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  1. AkuTenshiiZero

    Breaking the ice

    So, it's no shock that I'm a social misfit. I play online games, what were you expecting a casanova? I used to RP pretty freely, but after staying away from RP for so many years I'm finding myself in an odd position.

    My inherant inability to just jump into a group of people and do stuff has carried over into my RPing. I just don't know how to initiate RP anymore. It's not that I don't want to...My characters have stories for a reason. So what's a guy to do when you're a complete stranger? I find myself off to the side reading others' conversations and thinking "Damn, they all know each other. Better not get involved in their stuff."

    For the record, I'm looking at the D (and if there's a better hotspot, I'd be glad to hear of it). When it comes to in-mission I just limit it to one-liners and general banter, nothing too in-depth but still IC.
  2. Since the last significant Base alteration. I'm beginning to wonder if there's a policy at Paragon Studios that requires all employees to adamntly refuse to work on Bases at all.

    I don't even have a specific suggestion anymore. Just anything. Anything at all.
  3. I'm still waiting for the day they enable Chun-Li kicking for weapon users.
  4. Might as well get my latest character's name out there, I've started getting attatched to her. Still sort of a WIP, but this is more or less the low-down.

    Max Violence

    Origin: Mutant

    Affiliations: Silver Eclipse, Praetorian Loyalists

    Archetype: Brute

    Powersets: Claws/Willpower

    Height: 6'3"

    Weight: 167 ibs.

    Eyes: Brown

    Hair: Black (Purple dyed)

    Distinguishing Marks: Aside from having a terribly lanky, unfeminine physique, there is nothing in particular that stands out.

    Brief Summary: Maxine Violet, a native to Praetoria, is something of a troublemaker. Her mutation gives her theoretically limitless strenght, stamina, resilience, and reflexes, all tied to her adrenaline levels. This mutation also gives her a stronger "rush" than even the most hardcore thrill seekers, giving her a feeling of total euphoria when her life is in danger. Unfortunately, the typical list of extreme sports started to get too routine to satisfy her addiction to her powers, therefore she started getting her action by causing havoc and pitting herself against the PPD. When Maurauder was finally called to deal with the issue, he instead decided to take her in under his command, adn then offer her as a weapon to Emperor Cole to unleash upon Paragon City. With the promise of an entire world to challenge her, Max has eagerly accepted the mission to spread chaos and destruction across Primal Earth.

    Screen Shot:

    Max Violence
    Crossing the Threshhold
  5. Here's the quick and dirty version:

    First, just do what I do and "/bind I incarnate". Now hit I to open the menu. For an alpha slot, you need components that you can get by 1) running certain TF/SFs or 2) crafting them from Incarnate Shards which are dropped by everything. Look under the "Convert" tab to see the components you can craft and how many Shards you need.

    For the enxt four slots, you need to first run BAF/Lambda to unlock the slot. These trials also give you more components upon completion. Enemies in these trials also drop Incarnate Threads. It's basically the same deal here, either get components from Trial completion or by using Threads.

    The one major differance is that each TF/SF is guarenteed to give you the same component every time, while a Trial gives you a random list of Common, Uncommon, Rare, or Very Rare.
  6. AkuTenshiiZero

    New Judgements?

    Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
    I am sure they are planning on increasing the Judgement Slot Power Set, as soon they can, I don't think 4 Judgement Powers Sets is enough.
    Likewise. I'm fairly confident the current powers they offer are just a temporary sampling to keep us occupied, with all intention to increase the selection. It makes alot of sense that they would first release a small amount from each of the four categories, to give us a bunch of stuff to play with while not having too much of a workload for themselves.

    I'm just glad my only level 50 is lightning-based, so Ion is just perfect. Too bad I already had Tier 3 Warworks when they released Storm Elementals...
  7. Simple issue, not very replicatable since I have no idea what's doing it. Every so often while in the middle of browsing/posting the forum will just up and log me out. The page remains open, of course, but I need to log in again. Very irritating.
  8. AkuTenshiiZero

    Who Will Die?

    I, for one, would be happy to see all them justice-spewing, holier-than-thou do-gooders get dead.

  9. AkuTenshiiZero

    Ancient Japan!

    So you have Susano-o, but the GM isn't Yamata no Orochi? Lame.

    No Oda Nobunaga? More lame.
  10. My issue is not with the current content having insufficient backstory, but the existing backstory to things that still don't exist and/or are severely underdeveloped compared to their massive backstory.

  11. If you want a Tankmage, roll a Kheldian.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Yes, blasters are superfluous, but that's not the whole story. Please allow me a short moment to list all the superfluous ATs in this game.

    Arachnos Soldier.
    Arachnos Widow.
    What, we should be playing Rikti Monkeys, then?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    You do this through simple level progression. Things that happen at level 20 come before things that happen at level 21.

    If Manticore dies in a level 36-40 arc, for instance, he could still be "alive" to run the Manticore TF, which ocurrs between the levels 30-35.
    "Defeat Future Freedom Phalanx"

    Notable NPCs:

    Numina (Hero)
    Sister Psyche (Hero)
    Back Alley Brawler (Hero)
    Manticore (Hero)

  14. Thankfully, most people I've encountered understand that my Dark/Rad is built for insane debuffing, though don't discredit the power of Twilight Grasp it's the most powerful heal in the game IMO. However, I have heard stories of people who acctually thought there was a "Healing Arrow" power...
  15. Defenders are far superior to Corruptors on the support side of things. Everything they have heals better, shields better, and debuffs better. For this, they sacrifice damage. Corruptors in turn sacrifice support capability to ride the line between Defenders and Blasters.

    Also, Manticore is gonna get dead? 0.o What about every mission he appears in? Nemesis duplicate? How the hell do you kill a character in an MMO without throwing a huge chunk of story and missions out the window!?

    Numina better fix this.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Seems to work out pretty well for Charles Xavier.
    Well, it's not like Xavier makes anyone follow him. And Cyclops is the field commander anyways, Xavier just covers the intel/PR side of things :P

    So if anything Mr. Summers is the ****** here, something I can whole-heartedly agree with.
  17. Be happy you can even use the AT, ya little ingrates. It's bad enough that the one unique part of villainy is now available to heroes too, you don't need to rub salt in our wounds. Hide behind your minions, "hero". I'm sure the people of Paragon will praise your brave actions...
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
    I like this .. a large scale version of either carrion creepers or vines. It pops up beneath the enemies feet and entwines itself around them crushing them and holding them helpless.
    I think there's been enough of the entwining-style plan tattacks. I'd much rather just summon a few MASSIVE tendrils to sweep across the area in one monsterous blow, dealing the damage and sever knockup to all foes effected. Core Paragon poteentially dealing more damage on ground impact, Radial paragon having a chance for stun on ground impact.

    Aside from that, either a PBAoE or leap-to-target attack that smashes the ground, causing spires of rock to erupt from the ground around you.
  19. I've got the hardware to handle that software...
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Was this recently? Because more and more recently I've had Gallery NPCs, like Miss Thystle, run out of things like Unstoppable and suddenly lose HP, End and stagger around stunned. I'm fairly sure Shocky was another who fitted into that group.
    It was, I believe, after the release of Going Rogue. Shock Treatment's Power Surge now has an innane duration and no crash downside. I don't even care if it has no crash, if it just didn't last so needlessly long.
  21. Fig Newtons are not a cookie. They're fruit and cake.
  22. Continuing my apparent habt of pointing out the insanity in this game, I present to thee one of the most groan-inducing characters in the game: Shock Treatment.

    Upon first encountering her, I assumed she was a typicla member of the generic rogues gallery. Nothing too spectacular, a fairly standard Elec-based enemy. Therefore, it came as little suprise when she used Power Surge. Following my typical strategy for such occasions, I ignored her and killed everything else in the immediate area.

    Seeing that it was still active after I finished wiping out all the adds, I though to myself "Huh, that lasts awhile. Oh well, I'll just kite her around and mess with her line of sight til it wears off."

    Roughly one minute of kiting later, the woman is still at capped resists and status protection. Still, I am in no danger, this is just becoming grotesquly unnessecary.

    After what feels like five minutes, she finally becomes vulnerable. Of course since she's an NPC who gets ot cheat, she completely avoids the downside of Power Surge and retains her HP and End. Whatever. Just murder the b**** and get it over with.

    THIS IS NOT HOW YOU MAKE A CHALLENGE! Waiting several minutes until I can play the game again is not a challenge, it's nerve-gridingly irritating and absolutely zero fun. There is no reason why a non-story-centric NPC should have that long a period of nigh invulnerability, it's a pointless waste of time that brings an otherwise fast-paced game to a grinding halt. If you want her to have Power Surge, fine, but there is no reason for it to last so long.

    Waiting is not a challenge, it's an annoyance.
  23. Just now I had an NPC talking about my latest exploits...

    "Max Violence earned his cape by beating down a Paragon City hero!"

    ..."His"? Max is a girl...I mean, she's got a pretty tomboyish build and all, but c'mon...

    This dialogue is the NPC chatter response to my recent completion of the level 20 "Steal a cape from a hero" villian mission for Kalinda.
  24. So, first off, shame on you ParagonWiki guys for not having all the shiney new stuff covered yet :P

    Anyways, I've been going back and forth over getting the Cloud & Lightening trail aura since it came out, because Emps are a pain to farm I don't want to waste them. What I want to know is whether or not the aura is/can be set to appear only while flying. Because I don't want a cloud hanging around me at all times, only while flying. After all, I am "Capt. Stormrider" so it's only logical that I would literally ride a storm...
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
    You know the ones I mean. They typically add text to several of their powers (if not all of them) so your chat box looks like this:

    TeamLead: Okay, after we finish this group off we'll have to move fast to avoid ambushes, so I want everybody to listen up
    RP: Pew pew pew!
    RP: Say hello to my little friend!
    RP: Pew pew pew!
    RP: Pew pew pew!
    RP: Say hello to my little friend!
    RP: Pew pew pew!
    RP: Say hello to my little friend!
    TeamLead: Tank, pull the AV to the north wall, Brute, please catch the ambushes as they come in. Everybody DPS the ambushes as they come and switch back to the AV as soon as they die. Now you can't stand just anywhere or you'll trigger more ambushes
    RP: Pew pew pew!
    RP: Say hello to my little friend!

    And so on and so forth.
    I usually have two or three "catchphrases" keybound to the numpad, so I can throw them out easily at appropriate moments. IMO, linking phrases to your powers is cool and all, as long as you keep the unaltered power so you aren't always jabbering during combat.

    Unless you're my Defender, Ectofreak, in which case his mouth will never, ever shut.

    Also, at the risk of sounding pervy, I had no idea the age of consent was 16 in RI, it's my home state. In fact alot of states are 16. Why does everyone think it's 18?