I Remember...
I remember the first Winter Lord Invasion.
When Falls could still Kill you.
Hover being slower than walking.
Tankers only having one toggle
Unyielding Stance
Empaths being the best defender
The first Kheldians
Apex and War Witch, together again at last
The super-secret Mercy Island
the launch of Siren's Call
ED, and the Global Defense Nerf
Running all the task forces in the game, back to back, over the course of a weekend.
old-school hami raids.
You can't spell Slaughter without laughter
All your gonna do is just farm behemoths anyways.
My thoughts on November 30.
debt taking more than a week to get rid of
failing the reactor
dropping out of a tf and not getting credit
sitting outside a portal gaining xp
doing snake rides and meow AE mishes for xp
more double xps weekends than i can remember
the devs being friendly and listening to us
Posi talking to me about not bringing up a game improvement over and over
a lot of memories for a great game
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
I Remember .
The end of Beta, when the Devs controlled the invading Rikti and we were pushed all the way back to the Hospital; marshaling our forces in the lobby to burst out and get a beach-head on the courtyard steps.
The Beta Tutorial zone stress test, when the bad guys were all spawning behind the map, and while waiting for the Devs, everyone pulled out a newspaper. A 100+ heros lining the streets of Outbreak all reading the newspaper.
Pocket D when it was just the Paragon Dance Club in an old warehouse
The Chat Channel Wars that ended up in the creation of VirtueUnited
Working for weeks to finally pull off the 9 minute Nuke Hamidon Raid
Trains only going to the next stop
Missions not having internal doors
Tanks herding entire zones into a single dumpster
Gemini Park
Dinging 50 on my first character and going back to Ms. Liberty for the honors, since thats where it all started.
A million different teams of heroes, all working together for the common good.
Surfer Dude - lvl 50 ma/inv Scrapper - Virtue
Numerous Alts - Everywhere