Thank You for Making Me Useless
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios

Helps to read Dev comments on the subject before posting....
Known Issue
Being Fixed

Im a fan of the devs b/c this is not easy stuff theyre doing, but you cant really give GP too hard of a time. Sometimes it takes years to fix problems.
i13 was supposed to fix PvP...just one example and you see how that played out.
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
And.... SLAP
![]() Helps to read Dev comments on the subject before posting.... |
Nope, you both missed the mark. That thread's talking about some level shift bug. Totally not the issue here.
I send in my pets to fight Tyrant. They immediately come back in little bitty pieces. While we're at it, let's turn off all Tanker sheilds, remove Blaster ranged attacks and prevent Stalkers from doing anything in melee!
Im a fan of the devs b/c this is not easy stuff theyre doing, but you cant really give GP too hard of a time. Sometimes it takes years to fix problems.
i13 was supposed to fix PvP...just one example and you see how that played out. |
/sarcasm off
Thank you for bringing that subject of i13 back up.
Fight The Power
Dun dun dunnnnnn!
Nope, you both missed the mark. That thread's talking about some level shift bug. Totally not the issue here. I send in my pets to fight Tyrant. They immediately come back in little bitty pieces. While we're at it, let's turn off all Tanker sheilds, remove Blaster ranged attacks and prevent Stalkers from doing anything in melee! |

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
Dun dun dunnnnnn!
Nope, you both missed the mark. That thread's talking about some level shift bug. Totally not the issue here. I send in my pets to fight Tyrant. They immediately come back in little bitty pieces. While we're at it, let's turn off all Tanker sheilds, remove Blaster ranged attacks and prevent Stalkers from doing anything in melee! |

Nope, you both missed the mark. That thread's talking about some level shift bug. Totally not the issue here.
Actually.. the level shift should help... right now your pets aren't getting it. *With an upcoming patch.. they should be +8 or so, 1 level below you as you should be +9.. they Should be a bit more survivable....
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Dun dun dunnnnnn!
Nope, you both missed the mark. That thread's talking about some level shift bug. Totally not the issue here. I send in my pets to fight Tyrant. They immediately come back in little bitty pieces. While we're at it, let's turn off all Tanker sheilds, remove Blaster ranged attacks and prevent Stalkers from doing anything in melee! |
Actually.. the level shift should help... right now your pets aren't getting it.
Because they are not getting the shift from the lights...
Also, nice try, but I was on light duty. They were +5s +6s before I sent them in, for just this very reason. Ol' bossypants still one- or two-shotted them with AoEs because the devs wanted him to have lulz epic aoezes. Ostracizing an entire archetype is no way to design a boss.
Neurotoxic Breath can only do so much good. (-:
Well that was quick; no benefit of the doubt or anything!
Also, nice try, but I was on light duty. They were +5s +6s before I sent them in, for just this very reason. Ol' bossypants still one- or two-shotted them with AoEs because the devs wanted him to have lulz epic aoezes. Ostracizing an entire archetype is no way to design a boss. Neurotoxic Breath can only do so much good. (-: |
Actually.. I've heard similar complaints going all the way back to the BAFs.. "the MMs are getting penalized cause pets don't count toward participation." and keyes complaints that the Beams are wipiong them out too easy.. all those were either proved false or changed (in the case of Keyes).
Hell.. my main is a tank and I hate jumping in and out thanks to the Hami-level Untyped damage of Tyrant's lightning. Does that "ostracize" my Tank, or the Tank AT? No.. just means I can't use my usual tactics, I need to change. Trials are designed to force you outta your comfort zone, to "force" more coordination and different roles. Is it always a good thing or successful? Hell No, but most times its decently done.
It's nearly impossible to balance everything for every AT.. some will always have a lesser role in some situations- and considering that MMs on the whole can steamroll 99% of the rest of the game... having a reduced role on a certain Trial isn't that shocking.
Another note... what is your primary? Melee MMs are going to be at a real disadvantage against Tyrant.. just the way it is in that Trial.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
Also, nice try, but I was on light duty. They were +5s +6s before I sent them in, for just this very reason. Ol' bossypants still one- or two-shotted them with AoEs because the devs wanted him to have lulz epic aoezes. Ostracizing an entire archetype is no way to design a boss.
Being near lights, being the person who takes one out, or anything of that sort has no bearing on whether you or any pet gets a level shift. They are given out by an entity that is not centered in the bowl, and presumably give them to the first closest 16 targets only.
When this behavior is fixed, Tyrant will be +0 to you nearly full time. He's still a potent AV, but he should not be significantly more deadly for your henchmen than most +0 AVs. Indeed, because the rules for the level penalty your henchment get in iTrials is different than in other content, it may be easier for non-trial AVs to destroy them in general.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I came into this thread and was VERY surprised.
I expected it to be about the Melee Haet on Magisterium badge runs.
If there's a reason to complain about masterminds in iTrials, only TPN comes to mind. Having to keep pets in passive mode for almost the entire duration of the trial (because you never know when you'll be warped out and your pets will automatically start shooting civvies) is crippling, even at +3.
Who'd have thought that with all our potent incarnate abilities, a molotov cocktail is still more deadly than facing off against the IDF?
The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)
If there's a reason to complain about masterminds in iTrials, only TPN comes to mind. Having to keep pets in passive mode for almost the entire duration of the trial (because you never know when you'll be warped out and your pets will automatically start shooting civvies) is crippling, even at +3.
Who'd have thought that with all our potent incarnate abilities, a molotov cocktail is still more deadly than facing off against the IDF? |
Your inside more than you are outside, and when outside passive, and run behind buildings to avoid aggro.
There's a warning to tell you your being teleported, one click and problem solved.
WR - "Thank you for bringing that subject of i13 back up."
Sorry man, was just using it as an example and i didnt know most ppl were still sore about it.
I dont like i13, but I still PvP when I was 10 issues ago
CGM - "Technically it was supposed to be the start of an on-going project to fix PVP... but immaturity and impatience caused those bridges to be burned from both ends."
Youll have to explain that one to me good sir.
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
After Castle's initial round of changes--which were intended, as I said, to be the first steps in a long-standing project--the members of the PVP community who had been invited to the beta hated it and leaked all the changes outside of the closed beta, all but ruining the developers' ability to get decent data and feedback on the changes. There were harsh words on both sides of the ensuing arguments--one of the former community reps actually lost his job over a comment he made retorting to the already enraged PVPers--and it was decided to put PVP in maintenance mode until things had cooled off enough to try again.
Unfortunately, Castle took another job offer, so PVP hasn't changed a whole lot since. The existing development team is understandably wary of broaching the subject again, though Posi has said on record a few times that they have some ideas they'd like to try when they've got room in the development schedule, but it is unlikely that they'll be anywhere near as sweeping as those changes made in i13.
(In my humble opinion, PVP isn't really any worse off after Issue 13 than before it. Some things that were problems before were fixed, some new problems arose as a result, but mostly, the changes that Castle made were cranked all the way to 11 when they should have been set more in the 2-5 range.)
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Keeping your pets on passive for almost the entire duration? Well your doing something wrong there.
Your inside more than you are outside, and when outside passive, and run behind buildings to avoid aggro. There's a warning to tell you your being teleported, one click and problem solved. |
Playing a Bots/Traps MM, for one, is just too painful in Incarnate content. Why? Because not only does it punish MMs a helluva lot, BUT THE PET AI IS STILL PANTS ON HEAD! Dear lord, it's been fecked since Demons came out, and still fecked when Beasts came out. I haven't touched my MM in ages, because it makes it so gods damned NOT FUN when I order my pets to do something and they IGNORE ME. I tell them to attack something, they go and brawl it in the face!
Is that hard to understand why it sucks like crazy?

GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Unfortunately, Castle took another job offer, so PVP hasn't changed a whole lot since. The existing development team is understandably wary of broaching the subject again, though Posi has said on record a few times that they have some ideas they'd like to try when they've got room in the development schedule, but it is unlikely that they'll be anywhere near as sweeping as those changes made in i13.
Actually.. I've heard similar complaints going all the way back to the BAFs.. "the MMs are getting penalized cause pets don't count toward participation." and keyes complaints that the Beams are wipiong them out too easy.. all those were either proved false or changed (in the case of Keyes).
The Henchmen don't have trouble in other trials. Some enemies do some hefty damage to them with AoEs, but not to the extent that it's pointless to bring them out in the first place. Not Siege. Not Marauder. Not the Avatar, or Maelstrom, or Penelope Mayhem (though that one IS a bit harsh), or the Sentinel. The antimatter pulse and Obliteration Beam don't seem to do much but scratch them. Everything either hurts the pets so slowly someone gets a few heals off before it matters, or they just don't hit them at all.
Tyrant, on the other hand, is full of "herp derp let's use mega AoE because screw you guys this dude is strong."
Hell.. my main is a tank and I hate jumping in and out thanks to the Hami-level Untyped damage of Tyrant's lightning. Does that "ostracize" my Tank, or the Tank AT? No.. just means I can't use my usual tactics, I need to change.
Another note... what is your primary? Melee MMs are going to be at a real disadvantage against Tyrant.. just the way it is in that Trial.
That you point out that you were on light duty suggests to me that you are not aware of the actual mechanics involved, which makes me wonder if you know whether or not your pets were shifted the way you think they were.
If there's a reason to complain about masterminds in iTrials, only TPN comes to mind. Having to keep pets in passive mode for almost the entire duration of the trial (because you never know when you'll be warped out and your pets will automatically start shooting civvies) is crippling, even at +3.
Or a BAF, where the pets run where the hell they will, and then get Tower Sniped. Or a lambda, where they INSIST on running in to punch Marauder in the face. Despite the fact they are Bots. With lasers. And Rockets. And oh look, Nova Fist, all dead. Oh well, respawn th- why am I catching artillery in the face?!
[...] I haven't touched my MM in ages, because it makes it so gods damned NOT FUN when I order my pets to do something and they IGNORE ME. I tell them to attack something, they go and brawl it in the face! |
Hey devs, ur doin' it wrong. Allow me to explain in the form of an open question:
*Puts on Groucho Marx glasses*
What do you call a Mastermind on a Magisterium trial?