I24 Overview is up!

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Tier 9 Tech Knight.
That's the t9 VIP set, purchased with tokens. Premonitions seems to be asking about a free costume set for all VIPs, like Imperial Defense, Olympian Guard, and Chainmail/Leather.

And no, don't see any mention of one.



Hopeling has it right. This is the first Post-Freedom issue release without one, then? I don't think there was an official statement about Free for VIP costume releases. I know they promised a Free For VIP powerset for each issue before Freedom dropped, but was there any official word on the costumes?

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Hopeling has it right. This is the first Post-Freedom issue release without one, then? I don't think there was an official statement about Free for VIP costume releases. I know they promised a Free For VIP powerset for each issue before Freedom dropped, but was there any official word on the costumes?
What about the teaser pic of the speedster with tinted speed FX? From what I've heard, he's wearing a new outfit, maybe that's going to be a freebie?



He's wearing tights from the Bodysuit pack, which is on beta right now, and doesn't appear to be a part of i24. But, I guess it might be.



Bodysuit! That's the term I'd heard. Ah, well, not a part of I24 eh? Maybe for sale sooner?

Sorry Prem.



Originally Posted by JChaos View Post
I'm just hoping that some of the new IO sets will be Uncommon and not Rare, though I'm not getting my hopes up either.

Still, hopefully Annihilation will bring some decent variety to Targeted AoEs. I'm getting sick and tired of having to Positron's Blast in order to get any worthwhile bonuses. And if Unbreakable Guard is similar to Red Fortune, it would be absolutely amazing.

Though, seeing as how they're taking out Mez Resist AND Debt protection, Detonation may actually become a viable enhancement set after all. I can't wait to see the bonuses that it gets instead. If it gets any defense bonuses on top of the AoE one it has, I will squeal in delight. But event damage or recovery boosts will help the set.

EDIT: Also, now that they're getting rid of Mez Resistance, it will be nice to see some variation in the melee set two-slot bonuses. I'm not expecting anything spectacular, but getting rid of the universal immobilize resistance will be a godsend. And Sovereign Right might actually become a worthwhile rare enhancement set.
They're not getting RID of mez resistance, they're pairing mez resistance with 2 types of damage resistance. Hold resistance, for example, will be coming with S/L resistance.

As per Synapse.

Also: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=251403

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Man, the Devs really don't care much for defenders, do they? Once again, Blasters get massive boosts and Defenders get nothing.

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



Originally Posted by welshman_EU View Post
Man, the Devs really don't care much for defenders, do they? Once again, Blasters get massive boosts and Defenders get nothing.
Not sure if serious.



Originally Posted by welshman_EU View Post
Man, the Devs really don't care much for defenders, do they? Once again, Blasters get massive boosts and Defenders get nothing.
I pointed this out in another thread, but:

Defenders (and Corruptors) blast sets are getting all the changes blasters blast sets are getting. Defenders (and Corruptors) are capable of very easily acquiring the necessary To-Hit required for the new "Fast-Snipe" function through Tactics + Kismet.

Among Blasters, only Devices is easier than that. Darkness Manipulation and Energy Manipulation can get the necessary To-Hit through a lot of recharge reduction enhancements, Tactics, Kismet, and wise use of powers. Every other Blaster secondary is pretty much dependent on Build Up/Aim/Outside buffs.

Defenders (and Corruptors) make out pretty well considering this was mostly aimed towards increasing the performance of Blasters, and that they weren't really suffering to begin with.

*EDIT*: It dawns on me that you could have been joking.



Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
Not sure if serious.
Hmm... Let's see...

Blasters receive a substantial increase to their damage and toughness. All Blaster secondary power sets now include a new element: Sustain. The Sustain attribute grants increased regeneration and recovery to upgrade to the following Blaster secondary powers; Touch of Fear, Blazing Aura, Chilling Embrace, Cloaking Device, Lightning Clasp, and Conserve Power. Blasters who already have these powers do not need to respec in order to benefit from Sustain. The attack range of some powerful Blaster attacks has also been doubled, while all Snipe powers can now be instantly fired under certain conditions.

Defenders get? Oh, nothing mentioned here. They don't even get the ranged damaged set boosts as blasters - even if they have the same range damage powers. I suppose that they, at least, get some melee combat po... Oh, wait. That's blasters. You know, the guys who do massive ranged damage and have access to bone crusher, Ice fists, fire sword and about a dozen other melee powers?

The last boost defenders got gave them damage bonuses that dropped the more people they teamed with and endurance boosts that kicked in the closer their team-mates are to death. So they lost damage when with people and only compensated for that with a boost that's only worth it if they're actually bad at defending?

Yes, I'm totally joking, aren't I?

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I pointed this out in another thread, but:

Defenders (and Corruptors) blast sets are getting all the changes blasters blast sets are getting. Defenders (and Corruptors) are capable of very easily acquiring the necessary To-Hit required for the new "Fast-Snipe" function through Tactics + Kismet.
Apologies if this part is actually true. It's not mentioned at all on the overview page.

