Temporary Powers, Secondaries, Flight and Super Jump




I've personally ever since I've played this game ( I've been playing for a while. My account was made in 2005. ) have wanted to see more in the way of Temporary Powers or Secondaries for other Archetypes. I've noticed that although I can buy Temporary Powers in the Arena, frustratingly I can't use them outside of the Arena or PvP. I'd like a change in that.. I think it would be nice and add a little new spice to PvE if I could carry a few Temporary Powers on me such as Grenades ( Stun, Web, Smoke, Tear Gas etc ), the Jaunt Initializer or the other Temporary Powers and use them for missions or really whatever I'd like to use them for. I think it's silly that they don't work anywhere but PvP and the Arena.

I'd like to see these Temporary Powers for use anywhere you want to use them because you do pay money for them ( Influence. 10k a pop, too! ) or alternatively I'm speaking for Scrappers here and Brutes, I'd like to see a new Secondary added to these classes, basically I'd like to have Gadgets and Tech. I think it'd be really keen to have a Martial Arts Scrapper that has a secondary set as Gadgets so you could use tech and such as I imagine someone without powers probably would. After all, going up against people who can take bullets to the chest, blast energy beams out their hands and all that I'm thinking as just a normal costumed fighter I'm going to want at least something more than my fist. Bolas, Shuriken, Powder, Smoke Bombs, Grenades, Bombs or SOMETHING more.

Just a suggestion! It'll be interesting to see how others receive this and if they agree with me. I think it'd be great and awesome myself.


Tacked on

I'd also like to suggest alternative modes of flight.

I think it'd be nice to see hover boards, actual jet packs ( That go faster than the Raptor Pack ) and the like for flight..

For Super Jump I think it'd be keen to have alternative animations such as perhaps one ala Glider Cape ( Where you use your cape assuming you're wearing one and spread it out to go farther. )



Well, your first point is already possible.

When your faction is in control in Siren's Call you can buy the temp powers and use them wherever. I still have some uses of the EMP Glove and Web Grenade remaining on my stalker, and I have used them in regular missions. The only thing that is limited still is the jump pack and jet pack, the half hour time limit keeps counting down outside the PvP zones. But, you still have that half hour if you leave the zone.

Melee characters have a secondary that is defensive based for a reason. You would have difficulty surviving if you did not have those powers. Not difficulty being effective, difficulty surviving. Super Reflexes, Willpower, and Ninjitsu already lend themselves to non-powered concepts, Ninjitsu even has gadgets in it already. But, if you had a secondary that was nothing BUT gadgets you would have the survivability of a blaster, only you would be FORCED into melee range.

It's not so much a concept limitation as it is a game balance one. The devs don't seem to want to give us a powerset that is inherently gimped compared to others in that AT. Gadgets as a scrapper secondary would be extremely gimped compared to a high level SR. And it would be horrible for tanks.

I actually PMed BaBs about the possibility of using the Prestige Power Slide animation in conjunction with Flight to achieve a hover-board kind of effect. Apparently it's a lot harder to do than it sounds, due to how the animation works, he didn't really go into detail on it.

A jet pack would be a costume option. We don't have backpacks because of the way the anchor point works. The anchor point is actually in the middle of the body, and depending on your size you would have a jetpack hovering out from the body or buried inside it. Only the default size would work, meaning you couldn't change your body size at all with it.

The glider cape is a new one to me, not a bad idea, but there may be problems animating it, they didn't have capes at launch because they were having trouble with the animations, I imagine there would be similar issues with something like this.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



My reasoning for the Glider Cape and all for Flight Powers and what not is because y'know.. I play a Natural Scrapper, she's not supposed to have any super meta-human powers. She can't jump huge distances with just her legs and I'd like to have the alternative choice with Super Jump to have something to show "Hey, look. I'm actually using this to do this." - The Glider Cape would be that. It'd allow me to explain away why my character can zip up the sides of buildings or glide insane distances over the city, landing on the ground and managing NOT to break both her ankles into dust.

