6270 -
Ravenstorm is a Martial Arts/Dark Blast character and of course you already mentioned Ghost Widow. Caleb also makes a lot of use of dark blasts (like all CoT ghosts).
For Earth Control there aren't really any Earth Controllers I can think of other than the generic Ruin Mages. Faultline and Baron Zoria aren't Earth Controllers but do both use Earth Control powers. -
They are primarily cosmetic but they are also used as mission doors for events in Pocket D (mostly the Valentines Day event).
Lore-wise DJ Zero is a mutant who has the ability to create portals between dimensions so presumably those portals are used by club patrons from other dimensions. DJ Zero prevents us from using them as part of his policy of neutrality. -
Yeah I don't see any major issues with Traps on Controllers. Even powers like Time Bomb and Trip Mine aren't really excessive when compared to powers already available to Controllers such as Oil Slick Arrow and Tornado.
That's a good question. Thinking about it logically if the store allows you to purchase a new license while you still have one running then I would think that means that the time stacks but that's not really proof.
Have you tried sending a question to customer support? -
It depends a lot on how you are using Trip Mine. On my Blaster I tend to drop a trip mine before combat as a last line of defense, knocking enemies back into my caltrops. So for him the proc would make the power worse.
On the other hand I know some people who use like to drop them in the middle of a group during combat (mostly Traps users since they have high Defense) and for them the proc can be very useful for keeping foes clustered up. -
I still use Cytoskeletons (Def/ToHit/End), Membranes (Def/ToHit/Rech) and Ribosomes (Res/End) with some regularity on my builds since they do offer a better total enhancement than IOs for quite a few power. I've also used a few Lysomes here and there (mostly for To Hit debuffs which need accuracy).
Nucleolus Exposures are useful when I'm frankenslotting an attack and Centrioles are useful in Cones if I have room. Endoplasms and Peroxisomes aren't great but if I'm frnakenslotting a power that's both an attack and a mez they are useful.
Golgis, Enzymes and Microfilaments I don't have a whole lot of need for. -
Both Tina Macintyre and Unai Kemen have them in a few of their missions. In both cases they are from an alternate dimension (Epsilon Tau 27-2) where the Clockwork King wiped out humanity.
You also encounter Psychic Clockwork from Primal Earth in the first mission of Lady Grey's Task Force (losing Penny makes the King go even crazier and his powers manifest during his rescue mission). -
Quote:It's two weeks to late for this but oh well. When trying to Incarnate a new level 50 I always try to get a few BAF/Lambda trials in. In addition to iXP and other goodies you can convert Astral Merits to shards at a 1:1 ratio which makes BAF and Lambda some of the best sources of Shards for making Alpha Slot Abilities (4-5 on most runs). In general I use Thread based components for the Tier 2 alpha (because shard based uncommons are expensive and I normally have plenty of thread based uncommons) but for the Tier 1, 3 and 4 Alpha I'll just burn Astrals to Shards supplemented by any shards/components I pick up while running WSTs for my Notices.Got on an ITF in hopes that I can get some shards out of it. Got 6 shards out of it, which is good, I guess, but the component isn’t one for my alpha slot, so it wasn’t the greatest one to run. I then participated in a Mothership Raid, and got the typical ton of Vanguard Merits, crafted a Spiritual Alpha out of the ITF Component, Vanguard Merit Componet, and 4 Shards, not exactly what I want to make, but costs less shards to get and lets me in to team incarnate content without crazy negative level shifts.
I'll be skipping the set entirely, the play-style doesn't appeal to me which is a pity since I do love the visuals
As near as i can tell it's a recurring thing where debuff toggles don't produce redraw (at least for Dual Pistols) since I noticed the same thing with Storm Summoning, Snow Storm did not cause redraw but other powers did.
Just a heads up though, Challenge will be getting replaced by a single target placate power in Issue 24 so don't get attached to it.
Quote:Well the thing is Resistance and Defense basically do the same thing: help keep you alive by reducing the damage that you take. As such a common metric for judging their effectiveness makes a LOT of sense. Being able to say that a power provides X mitigation and another provides Y is a lot more useful if X and Y share a common definition.This, I think, is where I disagree. I don't believe you need to judge all stats the same way, because all stats don't work the same way. What we should be judging stats by is their impact in practice, or at least in some kind of "clean" theoretical testing environment. I know that the game's environment is a bit too complex and varied to really predict, but at the very least, we can say that "you can survive a long time if you meet about this much DPS." Just something which grounds the math in reality, is all.
In the same way that when looking at Healing, Regeneration and Absorb we tend to consider all of them in terms of HP/Sec. We acknowledge that they are radically different in implementation but HP/Sec is a good starting point for comparison. -
Yeah to some degree. there's a few things I've found to to keep in mind build resistance versus defense:
- In general you're building to cover more points than with Defense so the bonuses are more dispersed (4 types as compared to 1-3 for Defense)
- Bonuses are actually more common in the 2 and 3 positions than for Defense making Frankenslotting potentially more valuable.
- Purples and Superior ATOs make a HUGE difference, quite a few of them have 6% bonuses to multiple resistance types if you 6-Slot
Yes. But it's important to note that it only cancels that stack. If you use two powers then the enemy will have two stacks each of which does "cancel on miss" separately.
The "cancel on miss" mechanic is also used with the secondary DoTs that most fire attacks have. -
Nah every Defender knows that the correct reaction to a teammate dying is to cast Vengeance and keep fighting.
Actually now that I think about it that holds true for almost all of my characters regardless of AT. I may have a problem. -
I'm strongly considering dragging my Inv/Axe Tanker out of retirement for I24 (and given how little I enjoy playing melee that says a LOT). In I24 you'll be able to get a LOT higher Psionic resistance (potentially 35% with 5 x Impervium Armor and 1 x Aegis globals). Fighting is much less important, you can hard cap S/L Res without Tough and building up more Resistance in general means less need for Weave.
The one issue I do see at the moment is that Energy/Negative Energy Resistance bonuses are a little lacking in I24 at the moment. It's relatively easy to build up F/C/T/P resistance, especially if you can afford purple sets but E/NE bonuses are a little short.
EDIT: I just noticed that the new Gauntleted Fist Tanker set has an E/NE bonus for 3 slots. So if you upgrade that to superior and split it between two powers that's 12% E/NE res. Of course 6-slotting it also gives you a bonus to S/L/F/C so that might be a hard choice to make. That being said both of the Tanker ATE sets are excellent for Inv looking to build up their resistance, especially if you upgrade them to superior.
Quote:Well don't forget Leadership is getting Victory Rush for buffing recovery and decreasing endurance usage. Now obviously it won't be up all the time but even if it's up only part of the time it's worth considering.I wouldnt get the leadership pool to unless they change that as well since almost all if it cost more end then what u get out of it. As for the fighting pool I will still not give it up.
Plus the Endurance you save not running Tough and Weave will almost pay for two Leadership Toggles. -
That's some nice IOs you have there. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to them.
Someone stocking up on them in preparation for I24 maybe?
It will work but only while the toggle is turned on (Mariner's comment about working for 120 seconds after you turn it off used to be correct but they changed it a while back).
Personally I tend to stick my stealth IO in Sprint. -
That is not an option (and to the best of my knowledge was never an option baring some sort of bug).
However you can get a 30day Invention license for 160 paragon points (about $2). If you don't play enough to justify $15/month for VIP access but still want IOs then this is a cost-effective alternative.