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



Originally Posted by welshman_EU View Post
Apologies if this part is actually true. It's not mentioned at all on the overview page.
I didn't read closely enough to decipher whether they included Defenders or not, but it's been a widely discussed topic among forum regulars. I guess if you don't read the forums every day you might not know about it already though.

Anyway, yeah, defenders be gettin' awesome.

*EDIT: Just in the blast sets, mind you. Naturally, defenders don't share blasters "manipulation" secondary, just the blast primary (as the defender secondary). Anything specifically related to overhauling the manipulation sets is Blaster specific. Everything else, such as the "Fast Snipe", nuke changes, and new animation times should effect Blasters, Defenders, and Corruptors.



Originally Posted by welshman_EU View Post
Yes, I'm totally joking, aren't I?
No, but you've missed a bunch of information that's been floating around the forums for a while.

We've known about the upcoming Blaster changes for weeks (they were the subject of a couple of Coffee Talk broadcasts), in far more detail than there is on the Overview page. The changes to Blast sets DO apply to Defenders (and Corruptors) as well as Blasters. So crashless and faster-recharging nukes, 80-foot t3 blasts, and fast-casting snipes are all usable by Defenders. In fact, the currently planned condition to allow fast snipes is having at least +22% tohit, which Defenders can achieve at all times with just Tactics + Kismet, while Blasters have to juggle Aim/Build Up and will still only meet the condition a part of the time (well, some Blaster sets can get it perma by various methods, but most cannot).

The only change listed in the paragraph you quoted that doesn't apply to Defenders is the Sustain powers.

Edit: Also, the whole point of the buffs is that Blasters have severe issues in multiple areas. Which isn't to say that Defenders are perfect and flawless, but in my observation they're mostly doing OK overall.



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
Really depends how it's done. Might be kind of like the sequence in First Ward when we're going through the memories of one of the Apparitions. That was a fairly disturbing sequence. Just a series of scenes, with you in a different "costume" as time goes by, as Hamidon mutates from Dr. Hamidon Pasilima, eco-terrorist and scientist, into the monstrous Hamidon. Maybe include Tanya Tyler as well.
I really would like that!

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Kings Row gets a gang war and Clockwork-themed story, and the Shining Stars even get a follow up! Even for non-incarnates, all the stuff following up on Cole's defeat also sounds awesome - I love how the writers are really exploring different story threads dealing with the fall of Praetoria and its aftermath. And there's a prison break event in Brickstown!

Not that the more technical stuff isn't equally awesome, we just mostly knew about that already.

I think this calls for my very first meme pic...

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



I hope the power pool upgrades are good. I'm a fan of powers you can use on any character but some of the power pool powers I just don't ever take or use on any of my toons.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Eh, well, they do scale all the way up to level 50. *Shrug.* That said, it is rather odd they start at 30 as that's indeed when the very recently added Night Ward starts. Not to mention that the Emperor's Sword story arc is an Incarnate arc and shows Praetoria burning before the evacuation.

Oy. What a tangled mess.
A lot of it depends on what level they start the Battalion Incarnate content at - if they start it at 50, then that can shift the Praetorian Incarnate content to "historical" and not "now".

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
How about instead of acting like a jerk you do some research?
Originally Posted by welshman_EU View Post
Apologies if this part is actually true. It's not mentioned at all on the overview page.
He already apologized.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
This is what I get for clicking the page I haven't read first rather than the most recent one.

My bad!
No worries, sir.

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



Originally Posted by welshman_EU View Post
Man, the Devs really don't care much for defenders, do they? Once again, Blasters get massive boosts and Defenders get nothing.
Separate from the fact that its already been resolved that defenders get the fast snipe benefit and the range extension benefit, I am still compelled to point out that Defenders have never been datamined to be horrendously underperforming, while Blasters have consistently been so. The only reason someone could perceive Blasters to get more and better attention than Defenders is if they did not realize that the price for that attention was being the worst performing archetype of the entire game, basically for most or all of the game's existence.

That's a price no defender seems willing to pay in order to get similar levels of attention.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
the Battalion idea was then repurposed to be a threat so dangerous that Incarnate powers would be needed to defeat them.
I am going to need the Incarnate powers to fight Battalion? Well that sucks, I never going to fight him... It too much work to get the dang Incarnate crap to make the powers, ether I have to spend BILLIONS of Inf or farm the TFs for ingredients to make them. I rather became super powerful on my own and take down Battalion on my own. I takes a long time to unlock each Incarnate slots anyways, and besides I don't want to play my level 50 I want to play new heroes

Now if I can control 48 of my own heroes I meant do it..... or 8 is good enough for me :P



Awesome soon I will not have to see my Super Speed or Hasten.... or at least make them the color of my powers.



Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
I am going to need the Incarnate powers to fight Battalion? Well that sucks, I never going to fight him... It too much work to get the dang Incarnate crap to make the powers, ether I have to spend BILLIONS of Inf or farm the TFs for ingredients to make them. I rather became super powerful on my own and take down Battalion on my own. I takes a long time to unlock each Incarnate slots anyways, and besides I don't want to play my level 50 I want to play new heroes
You do realize that since Issue 22 there's been solo Incarnate content, right?



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
You do realize that since Issue 22 there's been solo Incarnate content, right?
Only DA, and it still takes forever to do.