So at what rate do you think we will be getting new Incarnate slots?

Agent White



At the same time, he says that the Menders of Ouroboros have ALL done worse crimes.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
At the same time, he says that the Menders of Ouroboros have ALL done worse crimes.
...and in the case of the only Mender we know much of anything about (Silos), he is quite correct.

Them being the bad guys doesn't mean we have to destroy the zone. See: every villain zone.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The devs recently responded to a similar question by saying the answer depends on how much we trust everything that the Dream Doctor tells us

There are also a few major problems that suggest the citadel won't be destroyed - first, it's very closely tied in with a major game system - the flashback system.
Second, we've actually seen the Dream Dcotor's promise to send Ouroboros crashing into the sea before we even met him - and Ramiel's arc didn't portray it as an event that was in any way good or positive.
Third, they keep adding new stuff to Ouroboros - after Ramiel we got Prometheus and the Incarnate merrit vendors, then the echo zones, and now SSA2.2 sends us there on a visit.
Obviously, they could move a lot of the stuff someplace else, like Prometheus to Cimerora, and the flashback system to the Midnighter Club, for example - but the fact that the keep on adding more stuff to Ouroboros not only after we saw it crashed into the sea but also after the identity of the Letter Writer was revealed, suggests that they're not planning on destroying it in the future.

Plus, the Dream Doctor has a huge balck mark against him for havign anythign to do with protean, who's been shown in the comics and his handful of in game appearances to be a totally immoral, inhuman and sadistic killer.

Lets look at Dream Doctor track record.
-founded Midnight club one of the premiere super groups of paragon city.
-First person to ever stop the COT from kidnapping children and sacrificing(killing) them and made the organization go under ground over night.
-helped repel a 1941 Axis attack on Paragon City
-traveled to Europe to join forces with England's Dawn Patrol
-becomes the leader of the 1st Hero Brigade's North African striketeam, the Sand Kings
-Helped us handle the Dark Astoria/MOT problem

Now Mender Silos who we all know is Lord Nemesis is a psychopath no two ways around it. I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge he is responsible for millions of murders like taking over the Americas briefly and planting nerve gas bombs in the 20 largest cities in America. His team of menders are psychopaths too.

Who would you believe of the two?

Believing Silos over the Dream Doctor is like believing a death row inmate over a highly decorated Navy officer. We just need to take out the menders and steal Ouraboras for ourselves.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
Believing Silos over the Dream Doctor is like believing a death row inmate over a highly decorated Navy officer. We just need to take out the menders and steal Ouraboras for ourselves.
I see what you are trying to say... but nothing is black and white, and in that scenario, you haven't given us enough information to decide who is most trustworthy.

Perhaps the inmate got framed and then railroaded by the courts and is an otherwise very good person. Perhaps the decorated vet is a mysoginistic pig who would lie to anyone just so he can laugh at you in private when you leave. No hint of "truth-telling-ness" is depicted in your scenario.

I think it is clear you can draw a parallel to the CoH scenario we are actually talking about here. AKA, as much as you may like to believe otherwise, honorary titles and past actions do not necessarily predict future ones.



I hope not to get them any faster than one per issue from now on. I got burnt out and left the game for awhile over the constant Lambda and BAF farming when the first 4 slots came out. The release of Hybrid was much more relaxed and enjoyable.

Every issue or maybe every other issue would be acceptable. Any less often than that and I think people will become bored.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The devs recently responded to a similar question by saying the answer depends on how much we trust everything that the Dream Doctor tells us

Plus, the Dream Doctor has a huge balck mark against him for havign anythign to do with Protean, who's been shown in the comics and his handful of in game appearances to be a totally immoral, inhuman and sadistic killer.
In the Dream Doctor's Personal Mission his motivation for distrusting Silos is revealed, and quite frankly, I think Silos might have had a point keeping you-know-who around.

Also Ajax was a pretty big scumbag at one point (though he's tried to make amends more or less since).

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.