So at what rate do you think we will be getting new Incarnate slots?

Agent White



With the release of Hybrid just passing by, how often do you think we will be getting new Incarnate slots? Once a year? Twice a year? Every 3 issues?

I know the first 5 are a bit of an outlier since I read somewhere the developers felt that was a mistake releasing so many so soon.



Once an issue from now on. If they release 1 slot per issue that still gives them 4 more slots and roughly a year or more of continual growth and movement in the story depending on how often issues come out.

They should have everything up to Omega penned in as to its actual effect. How we get those effects are penciled in though (like the hybrid going from a toggle to a click) so they can be altered based on feedback of beta as well as intention of the power slot.

Beyond Omega I can see penciled in so that they can dial it in better the closer to the Omega slot that we get. They have a rough idea of what they want to do and where they are going but they still have time to alter things and we will be none the wiser.



I dunno about getting one in every issue, but we are now five issues into the Incarnate system (i19, i20, i21, i22, i23) and have six slots, so averaging about one slot per issue sounds plausible.



We'll get them as soon and as fast as it takes for them to figure out what they do and how to make them work like that



I am not even going to attempt to guess what the devs have in mind but my SUGGESTION would be 1 per issue. If for no other reasons than to 1) keep the interest alive in doing trials and obtaining powers (* more explanation soon) and 2) to avoid what has occurred with Hybrid.

Okay a little detail... Prior to Issue 23 and hybrid opening it was actually getting hard, at times, to find a trial on VIRTUE which is one of the top two servers for population. It wasn't that there was no one out there it was simply that players had all the incarnates they wanted or had all the ones available slotted as high as they could go and saw no reason to keep grinding away for nothing.. There were still those that wanted Astrals to buy either the new ATOs or to purchase rare IO recipes and Emps to buy Very Rare IO or PvP enhancement recipes. But Dark Astoria had a lot less people in it befor e 23 hit and for some STRANGE reason when i was there it seemed like everyone was taking the extremely easy route and doing mostly Lambdas or BAFS.

Now to explain a bit more on part 2) .. I personally was able to slot 22 characters with a Hybrid power as fast as I could open them up because I had so many threads and so much salvage, astrals and empyreans. 17 of those characters have tier 4 in place. They gave us so much time between powers everyone has a huge stockpile of salvage to work with. Issue 23 isn't a week old yet and I already only hvae 2 more characters left to open Hybrid on and craft enhancers for and one of those will have tier 4 as well. We need goals to work on or people get bored and go do other things.

The problem was back in Nov 2010 we got tier 1 and 2 of Alpha with issue 19, by February 2011 19.5 gave us the t3 and t4 abilities and then in April 2011 issue 20 arrive and suddenly we also had Judgement, Lore, Interface and Destiny. Five months and we already had 5 of the promised ten powers. And the ... we went an entire year before issue 23 FINALLY gave us Hybrid. Yes during that time we got more selections to many of the powers but we didn't get anything truly new until late last month. In retrospect as mentioned .. releasing that many powers in such a short time span was probably a bad idea. Not releasing ANY for over a year after that onslaught was probably even worse. So many of us have such a huge stockpile of threads, salvage, astrals and Emps as fast as we open hybrid up we are slotting it to tier four and ...... okay now what do you have for me to do?

If the keep releasing new powers at a nice easy rate of one per issue they have close to 2 years to figure out what to do when we have all ten of the original ones promised.. I say original because I see no reason why they couldn't simply add more powers as they go along. Sure we'll get stronger and stronger so design tougher bad guys and if needed design in another level shift or two along the way so its still a challenge but we don't all spend more time dead than fighting.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Me personally I would like to see it alternate... an issue devoted to powers...then an issue devoted to the next incarnate slot.

Issue 24: Powers
Issue 25: Omega
Issue 26: Powers

Of course throwing in new content for incarnates and non-incarnates in every issue as well.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



We're either getting Genesis or Mind (Which carries an Incarnate shift) with the next trial (Praetorian Hamidon), then the other two for the trials after that, which feature the Batallion.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



A few months ago they mentioned that they were already working out a few basic ideas for Issue 32 - so I wonder what wacky levels of power we'll have by then?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'd guess a new slot OR new powers for existing slots every 2-3 issues.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by golden girl View Post
a few months ago they mentioned that they were already working out a few basic ideas for issue 32 - so i wonder what wacky levels of power we'll have by then?
holy-! 32!?!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



But honestly I kinda doubt we'll be getting a new slot next issue. Maybe if not I25, then I26. I25 makes sense because when we got Alpha, it was the beginning of the Praetorian War and I25 will mark the coming of the Battalion.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Pointless Speculation:

Praetorian Hamidon Trial, grants Advanced Physical Incarnate Experience, requires Lore and Destiny slots be unlocked.
Genesis Slot grants high-end travel powers with perks
-Flight - heavily slotted Afterburner-level flight with built in stealth/phase in the radial tree
-Teleport - Multi-reticle power. 300yd Teleport with moderate energy damage burst on arrival, combined with explosion FX. Core gives more clicks per activation, while radial tree adds KD/stun to the arrival burst
-Super Speed - Afterburner-like effect on max groundspeed, provides slight boost to recharge and endurance reduction and slow resistance. Radial drops fire pseudopets every second that burn enemies when they expire one second later so long as player remains in motion. Run circles around opponents to set them on fire!
-Super Jump - First multi-reticle power. Clicking the power once allows player to click 3 places, causing character to jump and land in those places. Each landing is timed to a smashing/kd effect affecting all foes within a particular radius, queuing the next reticle for clicking. Core gives more clicks per activation. Radial adds a stun/fear component to each landing.

