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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
    Threads like this are why Defenders can (almost) never get buffed!
    *shrug* Personally, I don't think we've needed to be buffed for a very long time. Makes me a minority, but meh.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AWRocketman View Post

    But if you order today you also get... no difference in your biggest damage power. Oil Slick Arrow has the same damage on both.
    True, but defenders will get their order 9 days (levels) sooner, making soloing easier and controllers cry.
  3. None whatsoever. I have that combination on a corruptor, and it's my favorite toon to play.
  4. _Malk_

    Empathy Opinions

    Taking absorb pain is a personal choice -- some like it, some don't. I personally think it's a waste of a power option, so I don't ever take it. If you want to, that's fine.

    Throwing healing aura on auto shouldn't be done, it's just a waste. The activation interferes with other powers that you potentially need to fire off at the drop of a hat.

    I've only created one defender with empathy and I do both of these things. I did a bit of research and when I started this character I decided that she would focus on her primary. The only attack she has is the one that I had no choice in taking. She is completely useless except for her ability to keep everyone else alive and moving.
    You also keep people up and moving by assisting with damage dealing. The more you contribute, the faster things go down, the less you have to rely on these three powers that, according to that Altas Park broadcast discussion, are what defines the empathy set (blatantly, stupidly incorrect). Other incredibly misleading statements from that conversation include in following:

    "Defenders are healers." (No. Just...no.)

    "Healer is easier to say than defender with empathy" (which was then rebutted by the "Why not just say emp?" comment, which made me laugh.)

    "Defenders are the primary support toon" (No, controllers are full support, while defenders are support/offense)

    "Empathy has five heals, because regen and recovery aura are more healy than anything" (They're buffs. The total amount of actual heals empathy has is three, unless you want to generously consider stretching the term to include resurrect)

    "Everyone loves an emp" (No, people love a well played defender. A lack of knowledge about class and power dynamics is what gets poor emps love)
  5. _Malk_

    OSA - Seriously?

    This hurts my heart...

    *shelves TA controller until fixed*
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
    Not really. When I see "healor lft" I keep steppin'

    Tell: RU healor?
    --->Tell: No, I R Controller (or whatever buff class I happen to be on.)

    Do you play on Virtue? Will you be my friend?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
    Pure healer builds do work and are very popular in this game.
    Debateable. I was just (un)lucky enough to be on a banners team with 3 defenders, 1 corruptor (me), a controller, and a scrapper. Normally, I would have been ecstatic. This group of defenders, unfortunately, decided to act primarily as healbots and essentially do nothing. Only one of them, who had wonderful psychic blast, was actually throwing down and taking shots at the banner. It's not hard to hit a piece of wood sticking out of the ground with a flag attached to it, but these two twits certainly made it an unenjoyable experience...while chatting.

    Choose all your primary powers and stealth+superspeed so you can fade into the background. Also get recall friend so if things go very bad you can run away and revive everyone.
    *toggles civility off*

    Something even more effective than fading into the background? Not being there at all. It frees up a spot for someone who actually wants to do something and will contribute, not leech xp and influence off a team.

    In the 40s you will find you are not needed for that anymore and you can respec for more attacks and choose an aggressive ppp set.
    You're not needed for this in the first place. You're needed to contribute effectively. Wallflowering isn't effective contribution, so why build this way up until a specific point?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
    They are also good at targeting rezzing mobs before I can. Usually, the rezzer dies before he's done with his overly dramatic rezzing animation. I like that about my imps.
    Oh yes, this is definitely one of my most favorite things about pets. It's especially rewarding on a crab spider with all pets out.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FaceBreaker View Post
    Hmm in that case I will try a Controller. I was checking through the Primary Power set though.. which set would work better or is it personal preference? I quite like the idea of Stone, Illusion, Ice or Mind. I would like to summon a pet that does dmg whilst I can sit back and heal/buff but would also like to mezz/trap foes from attacking players. I will take a look through the Controller forum and see what information I can find.
    Sounds like you want illusion or fire. Illusion has multiple summons for fun times, and fire lets you summon three imps to do your dirty work for you.

    Edit: And if you're going with a controller, also take a look at the thermal radiation secondary set. It's similar to empathy, but has some high end debuffs in there. Plus, it's fire. Who doesn't like fire?
  10. If you're a bigger soloer, I would actually recommend either ill/therm or ill/rad rather than ill/emp. Thermal is a support heavy set, but unlike empathy, it's top end powers are debuffs that will be wonderfully useful solo or in a team. You'll still have the ability to heal, rez, and buff in team situations, but you'll at least be able to make use of those few extra powers when solo.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
    As to the ignoring the secondary comments. I've played this game for a very long time. I recently wanted a new challenge. So I created an Empathy/Energy Defender. At level 30ish I still only have one attack. (Not counting Brawl or Vet abilities).
    I had this planned all the way to 50 to not take another attack. It is a concept, peace loving kind of character. I have only been on PUGs so far. To date I've never had anyone complain.
    Oddly enough it is the busiest I've ever been with a character. I do nothing but heal and maintain buffs on everyone.
    There are occasions when things are going well and we are steam rolling through a mission that I will use my one attack.
    So not being what a defender can be? Maybe. But I'm having fun, and to date so is everyone I've been teamed with.
    The nice thing about CoX is that you can play it how you want and usually be successful.
    (BTW, I've not replanned things since they announced Fitness as inherent. I'm not sure if I can avoid taking any more attacks now; assuming I respec that is.)
    There is a reason why I've bolded this specific section, because it's not actually odd that you're finding this. When you get one emp or maybe two emps playing this way, it is entirely logical that they're going to "find" that they're "having to heal more": the more teammates you have, the more enemies spawn. The logic behind this is not that the other players can suddenly take on more than the usual amount, but that you will be contributing to the offensive efforts to take down these foes. When you don't, those foes head towards that awkward blaster who now requires some assistance to either stay up or put them down. You choose to help him stay up, he takes longer to put them down; you are effectively the source of your team's healer dependencey. There is nothing odd about it. You may certainly be having fun, but a great many players will not have fun teaming with you and just because they don't voice any opposition to it doesn't mean they're having fun.

    To the OP: a great many people have suggested a controller for a "pure support" character, and I am inclined to agree. Mind control/empathy is certainly a good, safe choice, but you might also consider illusion control/empathy. You have many summons who can do your dirty work for you. You click, they appear, you can go back to supporting the team while letting them do their thing. I highly recommend it over making a defender and ignoring half of your powers.
  12. I hadn't even thought of alternate archetype combinations...

    What about two masterminds? You and your wife would never actually have to team with anyone ever again, if you didn't want to.
  13. Traps and dark miasma are both fine secondaries, so either of them will get you both through. If you're looking for a themed pair, you could always go with a more tech/weapons/mercenary duo, with one of you as archery(or AR)/traps and the other as DP/TA. With the combined debuffs, you'd pump out damage fairly easily. Plus, the set combinations are just plain fun. I've never enjoyed myself more than I have playing my DP/TA corruptor.

    Edit: You could also try pairing a dark/rad and a rad/dark together. Both capable of huge debuffs, decent healing and rezzing, plus a pretty penny worth of damage. You'll have a nice synergy with each other, which is always helpful.
  14. _Malk_

    A, AR, or DP?

    Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
    Or Bosses if your secondary has a disorient to stack with it.
    This is why I enjoy my DP/TA character -- instead of disorient, I'm stacking holds with Ice Arrow and Suppressive Fire. Take that, bosses!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
    Since they will be available from Level 1 my guess on the Inherent Stamina issss...

    At Character creation you get to simply pick what, out of the powers, you want from there fitness pool, so you could just take stamina, you could pick stamina and swiftness or you could take the whole kit and kaboodle.
    Except this is entirely wrong. They're unlocked as of level 2. Think of them in the same way you think of a warshade's version of recall friend. You just get them; no wasting of power choices.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
    Hey Folks,

    Well it seems like the leak was slightly larger than we thought, if it weren’t for those meddling Soldiers of Arachnos! While the Snow and Firefly Auras were for a future issue (and are now being included as part of Issue 19), the Storm Cloud Aura is for a completely different initiative and will be removed from availability in the live environment.

    NaturepacknaturepackNATUREPACK! *crosses fingers and toes*

    More vines/trees/flowers/bug/antlers/fin parts, please!

    Edit: From the i19 page:

    The following powers have alternate animation choices:

    Primary Sets: Dark Blast, Electric Blast, Energy Blast, Fire Blast, Radiation Blast, Ice Blast, Psychic Blast, Sonic Attack, Mind Control.

    Secondary Sets: Psionic Assault, Sonic Resonance, Icy Assault, Fiery Assault, Mental Manipulation, Energy Assault, Electricity Manipulation, Integration.
    Very excited for this, but has integration become a set unto itself?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    I would agree with you, but sucky players tend to stand out on support characters (such as defenders). Thats why I call them offenders, because they not only use offensive powers in situations where defensive powers would be better, but because by doing so, they offend their teammates.
    That's not the way the term 'offender' has been used here in the past, though. 'Offenders' were just very aggressive defenders, not negligent ones.
  18. Why not just turn down the sfx?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    I've been using this term for a couple years now, but apparently my definition is a bit different than most of yours. What you define as a 'offender', to me, is just a good defender.

    To me, an offender is a defender who neglects to use/slot/pick their primary powers and allows their allies to die because they like to pretend that they're a blaster.

    Example: I had a bad experience on a brute with an offender once. Was only me, her (a fire/pain dom corrupter), and a stalker on the team. I was tanking, and repeatedly dying (was playing at around level 20-30). I soon realized that she wasn't healing--she had them, just didn't use them--she was happily blasting away while I tried to tank and keep the aggro off of her. After about the 4th death and repeated asks for her to keep up with the heals, I quit.
    Defender and offender are synonymous, or at least they should be. Your definition of offender is way, way off. That's just a sucky player.
  20. _Malk_


    Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
    This was improved like.... 2 years ago. Archery has been top tier for quite some time now.
    *was away for over a year and a half before coming back*

    *sneaks away to roll an archer*
  21. _Malk_


    Interesting...two identical disagreements with my statement. Definitely big enough to admit when I'm wrong and, admittedly, I shelved an archer a long time ago and eventually just deleted him. If things have changed, that's great and I'll likely give archery another shot. Last I experienced, the draw time was terrible, resulting in wasted endurance because of attacks going off as mobs were alive but the attacks were never quick enough to land before someone else had finished the deed. Has this changed, and has the damage improved?

    (RoA was never included in the "archery is lacking" statement, btw. I just don't consider one really excellent power amongst a slew of 'meh' powers to make a set great)
  22. _Malk_


    Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
    This is because Trick Arrow is unfortunetly, an underpowered set.
    Yeah, this is just blatantly wrong. Trick arrow is a very, very good set that is simply entirely dependent on the primary and a late bloomer for corruptors. I will agree that A/TA isn't the best, but that's simply because archery is lacking, not the secondary.
  23. Unfortunately, that's just about the only way you can do it. If you're not already, though, you can hide inherents. It helps.
  24. I rolled DP/TA just so I could have redraw. I plan on rolling a TA/DP defender just to see how the two compare.
  25. Fire/dark miasma is a great combo and it'd definitely bring a lot of value to both your team and solo play, but you could also look at fire/kinetics (I played with one yesterday -- she was ridiculous to watch), fire/radiation emission, or fire/trick archery. Personally, I'd nudge you towards the last simply because I love trick archery, and paired with fire as a primary you're not going to have to waste your best attack to light an oil slick. You'd be a debuffing machine with a killer primary.