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  1. AkuTenshiiZero

    A suggestion

    As a side note: What makes this worse is the fact that it only further murders your load time, since now the game is not only loading, it's calculating your butt getting kicked. A similar issue occurs when someone TPorts you as soon as they can, despite you not acctually "being there" (I encounter this issue alot with my Recall-happy partner...).

    You know, this would be less of a problem if you simply remained in "loading limbo" until everything is finished. Why your character appears before it's complete is beyond me, but probably involves a complex bunch of technical mumbo-jumbo that I could never hope to understand...
  2. I'm still waiting for Patron Pool customization, myself. I was fairly shocked to find it couldn't be altered.
  3. Definitely something funky going on with AVs lately. I recently fought Silver Mantis twice in an 8-man team on a Safeguard. Both times we had to let her escape because we were in a complete stalemate, unable to damage her fast enough to beat her regeneration...

    And these 8-man teams consisted largely of Blasters and Scrappers. There's something wrong with the world when a heavy-DPS team can't scratch a target.
  4. So, by those numbers, a Mastermind could in fact DF a Boss...Interesting. Even more interesting is that AV's have a suprisingly low protection and could also be DFed...

    I just might have to considder taking it. After a bit of my own research, I found you can get DF to a near 1:1 up/down ratio. Coupled with the ability to pin down AVs...It's situational as all hell, but could be a godsend in said situations.
  5. AkuTenshiiZero

    A suggestion

    Definitely more than one of these out there redside. I feel your pain, dude, this has happened to me multiple times in the past.

    If I die due to my own failings, I don't mind. If I die because the enemy caught me off guard or weakened, I don't mind. If an enemy is just too damn powerful...Well, something should probably be done but I'll figure out how to deal with it until then.

    If I die because the enemy can see my character before I can, well eff you. I want no part of that. I run a medeocre PC, and average at least 3 minutes load time. That's more than enough time for me to get killed when there is literally nothing that I can do about it.
  6. I'm acctually sort of curious now...How does DF function against mez resistances and/or protection? Could a Boss resist it? Could anything? If I could, for example, pin down an EB for 30 seconds...Then making them invincable during that time may not be such a bad tradeoff.

    The effects listed are Untouchable, AffectSelf, and Immobilize. Maybe the Immobilize would be resisted, but I don't know if anything out there has resistances or protection against the other two...

    I've never taken or used the power personally, but I'm wondering if I misjudged it now.
  7. A heal targeting you will always execute .00001 seconds after you've recieved the final killing blow.

    If a heal does hit you in time to save you from certain death, it will always be after you have consumed at least two greens.

    Your protector bots will always heal your assault bot at the exact moment you pop Repair. One or all of your bots will die within the next 5 seconds afterwards.

    You will never have a CaB when you need one. Never.

    Master Illusionists will always be invincable at the exact moment you execute your nuke, a mez, or an otherwise lethal blow. After this, your death is usually instantaneous.
  8. Shameless Plug:

    Neither of mine involve saving the world. One is a one-mission bank heist, the other is a full five-mission plot to take down Statesman and Recluse. Don't remember the arc numbers, but look me up under @Rose Prince if you feel like leaving the world-saving to someone else.
  9. My musings on the matter have always been that it's not what we're throwing at them that matters, it's what they can take.

    For instance, once you get past "street gang" level and start moving into the more exotic enemies, it's easy to believe that they can shrug off normally fatal injuries. Trolls always stood out to me in this case, they just seem like they'd be resilliant enough that I can slash to my hearts content and they'll be fine. Vahzilok are just animated sacks of flesh, and the living ones would proably enjoy dismemberment. Freaks are so hopped up on Excelsior and covered in cybernetics, those guys could survive anything. Natural enemy groups at this point could easily be wearing kevlar (and it's easy to assume given their resistances to Lethal). I seriously doubt that my claws will breach a Rikti's armor enough to hit flesh.

    Once you reach a certain point, it's easy to believe your enemies are simply strong/armored enough to handle that much abuse.
  10. Child superheroes make up the largest percentage of Generic victims...Possiblly related is the sudden drop in sales of Superman pajamas.

