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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    Also even in the scrapper section where they love soloing AV's with defence capped builds there is plenty of help for people without the budget. Knowing the very best things doesn't mean we will lose sight of those without the purples, it just means people might be more motivated to earn the purples if they know exactly what they can do when they have them. Right now people seem to be acting like they wont make much of a difference.
    Truthfully? They really don't. The whole reason I made 2 lvl 50 Warshades was to test this out. Both warshades have the same exact build setup, except for the *minor* detail that one uses 4 purple sets, while the other doesn't use a single purple. The performances of both Warshades are so frightningly similar that it made me a little sick to my stomache that I paid as much as I did to purple out both builds on VestigeOne. Seriously, it made me sick.

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    But that isn't as big a problem as people seem to make out. The scrapper section would laugh at you and then help you make the most of your concept using hard numbers. We would say 'wow what a cool concept' then use phrases like 'loads of damage' and 'fun' when making the build.
    lol, ok, I might go ahead and post something like that to see what sort of responses I really get over there.

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    Also if someone wants to build a Kheldian who uses ranged attacks and has high defence why can't we work on producing the best possible build of that type? And then why can't we say 'but using this build actually gives you better DPS from range using this attack chain and because it has perma-Eclipse you dont need the defence' using exact numbers to prove our point and let the person then decide if they want their concept or the more effective build?
    Because one person's "best possible build" is entirely subjective, that's why. I seem to remember this exact sort of discussion I had with someone a while back in the Kheldian forums with someone who "couldn't imagine" why someone wouldn't choose Gravitic Emination in their WS build. I explained exactly why I chose not to, and why it benefitted my strategy and gameplay to make that decision. Someone who thought that taking that power is totally necessary for the "ultimate" build would be completely and absolutely wrong in my opinion.

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    Kheldians will have exactly the same thing, you want a Kheldian to fit your playstyle then just tell us what that style is and we should be able to give them facts about why this power should be picked and why that one shouldn't.
    From what I can tell, that happens already... There are several threads out there where people have asked for help, everyone responded with "what's your playstyle?" and when the person answered, several people posted great builds and reasons why those builds would benefit that person. Not all of them may have posted "numbers" (I don't see how being a math whiz should be a requirement for everyone wanting to participate in making a good build), but all of them posted great builds.

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    The bit you are very wrong with is when you shout JUST AS GOOD, because that is rubbish. There will be one and only one way of doing something (Whichever something that may be) the best, it happens in everything in life.
    I guess there we'll have to agree to disagree. You may say there's only "one way of doing something" with, say, a Claws/Regen scrapper, but I can't fathom how you'd even attempt making a comment like that in the Kheld forums. Because there ISN'T only one way of doing anything with a Kheld. The versatility of Khelds completely defies that statement. But, to each his own, I suppose. To me, saying "tri-form is better than human-only" (or vice versa) is like saying "choosing the Fortunata path is way better than choosing the Widow path." It's entirely subjective.

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    I am pretty sure that just like me Obsidians goal is actually to find the ultimate build or ultimate builds, not to shred them apart. We want to be able to show everyone just how powerful a Kheldian can be.
    And, I'm sure there are dozens of people (maybe more) in this Kheld section who can already show how powerful a Kheld can be. I'm guessing LordXenite and Memphis_Bill might be included in that number.

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    we can do the same thing if we would just admit that there are great builds out there.
    Wait, we don't do that already? Of course there are great builds out there! I've seen plenty posted here by people... They're definitely builds that I wouldn't implement on MY Khelds, mind you, but I can certainly admit to a good build when I see one...

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    Yes I do actually have a build for that The main thing I am arguing is that there are builds like that out there that we need to analyse to find the very best of.

    And I am not the best number cruncher either (Its been a while since I excercied the maths part of my brain) but that shouldn't stop us trying. Would you really be upset if I saw your build and said 'you can get 2% more effectiveness by swapping that for that'? Even if I took your whole build apart why would you have something against me giving you a more effective build?
    I wouldn't hold anything against you, but I'm also the sort of person who has spent hours and hours and hours and hours (totally uncountable) in Mid's already analyzing every set and looking at the totals and trying to build the most effective build for my personal playstyle choice. So, if someone suggested a different power for "more effectiveness," I would just laugh, because I already know that power doesn't fit into my playstyle. Again, we're trying to compare effectiveness to playstyles here. What seems to be misunderstood here is that 2 different playstyles can be JUST as effective as the other, and both might have 2 different builds or strategies at going about a situation.