Same with the hover boards and all. What if someones tech? Maybe they want something different. A hover board.. The Prestige Power Slide would be a good animation for flight. Add a Hover Board under and a viola there you've got a Hover Board Flight.

Might not be all as easy as I make it sound but I think they're still excellent ideas.



They do have Tech wings and the piston boots (both buyable recipes) are supposed to simulate your boots giving you a "jump boost"

But I do support adding a larger variety of temporary powers that you can get anytime, as long as they're not too strong. I like the baseball bat and revolved you can get recipes for and more powers along those lines would be awesome!



I would love to see more use of temporary powers. As they can be a big help. Also love to see more options for flight, superjump. Of course only cosmetical, like the Tech wings, rocket boots etc.

What I would love to see are Tech wings that don't flap(so they are spread out when in flight) or Jetpacks as costume option.

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Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
They do have Tech wings and the piston boots (both buyable recipes) are supposed to simulate your boots giving you a "jump boost"

But I do support adding a larger variety of temporary powers that you can get anytime, as long as they're not too strong. I like the baseball bat and revolved you can get recipes for and more powers along those lines would be awesome!

Frag, smoke or grenades like that. Utility belt stuff, y'know. We've got utility belt options in the costume screen, why should they look useless? See, I went to all the places I could find Temporary Powers that I could use wherever and bought them all up just so I'd have something for my utility belt that I wear.

Any good normal 'Natural' hero has to have at least a few goodies on their person. It's like.. The law or something.. :P

And I suppose with the Tech Wings and Piston Boots.. Eh.. It's not enough for me.. The Piston Boots don't really do anything and they're gaudy and ugly.. They hardly fit with any outfit you could make and they have no alternative texture options so you've either got boots that match or big honking Piston Boots that stand out horribly against Tights and all. Then it just looks like crap and bugs me..

Plus even when you jump they don't create much of an effect. That little dust-ring that is supposed to be there? Barely visible. They suck.

There needs to be more in my opinion.



Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post

Originally Posted by Lyrik View Post
I would love to see more use of temporary powers. As they can be a big help.

Frag, smoke or grenades like that. Utility belt stuff, y'know. We've got utility belt options in the costume screen, why should they look useless? See, I went to all the places I could find Temporary Powers that I could use wherever and bought them all up just so I'd have something for my utility belt that I wear.

Any good normal 'Natural' hero has to have at least a few goodies on their person. It's like.. The law or something.. :P
Glad to see this thread, I was just thinking about temp powers the other day. I had a look on on Paragon Wiki and found that there are some temp powers that you are rewarded after missions. That you can top up every time you complete that mission again in Oroborous. They have a list, pretty useful I thought, you might want to check that out.


I was also comparing the list of Craftable temps against the Arena temps and thinking wow if only the Arena temp powers were available to craft for use in PVE. Take a look and see if you guys agree. I'm interested to know what the majority of people think. Don't get me wrong, they dont have to be the Arena temps. I just think we need a few more craftables.



Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post
My reasoning for the Glider Cape and all for Flight Powers and what not is because y'know.. I play a Natural Scrapper, she's not supposed to have any super meta-human powers. She can't jump huge distances with just her legs and I'd like to have the alternative choice with Super Jump to have something to show "Hey, look. I'm actually using this to do this." - The Glider Cape would be that. It'd allow me to explain away why my character can zip up the sides of buildings or glide insane distances over the city, landing on the ground and managing NOT to break both her ankles into dust.
Well, if you cared about concept that much, you wouldn't take a travel power >.> And don't say "you can't play the game without one!", my Crab Spider is usually the 2nd or 3rd to the mission door, unless it's over a mile away. No travel powers (other than a raptor pack).

And, she's also obviously willing to use equipment, therefor, for super jump, you can easily explain it away by her having a modified Zero-G pack (you know that SJ temp power you get for doing the KR MM/SG?) which has had the technology shrunk down to fit comfortably in to a belt.

(I'm a writer and roleplayer though.. I can justify anything >.>)

... That aside,I'm always all for new options!



I DO like the ideas that are presented here, but let's think hard about the mechanics of a lot of these things...

