SSA 2 pt 5 when?




Just curious if anyone knows.

EDIT: Thanks to you guys, I have the edited arc on video now for archival purposes.

Thanks again.

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You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Is it even getting released?

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



never...the game is over dude..move on



Oh I thought it was in and scheduled to automatically come out, like the last couple.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Just curious if anyone knows.
It was supposed to release on the 23rd.

However the contact was never placed in Steel Canyon, so it's impossible to access.

It works on the beta server though, and is well worth the trip over. Epic finish to the SSA.

Originally Posted by Severe View Post
never...the game is over dude..move on
Then why are you still here? Take your own advice and "Move on".



There's that Admiral guy by Posi in Steel Canyon that does... nothing right now. It's not him?

I'd be more excited for the SSA if I was actually subbed come announcement. I'm sure that it's a good one, though!



No, the hero contact is a Nemesis Jaeger up in northeast Steel.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
It was supposed to release on the 23rd.

However the contact was never placed in Steel Canyon, so it's impossible to access.

It works on the beta server though, and is well worth the trip over. Epic finish to the SSA.

Then why are you still here? Take your own advice and "Move on".
see me asking for new content?!

see me ingame?!

see me post everyday? 4 times in 30 days to be exact!)

see cox on my desktop?...hell no

what about you?



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
see me asking for new content?!

see me ingame?!

see me post everyday? 4 times in 30 days to be exact!)

see cox on my desktop?...hell no

what about you?
A: I was hoping the last SSA would release on schedule just like part 4 did. Didn't realize the contact wasn't in game live, I'll have to try it on Beta now.

B: Yes, I'm in game every day, thanks.

C: Yes, I post every day in my end-game journal.

D: Yes, of course the game's still on my desktop. It still works for 30 days after all.

E: What about me? I'm not being an *** on the forums of a game I don't actually play.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by QuarriosSoul View Post
I'd be more excited for the SSA if I was actually subbed come announcement. I'm sure that it's a good one, though!
Wait, now I'm confused. I thought one of the last things the devs did was to open the Beta server for everyone. Is it still only VIP access? Have you tried to download and access the Beta server since 9/1, QuarriosSoul?

I really hope you can log on to see SSA 2 Part 5, and anything else you wanted to try in i24!



Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
Wait, now I'm confused. I thought one of the last things the devs did was to open the Beta server for everyone. Is it still only VIP access? Have you tried to download and access the Beta server since 9/1, QuarriosSoul?

I really hope you can log on to see SSA 2 Part 5, and anything else you wanted to try in i24!
Thought you had to be VIP to access the SSA arc, even on beta.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Thought you had to be VIP to access the SSA arc, even on beta.
Well... that would suck. I might have to test that out when I check out part 5 on Beta.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Thought you had to be VIP to access the SSA arc, even on beta.
Provided the store is still working on Beta, one might theoretically be able to purchase the arc in the event that one did not have access to it.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Provided the store is still working on Beta, one might theoretically be able to purchase the arc in the event that one did not have access to it.
ah yes. forgot about that method.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



In case anyone doesn't want to (or can't) go on Beta, here's a quick rundown:


1: For some reason, there's a Nemesis Jaeger in Steel spewing propaganda, which when spoken to kindly informs you that Nemesis is planning to attack City Hall. You relay this tidbit to Positron, who agrees to send the Freedom Phalanx to City Hall with you... but what if that's a diversion? A-ha, he's also planning to attack Talos... but wait, that might be a diversion as well! Why look, he's also attacking a radio station! Basically, based on your dialog choices, you can have all, some or none of the Phalanx accompany you to City Hall. Sadly, there's no badge for doing it alone.

You arrive and clobber three Jaeger that are powered by Pandora energy, but aren't too hard. Then an empowered Warhulk, who also isn't too hard.

2: You need to cut Nemesis off from the Pandora energy, so you go to Harvin's lab. You battle some Nemesis, push some buttons, then battle more Nemesis, during which you can push more buttons to prevent more Nemesis from coming. Then you push another button and the lab blows up, although all you get is a message that the lab blows up before the mission ends. Maybe they were planning to add SFX later.

3. Nemesis is attacking Steel Canyon! You go to an instanced Steel map and defeat empowered Warhulks, who give you "Pandora Power" or something, which adds -res to your attacks plus a chance to proc EXTREME!!!!1 energy damage. Then you fight the Nemesis Monstrosity, a three story tall Warhulk. It looked really cool, but wasn't too hard: I beat it with the gimmick petless MM I made on Test.

After the fight, you blow up, pass out, and awake in Fort Trident, where Posi spends eight dialog screens filling you in on his affair with a Russian researcher... wait, that's not it. He actually congratulates you, says that Nemesis if defeated, and the Phalanx needs to shape up more.

Then, out of the blue, you go to Ouroboros to talk to Mender Silos, who gives you a bunch of vague, blow-off answers about how he could have helped you but didn't. He doesn't say or even hint that he really is Nemesis, which I found disappointing.


In Sharkhead, you find "Inconspicuous Female #23573", a Nemesis Automaton who thinks it's 2013 and is telling you how to live under Nemesis' rule. You speak to Lastri, who calls you to a debriefing on your ship. Along with Odysseus, Captain Castillo, and two other guys, she tells you that you need to name your organization "The Illuminati" because you work behind the scenes and stuff. Whatever. Then, she says you need to make a truce with Arachnos. So, you go to the Grandville instanced map, and meet Ghost Widow, Black Scorpion and Scirocco. They won't let you in to see Recluse, so you pummel them, which is not too hard with your allies' help. You then go in the tower and talk to Recluse, who snarls at you but agrees to a truce.

The second and third missions are the same as the hero ones. After that, another debriefing, where Lastri tells you she won't be working with you anymore. As she leaves, you drop a tracking device down her cleavage, treating you to a cutscene where she talks to her boss. Surprise- she was working with the heroes all along, to form a rival organization to weaken Arachnos. You aren't told who the hero is, but when he says he's off to an orgy tonight it's kind of clear it's Manticore. After that, you go to Ouro for the same vague answers from Silos.

All in all, it was pretty good but not as great as the first SSA. Maybe a few more coats of polish would have brought it to the same level.



Since it's not guaranteed that I'll get to Beta to run this (tho hoping to), Thanks for the spoilers and humor. " ...where Posi spends eight dialog screens filling you in on his affair with a Russian researcher... wait, that's not it." ROFL!!!!

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



Originally Posted by Interface View Post
All in all, it was pretty good but not as great as the first SSA. Maybe a few more coats of polish would have brought it to the same level.



SSA 2 seemed like it involved the player more, but had less epic moments, obviously, than SSA 1, so it is different strokes for different folks.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



IMO it had a lot less obvious plot holes and wall-banging moments than SSA1. Who Will Die had a lot of "forced to be stupid" moments that made me want to reach through the screen and shake the characters because they were being so dense.



Originally Posted by Interface View Post
Then, out of the blue, you go to Ouroboros to talk to Mender Silos, who gives you a bunch of vague, blow-off answers about how he could have helped you but didn't. He doesn't say or even hint that he really is Nemesis, which I found disappointing.
I think this harks back to SSA 2 Episode 2, when you go to Ouroboros for time travel tips from Prometheus, who directs you to Mendor Silos, who says they can't help you locate Pandora's Box directly.

Thus, speaking with him at the end of Episode 5 is a way to tie it back around by asking "Why didn't you warn me?", which, as you noted, he gives vague responses to.



I just played the redside version, and man, that was a damp squib of an ending. Did I miss anything, or was there any indication as to who Lastri was talking to at the end?

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



Originally Posted by Finsplit View Post
I just played the redside version, and man, that was a damp squib of an ending. Did I miss anything, or was there any indication as to who Lastri was talking to at the end?
Interface proposed it was Manticore.

Originally Posted by Interface View Post
You aren't told who the hero is, but when he says he's off to an orgy tonight it's kind of clear it's Manticore.
I was going to argue that Synapse would fit the bill better, but that was the catch: The bill. Manticore is the one with the discretionary private funding needed. He also has set precedence for both interfering in the Rogue Isles as a Vigilante (see Mendor Silos TF/SF for example) and in funding others to do his work (see Rising Star story arcs for another example).



Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
Interface proposed it was Manticore.

I was going to argue that Synapse would fit the bill better, but that was the catch: The bill. Manticore is the one with the discretionary private funding needed. He also has set precedence for both interfering in the Rogue Isles as a Vigilante (see Mendor Silos TF/SF for example) and in funding others to do his work (see Rising Star story arcs for another example).
Posi stated in his Lore post that it was Manticore. It would have been revealed later on. He was becoming frustrated with Longbow's passiveness toward Arachnos, and was going to turn Wyvern into a damn-the-rules vigilante group.