    For example, one warshade may prefer tri-form soloing...

    A tri-form soloer in action

    Now, yes, you can post a tri-form build to tell that person "this is the most effective way you can tolo in tri-form, and you can *say* it's "the best build ever" for a Warshade... But, again, you're telling them to use specific powers in their playstyle... Which, again, impacts their personal playstyle.

    What if someone prefers to solo as human-only, and doesn't like the shape-shifting powers? Are you going to tell him that he can't make one of the "best ws builds ever" because of this? I cerainly won't. Why? Because they're both just as effective.

    A human-only soloer in action

    I guarantee my build and that aforementioned person's build are quite different. But, I bet you that person wouldn't enjoy my playstyle as much as he/she does his own, as I already know I wouldn't enjoy their playstyle as much as I love my own. The point being, there isn't JUST ONE "best" build for a PB/WS. There's probably about 10 or more.

    "The One"
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    Are you saying you can ever have enough Kheldians?

    haha, no... Actually I had just rolled a 4th Kheld (my 2nd Peacebringer) not too long ago... She's still a low lvl though...

    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    Actually, I can't imagine doing that myself because I'm not as focused on builds but rather on strategy and gameplay. What you describe though is exactly what I hated about WoW and feared would happen in CoX once the Invention system came to be: Gear makes people stationary and not want to play and do anything that involves making new characters.

    Me? Afraid of making new characters? I've got at least 44 I've rolled! Haha! I'm the definition of an alt-aholic! :P That said, all characters I've rolled have been on Freedom... Not necessarily because the gear there makes me stationary, but because of the amount of life-long friends I've made over there (in game and in r/l) as well as the difficulty of earning a lot prestige by yourself for a SG (I prefer to run my own SG).

    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    That would be awesome, but in the meantime, how about we wait until the Test Server opens up to the public again and then do Lv50 TF's there? We could all just copy our characters there and TF till the end of time! Deal?

    Heck! Now that I think of it, we could use this as an Event to show people how awesome Kheldians truly are, and let them come cheer us on in Cimerora for example between ITF missions!
    Now THAT I would be totally open for! I'll copy toons to test all day long.... Yeah, let's see if we can't get something like that started up, shall we?

    "The One"
  3. AlienOne

    Dev Digest

    Awww, dangit, Mod08... What if we want to see your boring posts? :P

    "The One"
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    The challenge is not about being mezzed or avoiding it, the challenge is how you adapt to changing circumstances, and you yourself have said as much already.

    Now, about all Kheldian task forces... well, why don't you join the UI on Infinity and join us for some? So far, I've done an All Kheldian ITF (on Liberty, because that's where most of us had high-level Kheldians at the time) and an All Kheldian TV Respec TF, and we're working on getting the UI up in levels so we can do ITFs on Infinity and one day, perhaps the STF as well.
    I'd love to be involved in one of your all-Kheld TFs, but alas, all 3 of my Khelds are on Freedom... Because I've spent well over 6 billion on builds (both builds on all 3 for a total of 6 builds) and several hundred play hours between the 3 of them, I don't really have much motivation to roll another on a different server, as you can imagine...

    Now, if the Devs came up with a way to do a "mass" transfer of all toons plus your supergroup and prestige to another server, I'd take advantage of that in a heartbeat.

    "The One"
  5. That actually is kinda funny.... lol

    "The One"
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rainbow_Avenger View Post
    Formal costume for those times he needs to shakes hands on camera and Statesman objects to the fetish gear.
    Dude, LOL. That's great! I'm lovin' these posts! Keep 'em coming! Also, how did you get the forums to post a thumbnail-sized pic of the picture you posted? I'd like to do that with my large pics if I could...

    Hey, LordXenite, your triform pic is not showing up for me... Anyone else having problems viewing Lord's pic, or is it just my pc?

