Let me see your Kheldians!




Now that we have a way to show images in threads (via the new forums), I thought it would be really neat to see how everyone's got their Kheldians dressed...

So, how do you do it? "Epic" attire? "Just-a-normal-looking-guy-who-happens-to-switch-into-an-alien?" "Alien Ambassador" attire? Which is it for you? Let's see!

For the sake of the fact that this is the Kheldian part of the forums, please limit your pics to only your Kheldian toons...

Also, you get a bonus for including your character's bio along with the pic, as that sometimes better explains your character's dress.

I'll go ahead and start... Here's AlienOne's [short] bio (and the backstory for the Chosen Ones, to give you an idea why most of my toons have the name "One" in them):


On May 16th, 2002, one week before the Rikti invasion, a secret organization was formed called CorpsOne. Its creator, Dr. Robert Lanza--who named the organization after Hero 1--formed this secret collaboration of highly skilled doctors, scientists, botanists, researchers, and magicians with the purpose of attempting to clone and experiment on many of the signature heroes. According to evidence found in the Paragon City Herald, Dr. Lanza was very vocal about "finding a solution for protecting the children of tomorrow," because according to him "there isn't a single hero alive today that isn't capable of dying, incarnate or not." The Statesman (and many other heroes) disagreed with Dr. Lanza's public endorsement of cloning and experimentation on heroes, and campaigned against Dr. Lanza to "encourage other means and research for the safety of tomorrow." The public eventually sided with the Statesman, and Dr. Lanza was left to continue his pet project outside of government backing.
Upon meeting with many heroes who hadn't been campaigning with Statesman, Dr. Lanza eventually found out that Hero 1 was intensely interested in his cloning program, and wanted to see how he could help. Dr. Lanza immediately started contacting every skilled doctor, scientist, researcher, and magician he knew about possibly joining this new "secret society." Many of his friends were attracted to his program, thus bringing the plans for this new organization into motion.
On May 21st, just two days before the Rikti invasion, Hero 1 volunteered to come to Dr. Lanza's current makeshift facility to aid in starting experimentation to "create a new Hero 1 for tomorrow." Within a few hours, Dr. Robert Lanza had blood samples, skin samples, hair samples, various other tissue samples from Hero 1 to begin his research.
On May 23rd, the Rikti invaded, and Dr. Lanza's research was temporarily delayed until he could find a safe place to continue. He quickly found a underground facility where he and his team could conduct their tests in safety and secret. Four months later, they had what their first breakthrough. However, this first advancement (aptly code-named "One") died 10 minutes after its creation, deeming CorpsOne's attempt at cloning Hero 1 an absolute and total failure. CorpsOne began experiments again.
When the news of Hero 1's "death" arrived from Ajax in November 2002, Dr. Lanza dove into his experimentation even further, and was never again seen by the general public. For seven years, Dr. Lanza used varying methods to create some interesting heroes, who's stories we will not elaborate on in this document...

AlienOne: CorpsOne's second attempt at Hero One's recreation returned very interesting results. This time, they tried combining the life-force from a willing Kheldian with the same DNA strand they had used with "One." The resulting creation was both an awe-inspiring success and an utter disappointment for CorpsOne. The creation remained alive this time, but because of the strength of the Kheldian being's life-force, this new creation maintained more Kheldian characteristics and powers than human. CorpsOne began experiments again...

And here's VestigeOne's [short] bio:

VestigeOne is CorpsOne's third attempt at Hero One's recreation. CorpsOne, building on the partial success of their Kheldian experiments with AlienOne once again tried their luck with combining the power of Nictus with the DNA of Hero One. The result was an even more powerful creature than what AlienOne had become, but an even more powerful example of a Kheldian's ability to completely consume another life form. These results still were not satisfying to CorpOne's end goal, which was to replicate Hero One, so they continued their experimentation.

A "rare" picture with my other lvl 50 WS:

And VestigeOne in action:

Standing beside the ACTUAL Hero One during the CoH 5th Anniversary Event:

So, what's your Kheldian's story? And What does he/she look like! Post here!

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Here is Rachel Tormanin/Eclipse, aka Twilight Dream, my first Warshade:

When she first arrived in Paragon, all she had was this simple outfit. She did not have time to pack when she had to quickly leave the Rogue Isles after merging with the Nictus her brother had liberated from the Council for Dr. Percey.

After her uncle Pyrefox helped Rachel and Eclipse get settled into their new supergroup, he provided his neice with some Halloween salvage and a bit of moolah so they could pay a visit to Trina the Seamstress at Pocket D and get them a proper super heroine costume.

Rachel wanted something armored and modest. But Eclipse (who had her own conceptions about what Human hero girls should wear) wanted something rather revealing. They compromised, and came up with this one piece number:

At least Eclipse did not get her original idea implemented. Rachel would not be able to get herself to go out in public in an almost nonexistent bikini.

At 20, it was time for swimwear for those beach parties in Talos. Again, no bikini...

And then finally, once Twilight Dream reached security level 30, it was time for something somewhat formal to wear while chilling out at the D and sipping a nice refreshing mug of Blackberry Splortch...

That's all for now. Dunno what I will make for her final costume yet. Plus, need to show off my other Warshade and my PBs.

*** EDIT ***

Hope I didn't just kill this thread by posting in it.



Rainbow Arcana, Blaster turned Warshade. Diamond D, the renegade Outcast he befriended and redeemed. The outfit? Um, he likes leather.

Formal costume for those times he needs to shakes hands on camera and Statesman objects to the fetish gear.

Arcana's Vanguard armor, because Dee Dee doesn't like bruises he didn't make himself.

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue



Originally Posted by Rainbow_Avenger View Post
Formal costume for those times he needs to shakes hands on camera and Statesman objects to the fetish gear.
Dude, LOL. That's great! I'm lovin' these posts! Keep 'em coming! Also, how did you get the forums to post a thumbnail-sized pic of the picture you posted? I'd like to do that with my large pics if I could...

Hey, LordXenite, your triform pic is not showing up for me... Anyone else having problems viewing Lord's pic, or is it just my pc?

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
...Hey, LordXenite, your triform pic is not showing up for me... Anyone else having problems viewing Lord's pic, or is it just my pc?
It may be GamerDNA, so just in case, I've replaced the image with the thumbnail version of it and if you click it, the full version will appear.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Dude, LOL. That's great! I'm lovin' these posts! Keep 'em coming! Also, how did you get the forums to post a thumbnail-sized pic of the picture you posted? I'd like to do that with my large pics if I could...
"The One"
ImageShack gives you the code to display both full sized and thumbnails of hosted images.

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue