NCsoft Launcher and OSx v10.8 (Mountain Lion)
We've been made aware of some compatibility issues users may experience when attempting to run the NCsoft Launcher using the upcoming OSx v10.8 (Mountain Lion). These issues prevent the NCsoft Launcher from running properly on systems running OSx v10.8. Our Hardware Compatibility Lab in Austin is actively investigating the issue, however please be aware that a fix for the issue will likely not be immediately available. I will provide more updates as soon as we can.
Thanks |
PM me if you want any crash logs from it.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide
I believe this temporary workaround helps:
Run NCSoft Launcher, and see if it crashes. If it does, wait for the Apple crash reporter dialog to come up, and click Reopen. Then you'll see a dialog asking you if you want to restore windows. Tell it NOT to restore windows.
After that, NCSoft Launcher should work correctly. If it crashes again, repeat the above.
If you tell it to restore windows instead, the Launcher crashes a second time. There seems to be some kind of bad interaction with Mountain Lion's window restore.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
I believe this temporary workaround helps:
Run NCSoft Launcher, and see if it crashes. If it does, wait for the Apple crash reporter dialog to come up, and click Reopen. Then you'll see a dialog asking you if you want to restore windows. Tell it NOT to restore windows. After that, NCSoft Launcher should work correctly. If it crashes again, repeat the above. If you tell it to restore windows instead, the Launcher crashes a second time. There seems to be some kind of bad interaction with Mountain Lion's window restore. |
Unfortunately I noticed this post after I updated. Thankfully it was an issue that was easy to maneuver around. Thanks, Cuppa.

To be honest, I sometimes had this particular problem with OSX 10.7 every now and then, so it's not as if I personally consider this to be something "new" with OSX 10.8. My solution to the problem then was basically the same as what Cuppa is prescribing here ... only with a lot less patience for letting the NCLauncher time itself out (big white blank on open was kinda obvious, immediate Apple-Q, relaunch, no problem).

This isn't working for the launcher for me, however you can still go into the package contents and click on the cider exec under MacOS to start CoX and it runs fine.
Alt-holic - Always have characters from startup to 50 as scrappers or Defenders.
My serialized story about world created so badly the creatures fight back.
None of the workarounds are working on my brand new Mac since I upgraded to OSX 10.8.
I had the same problem with the interminable loop of failure: NC Launcher failed, so I tried the cider executable, which also failed and returned an error saying that NC Launcher is required.
Here's the thing: you used to be able to launch the game client separate from NC Launcher, but sometime last year with one of the patches they changed it so that, on the Mac at least, you're required to use NC Launcher.
In the end, I played around with using the OSX Launchpad feature to start up NC Launcher. After having NC Launcher crash about 20 times, it finally started up the game. I've been able to start the game about 3 times since yesterday; a recent crash report says NC Launcher has crashed about 247 during the same time period. That's a lot of attempts before it finally works. I hope this compatibility issue gets fixed very soon.
I'm sure glad I had 10.7.4 (Lion) installed on an external hard drive.
These sorts of alerts are becoming all too familiar. It's been over 2 weeks since any "official" pronouncement. I'd just like this to get fixed.
No more information? I just crashed on a LAM and I been trying to relog in for 20 mins with non stop NCsoft launcher crashing. 100 times today so far...
After a huge wave of failures, i managed to get it working by turning off the new application launching features of Mountain Lion, plus making sure to tell the app after launch not to reopen documents.
I am guessing the binaries are not signed with an Apple certificate.
I hope this gets fixed soon. I don't want to keep my computer running in these settings.
I have the same problem. At first, when I got the crash report, I would not click "reopen". Then when i tried to open the NCSoft launcher I would not click on "reopen". This would then show me the NClauncher and I could play the game.
Now, the launcher crashes every time. I tried repairing disk permissions but to no avail.
Please fix this soon
I'm holding updating to Muntail Lion just for CoX.
Hopep This issue will be fixed soon.
Handle: @Ftisk

I haven't fiddled with it much but the mac launcher has yet to actually launch the game no matter what combination of relaunch, reopen, force quits are used.
The absolutely reliable fix has been to boot to the windows partition and play there.
So, if your game is patched, then you should be able to do the following as a workaround if you're on mountain lion:
1. Open up the terminal app (That's in applications->utilities->Terminal)
2. Make sure that your security preferences in mountain lion allow applications from "any author" as per further up in the thread.
3. In the terminal window, execute this command:
/Applications/City\ of\ --cmdline '-launcher -auth -project coh'
Edit: I cribbed this IP address from the script used by the guys getting coh to run under linux wine, but it wasn't good for me any more. I sniffed traffic though, to find an IP that did work:
Someone with consistent Launcher crashing, please try this:
1. Launch Terminal from Applications > Utilities
2. Type or paste this: "defaults write com.ncsoft.nclauncher NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false"
Let us know if that workaround works.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
Someone with consistent Launcher crashing, please try this:
1. Launch Terminal from Applications > Utilities 2. Type or paste this: "defaults write com.ncsoft.nclauncher NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false" Let us know if that workaround works. |
Matthews-MacBook-Pro:~ matt$ defaults read com.ncsoft.nclauncher NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows 0 Matthews-MacBook-Pro:~ matt$
Updated my command line command to one that has a working auth server.
Is anyone at Paragon Studios/NCSoft still working on this issue?

We've been made aware of some compatibility issues users may experience when attempting to run the NCsoft Launcher using the upcoming OSx v10.8 (Mountain Lion). These issues prevent the NCsoft Launcher from running properly on systems running OSx v10.8. Our Hardware Compatibility Lab in Austin is actively investigating the issue, however please be aware that a fix for the issue will likely not be immediately available. I will provide more updates as soon as we can.
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios