A request... in memoriam of those players who have passed

Ael Rhiana



Here are the shots I managed to track down in relation to Heather Hoffrman:

The Comic Book Cover:

Heather herself:

And sadly, this thumbnail is the only thing I have left of the wallpaper done of the actual commemoration event:

Players Guide to the Cities



Mind Twist @Mind Twist, she was deployed to Iraq for the second time in 2009 and we never heard from her again. She was an original member of The Sisterhood on Liberty Server. We consider her MIA.



Originally Posted by Sera_Ash View Post
Paragon City Search and Rescue on Infinity lost Pure Empathy in March of this year. I don't know her personally, as she had stopped playing by the time I had joined the group, so I don't have much information on her. I've asked some of the other PCSARs if they have more info and given them the link to this thread.

This is a lovely idea, and I can't wait to see the finished product.
Thanks, Sera

Many thanks to my fellow PCSARian, Sera, for posting this about Pure Empathy. Pure Empathy, AKA Ramona Sepulveda (aka Tequila to her friends and familiy), died of cancer in March of this year. Tequila was my sister, my beloved friend, and a treasured part of my PCSAR family here in CoH. Tequila left behind several other family members who played CoH, including another PCSAR member, Galen's Curse (aka Wendy, one of her sisters).

She is sorely missed by one and all, and she is a big part of why I was drawn into patrolling and eventually becoming a PCSAR member, and indeed investing myself in an MMO period.

Her last cherished motto was "Choose Hope," a phrase I find eerily appropriate for our current state of affairs in CoX and indeed, the world in general.

I will look for screenshots of her character Pure Empathy to share for this project. She created an amazing blog during the last few years of her journey, called "Fear Not Woman" at Blogspot.Com. The title of the blog was "Must Not Fear." Tequila had an amazing sense of humor and compassion in abundance, and I recommend her blog to anyone -- it is full of love, light and wisdom, and is well worth checking out. I believe it still stands as testament to her courage and love of life.

Rest in peace, my dear; you are loved and missed, and remembered by many whose lives you touched.

My grateful thanks to you for honoring our beloved fallen.

Love, Peace and Joy to everyone,

Michelle (aka Lilith Owlwoman of PCSAR on Infinity)



The original Bobby Bomb from Victory server?



There was someone I met in game back in 2006. I only knew her for about 10 days, but we teamed frequently and had a lot of fun.

Her name was Katherine Weeks, from Pinnacle server. Her character was Stainless Steel Kat. In real life, she had lost the use of her legs after an accident that took the lives of her parents. The game was her place to go and be able to walk, dance and fly.

I still have some screenshots and a piece of memorial art. Also - somewhere - I have a few demorecord files with a couple of her toons. I'll PM them to you as soon as I find them.

Test Subject 42 - lvl 50 Sp/DA Scrapper
Oku No Te - lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Borg Master - lvl 24 Bots/traps MM

Nyghtfyre - lvl 50 DM/SR Scrapper



Contact @SuperJimmy, he was with Veil One in HVND and might have footage of him in or outside Arena events.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Please add Derek "Sailor Rush" R. to your list. His global was @Sailor Rush. He played mostly on Virtue and he loved this game very much. We all in RO miss him greatly. He passed on September 7, 2010. We're coming up on the anniversary of his passing.

Here's his .costume file.

Here's a picture of his main: Sailor Rush - MA/Regen Scrapper

If you need any more details, please let me know.



Originally Posted by Hildegard View Post
Thanks, Sera

Many thanks to my fellow PCSARian, Sera, for posting this about Pure Empathy. Pure Empathy, AKA Ramona Sepulveda (aka Tequila to her friends and familiy), died of cancer in March of this year. Tequila was my sister, my beloved friend, and a treasured part of my PCSAR family here in CoH. Tequila left behind several other family members who played CoH, including another PCSAR member, Galen's Curse (aka Wendy, one of her sisters).

She is sorely missed by one and all, and she is a big part of why I was drawn into patrolling and eventually becoming a PCSAR member, and indeed investing myself in an MMO period.

Her last cherished motto was "Choose Hope," a phrase I find eerily appropriate for our current state of affairs in CoX and indeed, the world in general.

I will look for screenshots of her character Pure Empathy to share for this project. She created an amazing blog during the last few years of her journey, called "Fear Not Woman" at Blogspot.Com. The title of the blog was "Must Not Fear." Tequila had an amazing sense of humor and compassion in abundance, and I recommend her blog to anyone -- it is full of love, light and wisdom, and is well worth checking out. I believe it still stands as testament to her courage and love of life.

Rest in peace, my dear; you are loved and missed, and remembered by many whose lives you touched.

My grateful thanks to you for honoring our beloved fallen.

Love, Peace and Joy to everyone,

Michelle (aka Lilith Owlwoman of PCSAR on Infinity)
Terribly sorry for your loss, Michelle. My god, your sister had a joyous smile, even amidst all that.

This thread is breaking my heart. I don't envy Samuraiko one bit, but my hat's off to her for doing it.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



The video I have in mind is a very simple one (as compared to some of my more complicated efforts), but watching the rough cut version I have is still enough to move me to tears.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Here is a thread with information about @Lucas. He played on Justice and Freedom, loved to PvP as well as run PvE task forces, and was a member of the Forum Cartel with over 11,000 posts.

He is somewhat infamous for having spawned Kronos at one of the Original Hamidon Raids on Justice with the comment, "Kronos has a hold, noob!"

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
MOre used to Muad being from Victory... 's where we played, at least.

Character I'm used to seeing him on: Acoustic Delusions:

... dont' know that we have demofiles of him or anything, fairly simple costume though. Have to try to recreate.
I'm fairly sure I have a demofile of this character somewhere. I'll send it tonight if you haven't already.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post
Here are the shots I managed to track down in relation to Heather Hoffrman:

The Comic Book Cover:

Stale, I was on that event, I have a number of other shots. It looked very familiar to me, I'll post a bunch of those that I believe to be the related event on my photobucket account shortly.


Here you are, and as always feel free to rummage around in my directories for whatever. Just don't repost things without telling me where and why. This is an exception to that, anything in here can be used for this.


Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Bob "Doctor Von Bey" Willis (@Duskthorrne, I think; we didn't use globals much back then, but that's the global attached to his characters in our SG). Founding member of the Awesome Power Ninjas on Liberty. He had a number of other characters whose names I've forgotten; Windmill Calhoun is one of the few that sticks, and I might've gotten that one wrong. Lost him to a heart attack in 2008.

One forum name, two members: Molly Hackett & Heliphyneau.

AE arcs:
27327 - Enter the Homunculi
176837 - Homunculi 2: Tectonic Boogaloo -- UPDATED



Thanks again Samuraiko, what you're doing is awesome.

Okay, here's the information for @Crimson Sun (it was his global name as well as his main character) His real name was Thomas Altamore.

I actually managed to find a real photo of him

And the SG couldn't locate any good, solid, screenshots of his costume so I recreated it:

Simple enough, sure, but just in case, here's the costume code to make it easier for you- from a tailor/costume creator file made into a .txt file.

BoneScale 0.1951
ShoulderScale 0.3779
ChestScale 0.1219
WaistScale 0.08777
HipScale 0.09753
HeadScales 0, 0, 0
BrowScales 0, 0, 0
CheekScales 0, 0, 0
ChinScales 0, 0, 0
CraniumScales 0, 0, 0
JawScales 0, 0, 0
NoseScales 0, 0, 0
SkinColor 255, 178, 155
NumParts 28
CostumePart ""
Geometry Tight
Texture1 Tights
Texture2 !Hips_Brief
DisplayName P887196332
RegionName "Lower Body"
BodySetName Tight
Color1 0, 0, 102
Color2 127, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0

CostumePart ""
Geometry Tight
Texture1 Tights
Texture2 none
DisplayName P566009771
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName Tight
Color1 0, 0, 102
Color2 204, 202, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0

CostumePart ""
Geometry V_MALE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
Texture1 !v_face_skin_head_01
Texture2 none
DisplayName P687117166
RegionName Head
BodySetName standard
Color1 0, 0, 102
Color2 204, 202, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0

CostumePart ""
Geometry Smooth
Texture1 Skin_Sleeves
Texture2 Sleeve
DisplayName P3937616722
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName Tight
Color1 0, 0, 102
Color2 204, 202, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0

CostumePart ""
Geometry Folded
Texture1 smooth_01
Texture2 !BOOT_Sharp
DisplayName P2104750136
RegionName "Lower Body"
BodySetName Tight
Color1 85, 0, 0
Color2 85, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0