    Parents of young Necromancy Masterminds never have to explain what happened to Spot. He's still there, just slightly decomposed.

    Puberty becomes far more interesting when your child is a Mutant. Phrases like "Don't worry Johnny, it's normal to start molting at your age" become eerily normal.

    If you catch your teenage son alone with a fishing magazine featuring squid, don't panic. You may wish to have him tested for alien symbiotes.

    Parents of young catgirls...umm...y'know what, let's not go there. The less I know about where those things acctually come from, the better.
  11. New section, yes. Screwing around with the current Full Helmet selection would probably have a massive unwanted backlash. Besides, a good half of the "Detail 1" options available would look silly on a transparent faceplate anyways. Detail 1 could, in this case, consist of face items under the helmet.

    So far as scaling the Tech helmet, I had though of that...And I think in that case you could get away with faking it. It is, if I recall, at least large enough in the front to fit facial features. The rest would be pretty tight, but in the end it come down to what looks good, not what looks real. I'd say that one would probably also have to include a fitted hood, to avoid the issue of hair (a fitted hood may be wise for most of such helmets, at the very least as an option).
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
    I don't think there's a second human-style head inside the Full Helmets options...
    I know, hence the bit about needing to add more options to include Face and Hair. I'm quite certain inside the current full helmets is a blank space. I'm far from an expert, but I know my way around 3D models...There would be no point to have anything underneath as they are currently. So I propose something be put there.
  13. Good point. It'd be nice to have a random loading screen pool from which they're drawn.

    I'd absolutely love to have a series of screens showing the major Heroes and Villians with some stats and backstory.
  14. So I just had a brilliant (maybe) idea...Something that has been missing from CoX.

    Full helmets with a transparent face shield. Simple, no? I came up with it while brainstorming on a hazard suit for one of my characters, and I realized that making him "faceless" by using a full mask would take away from his image. But using a Half Helmet would also defeat the purpose of making a hazard suit to begin with...

    I don't think windowed helmts is too much to ask for really. The Tech style helmet would be an easy candidate right off the bat, just reduce the opacity of the window. Obviously there would need to be more options available for such helmets as the current Full styles do not allow you to select face or hair. Adding such options would be the hardest part, I think.

    This could also introduce a couple new helmets to the game. Could you imagine running around in a retro full-glass bubble helmet? How about a motorcycle helmet? For bonus points, maybe the ability to select differant effects on the glass. Cracked, murky, frost, interior lighting or maybe a cool electrical effect like those globe thingies.

    Anyways, I just thought I'd share my thoughs and see what everyone thinks. Frankly there's alot of costume ideas rolling about in my head, but this one struck me as something that's missing and should logically fit the superhero genre.
  15. AkuTenshiiZero

    hospital upgrade

    I thought this was about the health plan.

    You think the city is paying for it, but then the collectors come knocking at your Fortress of Solitude...It's a scam, I tell ya.

    Joking aside, I don't see why they couldn't offer Tier 1 inspirations. Tier 1s are chump change, there's a hundred ways to get them, so what's the harm in having one more? There's no harm in making something so simple even simpler. Besides, I hardly buy Inspirations because it's out of my way. Stick it right in my path, and I'll buy them much more often, just because it's there and convenient. It's like when stores put something everyone needs right at the entrance, it reminds you "Oh yeah, I should grab one of those!".

    I propose they make Inspiration vending machines and place them in such convenient places as the Hospitals. Because vending machines would be kinda funny.
  16. I had a n00b moment just the other day, even after playing for 2 years...

    I was on my Blaster, and the team had just entered the first mission of the day. Right in front of us was a nice big group of Lost, so we wait until everyone is in and get ready.

    "Everyone ready?"
    *Blaster charges headfirst through the mob, aggroing everything. Promptly gets flattened.*

    Note to self...Hit ENTER before trying to type "Ready"...
  17. Let's get the City Rep a cell phone first before we start talking about Analysts/Fateweavers...

    Seriously, trudging back to Atlas just to talk to the schmuck is a major PITA.
  18. AkuTenshiiZero

    Update the Bases

    I would imagine leaving your base vulnerable to attack would be something willingly allowed. Then those of us who would rather live in peace can do so. However, there should in that case be a reward or bonus of some form given for taking the risk, for the sake of risk vs. reward.

    On that note, it would be interesting if said raid system progressed in tiers. At first, a couple of weak PPD might go investigating your Fortress o' Evil. After awhile, Longbow starts making regular infiltration attempts. Next thing you know, Positron is blowing up your stuff.

    As a courtesy, it would also be nice if the raids came with a warning. "Enemy forces have tripped your alarm" or something, to give you enough time to rally the troops and get to the base. It would certainly suck if the base was half trashed by the time anyone got there.

    Anyways, I'm always in favor of new base stuff, so I'm unconditionally /signed on adding some more items, especially interactive ones. As for NPCs...I'd set up a custom mob system akin to AE, but replacing Powers with Functions. Instead of scaling the number of Functions by difficulty, scale them by price (IE, if you want more functions on one NPC, you'l have to pay more per month). As for Power/Control costs...Hm...

    Maybe have some differant options?

    Robot/Golem - High Power cost, low Control cost.
    Butler/Servant - Low Power cost, high Control cost.

    Since obviously a person doesn't run on electricity/mana, a Power cost makes very little sense. However Control is a far more abstract concept which can be interpreted in whatever way you please. In contrast, a machine or magical construct would require much Power to function, but being of limited, pre-programmed intelligence is fairly simple to control.

    In any case, this is just my thoughts on the matter. Overall, I'm always greatly in favor of adding more to the base system, as it seems to be one of the most unloved parts of the game in terms of updates...
  19. More specific Spawn locations.

    Front, Middle, and Back don't really cut it when you're trying for a cinematic sequence of encounters.

    I.E., one of my missions has the player fighting several Nemesis robots modeled after Arachnos. Once the Recluse bot is at low health, the real Recluse is supposed to show up dramatically to finish it personally...Except he's halfway across the map. So he winds up shouting "Fools! No mere machine can substitute my power!" to...absolutely nobody.

    Kinda kills the moment. At the very least it would be nice to spawn allies on the player's location. That alone would fix half the dramatic failures in my arc.

    On that note, I would also love the ability to set up cutscenes, though that might be a bit of a stretch.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    I don't like it -- knockback is a major feature of superhero comics, and I'm also concerned that this would further ghettoize knockback players: "You can't be on the team unless you've slotted the -knb IO to reduce your knockback."
    This pretty well describes my feelings towards "-KB IOs"...

    I play Storm. And I'd like to think that after 45 ridiculuously awesome and fun levels, I've got a pretty damn good handle on how to use KB to it's fullest. KB is my mitigation. I've noticed hardly anyone plays Storm, probably because of this twisted misconception about KB. No other MMO out there (to my knowledge) allows you to relocate the enemy at will. It's a tool, and it's not broken...your thinking is.

    So please, please get out of the tight little box and explore the wonderous world of comabt tactics KB has to offer.
  21. 20-27. This was my most pathetic 2XP to date...

    It did seem to be pretty lackluster overall, the servers were green all weekend. Did everyone miss the memo or what?
  22. Just my 2 Inf...I support more Temp Powers, specifically crafted ones. As it stands we have a revolver, a bat, a hammer, Phase Shift, and I think that's it. Isn't it about time we get a few more, just for the heck of it?

    Like a bazooka. A single-use AoE with some pretty respectable SMashing/Fire damage and KB. I say single-use because its more realistic, most infantry rocket launchers aren't reloadable, and it's an excuse to make it more powerful :P

    How about some throwing knives, like the Natural power only better?

    I could go on and on. But I think you get my point.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
    Fission Mailed!!
    I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!

    (Need to quit before I further derail the thread. Carry on :P)
  24. "What was that noise?"


    "Snake? Snnnaaaaaaaaaaaake!"
  25. So here's my question...

    Why is the hotness not front and center of the page? Somebody in the art department dropped the ball...