Knockback to Knockdown!

Adeon Hawkwood



Seriously though, is it reasonable that one power, easily double-perma, should be able to perfectly control virtually any spawn all by itself? Fire controllers aren't the only ones who get bonfire, for one thing, but even if they were I'm not sure the fact that plant is a great set would imply that fire should now be completely invincible.

Even if you think powers like shockwave or gravitic emanation are within acceptable bounds when slotted with the overwhelming force proc, they're still not generally capable of shutting down trial spawns all on their lonesome.



I don't think the devs missed anything here.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Seeds is overpowered too, but namely in duration/recharge. It isn't a persistent effect, must be targeted, can miss and can be resisted (lol Nemesis laugh at seeds).
Seeds of Confusion can last long enough and recharge fast enough that it can be pretty much perma, not that mobs last that long. It can miss but if it does then those enemies will die pretty soon afterwards anyway. Bonfire is all or nothing. If it's resisted then you're a sitting duck.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
My Energy/Energy blaster loves you Devs for making that proc.

I was able to team now with not a single word said about knockback. I put mine in Torrent and since most of them are now on the ground with my opening salvo the other knockback powers have little effect!

Best proc ever.
That's where I'm putting it. My Energy/Energy blaster duos with a tank and the general rule of thumb is if I knock it away from him I chase it down and kill it. I hover overhead to reduce knockback to knockdown already. This enhancement is going to be helpful for those times I just can't get a good angle for that.

PS: My little blaster has tanked the (old) Positron TF using Energy Torrent because the tank and 2 scrappers on the team were too chicken to do it without a 'healer'. KB can be a very useful and impressive tool used right.

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Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Simply adding a chance-of-knockdown proc to a generic pbaoe with no inherent KB is insignificant, and can already be achieved with certain powers.

TAoE (Ragnarok) and single target melee (Kinetic Combat); yes. PBAoE, I'm not so sure about?

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Are there any other powers that have a 100% chance for KB? Are any of them spammable?

AoEs: Umbral Torrent, Torrent, Tornado, Lightning Storm, Jolting Chain, Earthquake, Ice Slick, Wormhole, Gale, Gravitic Emanation, Lightning Clap, etc.

Those that don't have overlap can usually have their downtime reduced significantly enough to be spammable or have added effects to go along with the KB/KD...

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Another question; now that Bonfire can be put into flip-flop mode... has anyone checked to see if it has become better at leveraging Interface bonuses?

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
Seeds of Confusion can last long enough and recharge fast enough that it can be pretty much perma, not that mobs last that long. It can miss but if it does then those enemies will die pretty soon afterwards anyway. Bonfire is all or nothing. If it's resisted then you're a sitting duck.
Well A Plant user is screwed if you fight a mob with tactics...I cry and run for the hills if I see Nemesis :P.

I think the safest and most efficient set is actually Illusion...if PA is perma...yeah...the catch is perma PA isn't easy and Illusion bores many people to tears lol.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Debuffing foes you can't mez (take your pick of any mezzes or debuffs that are PBAoE usable by foes)
I would agree with that for Single Target KB. Not for PBAoE KB. It's very dangerous to use it in that instance unless you take some time to position (more on that later)

Getting foes off allies.
PBAoE KD is better for that. Critter stops hitting, your ally can hit back in range and melee.

Exploding foes.
PBAoE KD is better for that. Almost all exploding critters' explosion power (outside of encounters like the AVs in the Sutter TF) can be interrupted. PBAoE KD does that, then leaves them in range for AoEs, Melee attacks, etc.

Repositioning (lol if you say you can't, I'd assume you don't know how to play Storm)
This is not a situation where PBAoE KB is better than PBAoE KD. It's an illustration of why PBAoE KD is better. No need to re-position.

Getting foes off of you.
PBAoE KD does that better because it leave them better clumped for AoEs and in range of melee damage.

PBAoE rezzers.
I guess PBAoE KB is better here, but only because it makes it that much harder to kill the rezzer in the first place!

Tactically used while repositioning yourself (can change KB to KD, disable flying targets (KD only twirls foes in the air, KB sends them down)
Again, PBAoE KD keeps them in range of AoEs/melee damage making it better. Tried it both ways on my Peacebringer. It's not even a close call. It's safer, quicker and more effective to just twirl them then follow up with another AoE than scattering them to the winds.

In my experience PBAoE KB is never, ever, never more beneficial than PBAoE KD. PBAoE KB is much more visually impressive and it's certainly possible that a player might have more fun using it. But as a tactical decision, scattering critters is not a good idea. If you reposition yourself, you are wasting time better spent killing and the only effective way to position a PBAoE KB power so that it is not detrimental, is to make it into a cone attack as you position all the critters to one side of you. That's a skilled player dealing with the downsides of PBAoE KB, and not in any way evidence that the same power wouldn't be better as KD.

Slotting the IO we're discussing turns powers like Solar Flare, Hand Clap, and Bonfire into top tier powers where before they were seen as skippable or worse.