CostumePart ""
Geometry Jewel
Texture1 Jewel_01a
Texture2 Jewel_01b
DisplayName P177456852
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName Tight
Color1 212, 140, 0
Color2 170, 0, 0
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Geometry MARTIAL_ARTS_01
Texture1 Style_01a
Texture2 Style_01b
DisplayName P2681220175
RegionName Head
BodySetName standard
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0

CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
DisplayName P2793026233
RegionName Head
BodySetName standard
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Geometry Tight
Texture1 Base
Texture2 Star_7
DisplayName P2281134661
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName Tight
Color1 127, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0

CostumePart ""
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
DisplayName P772741860
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName Tight
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
DisplayName P2371314042
RegionName Head
BodySetName standard
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Geometry Half
Texture1 Cape_Top_01
Texture2 none
DisplayName P1987928225
RegionName Capes
BodySetName HalfMantle
Color1 170, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0

CostumePart ""
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
DisplayName P33398819
RegionName Capes
BodySetName HalfMantle
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Fx capes/CapeLongMale.fx
Geometry none
Texture1 Cape_01
Texture2 none
DisplayName P4269015351
RegionName Capes
BodySetName HalfMantle
Color1 170, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 127, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0

CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
DisplayName P1848153390
RegionName Head
BodySetName standard
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
DisplayName P546439883
RegionName "Lower Body"
BodySetName Tight
Color1 31, 31, 31
Color2 227, 227, 227
Color3 31, 31, 31
Color4 227, 227, 227

CostumePart ""
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0

CostumePart ""
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0

He passed away on June, 20th, 2011. He was a proud member of our SG, The Legacy Foundation. I think it would make him happy to be immortalized in this way. This game meant a lot to him, and him, to us.

Thank you so much again for the opportunity, Samuraiko.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Cool, thank you for continuing to get information for me. I'm going to keep this thread going until the end of September to allow as many people as possible to see it, and then in October I should have the finished version for everyone.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Zukunft lost a wonderful person by car accident, her Global was @Lady Evil.



Steven Lomax, @Zoriel aka Avenging Fox and Colonel Savannah on the Union server and Colourless Girl on Defiant.

He left us on August 30th 2007. It's hard for me to believe that was 5 years ago.

Steve was born with a whole list of things wrong, including a twisted spine, defective heart valve, and having only one lung. He was pronounced dead just after birth, but confounded the doctors and medical science in general by refusing to stay dead, and then going on to live for a further 27 years.

He told me once that having already been declared dead as a newborn, every moment he'd lived after that was a bonus, and that was how he chose to live his life. Steve was just a little guy, physically, but his character and personality cast a huge shadow.

Roleplaying was his thing, and he could often be found in the Pocket D on Union and Defiant. His nickname IRL was "Darkfox" and he certainly did have the cunning of a fox, framed in the sort of dark humour you might expect from someone who'd cheated death.

His borrowed time did run out eventually though, as he always knew it would, but even in death his rebellious sense of humour prevailed - the song he had played at his funeral service was Monty Python's "Bright Side of Life".

One of my characters on Union exists today for the sole purpose of keeping Steve's old solo SuperGroup existing. And when CoH finally closes, that little part of Darkfox too will go with it.



I've updated the initial post list with the names I've gotten via PM and in-game. Please let me know if any corrections need to be made (or if you can help me fill out player info, such as RL name or whatnot).


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



im glad malibu is being remembered..her avatar alone always put a smile on my face when i saw it. she was very clever!



Here is a real life picture of my late husband Derek Rushing aka @Sailorrush. You already have a pic of his toon that used to run on Virtue and the costume file (posted on page 3 of this thread by Altoholic_Monkey). Thank you for doing this.



A quick bump to keep this visible - please preview the OP and let me know if there's additional info that I'm missing or a name that should be included.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Dan Collins (@Novus) passed on March 17, 2006. He had been my college roommate and one of my best friends until his death. He started in Beta and played actively to the end.

Here is a picture of his first 50 "Novus" from Protector:

If I can locate a good RL picture of him I will post it.



Hello Ms. Lady of the Triumph server and the Les Femmes Super Group.


She was a good friend, a dedicated player and was a Vietnam Vet that passed away 2009.

Thankyou for doing this your very thoughful.

Frostyfrozen lvl 50 Pure Ice Blaster @Les Femmes Mystique
Meltalika lvl 50 - Snowdriftta lvl 50 - Icesong lvl 50 -Frostyblue lvl 50
Have Fun & Stay Safe