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  1. I've always had a problem sticking to anything.
    I"m kind of spastic. ADD hit me pretty hard and I have TONS of ideas, but can't sit down long enough to actually get them done start to finish.
    I have a really hard time writing, drawing, or pursuing any real creative or highly technical venture (Though I have many ideas that can help others out if they're hitting a block) and as such, I don't really stick with one game very long, either.

    Before CoH, I was incredibly cautious about pay-to-play gaming. It infringed upon my sensibilities; you pay for a thing, then it's yours to keep. That's how it works. Otherwise, what are you really paying for?
    I saw the gaming market going this way, and was distressed that publishers would see it and it would bleed over in other areas (Which it did. Diablo 3, Mass Effect 3, Starcraft 2 to a lesser extent [larger payments less often], etc)
    It took a lot of convincing for me to start playing City of Heroes. I had two friends on my **** constantly about it. Now, to put this in perspective, I had heard about CoH's initial development in 2003. I was working at a Pizza Hut fresh out of high school, and my manager, who was big into comics, let me know about it. Little trickles of info here and there, then one of my friends got into the beta.

    It took until Jan 7, 2005 before I finally caved in and bought City of Heroes.

    This is important because it happened a good month and a half after nov 24, 2004.
    During the huge media frenzy over World of Warcraft, when records were being set, broken, and re-set, THAT is when I bought City.

    I've been wealthy, I've been poor, I've been deep in debt. I have not regretted a single dollar I put into CoH.

    I do not enjoy grinding. In CoH, I didn't have to.
    Sometimes I don't like to team. I had that as an option, not a mandate.
    My constant spasms of random creativity had me playing a multitude of alts. The fact that the entire game changed between Scrapper/Controller/Defender kept it fresh. Then Kheldians came out.

    It took me a long time to get to 50, but I could see that there was always something different to do.
    I have the screenshot of the first time one of my characters got to Fly.

    Since then, I've tried a few other MMOs. I tried Conan when it came out, but lost intrest. DDO, same thing. Aion, when it came out, I thought as going to be amazing, but it turned out to be a WoW clone with severely limited freedom and cash sinks *Everywhere*.
    Star wars held my interest for three months.

    But I can count on one hand the number of times my subscription to CoH has lapsed.
    Twice. Once because my credit card had expired and I'd forgotten to update, and the second time because I was maxed out and flat broke for a month.
    Luckilly that second time was a week before Freedom, so I only had to go without for about 4 days.

    It took me a while. A long while- two years before I got my first 50, and longer than that before I got *Good*, but I DID get good. I had something I was good at, something that other people could look at what I was doing and go "Wow, I wish I could do that". I never had that before.
    When PVP came out, my main was still lv 28. I spent a solid 24 hours in Siren's Call. I remember because I was at a net cafe, and that's how long they'd let me stay before they kicked me out. I was outnumbered, frequently alone, and constantly fighting. It was tense, scary, exciting. Overcoming obstacles and fighting intelligent enemies for changing objectives. At the end of that day, Heroes controlled the zone, and it was almost entirely my doing.
    I started speed-running task forces for fun. I got into private channels like Speed Club or The Clique on Virtue. I was involved in multi-year roleplay plots. I've raided supergroups, built bases, took on giant monsters by myself. I've soloed every single archvillain and giant monster in the game (Except Caleb. He's ridiculously hard to spawn solo). There was always something to do, something different. When I ran out of things to do, I'd do them in a different way, and it would be new again. It's been one hell of an adventure, and I've met a great number of friends over the years.

    I'm kind of rambling and I'm sorry if it's gotten a bit hard to follow, but the point of it is, I'm not very good at sticking to things, which makes me not very good at things in general.
    But thanks to you, I got to be somebody.
    I got to be a hero.

    So thank you. I don't know where I'm going to go from here, but I'll be taking these memories with me.
  2. Glad you're still around. There must be a lot of people asking questions. Like "FFFFFFFFFFWHY??" and such. It's good to know you guys are still listening, and we don't even have to send cupcakes!

    ...We will send cupcakes if neccesary, however.
  3. There is a calvin scott TF?

    I did not know this.

    I'll be there for as much as possible. I intend to run a last marathon on Nov 30.
    All the incarnate trials, back to back. Like I usually did on Mondays.
  4. Naomi! Hay! global list is HUGE. That means it has HUGE GUTS.
    I hear there's a korean costume editor that works with game files. If so I'm probably not going to screenie my characters, instead just loading the costume files and screenshotting environments.

    Warburg. Siren's Call, the Storm Palace, the Rikti War Zone. Atlas Park. These places are where I remember playing most. They're where I'll want to be able to look back on in the future.
  5. Acanous_Quietus

    I Remember...

    I remember the first Winter Lord Invasion.
    When Falls could still Kill you.
    Hover being slower than walking.
    Tankers only having one toggle
    Unyielding Stance
    Empaths being the best defender
    The first Kheldians
    Apex and War Witch, together again at last
    The super-secret Mercy Island
    the launch of Siren's Call
    ED, and the Global Defense Nerf
    Running all the task forces in the game, back to back, over the course of a weekend.
    old-school hami raids.
  6. Necro works best with Poison or Dark. I have a N/P and it's lots of fun.
  7. what server? I used to regular in SC before the PVP changes made SC...very player unfriendly (Effing holds).
    When Siren's first came out, I spent a full 24 hours in the zone, parked in a net cafe, on my Dark scrapper fighting off villains, until the manager kicked me out. Cost me $60.
    Totally worth it.
  8. I will totally kill one of your 50's if you need a foil.
  9. Acanous_Quietus

    Some Ideas......

    love that pic.
    Seriously though, we could definately do worse than looking for someone to pick this game up. Check everywhere. Sony, Valve, Atari, EA.
    Someone's gonna want a profitable property if NC abandons it.
  10. All things must end, thus is the law of entropy.
    But we don't have to let it end like this. We can fight it. We can petition, save our costumes and our builds. We can take screenshots, and organize. We can connect on Facebook, on Twitter, on Skype and over IM. We can hold tight to our friends and our adventures.
    We don't have to go down silently, and we don't have to go down without a fight.
    Send letters, send Emails, send support to the Devs, and save everything you can.
    Rally support from other sources, forums and media. Spread the word. Get mad! When life gives you lemons, Burn life's house down! With the Lemons!
    This game is profitable. It's got a dedicated fanbase and some of the best, most invested developers I've ever seen. Someone will want to pick it up, if that's Valve, or EA, or Atari, or the freaking Jackson foundation, all we need to do is show them that we're willing to step up for our game, and make it a good business decision for them.
  11. I really doubt that we'd make much of a difference. There's not a lot of cross-pollenation between CoH and GW players. Some, but not a lot.
    For what it's worth, I'm not buying GW2.
    Not gonna cause the collapse of NC, though.
  12. I dunno. I need a new PC to run any of the newer MMOs out there. That's third on my list of big purchases, so I doubt it'll be done before Nov 30.
  13. which server, and are you open to Masterminds?
  14. The chest panel on A is what had me vote that way. If you put that panel into chest emblems or options, then definately B.
  15. This is the thread where any regular raid leader can post their usual playtimes, what they lead, and how you can get in contact with them. I'll edit this post and add folk as they put info in.

    Those who list, please follow the following format for ease of archiving.

    Raid Leader: @Acanous
    Main Raid Character: Malconvoker
    Raid Window: 2PM-5PM GMT, Monday to Friday
    Raids performed: Lambda, BAF, Keyes Island Reactor, The Underground
  16. Short answer: Yes.
    Long answer: But it depends on who you're RPing with
  17. Acanous_Quietus

    Burned Out

    and yet, today they're making it Sister Psi instead of the ITF... not waiting for I20 to make it an exempTF. I'm a bit frustrated at this. I like running TFs and working at getting shards and the nice bit of incarnate salvage/notice at the end. Means you can do things a little more casually. But this? Running a sister psi with no shards, RIGHT before I20, it's kind of cruel.

    Reminds me of running the Cathedral of Pain, in that nobody's going to drop any rewards 'till the very end.

    It bugs me more that there IS another accessable, well known and fun lv 50 TF that they didn't make into the weekly target before I20 drops, in the ITF. They really didn't have to make it a lower level TF before the I20 "Everything drops shards" patch, so why did they?
  18. That hero team has a brick truck laden with melee damage.
    You guys need some support 0.o

    I can't show THIS weekend, as I'm working... but I can start going in March.

    Pick one:
    Dark/Dark/Soul Corruptor
    Empathy/Radiation/Energy Defender
    Fire/Kinetics/Fire Controller
    or my newest pet project
    Radiation/Cold Corruptor. Not 50 yet but given 2 weeks she will be.

    I could be persuaded to level my Demons/Poison MM and take her heroside, as well.

    But you guys need support worse than my girlfriend's lower back.
  19. Agreed. Give everyone a server tag. Then you won't need to worry about same-name problems, and it helps to know who is on your server and who is not when you're a virtue RP toon who will go talk about it in the D afterwards

    Also, just to note, my DA scrapper went from 25-30 in Sirens, and from 30-39 in Warburg.
    When RV came out, I was there 'till 49. I dinged 50 on a Dreck accidentally XD
  20. Well, here's fervently praying that they give us back Mezz protection. Dark armor is completely useless in 1v1 nowadays.

    At least back in i12, I could fear a controller before he got me held, wait out some of the holds, and keep applying pressure. nowadays it's like why bother.

    Also, Siren's call is ridiculous without mezz protection. How are people supposed to battle for hotspots when they get hit by a minute-long stun?
  21. Haven't gotten a lot of intrest with this, so far only 3 people have pre-reg'd. If there aren't enough people to get a real race going (Min 3 teams) I'll pass out the LOTGs to those who have pre-reg'd and show up, and try this again after revising the rules.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by poptart_fairy View Post
    Gender is mental, sex is physical.

    You can be transgender without neccesarilly being transsexual, to give an appropiate analogy.
    I understand there is a distinction, but I have a hard time percieving it.
  23. Aw, it's OK Bright, we all still like your dancing sister of battle avatar