Those three powers in particular were designed by a dev team that had a very different conception of how the game would be played. They expected a much slower game and a game that more closely resembled comic book fights. That was in no way a bad conception. Just a flawed one. This game rewards you for killing efficiently. It need not be so, and I have begged them over the years to create encounters where that is not so. What I have seen instead is encounters where KB would be a great boon (for example the B.A.F. trial) the relevant foes are resistant to all knock effects. But even if they did (they haven't yet), the majority of the game would still be such that KB and especially PBAoE is a detriment.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
Another question; now that Bonfire can be put into flip-flop mode... has anyone checked to see if it has become better at leveraging Interface bonuses?

Bonfire is really just a standard damage patch when it comes to most procs. They trigger at the start of the power and then every 10 seconds, like they would in Sleet or Rain of Fire. Damage and incarnate procs become more useful than they would normally be only because normal Bonfire throws targets out of its radius, preventing procs from firing, but Bonfire itself isn't a damage monster.

What makes it overpowered with knockdown is that the power's pulse rate matches the animation time for knockdown, and coincides with a period in the animation where the enemy is not able to respond but vulnerable to another knockdown.

[Note: A common question on other powers in the Bonfire family (Repel, Repulsion Field, Whirlwind, etc) is whether to slot the Knockback Chance for +Recharge there. The answer is almost always no. In toggle powers and patches, the proc fires every 10 seconds. Since the toggle is constantly knocking enemies out of its own radius, the only time it could fire is if it happened to pulse the exact moment an enemy entered range. Procs in Bonfire work basically the same way. Procs fire every 10 seconds, not every time the enemy is knocked back/down.]



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
[Note: A common question on other powers in the Bonfire family (Repel, Repulsion Field, Whirlwind, etc) is whether to slot the Knockback Chance for +Recharge there. The answer is almost always no. In toggle powers and patches, the proc fires every 10 seconds. Since the toggle is constantly knocking enemies out of its own radius, the only time it could fire is if it happened to pulse the exact moment an enemy entered range. Procs in Bonfire work basically the same way. Procs fire every 10 seconds, not every time the enemy is knocked back/down.]

I didn't think Bonfire would trigger the FF proc anyhow (for the caster) because its a summon power (or for itself - no recharge buffs for pets).

However, enhanced Bonfire seems to become a viable contributor to 100% chance (or close to it) Interfaces like Diamagnetic... easier to achieve AoE stacking.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
I didn't think Bonfire would trigger the FF proc anyhow (for the caster) because its a summon power (or for itself - no recharge buffs for pets).

However, enhanced Bonfire seems to become a viable contributor to 100% chance (or close to it) Interfaces like Diamagnetic... easier to achieve AoE stacking.

I think that proc still only triggers every 10 seconds. It's autohit when it does, but not particularly rapid. Certainly better than the base Bonfire power, which would almost never trigger it if enemies keep getting thrown out of it (they'd have to happen to be inside it exactly at the 10 second trigger mark).

Bonfire is basically like Freezing Rain or Sleet in terms of how it does damage, although it does last quite a bit longer.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Hasty conclusion.

KD may be better for specific flavors of builds and certain player-driven tactics but weather one is better than the other is purely circumstantial.
Actually, it's far more a matter of opinion.
You may be of the opinion that knockback is as useful as knockdown. but my opinion differs. I believe that knockback certainly has its uses but, the majority of the time, knockdown is far better.

You are free to disagree, but that doesn't make you more right than me, and you may find yourself annoying team-mates who agree more with me than with you.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



This proc is amazing nuff said. They may intended it to be this powerful cause once the summer event is over no more way to generate the things. It is gonna become super super rare even when they start letting us trade the things on the market.

I hope they never release another way to get this IO it should be super rare if not the rarest thing in the entire game. I also love it in tornado and have an idea for a fire dom I would like to stick this bad boy in bonfire.



I think the chances of this proc staying in it's present form is super super rare given the massive amount of nerf herding going on right now.

It is probably not something they will comment directly on anytime soon if ever...or maybe as a future patch note stating the change but never commenting on if they feel it was a mistake and/or overpowered.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I would agree with that for Single Target KB. Not for PBAoE KB. It's very dangerous to use it in that instance unless you take some time to position (more on that later)
KB is KB even if it's AoE (so long as it's not less than 100% chance). If a player can use an AoE attack on a single target when the situations deems so, the same can be said for various forms of control. Because I can use Gale to occupy a boss despite it being an AoE KB power.

PBAoE KD is better for that. Critter stops hitting, your ally can hit back in range and melee.
You're making assumptions. 'Getting foes off an ally' is the premise which doesn't directly pertain to using melee or ranged attacks. The ally could be getting mezzed and/or slowed because he's up to his neck in enemies...

PBAoE KD is better for that. Almost all exploding critters' explosion power (outside of encounters like the AVs in the Sutter TF) can be interrupted. PBAoE KD does that, then leaves them in range for AoEs, Melee attacks, etc.

