Mythological costumes




and if we're talking about cultural clothing. What about India?

The above is fully possible in the game.

So is this.

I'd love for more than a few Culture packs similar to the Imperial Dynasty pack they did.

@Sylver Bayne

Pinnacle Server



Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
The truth of the matter is nothing is safe. Anything the devs put out could be used in a derogatory matter. Just because you, me, or little Johnny can't think of a way, doesn't mean that the guy across the street can't.

The whole excuse of "But so-and-so could be used in an non-politically correct manner" is getting so old, and possibly preventing so many perfectly valid additions to this game that I am getting completely and utterly sick of it.

I know you weren't reasoning as such, but I'm sure someone in this thread is bound to.
Yeah. It's not fair to totally cut off some cultures/ideas just because of the possibility of someone doing something bad. That'd be like denying waterblast to everyone because of the people who've made blood and urine blasters.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
The truth of the matter is nothing is safe. Anything the devs put out could be used in a derogatory matter. Just because you, me, or little Johnny can't think of a way, doesn't mean that the guy across the street can't.

The whole excuse of "But so-and-so could be used in an non-politically correct manner" is getting so old, and possibly preventing so many perfectly valid additions to this game that I am getting completely and utterly sick of it.

I know you weren't reasoning as such, but I'm sure someone in this thread is bound to.

And yes, Jafar's cape would be totally badass. Same with the robe that the Warlock in Venture Bros wears.. His name escapes me atm. (Orpheus I think?)
Totally agree. Im in Afghanistan currently and a lot of people here wear turbans as well. For the average Joe or Mohammad...its not so much a religious deal, but as someone said, a hot as heck desert deal. 115 degrees atm and if I could pull it off, Id wear a turban also.

+ Ive thought more than once it would be cool to have in game with certain concepts.

**edit** Dr Byron Orpheus...the coolest necromancer around

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Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I'm sorry, but I seriously can't look at that picture without having to stifle an immature giggle. It's looking more and more like Aladdin is pinching Jafar's nipple while giving him a smarmy look every time I see it.

And I can't tell if Jafar likes or dislikes it.



Originally Posted by DarwinPrime View Post
I was thinking of making a djinni to ride my magic carpet and I came to a horrifying realization. We don't have a turban. Or a vest without a shirt. Or a fez. In fact, we could use some more mythological type costume parts in general.

Living the dream of the forty thieves? Wanna look like you escaped from one of Sinbad's journeys? Sultan Haroun al-Raschid sent you on an eternal quest? Discovered the Key of Solomon and now you have amazing powers of dust and wind? You're stalking the night, one of the wretched ghuls? Maybe you were cursed by an ifrit!

There could be a whole series of these, and with the high quality of our recent costume sets, they could be really amazing.

Think of it. African mythology. Aztec. Russian. Lots of boss costume ideas hiding in those mythologies.

Just spitballing here. Anybody think this'd be a good idea?
Funny, I was just thinking about this yesterday as a possible "Freedom Freebie" or "Twitter Thursday" item.

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Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
The truth of the matter is nothing is safe. Anything the devs put out could be used in a derogatory matter. Just because you, me, or little Johnny can't think of a way, doesn't mean that the guy across the street can't.

The whole excuse of "But so-and-so could be used in an non-politically correct manner" is getting so old, and possibly preventing so many perfectly valid additions to this game that I am getting completely and utterly sick of it.

I know you weren't reasoning as such, but I'm sure someone in this thread is bound to.

And yes, Jafar's cape would be totally badass. Same with the robe that the Warlock in Venture Bros wears.. His name escapes me atm. (Orpheus I think?)
Trolls will be trolls and will always try to ruin everyone's fun with stuff and make it into stuff that is wrong. And I feel bad for GMs in the game cause it feels like they do more babysitting of douches as well as try to help people with legit questions and being stuck with a problem.

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Something for ppl to use



Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
Trolls will be trolls and will always try to ruin everyone's fun with stuff and make it into stuff that is wrong.
It doesn't help that some people seem *eager* to take offense at just about anything.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
"I've heard tell of this hat in the tales to scare small children. But it isn't real. It can't be real!"

"Oh how little you know. BEHOLD THE FEZ!"

but Fezzes are cool

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Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
The thing about the Turban is it's a religious symbol (of Sikhism). CoH tries to avoid religious symbols, although that prohibition has declined recently.
We have crosses, ankhs, pentagrams, etc.

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Realizing that turbans were a nebulous sort of clothing item to me (I knew that some people wore it religiously, but also women in the swingin' decades used to wear it as a fashion item), I looked it up. GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE. It is just a religious item for some groups, not every group.

Actual mythological things: Non-valentine winged sandals, winged helmets, non-valentine togas, moar crowns and tiaras, gem-using stuff for mythological power items of clothing.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
I'm all in favor of a Fez, since
I'd go for a Fez. It a hat that looks unique and dont think it has many religious connotations or anymore than some of the items already in this game. Turban would be nice too but as I think probably been mentioned earlier, it may open a can of worms. Which I find kind of ironic since there was no murmor about the crosses, even the Pentagram looking thing, and other religious symbols in this game. Not sure why a turban would cause an uproar but I can see how it can cause an uproar.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



The Indian clothing definitely. You look at some of the 'heroic' Indian clothing, and you can see all sorts of awesome heroic concepts that can spawn there. And since we've got tiger heads, how about some culturally appropriate clothing for our evil Rakshasa to wear? Indians know how to dress.

And yes, Ja'afar's cape is a must have. Nothing says evil so-and-so like shoulder points on a cape.

I can realize the desire not to step on anyone's toes, but you're just not going to manage. Take the post-apocalyptic pack. Punks and urban primitives could make a case that it's disrespectful to their 'found item' culture.

A lot of these responses have expanded on my initial idea. We've got some imaginative and clever folks here.

@Joe Public
"Now, now. God never burdens us with more depleted uranium than we can carry."



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
Yeah. It's not fair to totally cut off some cultures/ideas just because of the possibility of someone doing something bad. That'd be like denying waterblast to everyone because of the people who've made blood and urine blasters.
Exactly, and I believe the Devs specifically mentioned that they were releasing Waterblast in spite of all the unwholesome ways people could use it. Then said they were going to pay close attention and generic those who do..

(Though I don't think they have a problem with blood, its the other bodily fluids)

Originally Posted by eth_Nargy View Post
I'm sorry, but I seriously can't look at that picture without having to stifle an immature giggle. It's looking more and more like Aladdin is pinching Jafar's nipple while giving him a smarmy look every time I see it.

And I can't tell if Jafar likes or dislikes it.
Oh my lawd, I laughed so hard I probably woke up my entire house xD