DP and Redraw

Adeon Hawkwood



"Curveball" is a very specific character concept that CoH has never really been able to reproduce, power-wise. He's an old Champions (pen and paper champions) character who was completely luck-based. The closest I've ever been able to get reproducing that has been Radiation and DP -- "Radiation" for its debuffs (I'm "hexing" the enemy) and DP for its anime craziness ("talk about your lucky shots!")

But one of the interesting things I stumbled upon ("luckily," heh) is that Rad works really great with DP because its primary debuffs don't provoke redraw in DP... and that appears to be a very unusual thing for most powersets.

There is still *some* redraw. The heal forces redraw, for example, which is kind of a shame because it's useful. But I've tried DP on some other defender sets (Storm and FF specifically) and I see redraw with almost every power.

So I was curious... are there any other defender primary sets that don't have DP redraw issues?

Scrapper Jack (SJ/WP Brute), Sky Commando (WP/SJ Tanker), Curveball (Rad/DP Defender), and a bunch more.



As near as i can tell it's a recurring thing where debuff toggles don't produce redraw (at least for Dual Pistols) since I noticed the same thing with Storm Summoning, Snow Storm did not cause redraw but other powers did.