    "The One"
  7. The problem, Obsidian, really isn't the fact that people are "afraid" to post their build and say it's "teh best evar"... The problem is that Khelds are so versatile and playstyle-adaptable. You can't roll a claws scrapper and ask in the scrapper forums "how do I build the best claws scrapper for ranged attacks", because they would all laugh at you, and (hopefully politely) inform you that you'd only be using like 2 attacks for a build like that, and it most DEFINITELY wouldn't be the "best" build for it.

    With a Kheld, you CAN ask things like that. You CAN say "I'd like to make a Kheld who only attacks from a distance, and I want to build for ranged defense." Cool. Someone may have the best build for that. You may say "I like to fight melee... What's the best melee setup with melee/smashed/lethal defense?" Cool. Someone may have a build for that. You may say "I only like to fight in human form." What's the best setup for that?" I've got a build for you there.

    The key is, and always has been, your playstyle. If you want a melee blaster, you roll a melee blaster. If you want a ranged blaster, you'll have to roll a completely different toon. With a Kheld, you can simply switch builds.

    BECAUSE the problem here in the Kheld forums is playstyle choice, one person CANNOT post a "be all, end all" build for a Kheld, because EVERY SINGLE other Kheld player will come on and say "No. That's wrong." Why? Playstyle choice. You can build a Kheld for a certain playstyle choice with just about any set you can think of and it be a good Kheld. You can build ANOTHER Kheld with a completely different power setup, with just about any set you can think of, and it STILL be JUST AS GOOD as the previous...

    This explanaition has already been attempted multiple times with you from what I can see, so I'm getting the impression that you're just asking for someone to "post the ultimate Kheld build" so you can shred it apart. Or so others can.

    Besides that, Not every person in the game is some sort of numbers mathematics whiz. I'm certainly not. But, I can most definitely tell you (and have a NUMBER of friends/random people in-game who have teamed with me tell you as well) that my warshade kicks some f***ing tail. My warshade IS one of those you mentioned that is built around "performance" and HAS caused many people to go "DAMN! I'm making a warshade now! You got a build for that?"

    But, would other Khelds on these forums agree that my WS is the "BEST WS EVAR?"

    Absolutely not.

    It's a playstyle thing.

    "The One"
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    Perhaps it is because that's the only thing that actually brings some measure of challenge and strategy to the AT?

    Seriously though, if you're coming under such heavy mezzing attacks without a Break Free, or other team-members to support you, or without working out some keybinds to make things easier, then perhaps you are chewing more than you can handle?

    Personally, I enjoy the fact that there is some danger when I'm shifting forms. If I were constantly mez-protected, or I knew there was no way the enemy could ever overwhelm me, I'd probably just abandon the character for lack of interest.
    There are a TOOOON more challenges out there for Khelds than just mez protection. Actually, I don't even consider mezzing a "challenge." All you have to do is hit a break free. There's no challenge to that. Now, mezzing aside, the TRUE challenge is really switching forms... Say your eclipse drops while you're fighting a large mob in Nova form, and you want to get your eclipse back up. Switching to human form, dropping into the middle of the group, getting an eclipse off (and maybe a stygian circle, depending on the circumstances) and changing back to nova without being killed is certainly a challenge, especially on invincible. Being mezzed? Meh. It's either hit a break free and keep fighting, or just sit there and wait to be killed while you're mezzed. Not much of a challenge. I'd actually say that's more of a frustration than an actual "challenge."

    To each his own, I guess. I'd prefer to have mez protection myself, so I could apply my time to actual challenges, like setting up a "how long will he survive?" situation for my WS with constant ambushes (while solo)....Or, maybe an all-Kheld task force...Or, soloing an AV... You know, REAL challenges. Being mezzed a challenge? C'mon. Please. :P

    "The One"
  9. My Warshade VestigeOne exactly like he is now, except with Siphon Speed and Fulcrum Shift added to his build.

    One can dream.

    "The One"
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
    Where do you get purples from anyway?
    Normal (mostly lvl 50) content. Outside of AE. In my experience, it helps if you're on "invincible," but not necessary.

    "The One"
  11. Now that we have a way to show images in threads (via the new forums), I thought it would be really neat to see how everyone's got their Kheldians dressed...

    So, how do you do it? "Epic" attire? "Just-a-normal-looking-guy-who-happens-to-switch-into-an-alien?" "Alien Ambassador" attire? Which is it for you? Let's see!

    For the sake of the fact that this is the Kheldian part of the forums, please limit your pics to only your Kheldian toons...

    Also, you get a bonus for including your character's bio along with the pic, as that sometimes better explains your character's dress.

    I'll go ahead and start... Here's AlienOne's [short] bio (and the backstory for the Chosen Ones, to give you an idea why most of my toons have the name "One" in them):


    On May 16th, 2002, one week before the Rikti invasion, a secret organization was formed called CorpsOne. Its creator, Dr. Robert Lanza--who named the organization after Hero 1--formed this secret collaboration of highly skilled doctors, scientists, botanists, researchers, and magicians with the purpose of attempting to clone and experiment on many of the signature heroes. According to evidence found in the Paragon City Herald, Dr. Lanza was very vocal about "finding a solution for protecting the children of tomorrow," because according to him "there isn't a single hero alive today that isn't capable of dying, incarnate or not." The Statesman (and many other heroes) disagreed with Dr. Lanza's public endorsement of cloning and experimentation on heroes, and campaigned against Dr. Lanza to "encourage other means and research for the safety of tomorrow." The public eventually sided with the Statesman, and Dr. Lanza was left to continue his pet project outside of government backing.
    Upon meeting with many heroes who hadn't been campaigning with Statesman, Dr. Lanza eventually found out that Hero 1 was intensely interested in his cloning program, and wanted to see how he could help. Dr. Lanza immediately started contacting every skilled doctor, scientist, researcher, and magician he knew about possibly joining this new "secret society." Many of his friends were attracted to his program, thus bringing the plans for this new organization into motion.
    On May 21st, just two days before the Rikti invasion, Hero 1 volunteered to come to Dr. Lanza's current makeshift facility to aid in starting experimentation to "create a new Hero 1 for tomorrow." Within a few hours, Dr. Robert Lanza had blood samples, skin samples, hair samples, various other tissue samples from Hero 1 to begin his research.
    On May 23rd, the Rikti invaded, and Dr. Lanza's research was temporarily delayed until he could find a safe place to continue. He quickly found a underground facility where he and his team could conduct their tests in safety and secret. Four months later, they had what their first breakthrough. However, this first advancement (aptly code-named "One") died 10 minutes after its creation, deeming CorpsOne's attempt at cloning Hero 1 an absolute and total failure. CorpsOne began experiments again.
    When the news of Hero 1's "death" arrived from Ajax in November 2002, Dr. Lanza dove into his experimentation even further, and was never again seen by the general public. For seven years, Dr. Lanza used varying methods to create some interesting heroes, who's stories we will not elaborate on in this document...

    AlienOne: CorpsOne's second attempt at Hero One's recreation returned very interesting results. This time, they tried combining the life-force from a willing Kheldian with the same DNA strand they had used with "One." The resulting creation was both an awe-inspiring success and an utter disappointment for CorpsOne. The creation remained alive this time, but because of the strength of the Kheldian being's life-force, this new creation maintained more Kheldian characteristics and powers than human. CorpsOne began experiments again...

    And here's VestigeOne's [short] bio:

    VestigeOne is CorpsOne's third attempt at Hero One's recreation. CorpsOne, building on the partial success of their Kheldian experiments with AlienOne once again tried their luck with combining the power of Nictus with the DNA of Hero One. The result was an even more powerful creature than what AlienOne had become, but an even more powerful example of a Kheldian's ability to completely consume another life form. These results still were not satisfying to CorpOne's end goal, which was to replicate Hero One, so they continued their experimentation.

    A "rare" picture with my other lvl 50 WS:

    And VestigeOne in action:

    Standing beside the ACTUAL Hero One during the CoH 5th Anniversary Event:

    So, what's your Kheldian's story? And What does he/she look like! Post here!

    "The One"
  12. Nice pics! I love the new image feature on the boards... That gives me another idea...

    "The One"
  13. Again, as I quoted in my original post before (and as I'm stating again here), I'm not a poor person. I never meant to imply that. If I need some money, I'll grind for it, and usually have entirely more than I need within a couple days. On top of that, the original statement WAS (and yes, again, still IS) that I made 50 on a Brute during double xp weekend. I didn't say that I spent all that same day.

    My complaint was, and still is, the fact that AE is causing a general spike in prices from before AE. Remember, I posted that I tried to get those things a week after double xp weekend. The prices had already dropped in a huge way since the double xp weekend spike. The point is, they're still high. For any of you who have been around for at least longer than how long AE has been around, you'll know that Obliteration average prices are HIGHER than what purple sets went for before AE!

    I'm sure most responses (based on the "you're the problem" "no, YOU'RE to blame" "Whatever you say is PHAIL"-type statements) in this thread will amount to more poo-flinging and fewer actual solutions, so I'll go ahead and bow out to your "superior knowledge" of economics.

    "The One"
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Corebreach View Post
    I think the answers you get to this question will be confounded by the fact that some people think "inflation" means only inflation and others think it means any increase in price for any reason. For instance, the MA has obviously caused an increase in Invention Salvage prices, but primarily not from inflation.
    Except that "inflation" actually defines "increase in price"

    Miriam Webster: "a continuing rise in the general price level usually attributed to an increase in the volume of money and credit relative to available goods and services"

    In my opinion, that is right down to the "t" what AE is. People farming AE increases the general amount of "money in pocket" of most toons, therefore increasing the *general* amount of what "most" people who are getting farmed are willing to spend--while at the same time, a higher population of players are playing in an environment which offers zero drops during gameplay. As was stated before in another thread on this subject (paraphrasing), "most people are going to try and utilize their tickets for their own gain"--meaning, they're going to either try and slot the recipes they get from rolls on their own toons (decreasing what's on the market), OR, they're going to try and make as much money on the market as they can with it---which, when coupled with the fact that most have/are willing to pay much more money now (than before AE), you then have rising prices.

    "The One"
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
    this is the one that may or may not get me shot, either dial back the xp gain or increase the amount of debt, or decrease all the ways to knock of debt. maybe it's just me, but we level so fast sometimes it's way WAY easy to miss content even if you try to take it slow. i know there is turning off XP, but i dunno, that doesnt seem like the fix im looking for. but that's just me. otherwise, im always good with more cooler costume pieces, and one day allowing us to slot the origin specific inherent powers.
    Dude, I got 27 or more characters to lvl up (and more to make once later issues are released), so... No, no, no, no, and more NO to that!

    Also, the game doesn't truly start for me until I hit lvl 35+ and start slotting IOs... Having all the powers to work with for strategies, and figuring out how to maximize use of those powers/set bonuses IS the game for me... Make it harder to get to that point, and CoX has lost my support.

    "The One"
  16. 1. Graphics/engine overhaul for the next "game generation"

    2. Weather effects (not just for powers--for zones... raining, snow, etc.)

    3. lvl 1-35 hero/villain co-op zone

    4. Hero/Villain market merger (or an alternate solution to market inflation)

    5. Destructable environments in-instances (outside might cause a bunch of griefing)

    6. More *epic* "solo-able" task forces like the Mender Silos one

    7. 3rd and 4th builds added (so I can further expand my Kheldian's abilities...hehe)

    8. More zones, like, say, an underground city (Nemesis?) or underwater city (Atlantis/similar city--and no, I don't mean caves)... or "city in the sky"

    9. Water powers (i.e. pelting rain, tidal wave, swamp, water pet, etc.)

    10. Base expansion/building capabilities/more items to place/more themes to work with other than tech and magic

    11. The ability (in the future) to, for a *decent* price, transfer ALL (or selected) characters PLUS your base from one server to a less populated/more populated server, depending on what your preference is...

    12. Complimentary cookies
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Folonius View Post
    Just curious as to everyones opinions and experiences. Do people think MA is causing inflation? I think it is because of the amount of influence to rewards it is generating. A boss farm creates much more influence than it does tickets.
    The short answer?


    "The One"
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    With a genius plan like that, I don't see how anything could go wrong.
    Not sure exactly what you mean here... Are you implying that leveling up a character during double xp weekend isn't "the right thing to do?" That wanting to set out a lvl 50 Brute is an automatic "fail?" Still trying to figure that statement out...

    "The One"
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    I'm certainly not poor (or wasn't poor) after this last double xp weekend....
    Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
    Can't call poverty on that one.
    Poverty eludes you.
    People really SHOULD start actually READING posts for a change.

    That would be way cool.

    "The One"
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RagManX View Post
    Ur d0ing it rong!

    I bought a level 26 Miracle +recovery crafted IO for 17 million in the past week or two. If you spent the 100 million it typically goes for, then you are the problem, not the seller. Why are you in such a hurry to get every IO you want? If you were to take your time to IO your character, you could do it for 30-60% off what you just spent.

    No, I don't pay that. So, no, I'm not part of the problem. I was just complaining about the problem, not saying I was participating in it. Not exactly sure where you get your facts there, RagManX, but you might need to start looking elsewhere for them. Villain side is completely different than Hero-side. Anyone will tell you that. I can get a Miracle for....NOTHING on Hero side. I've gotten more Miracles +recoveries via ticket rolls and merit rolls than I have actually bought the stupid things. However, that's all on hero side. Villain side, it's another matter. It's hard enough to find a competent team, much less complete TFs on a regular basis to earn merits for the rediculously expensive IOs (which would be pretty much all of them)... Yes, you could bid 14,000 on an expensive IO and hope that someone makes a mistake in posting one for an unbelievable price, and maybe you could pick up that IO next year!

    Or... You could try offering a solution.

    "The One"
  21. Wow, this is a fantastic way to up your post count... I should try this myself...

    "The One"
  22. Here's another point for you though... I'm certainly not poor (or wasn't poor) after this last double xp weekend.... after getting a purple drop on me and selling it for 250 mil infl, and making a TON of money on several of my 50s, I pooled it all together, and it added up to close to 650mil, which I transferred over to villains side with the help of a very nice, rich person, who actually included a bonus of 20 mil infamy for no reason, and didn't charge me a dime for the transfer.

    So, that's 670mil infamy, right? I decided, I'm going to do the best I can to set out my Elec/WP Brute who just hit 50 on double xp weekend WITHOUT putting a single purple in him.

    670 mil infamy later? He's still only halfway done. Sure, you have a point that no one *should* be poor in this game, but when *&(*&%^ flippers and marketeers charge EXHORBANT prices (especially on villains side) for EVERYTHING, including common salvage, I beg to differ. Even the *modestly rich* like myself wind up becoming poor because of the ridiculous prices posted for things that SHOULD be cheap. I saw a ceramic armor plate going for 1 MILLION infamy this past weekend. No, I didn't pay that for it, but I saw someone did, and it made me sick to my stomache. Either there aren't enough people playing the game anymore to warrant supply vs. demand, or....

    ...Another interesting point...


    'Nuff said.

    "The One"
  23. The quick-resolve issue would be to just not use Firefox. But, I realize Firefox users are like Apple users.... They will defend their product to the death, though they may know that alternate products exist, and do just as good (or even better in some cases) of a job as their "product of choice."

    I may get *crushed* for even saying this, but personally, I use Maxthon. Has the same open-endedness as Firefox, same great support, many of the same exact plug-ins, and I've never experienced a single problem I continue to see Firefox users post about when they visit certain websites with certain code that didn't take Firefox into conderation when it was made...

    Good luck with your Firefox though... Maybe they'll fix it one of these days... :P

    Seriously though, I have many, many friends who use it and love it, so I don't have anything personally against the program... I just haven't switched to it because, well, I haven't had a single reason to as of yet.

    "The One"
  24. AlienOne


    I actually like your suggestion... I wouldn't suggest making the form-change times shorter (although I would be more likely to play my tri-form builds if this were the case), but I DO like the suggestion of going straight from one to the other... dropping to human form for one tiny sliver of a split second before going to dwarf when changing directly from nova (and vice versa) just looks bad. There's no cool explosion or animation when switching back to human, so it really takes away from the switch TO the other forms.

    Just my 2 cents.

    "The One"
  25. AlienOne


    Oh, hey! Just a couple more.... Can't forget these... First pic is a screenshot of my character VestigeOne (the one in the purple with the orange fiery eyes standing to the left) standing next to Hero One during the 5th anniversary event, and the 2nd pic is me standing next to "Hero One" in r/l at Comic-Con!

    5th Anniversary Event



    "The One"