1. With a cape/glider, how do you take into account for the jump distance despondency? When you jump, it's a quick and fast ascent while a quick, but nearly fruitless descent. You don't get too far on the way down in comparison to going up.
With a cape/glider, the descent is what's REALLY propelling you forward, rather than a more normal jump upward.

2. The idea of some sort of hoverdisk is somewhat odd when thinking of game mechanics... Do you just summon it and it appears out of nowhere? I can get behind it if it does, but what happens for things like knockback, or Martial Arts? Kicks and Punches are gonna look a bit odd when you're trying to do so on a 'balanced' disk, considering more 'natural' physics would cause it to tip over.



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
I DO like the ideas that are presented here, but let's think hard about the mechanics of a lot of these things...

1. With a cape/glider, how do you take into account for the jump distance despondency? When you jump, it's a quick and fast ascent while a quick, but nearly fruitless descent. You don't get too far on the way down in comparison to going up.
With a cape/glider, the descent is what's REALLY propelling you forward, rather than a more normal jump upward.
I disagree. I think it'd work perfectly.. You'd jump up, your cape would spread out, you'd glide for a little ways and then you'd drop and do it again.. That's just me.. I was thinking that the capes dynamics would be something more like a Hang Glider and a Parachute. A cross between the two.

2. The idea of some sort of hoverdisk is somewhat odd when thinking of game mechanics... Do you just summon it and it appears out of nowhere? I can get behind it if it does, but what happens for things like knockback, or Martial Arts? Kicks and Punches are gonna look a bit odd when you're trying to do so on a 'balanced' disk, considering more 'natural' physics would cause it to tip over.
I think it'd have to vanish to enter combat mode. Because when you're in Flight mode it changes you to Hover when you enter combat. Right?



so what do you do when your hover board vanishes from underneath you when in the air and switch to combat? do you just fall out of the air or sit there hovering on nothing?

and with the cape. do you grab it and hold it out away from you so it catches the wind? and as far as i know, with out some kind of jump booster, you would only be able to jump about 4-6 ft high at the max. guess how far forward that will get ya... not very.



It would take 42 days to earn them, but some of those powers are available as day job accolade powers which can be used anywhere.

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Originally Posted by enderbean View Post
It would take 42 days to earn them, but some of those powers are available as day job accolade powers which can be used anywhere.
See.. That's more than a month, way too long.. Although I am doing this.. One place at a time, currently Vanguard.



Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post
I disagree. I think it'd work perfectly.. You'd jump up, your cape would spread out, you'd glide for a little ways and then you'd drop and do it again.. That's just me.. I was thinking that the capes dynamics would be something more like a Hang Glider and a Parachute. A cross between the two.
No, no, you don't get it-- We don't HAVE that mechanic. Listen closely:

Use Superjump. The speed will go Fast -> Slow. While you're descending, and the jump is ending, it's not propelling you far at all, in comparison to the way you jump up.

Now think of Batman's cape. When he's falling (i.e. gliding), THAT is what's moving him forward, rather than the ascent upwards. It's essentially a 'reverse Superjump' if you will.

Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post
I think it'd have to vanish to enter combat mode. Because when you're in Flight mode it changes you to Hover when you enter combat. Right?
Awesome, I get to have mid-air fights while standing on nothing, and once I'm done kicking the crap out of Lord Sinister Hushpuppy, I can resume my flying on a disk that I can only assume will appear right back into the fray.



Just my 2 Inf...I support more Temp Powers, specifically crafted ones. As it stands we have a revolver, a bat, a hammer, Phase Shift, and I think that's it. Isn't it about time we get a few more, just for the heck of it?

Like a bazooka. A single-use AoE with some pretty respectable SMashing/Fire damage and KB. I say single-use because its more realistic, most infantry rocket launchers aren't reloadable, and it's an excuse to make it more powerful :P

How about some throwing knives, like the Natural power only better?

I could go on and on. But I think you get my point.

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For flight, go to the shards or Grandville and buy a raptor pack. Only 10000 inf for two hours of flight.

Other then that, I would like to buy new temps. Most urgently now a chainsaw and shotgun for use during Halloween only of course.