Are Hami's still relevant?? Should I make room in my build for Hami's??
They're still relevant, but perhaps a bit more "situational." In the old day, when we had TOs, DOs, SOs and Hami-Os, they were greatest thing in the game.
Compared to IOs and ATOs, they (obviously) give no set bonuses, but there are many builds across the forums that use them since they're so good at what they do! (Back before they fixed the universal exploit, one particular Hami-O was THE thing to slot in Active Defense and sold for hundreds of millions.)
I've still got a couple slotted in my DB/WP main's build to get more DPS out of Blinding Feint => Attack Vitals than I could with "just" IOs, for instance -- four Kinetic Combats are kind of lacking on their own. Add a Crushing Impact: Accuracy/Damage and it gets a little better. Add a Nucleolus Exposure for accuracy and damage and it gets a little better yet! Is it really WORTH the added price and "bang for the buck?" Probably not, but as I said, it's my main and I spare no expense there, but wouldn't recommend it to the mythical casual average player.
It sounds as though you've found a situational use for them yourself -- if you want the extra disorient at the cost of a couple of points of defense, I say "why not?" You can always use Enhancement Unslotters or a respec or something if you want to go the other route!
"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner
30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04
Agreed, they're more of a "gap filler" than a primary focus nowadays but they're great for some purposes.
For example, Invincibility benefits from defense, tohit and endurance reduction. 3 Cytoskeleton HO's maxes all of those and lets you use the extra slots you may have there elsewhere. In my opinion that's the best enhancement slotting you can get in that power.
Another example... some sets have really lousy accuracy. Slot 4 of the set for the bonus you're after and toss a Nucleolus HO in the 5th slot.
They aren't the be-all, end-all anymore but they still have their place. I frequently use a Nucleolus and 2 Centrioles for things like Fire Ball in the APP because I can't devote the extra slots to make slotting a Posi Blast worthwhile.
Anywhere in your build you'd like to squeeze a bit more enhancement but don't have the slots available for the IO sets you'd like is a place where a HO can shine.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
I still use Cytoskeletons (Def/ToHit/End), Membranes (Def/ToHit/Rech) and Ribosomes (Res/End) with some regularity on my builds since they do offer a better total enhancement than IOs for quite a few power. I've also used a few Lysomes here and there (mostly for To Hit debuffs which need accuracy).
Nucleolus Exposures are useful when I'm frankenslotting an attack and Centrioles are useful in Cones if I have room. Endoplasms and Peroxisomes aren't great but if I'm frnakenslotting a power that's both an attack and a mez they are useful.
Golgis, Enzymes and Microfilaments I don't have a whole lot of need for.
I'm partial to Peroxisomes as the only source of Mez/Damage in a single enhancement
I'm partial to Peroxisomes as the only source of Mez/Damage in a single enhancement

Another area where HO's are nice is Radiation Emission... RI offers tohit debuff and defense debuff in a somewhat end heavy toggle. Enzymes are absolutely tailor made for that.
For that matter characters with mez powers can get a lot of mileage out of Endoplasm Acc/Mez HO's to save slots. Of course Scrappers generally tend to punch first then kick 'em in the jewels rather than worry about that namby pamby mez nonsense

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
Hi Folks,
So, I have worked out a new build for my latest 50, a WM/SD. Short story even shorter, I ended up going on a couple of Hami runs and getting an Acc/Mez Hami and a Dam/Mez Hami. Since a couple of the powers in WM have disorient, which I like, should I add these to my build?
In order to add both of them, I would need to lower my S/L resists from 35.8% to 33%, and my health regen from 316% to 307%.
Are the Hami's worth it? I get a little more disorient duration on two powers, and a little more accuracy on one power (which I don't need) and a little more damage on another (which I could always use).
Thanks in advance...