-Pool/APP/henchmen power customization
-Quadruped body shape added as a character customization option in the Paragon Market.
-Praetoria receives two new zones enabling Praetorian characters to reach level 50 and even become incarnates without having to travel to Primal earth
-Ouroboros extends a hand to Praetorians, having concluded that the heroes and villains of Primal Earth are too small-minded to confront the Coming Storm.
-Praetorian task forces and trials focus on maintaining order and taking the fight against Primal Earth

-Storm Palace Zone update - The Storm Palace is now an advanced incarnate Zone with an arc shedding light on the mysterious relationship between Rularuu and Lanaru.
-Rularuu Trial - Praetorians and Primals, in a final push to prepare for the Coming Storm take the fight to the Shadow Shard in an attempt to secure some of the transcendent power of Rularuu for themselves to accelerate their development as Incarnates. Prometheus himself tries to stop this madness, but his weakness has been revealed by the Dream Doctor and a mysterious ally. Upon completing this task force, with Prometheus as the surprise end boss, new dialog is opened up revealing just how terrified Prometheus actually is of your incarnate awesomeness. This trial provides Advanced Physical and Psychic Incarnate Experience
-Mind and Vitae incarnate slots unlocked
---Mind provides an AoE control power (Mag 4) with a 240s recharge. Core focuses on the duration of the control power, while Radial produces additional side effects (Regeneration debuffs, resistance debuffs, slow + defense debuff, absorb negation)
---Vitae provides an Auto always-on buff to certain characteristics, initially including recovery + endurance reduction, regeneration + resistance, defense + damage, movement speed + recharge. The first is the focus of Core, while the second becomes available through Radial.

-Arrival of the Battalion. Initially, they appear within incarnate and level 50 zones as a zone event. Defeating the Giant Monster summoned towards the end of the zone event can award multiple threads or an incarnate component.
-Multiple QoL improvements

-Battalion station added as an Incarnate Zone, with solo story arc granting Advanced Physical and Advanced Psychic incarnate experience.

-First of the Battalion trials
-Incarnate-level temp powers introduced, craftable via Incarnate Components, Influence and Astral/Empyrean merits

Premium accounts can't edit signatures.



Just so you know, the Battalion is confirmed as arriving in I25, and I24 is the aftermath of the victory over Tyrant - there's no alternative history where the loyalists don't get crushed - it's all over for the stiff-armers

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




And that is fantastic!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Just so you know, the Battalion is confirmed as arriving in I25, and I24 is the aftermath of the victory over Tyrant - there's no alternative history where the loyalists don't get crushed - it's all over for the stiff-armers
Which kinda stinks for some of my stiff-armer fully Loyalist characters. CURSE YOU PEOPLE WHO GOT BORED WITH PRAETORIA! YOU ENDED THE WAR BEFORE IT WAS OVER!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Which kinda stinks for some of my stiff-armer fully Loyalist characters. CURSE YOU PEOPLE WHO GOT BORED WITH PRAETORIA! YOU ENDED THE WAR BEFORE IT WAS OVER!
It was always going to end with the defeat of the loyalists

Even when loyalists where goose-stepping around the zones in the GR beta, squealing their "for the greater good" lies, the Trial locations had already been built into the zones - it's just that no one knew that's what they were for at the time - so ignorance really was bliss for Tyrant's stormtroopers

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



DJ's 'pointless speculations' are rather awesome, even though we know timeline-wise it won't happen that way. Some of the ideas are really good though.

I especially like the idea of Incarnate Travel powers.



I can see possibly getting Genesis in (for) the next itrial if/when we fight the Praetorian version of Hamidon.

After that?

Probably 1 slot a year if we're lucky.

Just my guess

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Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Which kinda stinks for some of my stiff-armer fully Loyalist characters. CURSE YOU PEOPLE WHO GOT BORED WITH PRAETORIA! YOU ENDED THE WAR BEFORE IT WAS OVER!
Oh, but the war isn't over. You can always pull a japanese-veteran thing and continue it for 40-years.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
DJ's 'pointless speculations' are rather awesome,
Even if quite a bit of it would have been better off titled "deperate loyalist fantasies"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
Oh, but the war isn't over. You can always pull a japanese-veteran thing and continue it for 40-years.
You are right.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



By the way, slightly off-topic, how many of you think we will eventually fight against Ouroboros now that we know what the Coming Storm is and who the Letter Writer is. Maybe after we defeat the Battalion?

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
By the way, slightly off-topic, how many of you think we will eventually fight against Ouroboros now that we know what the Coming Storm is and who the Letter Writer is. Maybe after we defeat the Battalion?
The devs recently responded to a similar question by saying the answer depends on how much we trust everything that the Dream Doctor tells us

There are also a few major problems that suggest the citadel won't be destroyed - first, it's very closely tied in with a major game system - the flashback system.
Second, we've actually seen the Dream Dcotor's promise to send Ouroboros crashing into the sea before we even met him - and Ramiel's arc didn't portray it as an event that was in any way good or positive.
Third, they keep adding new stuff to Ouroboros - after Ramiel we got Prometheus and the Incarnate merrit vendors, then the echo zones, and now SSA2.2 sends us there on a visit.
Obviously, they could move a lot of the stuff someplace else, like Prometheus to Cimerora, and the flashback system to the Midnighter Club, for example - but the fact that the keep on adding more stuff to Ouroboros not only after we saw it crashed into the sea but also after the identity of the Letter Writer was revealed, suggests that they're not planning on destroying it in the future.

Plus, the Dream Doctor has a huge balck mark against him for havign anythign to do with Protean, who's been shown in the comics and his handful of in game appearances to be a totally immoral, inhuman and sadistic killer.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork