Characters On Virtue




For fun, it would be nice to see who all plays on Virtue, and a little bit about their character(s). Use the template below, borrowed from CoH itself, if you wish, and let us get to know your characters. Also, pass it on to others who play on Virtue as well! Thanks.









Distinguishing Marks:

Brief Summary:

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Current Main that is MIA due to RL?

Fortunata Sanguine


Arachnos. Loyalist. Inquisitor.




125 lbs



Distinguishing Marks:
Implant scars on her arms.

Brief Summary: Fortunata Sanguine is the recent commander of the Arachnos Espionage Division. Her personality fluctuates, depending on who she is with. Within the AED's membership she seems to be motherly, caring more for her divisions comfort and safety, as well as maintaining their morale. To the AUC, she seems to be a shrewd tactician, once again emphasizing a loss of friendly forces. To those outside of Arachnos, she seems quiet, whenever she does speak it's normally out of prejudice and cruelty, showing no respect or trust to those not affiliated with Arachnos.

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Luke Minhere


Affiliations:Minhere Inc., Rogue Wolf Pack




Weight:175 lbs



Distinguishing Marks:
Handsome, awesome hair and smile (as he would say)

Brief Summary:
Luke is the founder of Minhere Inc, a company dedicated to the development of new technologies, especially dealing in cybernetics and nano-technology. He assists Portal in their efforts, and at the same time is able to test his new products. He uses his mastery of weapons and gadgets to accomplish high profile acts of heroism, but mainly for the publicity.



((Main Toon))

"The Legendary" Liberties


Paragon Police Department, Unified Force Division


Super Strength, Invulnerability, Flight, Fighting, Energy Mastery



One Brown, one white


Distinguishing Marks:
Scar along face, one eye is a pale white color and seems blind.

Brief Summary:
An attempt, a flawed one, at reproducing Statesman's power resulted in the beginning of my path to power. A painful ritual I remember only in dreams best to be called nightmares... Statesman was the premier Superhero of the days leading up to the second World War. Driven to help him I submitted myself to Dark Watcher's hand, and the transfer of power was made. I was lost in WW2, left for dead on the battlefield. That didn't always sit well with me, but I have since gotten over a lot of my old grudges, mostly through beating the snot out of Statesman on more then one occasion. However I am "redeemed" in the eyes of the Law now, given a chance to do what I always wanted to do, keep Paragon City safe. Statesman will pay for abandoning me, because I will be a better Hero then him. I am Liberties, and I am a Hero!

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



Mine is on VV but this is a chance to share a short "data entry" version... play along you might enjoy yourself

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



Tank O'Riley

Origin: Magic (mutant in life)

Affiliations: The Weapons Union

Archetype: Brute!

Powersets: Stone Melee/Willpower, Leaping, Fighting, Soul Mastery

Height: 8'2

Weight: 640 in his standard clothes. 420 in a suit.

Eyes: Nope

Hair: Nope

Distinguishing Marks: Zombie, bones showing on his left hand, claws, a constant cloud of flies attracted to his rotting stench, said rotting stench.

Brief Summary: A very minor mutant from the 30s, possessing limited enhanced strength and recuperative abilities, Tank sought to break free from the dead end life as a boxer and carnival sideshow exhibit by being a mob enforcer. For his efforts he was gunned down and tossed unceremoniously in an unmarked grave.

Decades later the Banished Pantheon reanimated him as a Dried Husk and used him to assist in the robbery of a magical helmet of great power. When he seized the helmet his will and consciousness returned to him. Placing it on his head the artifact bound itself to him, strengthening both the enchantments used to raise him and amplifying the abilities he had in life to an incredible degree.

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Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



Yep, aware there are other places, but wanted a condensed version, and figured gave people another chance to show off their characters.



Might as well get my latest character's name out there, I've started getting attatched to her. Still sort of a WIP, but this is more or less the low-down.

Max Violence

Origin: Mutant

Affiliations: Silver Eclipse, Praetorian Loyalists

Archetype: Brute

Powersets: Claws/Willpower

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 167 ibs.

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black (Purple dyed)

Distinguishing Marks: Aside from having a terribly lanky, unfeminine physique, there is nothing in particular that stands out.