This is not a situation where PBAoE KB is better than PBAoE KD. It's an illustration of why PBAoE KD is better. No need to re-position.
Unless you lock foes in place, the game AI provably shows you wrong. Foes move around, mezzes have different reactions on their placement and their pattern of movement is not always direct. If you're faced with a situation where the foes trigger their afraid AI, KD will only keep them in place so long...or if their AI deems they stay away, KD will not move them closer.

The only way to accomplish this is breaking LoS, teleporting them, taunting them (with -range) or tactical KB. KD won't do a damned thing if they aren't already huddled together and most of those choices (outside of taunt) is slower.

PBAoE KD does that better because it leave them better clumped for AoEs and in range of melee damage.
More assumptions. No one mentioned damage. If you're trying to stay alive and you're stuck between a rock and a crowd of angry punching mobs, KD will stop the foe momentarily but unless *you* move right after, it will be for naught. And with the prevalent of -movement debuffs, sometimes jumping/running isn't the greatest option.

I guess PBAoE KB is better here, but only because it makes it that much harder to kill the rezzer in the first place!
Apparently PBAoE KB, in any context, is perma. It's always going. Everytime a melee foe is in range *BAM* PBAoE KB. Any time you're ready to use an AoE *BAM* PBAoE KB. Nope, it's not possible to choose when to use it because that time is perpetual.

I guess if PBAoE KB really truly makes killing everything 'much harder' then maybe you're confusing PBAoE KB with 'Perpetual' Based AoE KB.

Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
Actually, it's far more a matter of opinion.
You may be of the opinion that knockback is as useful as knockdown. but my opinion differs. I believe that knockback certainly has its uses but, the majority of the time, knockdown is far better.

You are free to disagree, but that doesn't make you more right than me, and you may find yourself annoying team-mates who agree more with me than with you.
The only annoying teammates I encounter are the haters that don't have the mad skillz of a proper player that can utilize their given tools properly.

And you're the one bringing in 'right' or 'wrong' opinions. I'm simply stating facts. KB is versatile. You can even change it into KD with but a simple change of position.



I'm sorry Leo. In most situations KD is better than KB...also there's less chance of a foe getting stuck in some geometry.



Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
I'm sorry Leo. In most situations KD is better than KB...also there's less chance of a foe getting stuck in some geometry.
ZOMG! Tater Todd disagrees!!

Welp, I guess I'd better pack up and join the bandwagon then



It's always funny when people so vehemently defend KB, even in aoe form. KD is better, it's not an opinion.



Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
I don't want the Power or the proc to be nerfed I think that Fire Control needs this because frankly even with this change it STILL underperforms compared to Plant.

Sorry for the Yelling but I just feel so strongly about Control and Ranged toons and I feel like the normal mentality of control and ranged players is a bit off. Balance is important yes but almost all the control and ranges sets are lacking...BIG TIME.
You're worried about fire being outperformed by plant when sets like ice and grav control exist? :S

Granted I haven't actually gotten the proc yet on my fire troller, but i dont see it being as game breaking as many claim on a control AT. The only place I see an issue with the new knockdown bonfire is blasters and MMs having access to it, which clearly offers far more control than intended to non-control ATs.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
It's always funny when people so vehemently defend KB, even in aoe form. KD is better, it's not an opinion.
Actually, it is an opinion. It may be backed up by facts, but what it's better at is opinion. Tornado is a more reliable and statistically better power with KD, but the KB is much more fun.



Originally Posted by SuperFerret View Post
Actually, it is an opinion. It may be backed up by facts, but what it's better at is opinion. Tornado is a more reliable and statistically better power with KD, but the KB is much more fun.
Fun is subjective, and an opinion, being more fun doesnt make a power better, it might work "better" for your characters' concept but it has no bearing on game balance. KD being better (in actual effectiveness on completing whatever content you are doing) is factual, it's not an opinion.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
It's always funny when people so vehemently defend KB, even in aoe form. KD is better, it's not an opinion.
It's even funnier when people express their opinion on KB as irrevocable fact. It helps identify the players that know what they're doing from the players that are n00bs.

Fun fact, KB is not a 'one sized fits all' tool nor have I ever attributed it as such.

Conversely, attributing KB as a tool best never utilized aptly demonstrates your lack of knowledge and ability.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
It's even funnier when people express their opinion on KB as irrevocable fact. It helps identify the players that know what they're doing from the players that are n00bs.

Fun fact, KB is not a 'one sized fits all' tool nor have I ever attributed it as such.

Conversely, attributing KB as a tool best never utilized aptly demonstrates your lack of knowledge and ability.

My first toon was an energy/energy blaster, just fyi. KB is a great defensive mechanic, but that does not make it in any way remotely as good as knockdown is.

And again, Lol you.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post

My first toon was an energy/energy blaster, just fyi. KB is a great defensive mechanic, but that does not make it in any way remotely as good as knockdown is.

And again, Lol you.
Energy Blast is the kindergarden of knockback. If you'd have said FF/energy, that's somewhat different.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
And you're the one bringing in 'right' or 'wrong' opinions.
When did I do that?
As far as I can tell, I voiced my opinion and even clarified that that opinion wasn't always true, and you jumped down my throat for it.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"