New Martial Assault set in i24

Arbiter Hawk



Announced in the chat today was a new assault set for dom's being included in i24 - martial assault, a mix of martial arts and shuriken attacks.

Check out enderbeans thread discussing both it and a new martial set for blasters:

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Sounds good. I plan to make a Fire/Martial build. Ooh, thats a good pun too, for people who like pun names!

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Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
Sounds good. I plan to make a Fire/Martial build. Ooh, thats a good pun too, for people who like pun names!

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Creation of a set with a snipe without a +tohit buff leaves me further sure that they're planning on making an alternative fast-snipe option for dominators.

That, or they're ******* idiots.



Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
Announced in the chat today was a new assault set for dom's being included in i24 - martial assault, a mix of martial arts and shuriken attacks.

Check out enderbeans thread discussing both it and a new martial set for blasters:
sounds like a good powerset addition.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



I might have to look at the set in the vid seemed underwhelming...but I'm comparing it to the blaster version which is OH so beautiful.

With the Dom version the powers that I liked the most was Caltrops and the exploding shuriken.

EDIT: Here's where the vid starts on the topic of dominators.



It's arrogant to assume he's talking to me about the humble pie. As if there's something that I should be embarassed about by them breaking an eight year stretch of Not Giving A **** with low-hanging fruit. Hmmm.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
Creation of a set with a snipe without a +tohit buff leaves me further sure that they're planning on making an alternative fast-snipe option for dominators.

That, or they're ******* idiots.
Indeed. A snipe. No secondary effect. Mainly lethal and smashing damage. A facing cone with a very short range. Thunder Kick rather than the High damage melee attack found in the majority of other Assault set. Dragon Tail looks stupid with a 15ft range.




So the snipe is high damage by its self with a chance for DOT lethal...I will have to wait till I24...I'm not a fan of snipes.

Dragons Tail which is nice actually since it does KD.

Exploding Shuriken looks fun...but I would like to see the numbers for it. ST Nuke with Splash..hrmm.

Envenomed Blades will be my 2nd favorite probably. I can see it working very well with Immobs.

Trick Shot will be my favorite of all because I love Chain fact I would love to make an Elec/MA Dominator for crazy chaining action!

Hopefully Trick Shot takes most of the same pros Chain Induction takes.



Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
I might have to look at the set in the vid seemed underwhelming...but I'm comparing it to the blaster version which is OH so beautiful.

With the Dom version the powers that I liked the most was Caltrops and the exploding shuriken.

EDIT: Here's where the vid starts on the topic of dominators.
I'm pretty much in the same boat. The blaster set has a lot of interesting things going on that make the dom set a little bland by comparison.



Yeah. honestly I wasn't that impressed by what we saw of Martial Assault. The impression I came away with was that it felt a bit light on actual attacks. The only other dom secondaries with three powers that aren't regular attacks are /fire (snipe, consume, embrace of fire) and /elec (snipe, volty, buildup). And while fire is still /fire and thus very good, elec kinda falls down, and one of the reasons why is that once you remove the usual fraction of attack powers that are only mediocre, it doesn't actually have very many 'good' powers left.

And I *don't* like facing cones, especially since this one looks to be a short range melee cone instead of a large cone like vorpal. I don't want to have to spend extra time aiming when I'm in melee on a squishy. For that matter, why are they giving a short ranged melee cone to a dom anyway? We certainly do play in melee, but we do so with mezzed targets who aren't likely to be clumping up on us so that we can leverage such a cone. I'd honestly rather have a regular high damage melee attack in its place.

Overall, I'd prefer to have a couple more straight-up attacks, and the set seems light on ST damage with only the tier 1, one melee attack, and the tier 9. I will admit that the numbers Arbiter Hawk posted for the tier 9 are nice - it's basically bitter ice blast with a free 10 foot radius 0.25 scale DoT. The DPA is lower thanks to the longer animation, but we are still getting the AoE for free. And if they do end up changing the fastsnipe requirement away from +tohit for doms I might have to reconsider a bit, as one more high damage fast animating attack is really what the set needs IMO.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

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Please someone make a bride toon using the Wedding Pack, named "Marital Assault."



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Yeah. honestly I wasn't that impressed by what we saw of Martial Assault. The impression I came away with was that it felt a bit light on actual attacks.

And I *don't* like facing cones, especially since this one looks to be a short range melee cone instead of a large cone like vorpal. I don't want to have to spend extra time aiming when I'm in melee on a squishy. For that matter, why are they giving a short ranged melee cone to a dom anyway? We certainly do play in melee, but we do so with mezzed targets who aren't likely to be clumping up on us so that we can leverage such a cone. I'd honestly rather have a regular high damage melee attack in its place..
I agree. Zwil kept *missing* with the cone on a relatively tightly packed group of mobs right in front of him. What was up with that? Looks incredibly short, like maybe Shadow Maul range at best. ???

Plus what is up with all the lethal damage shuriken stuff? That's terrible. Lethal is probably the most resisted damage type in game. Big disappointment in how they created the set for Doms.



Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
I agree. Zwil kept *missing* with the cone on a relatively tightly packed group of mobs right in front of him. What was up with that? Looks incredibly short, like maybe Shadow Maul range at best. ???
I agree that a melee cone will be very hard to use for Doms because controls prevent enemies from clumping. This should be a fan of shurikens with a longer range.

Plus what is up with all the lethal damage shuriken stuff? That's terrible. Lethal is probably the most resisted damage type in game. Big disappointment in how they created the set for Doms.
Smashing and Lethal sets are part of the game. If you want a Natural feeling secondary, that's what you are going to get. Other than all robot missions, it isn't that bad on my Katana and Two Blade characters so it will probably be fine.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
Smashing and Lethal sets are part of the game. If you want a Natural feeling secondary, that's what you are going to get. Other than all robot missions, it isn't that bad on my Katana and Two Blade characters so it will probably be fine.
This. Plus those powersets don't even have Envenomed Blades.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
I agree. Zwil kept *missing* with the cone on a relatively tightly packed group of mobs right in front of him. What was up with that? Looks incredibly short, like maybe Shadow Maul range at best. ???

Plus what is up with all the lethal damage shuriken stuff? That's terrible. Lethal is probably the most resisted damage type in game. Big disappointment in how they created the set for Doms.
We need to make sure to give feedback on the cone once the set does make it into beta - the fact that it has to be aimed would argue for a larger, more powerful cone than normal - since the aiming requirement actually makes it LESS effective and harder to use.

I asked about thunder kick in the main feedback thread and someone responded that it was a souped up version - but it certainly doesn't look like that in the video, definitely another thing to ping Arbiter Hawk on either during beta or even earlier.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
Plus what is up with all the lethal damage shuriken stuff? That's terrible. Lethal is probably the most resisted damage type in game. Big disappointment in how they created the set for Doms.

Plant Control, Super Strength, and Titan Weapons are Smash/Lethal. We need to see the set to judge.



RE: Facing cones, again I think we need to see it. In terms of geometry its possible to fit more enemies in a "facing" cone than an enemy-centered one, because you don't need a target in dead center. You will also never have the target die on you, or have it get knocked back/run away/teleported resulting in you spinning around and shooting in the wrong direction.

I wish Dominators had gotten that teleport-attack, but whatever.

I have to add I'm a little disappointed with the "developers hate Dominators" vibe going around lately though. That POV doesn't seem to be backed by the actual evidence.



Well...Zwill was Dev hacking...and the guys he were testing the powers on were dummies so it made a lot of the powers seem "meh" BUT we will see.

Burst of Speed looked sooooo's just hard to top it!



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Plant Control, Super Strength, and Titan Weapons are Smash/Lethal. We need to see the set to judge.
Smashing isn't the problem. Witness SS and StJ. It's lethal. Council missions for the lose.



As far as spin kick goes (facing cone) while I want to make sure it isn't a total pain in the rear to use I don't think its that big a deal, especially considering that we get a fairly fast PBAoE in dragon's tail, a mini AoE in exploding shuriken and a chain attack - so we will have plenty of AoE damage compared to other assault sets.

The lethal damage will be a little annoying - but melee chars put up with a ton of lethal damage (katana, broad sword, axe, claws, etc) and the set is actually a pretty even mix of lethal and smashing as all the melee and the two main AoE's are going to be smashing damage. The splash DoT on exploding shuriken looks to be fire, at least in the video, and envenomend blades adds a toxic proc to all your attacks (including ones from your primary) - so we really have an abundance of damage types in the set.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Envenomed Blades does seem to make the set, due to how little resisted toxic is. Trick Shot looks very fun, though. The facing cone should probably be made longer to account for the difficulty in aiming.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I have to add I'm a little disappointed with the "developers hate Dominators" vibe going around lately though. That POV doesn't seem to be backed by the actual evidence.
The evidence indicates that they don't notice we're here. Note the snipe changes where Synapse had to be told that there is dom set which gets both a snipe and a tohit buff.

'Hate' is not the attitude I have. I am convinced the devs are ambivalent to the existence of the archetype, and that it is the long view of market values doing that.

Elec Assault, Elec Control, Dark Control, Dark Assault, Earth Control, Earth Assault. Assuming each counts as a unique powerset and not a case of proliferation, this will be our seventh new powerset in six years. Of the six, just how many required new art assets and new power design?

Devs don't care. They don't have to, and no amount of forum complaining can make them. It's just how life is.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
'Hate' is not the attitude I have. I am convinced the devs are ambivalent to the existence of the archetype, and that it is the long view of market values doing that.
It didn't take long at all after the devs preempted the primary damage dealer role from blasters and handed it to dominators, for people to think the devs don't care about dominators.

The fact that the addition of a new powerset prompts complaints of inattention strongly suggests there's no point to delving into that line of thought at all.

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I'd say Martial Assault bodes well. It suggests a martial control set is to follow.

I also think the co-development with blasters is a good sign. If the 2 ATs get treated like the cousins they are, then more stuff will be coming for both as work on one equals work on the other.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a water assault in the pipeline for instance.

Oh, and I've been a loud critic of the lack of dev time for dominators in the past. So for me to get excited about this means hades has frozen over.

Please buff Ice Control.