Brief Summary: Maxine Violet, a native to Praetoria, is something of a troublemaker. Her mutation gives her theoretically limitless strenght, stamina, resilience, and reflexes, all tied to her adrenaline levels. This mutation also gives her a stronger "rush" than even the most hardcore thrill seekers, giving her a feeling of total euphoria when her life is in danger. Unfortunately, the typical list of extreme sports started to get too routine to satisfy her addiction to her powers, therefore she started getting her action by causing havoc and pitting herself against the PPD. When Maurauder was finally called to deal with the issue, he instead decided to take her in under his command, adn then offer her as a weapon to Emperor Cole to unleash upon Paragon City. With the promise of an entire world to challenge her, Max has eagerly accepted the mission to spread chaos and destruction across Primal Earth.

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Max Violence
Crossing the Threshhold

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Name: Santa Muerte

Origin: Mutation

Affiliations: The Benevolent Sisterhood's Shelter for Abused Women (aka the Trauma Ward)

Archetype: Mastermind

Powersets: Necromancy/Poison

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 115 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Distinguishing Marks: Three scars along her right cheek, scratches from her dying mother.

Brief Summary: Anna's mutation allows her body to create and exude incredibly powerful toxins. Unfortunately she is unable to consciously control this power, and in turn it has killed most of her family and friends. Unable to cope with what she had done, Anna went insane and spent several years in a mental hospital. Upon witnessing her 'miraculous' ability to kill, some of the inmates took to calling her Santa Muerte (Saint Death). In her troubled mental state, she soon assumed this identity, and with it control of her powers.

Loose in the Rogue Isles, Anna is now accompanied by a legion of 'zombies', mostly former heroes and villains, who mindlessly follow her every whim.

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They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Name: Leviathas

Origin: Natural

Affiliations: Empire of Atlantis

Archetype: Scrapper

Powersets: Electric Melee/Shield Defense

Height: 7'5

Weight: 400lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: White

Distinguishing Marks: Pointed ears with gills behind them.

Brief Summary: King of Atlantis, Protector of the Ocean.

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"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Name: Demetrios Vasilikos




Powersets:Broadsword/Regen, Dark,Fire,Body mastery depending on build





Distinguishing Marks:none

Brief Summary:Created by crey to gain the secrets of doc vahz. Demtry began as a paragon protector given a DNA memory core created from a sample aquired by field agents who survived an encounter with the fearsome arch villain. The PP body was of a new advanced generation possessing incredible regenerative abilities.Those had an unexpected interagration restoring the mind to a pre madness state and giving birth to demetrios who sees himself as the true man freed from the monster that had taken control of him.

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Subject Sixteen

Origin: Science

Affiliations: Arachnos (Ghost Widow's Faction), 'The Entropy Legion'

Archetype: Dominator

Powersets: Mind Control / Psionic Assault

Height: 6' 7"

Weight: 115lbs

Eyes: Green

Hair: Brown (Usually dyed)

Distinguishing Marks: Extensive surgical scarring and subdermal circuitry over most of his body. Features usually hidden behind a gas mask.

Brief Summary:

[Playback, PPD Surveillance Drone ZP-423: Date 5/26/11]

*Data corrupted* "...just the thing, isn't it? You keep calling it a failed experiment, the Council considers it to be a failed experiment, but it wasn't. It succeeded in it's goal. To artificially instill psychic abilities in an otherwise normal human subject. I'm sorry, what? Look, if the Council wanted loyalty, they should have programmed it in. As it were, we were lucky to get just one surviving subject, and even then it was barely operational when the facility was raided by Longbow... "

[Second voice: indistinct]

"Yes, yes...And then it goes on a rampage and destroys everything and everyone associated with the project. Revenge? Hardly. I think he was just covering his tracks. Listen. I've talked to him. I watched his...Change. What you don't seem to understand is that he doesn't hold a grudge."

[Second voice again]

*Laughter* "You really don't understand the sort of man you're dealing with, do you? We gave him power. Damn us all, we gave the man the ability to bend the very minds of the people around him to his will, to kill with a thought...And he sees it as a gift. There is no angst, no ruminations on what could have been, and absolutely no conscience, remorse, or sense of responsibility. He's a monster. A complete and utter monster, and he revels in it. To bad for you..."

[End Playback]

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