Bringing back the Overwhelming Force Set

Adeon Hawkwood



Any chance of this happening in Issue 24? Will there be another way to obtain the enchancements for this set instead of paying half a billion in the Market?



It'll be back. Next summer, for sure. I doubt there will be opportunities outside of that, much like the Winter's Gift set.

Foreseeing this turn of events, I went ahead and stocked up enough for most characters I could imagine playing.



If I had to make a baseless prediction, I'd guess that something like the proc, if not the actual OF proc, will be available at some point, in some way, outide of the summer Blockbuster. Unlike the Winter's Gift, which I personally view as a nice "luxury" pick, the OF proc is extremely in demand, as the previously mentioned market prices indicate. If I worked in the business department for Paragon, I'd see this is as a decent revenue stream to sell it in the Paragon market.

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Probably as SBE or as part of other events like halloween or new year.



Originally Posted by Synesence View Post
Any chance of this happening in Issue 24? Will there be another way to obtain the enchancements for this set instead of paying half a billion in the Market?
For I24? No.

For some other reason as a one-time event for a day or weekend or week? Possibly.

You could always pray that an Issue is delayed or there were a few days of server outages and they open this up as a pacifying gift to the playerbase.

But, they will be back next summer.

Also, there were some hints that such a proc may show up in some other sets in the future, but no timetable.

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Out of fear that they wouldn't, I stocked up on more than I know I'll ever need. Luckily for me I actually enjoyed running the Summer Blockbuster Event so I actually had fun whilst stockpiling.

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Half a billion? Geez I should pay more attention - I only ran that blockbuster event 3 times and twice I got the proc. They've been sitting on my character's inventories and I've never slotted them. Time to sell and get some dough!

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Originally Posted by Synesence View Post
Any chance of this happening in Issue 24? Will there be another way to obtain the enchancements for this set instead of paying half a billion in the Market?
The most ironic thing about this that there has not been one market person saying something like...."but 500 million is easy to get...i got that much just by working on crafting badges in less then a day"

I am wondering if those market players messed up and forgot to actualy play the game and missed out on the enhancements...and thus are finding people doing to them what they do to everyone else.

Sorry didnt mean to thread jack....



Originally Posted by PsychicKitty View Post
I am wondering if those market players messed up and forgot to actualy play the game and missed out on the enhancements...and thus are finding people doing to them what they do to everyone else.
No, the market players picked the OF set up cheaply on the market during the event and filled a few storage bins with them, ensuring they have all they want for personal use plus plenty to sell.

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I'd kill for a new crafted knockback IO set that included a proc that just turned KB to KD and wasn't unique. Just give me that so my energy blast characters can stop knocking things out of their own range please.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
If I had to make a baseless prediction, I'd guess that something like the proc, if not the actual OF proc, will be available at some point, in some way, outide of the summer Blockbuster. Unlike the Winter's Gift, which I personally view as a nice "luxury" pick, the OF proc is extremely in demand, as the previously mentioned market prices indicate. If I worked in the business department for Paragon, I'd see this is as a decent revenue stream to sell it in the Paragon market.
Speaking of revenue stream they could sell the Proc AND keep the OF just for summer goodies AND tickle the community pink by offering a second Paragon Market Unique Enhancer that does not conflict with the OF one. Oooh. I just got a happy face!



well with the halloween event coming up ,and Posi in last weeks coffee talk said there would be something new this year. my bet is a horror movie event in the theater, The devs said that the third theater was for future expansion.

or they could make them as a reward pick for the haunted house event.

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Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
No, the market players picked the OF set up cheaply on the market during the event and filled a few storage bins with them, ensuring they have all they want for personal use plus plenty to sell.
I didn't. I did run the event quite a bit so I've got a few sets worth but I forgot to buy any on the market.

Oh well.



Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
I'd kill for a new crafted knockback IO set that included a proc that just turned KB to KD and wasn't unique. Just give me that so my energy blast characters can stop knocking things out of their own range please.
The smartest part of Overwhelming Force was making the proc unique. The point wasn't to eliminate knockback from the game.

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Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
The smartest part of Overwhelming Force was making the proc unique. The point wasn't to eliminate knockback from the game.
I looked up your post history because part of me assumed there was a fair chance you were one of the people throwing a fit about it, but to your credit you weren't.

But then, you posted the exact argument two months ago and someone else immediately debunked it with "I don't want to remove knockback from the entire game, just from *my* characters. You can keep your knockback".



Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
well with the halloween event coming up ,and Posi in last weeks coffee talk said there would be something new this year. my bet is a horror movie event in the theater,
Ooohhh, that would be amazing. One of the theaters/events should be set in some cabin in the woods! The other should be a Mad Scientist's castle...

don't know why I capitalized "Mad Scientist"... must be my profound respect for all the Mad Sciences.

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Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
I'd kill for a new crafted knockback IO set that included a proc that just turned KB to KD and wasn't unique. Just give me that so my energy blast characters can stop knocking things out of their own range please.
The proc being unique sucks warm donkey balls.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.