Up, Up and Awa...OW! what's burning me!?

Adeon Hawkwood



So I Did Apex last night for the first time..(you see where this post is going)..We get to the end and I do not think any of us had any experience with the task force so were fighting Battle maiden the blue flames appear I'm hovering and few others are hovering.... I'm scooting around avoiding the flames suddenly I take a crap load of damage and face plant OW! I come back swords attack me I fly up take a crap load of damage face plant. Third time I'm standing over as far away as I can get trying to summon my minions..no flames in sight suddenly.. you guessed it, crap load of damage face plant!

So I am laying there in the rubble making this face And suddenly I remember Keyes Reactor and the words " NO FLYING!" I Realized what was going on all us flyers were making the flame patches appear in the sky!

Now I love my flight but gosh.. If so much end game stuff has these bizzaro patches of floating death that force me to cut my hover (and loose 2-5% Defense) Is it just better to take CJ? What about hover blasters? do you guys just train yourself to not pull up when you in danger? Because my first instinct is to fly up when I'm being pounded on! Oh and not just end game but I realized that the bubbles of doom in DFB might act in the same way. Some times you just get creamed but no bubbles ever appeared!

EDIT: I Also wanted to ask.. has anyone else heard of hover changes in I24 like a speed increase or did I dream that?



If you are in an incarnate trial you will likely be perma buffed over the softcap during the important parts anyway. Even if you don't have any +def buffers in your incarnate trial Barrier is a very popular incarnate power so it's usually getting put up constantly.



One solution for a ranged character is to stay high enough that the patches will be well above the rest of the team. I find that staying ~40' + in the air keeps the patches from becoming a problem, it keeps some of the patches away from the melee teammates and as an added bonus it keeps your squishie butt away from those friggin' swords.

Just keep watch for the blue under your feet and move before the patch appears. If the rest of your fliers are doing the same and paying attention the patches become mostly a non-issue. Keep your camera zoomed out as well so you'll see if any patches have formed around you as well.

Also, I stay in Fly instead of using Hover; it lets you move out of the way faster.

Still, Apex isn't my favorite TF by a long shot.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



If you like using hover then stick with it by all means. Sure there are some 'no fly' fights when you should turn it off, but don't change your preferred play style in the rest of the game because of a few specific fights.

I wouldn't count on it getting a speed buff any time soon though. It's already considerably faster than it used to be. At launch hovering had basically the same speed as swimming through molasses.




I'm curious because the OP didn't mention it, but what AT were you playing as? Because when I do that tf, that couple % of defense from hover isn't what will make the difference--it's getting butchered by the mobs of swords and warriors because you were within arm distance. Fortunately the swords can't touch you in the sky, and the warriors are limited in that regard. The sky is a safe haven, as long as you're careful about not accidently getting your friends killed.



IIRC, the "patches" have an infinite Z axis. You can be at the top of the map, and the patch will hit you.

A reason NOT to fly is because, again, infinite z-axis: If you're in the sky and the patch targets you, the graphic appears in the sky... but the folks on the GROUND will have NO CLUE there's a patch above them, and they get kildified. SO "no fly" isn't meant to say "flying is useless", it's "flying can get teammates killed!"

I actually have a bigger beef with the TF. In the second mission, you start off in a helicopter, but you enter the "mission door" through a portal. This makes no seeeense >_<


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
IIRC, the "patches" have an infinite Z axis. You can be at the top of the map, and the patch will hit you.
I'll admit I haven't done a huge amount of testing but in my experience they seem to be more spherical than cylindrical.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
IIRC, the "patches" have an infinite Z axis. You can be at the top of the map, and the patch will hit you.

A reason NOT to fly is because, again, infinite z-axis: If you're in the sky and the patch targets you, the graphic appears in the sky... but the folks on the GROUND will have NO CLUE there's a patch above them, and they get kildified. SO "no fly" isn't meant to say "flying is useless", it's "flying can get teammates killed!"

I actually have a bigger beef with the TF. In the second mission, you start off in a helicopter, but you enter the "mission door" through a portal. This makes no seeeense >_<
If so that's new... when the TF first came out I found that if you got hit the nofly in the patch dropped you down to the ground safely below the patch. It certainly worked that way in the beginning, and a patch on the ground didn't affect you if you were ~10' or more in the air.

If that's changed then it makes a big difference. Admittedly my relative dislike for this TF means that I don't run it very often; I think it's been 5-6 months since my last run.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



Am I thinking of a different kill-patch, then? Or have they always been spherical as opposed to cylindrical? All I know is that the first few times I played this mission I accidentally griefed the team flying a good 30 feet over them >_>


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



They have always been spheres. I don't think the game has any effect that is a cylinder.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
I'm curious because the OP didn't mention it, but what AT were you playing as? Because when I do that tf, that couple % of defense from hover isn't what will make the difference--it's getting butchered by the mobs of swords and warriors because you were within arm distance. Fortunately the swords can't touch you in the sky, and the warriors are limited in that regard. The sky is a safe haven, as long as you're careful about not accidently getting your friends killed.

Bots/Traps actually, and yes admittedly that small loss of defense is probably not that noticeable when I'm Bubbled by my bots and FFG. Keep in mind this was the first time I ran this TF so I'm dodging swords, frying on fire, directing my Bots and laying down traps that is when I could find Battle Maiden to trap her!

Normally flight is frowned on by trappers from what I've read, but this was the first time i actually wondered if i shouldn't just keep my happy mechanical butt on the ground!

While I am safer than most squishies it made me wonder just how my hovering controller or beam blaster would fair.

Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid
I wouldn't count on it getting a speed buff any time soon though. It's already considerably faster than it used to be. At launch hovering had basically the same speed as swimming through molasses.
Well bleh.. I could have sworn I read something about it being changed in I24 again..It is likely I misread



hover is fine as long as you remain close enough to the ground for poeple to still see the patches

but i agree the death patches can get kind of annoying



It's a 25 foot radius sphere. (So, a 50 foot diameter.)

Hover at your range, about 80'. Do not hover near the ground. High or the ground... not in between. That will give people below you plenty of room to jump and not hit the sphere of damage. Also, if they do fly into it and get hit with the -fly, the good news is they drop out of the damage of the sphere.

Hover is not being buffed in I24. However, all movement bonuses in IO Sets are becoming Universal Movement buffs and are being made 50% stronger.

Also, Steam Jump and the Jump Pack from Good v. Evil will turn Hover into capped flyspeed for most of the time.

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Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
They have always been spheres. I don't think the game has any effect that is a cylinder.
I don't think there are any cylinders in the game any more, but there used to be.

Knives of Artemis caltrops patches (and probably most other patches at the time) used to be a short cylinder, so that those above them didn't get hit. At some point, the KoA caltrops bugged out, developing the "infinite Z-axis" Steele mentioned. I'm pretty sure this is when the devs switched damage patches to spheres, to make sure there was no chance of the same bug resurfacing.




Choosing to NOT take fly because of Apex and Keyes would be like choosing fly because of the STF and Hamidon (and the Shadow Shard)

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
Choosing to NOT take fly because of Apex and Keyes would be like choosing fly because of the STF and Hamidon (and the Shadow Shard)
If there's nothing else I need, all my melee characters take Hover or Fly at level 49, to get to targets like the Arachnos Flier in STF and Mitos in LGTF without needing to resort to a jetpack. Which I take is determined by what IO I want to mule in the power.




I would suggest you turn off hover. Have no travel powers on except sprint, at least until you get used to recognizing the light blue patch on the ground before the patch actually slams down from above. There is an auditory cue that warns you - and if you play with your sound off, you might be well-served to turn it on, at least for this part of the task force.

The reason I suggest no travel powers is the same reason we ask folks to only use sprint in Keyes - travel suppression. Reaction times vary - and some players, typically support toons, are so focused on lending support that they don't see/hear the warnings of the blue patch about to land on their head.
In short, attack and move. You have to stop to get the attack off -but other than that, just keep moving. That way, even if you are in a blue patch, you are only in it for 3 or 4 ticks - enough to hurt, but not enough to kill you.
Ignore the swords. The more you stop to damage them, the longer Battle Maiden is going to last. If Battle Maiden has left the map, focus on her Champions.

Stick and move. Stick and move. Most players will take damage from the patches here and there. A sword may get a nice shot in on you - but if you're almost always moving, you should be just fine.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
It's a 25 foot radius sphere. (So, a 50 foot diameter.)

Hover at your range, about 80'. Do not hover near the ground. High or the ground... not in between. That will give people below you plenty of room to jump and not hit the sphere of damage. Also, if they do fly into it and get hit with the -fly, the good news is they drop out of the damage of the sphere.

Hover is not being buffed in I24. However, all movement bonuses in IO Sets are becoming Universal Movement buffs and are being made 50% stronger.

Also, Steam Jump and the Jump Pack from Good v. Evil will turn Hover into capped flyspeed for most of the time.

This is my usual approach when using characters with Hover. Most of the time i hover just above the ground anyway. Even my non-hovering characters have few issues with airborne patches as long as they're not very close to the ground. Unless i'm very low on hp the damage from briefly passing through an aerial patch is no worse than getting shot with a minion's crossbow. Yes there's a slight chance it might drop me, but then there's always the chance of taking a crossbow bolt to the kn-err-chest as well.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Athena Six View Post
Now I love my flight but gosh.. If so much end game stuff has these bizzaro patches of floating death that force me to cut my hover (and loose 2-5% Defense) Is it just better to take CJ? What about hover blasters? do you guys just train yourself to not pull up when you in danger? Because my first instinct is to fly up when I'm being pounded on! Oh and not just end game but I realized that the bubbles of doom in DFB might act in the same way. Some times you just get creamed but no bubbles ever appeared!
You should try it on a Nova-form Peacebringer...

Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
One solution for a ranged character is to stay high enough that the patches will be well above the rest of the team. I find that staying ~40' + in the air keeps the patches from becoming a problem, it keeps some of the patches away from the melee teammates and as an added bonus it keeps your squishie butt away from those friggin' swords.
The trouble there is convincing the rest of your team or league that you can, in fact, spawn patches high enough not to kill them. In my experience with both Anima Sola (my PB) and Keiranen (my "orbital"-range archery blaster), teams are very, very unwilling to believe it can be done, and they'll ***** and moan CONSTANTLY about how you're going to "get everyone killed" and "OMG! Stop flying you idiot!" even if a patch never comes anywhere near them.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
Choosing to NOT take fly because of Apex and Keyes would be like choosing fly because of the STF and Hamidon (and the Shadow Shard)
I often take Fly on the second build because of STF and the Shadow Shard.



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
I would suggest you turn off hover. Have no travel powers on except sprint,
This. While it's possible to use Fly or Hover, it's much easier not to. I have Ninja Run and turn that on when No Fly zones are called for. It retains speed and maneuverability while making it much easier to see any patches forming.

In short, attack and move. You have to stop to get the attack off -but other than that, just keep moving.
Even shorter: DFB. Yes, you want to play this exactly the same way you deal with the bubbles in the last room of the DFB: Shoot and scoot.

Use a power, then move. Do NOT queue up a new power right away. It's hard to do because we're all used to doing it, but if you can avoid doing it you'll almost eliminate any chance of getting caught in a patch. Try to eyeball it and move about the same distance as the diameter of a patch. That way you're close to the edge of a patch, usually, if one does start to form.

But these high level patches play exactly like the bubbles in a DFB, and we should all be able to do that, right?

Shoot and scoot.



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
I would suggest you turn off hover. Have no travel powers on except sprint, at least until you get used to recognizing the light blue patch on the ground before the patch actually slams down from above. There is an auditory cue that warns you - and if you play with your sound off, you might be well-served to turn it on, at least for this part of the task force.

The reason I suggest no travel powers is the same reason we ask folks to only use sprint in Keyes - travel suppression. Reaction times vary - and some players, typically support toons, are so focused on lending support that they don't see/hear the warnings of the blue patch about to land on their head.
In short, attack and move. You have to stop to get the attack off -but other than that, just keep moving. That way, even if you are in a blue patch, you are only in it for 3 or 4 ticks - enough to hurt, but not enough to kill you.
Ignore the swords. The more you stop to damage them, the longer Battle Maiden is going to last. If Battle Maiden has left the map, focus on her Champions.

Stick and move. Stick and move. Most players will take damage from the patches here and there. A sword may get a nice shot in on you - but if you're almost always moving, you should be just fine.

I do not understand why people are so uptight about the Battle Maiden fight: You have the EXACT same mechanism in the Sewers at level1, and I know you all play the sewers.

I have one simple rule, and I rarely if ever die in the Apex, and I run it a LOT.

The Rule: Never stop moving.



'struth. I often run the iTF double header (hey, 80 Merits in 50 minutes for incarnated toons!). And as we're about to get to Battle Maiden, I tell my team:

To avoid the Blue Patches of Death, CLICK MOVE CLICK MOVE CLICK MOVE. Don't queue up the next power.

And the team usually does very well.

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Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
The reason I suggest no travel powers is the same reason we ask folks to only use sprint in Keyes - travel suppression.
Hover doesn't have travel supression, and if you fully slot it for flight speed has a fairly nice movement speed. My crab spider gets 46.8 mph from her hover, which is prty close to max flight speed without afterburner (58).

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