immob'd spawn, I'd say.

    As far as the OP goes, if someone doesn't want bubs on their toon for costume vanity reasons, I see no need to dish them out anyway. I would flat out refuse to turn off Dispersion Bubble, because that affects the whole team, but if the someone doesn't want the benefit that bubbles give purely out of vanity reasons, let them suffer the consequences.
  20. Hmm... I was not aware of the base 95% chance to hit OSA. Good to know.

    There's still the issue of people who didn't take a Tech or Magic origin and therefore don't have an inherent to ignite OSA.

    And as far as this goes:

    [ QUOTE ]

    Each time you fire Blazing Arrow at the oil slick, you're not firing it at an enemy and therefore wasting the damage from that shot. Sure, it recharges, but since it's the big hammer in the archery toolbox, using it for no greater effect than the piddly origin power seems like a waste to me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Also a good point, but when you're basically melting an entire spawn at once (along with debuffs and RoA), do you *really* need to have BA up that one more time? IME, not really. That's me though, and YMMV, of course.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Not to mention if BA misses, it's a somewhat long wait to try again. If apprentice charm misses, it's a short wait or you can try immediately with blazing arrow.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I see what you're saying, and sure, being able to fire off an inherent again quickly is nice, but with Hasten and and two Rech IO's in BA its not much of a wait (never mind if a given player has a fair amount of global Recharge from set bonuses to further reduce BA's recharge time).

    Additionally, the base Acc on most attacks in the Archery set, BA included, is 1.55... and its enhanceable, as opposed to the inherent attacks you get with origins (base acc of 1.0 and non-enhanceable except through outside To-Hit buffs or Defense Debuffs on your target... which BA also benefits from).

    In my TA's career from lvl 26 on I've missed OSA with BA... hmm... maybe five times? Maybe... and that usually only mattered when I was solo. When I was teamed, there was generally a teammate with an ability that could (and often did) ignite OSA.

    Besides, not all of us knew to take a certain origin to get an inherent attack that would ignite OSA.

    Saying to not use BA to ignite OSA is a somewhat bad thing to promote on the boards to less-experienced players, IMO.
    For one thing it works perfectly well,
    Secondly, it does so much more often than an inherent attack will based on BA's inherent Accuracy bonus and its ability to enhance Accuracy. Why worry about having to re-fire your inherent attack with its relatively short range compared to the highly accurate, longer ranged single-target attack you have in your secondary that recharges in less than 10 seconds (unless you don't bother putting any recharge in BA, and if that's how you build, then those are the consequences you suffer, I suppose).

    As far as using BA to light OSA being a "waste" of BA... that's kind of an odd argument also, considering that BA recharges and can be used over and over again like every other attack.

    Its not like a nuke on a three minute timer. With two Rech IO's it recharges in ~5 seconds... add in Hasten and any Global Recharge bonuses from IO sets, and it can get to be significantly less than that. So... yeah. I'll stick with BA to light OSA, and if anything is left standing after Debuffs/OSA/RoA... then I'll fire off BA again to finish it off, I'll guess.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I've got one at 50 and it was a blast. I ran with Assault and Tactics and found I had no trouble finding teams. They love the debuffs and leadership.

    One single problem: I want oil slick to ALWAYS LIGHT. Argh!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have that problem, and it is the BANE of my TA/A

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Its the bane of every TA. Can't stand it when OSA doesn't light.

    To the OP... you can expect to bring significant Resistance/Defense Debuffs (Disruption/OSA/Acid), some soft control in the form of slows/knockdowns (Glue/OSA), one hold (Ice Arrow), and a KB (Explosive Arrow), Damage Debuffs (PGA), and a slight To-Hit Debuff and -Perception (Flash Arrow).... assuming you take all of them.

    Thats not counting your ability to light OSA on Fire with Blazing Arrow and melt mobs, and/or use RoA to rain pointy sticks of death down on a spawn... doing significant damage do them.
    Your AoE damage contribution to a team is nothing any team should take for granted... thats for sure. I was on a 8 person team with my TA/Arch and another TA/Arch. Between the two of us we were able to help the team move VERY quickly through RWZ mishes.... it was too easy after a while.

    I have to say though, playing solo in the low levels was TOUGH... mostly because Defender damage with /Arch is confounded by the fact that you don't get far into the game before most of the mobs you encounter have at least a minor (if not significantly higher) resistance to Lethal damage.

    If you build to contribute to teaming and play accordingly, any team will have a much easier time tearing through tough mobs with you there.
  23. As far as the OP goes, I've played four Defenders to- or very close to level 50. I wouldn't say any of them could keep up in speed of soloing with any of my more damage oriented tunes, but they usually do so at an acceptable pace for me with a good amount of survivability.

    In terms of how fast I was able to solo mishes on Unyielding or Invincible with them, I would rate them in this order (Yes, I went with de facto standard builds because I wanted to see how they played with their logical counterpart:


    So... purely from a speed perspective, I found that my Rad/Rad soloed the fastest. Mind you, thats in relation to my other Defenders. By "solo", I mean playing either Police Band or Contact door missions solo. I do not mean running AE farms.
  24. Hyp3r

    Gravity wormhole

    [ QUOTE ]
    I was mostly concerned with the enemies wandering around disoriented AFTER Wormhole...
    So more specifically... do you think it matters if crushing field ( the AOE Immob) is applied before or after Wormhole if I want to prevent disoriented wandering? Does the Immob effect last after wormhole is applied?
    FYI I have 3 damage procs slotted in CF, which is why I use it often...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I always use CF after Wormhole. That order works very well for me.
  25. Hyp3r


    I went Psi/MM, and I'm glad I did, but I can say that despite the cons that min/maxers mention (high recharge/cast times of some of the attacks, the borked versions of Will Domination and Psi 'nado, low AoE damage, and mish-mosh/non-stackable controls, its still a fun set, IMO. Admittedly, I think it could use a bit of a buff... a bump up in damage for Will Dom would be my choice, and maybe give a slight damage buff or Endurance discount to Psi'nado considering that, other than the nuke, its the only AoE in the set and its Endurance cost for what it does is kind of ridiculous.