Thank you devs! Tyrant's personal story

Agent White



It almost felt like a callback to the first Alpha mission, where you're unkillable and buffed to extreme levels. Just that this time, you're playing as someone else instead of yourself.



Seconded! Great job!

I just did it today - it was really fun! Not the "ending" I was expecting at all!



Is it possible to replay that mission? The whole area is covered with enemies and I had cleared most of it by the time I thought of recording.

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I might agree with the lauding if it actually worked. I got LDed multiple times trying to finish it. While I have heard you can pull it off if you single target all the way through, but I don't have the patience for that.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
I might agree with the lauding if it actually worked. I got LDed multiple times trying to finish it. While I have heard you can pull it off if you single target all the way through, but I don't have the patience for that.
Oh weird, as you saw I had the whole thing cleared with the exception of two groups - yeah, sure, lag, and a split second flash of a mapserver message, but otherwise it ran fine.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Does a mission that lets the player one shot the entire Arachnos high command count as devs hating Villains?
Well, and I am surprised that you would ask this, isn't Tyrant a villain? And if so, wouldn't that make it a Villain vs. Villain throwdown rather than the typical HERO vs. Villain throwdown?

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Well, and I am surprised that you would ask this, isn't Tyrant a villain? And if so, wouldn't that make it a Villain vs. Villain throwdown rather than the typical HERO vs. Villain throwdown?
Sorta. In his own mind he's a hero. He had a noble goal but developed an 'any means to an end' ideology and was blinded by his own pride that -He- had to make the hard choices and what he chose was right for everyone, using madmen and maniacs to build his 'perfect' utopia. But in his mind he's still on the side of law and justice.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Sorta. In his own mind he's a hero. He had a noble goal but developed an 'any means to an end' ideology and was blinded by his own pride that -He- had to make the hard choices and what he chose was right for everyone, using madmen and maniacs to build his 'perfect' utopia. But in his mind he's still on the side of law and justice.
Doesn't matter. He's still a villain. He's had multiple opportunities to wave the white flag and negotiate with us, ask for our help, etc. or just straight up tell us "Stop snooping in my dimension and I'll stay out of yours." But instead he invades us in an attempt to control us. So yeah, it's a villain vs. villain throwdown. Recluse it just honest about it.



I find it funny how the strongest character in the game lore hits so hard he causes server lag. It feels appropriate.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
I find it funny how the strongest character in the game lore hits so hard he causes server lag. It feels appropriate.
Yeah, haha, which is why I titled it that way.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Having to do that mission by only using ST attacks because any of the others will cause you to mapserve and have to restart isn't what I call fun. In fact, it is the very opposite definition of fun.

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Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Having to do that mission by only using ST attacks because any of the others will cause you to mapserve and have to restart isn't what I call fun. In fact, it is the very opposite definition of fun.
On the other hand, I was able to use the AoEs repeatedly, usually several times in a row, and it wasn't until the end of the mission that I started seeing lag and the occasional mapserve delay. The mission DID make my glitchy graphics card start to glitch harder (the secondary screen turns off randomly as the gpu gets strained), but that's no big deal.

The person I was on chat with pointed out that it was much like the old Lag Hill problems in the ITF (which I also never had issues with); if you wait for the particles and physics to clear after the major attacks, you can use them occasionally.

The further down toward the low end your machine is, of course, the less that will be true, and there's a lot of variables that control where your machine falls on the spectrum.

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i too would enjoy that mish so much more if the lag/mapserving problems were fixed up more



Originally Posted by Cende View Post
The further down toward the low end your machine is, of course, the less that will be true, and there's a lot of variables that control where your machine falls on the spectrum.
Don't be so quick to blame the computer. I have a quad core with 8GB of RAM and a Radeon 5770, and I haven't been able to complete the mission yet, even using single target attacks. The reason is latency: I normally have about 300ms of ping to the NCsoft servers, and it doesn't handle it well when a lot of mobs target me specifically.

If I summon my pets before entering the mission, they remain with me, and they can attack the giant army with no lag at all and a perfectly green netgraph. The second *I* attack the army directly, netgraph gets stuck in the red, and a mapserver crash is extremely liekly. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Don't be so quick to blame the computer. I have a quad core with 8GB of RAM and a Radeon 5770, and I haven't been able to complete the mission yet, even using single target attacks. The reason is latency: I normally have about 300ms of ping to the NCsoft servers, and it doesn't handle it well when a lot of mobs target me specifically.
There is that, too, but I can't speak to that with any reliability. I know that the computer can have an effect; if your computer is up there in cool, then I don't know what else to look at. Apparently latency is one of the things.

However, the fact that some people can finish the mission without any problems means it's not entirely the mission, either. I'm not saying that there aren't tweaks they could possibly perform to help it out a bit, but I am saying that the cries of "It's completely bugged, how dare they release it in that state!" may be a little unfounded.

As a note of comparison, I've got a quad core with a Raedon 5750 and 16 GB RAM (I do enough at once that I asked for and got the RAM when we upgraded the machine).

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Originally Posted by Cende View Post
There is that, too, but I can't speak to that with any reliability. I know that the computer can have an effect; if your computer is up there in cool, then I don't know what else to look at. Apparently latency is one of the things.

However, the fact that some people can finish the mission without any problems means it's not entirely the mission, either. I'm not saying that there aren't tweaks they could possibly perform to help it out a bit, but I am saying that the cries of "It's completely bugged, how dare they release it in that state!" may be a little unfounded.

As a note of comparison, I've got a quad core with a Raedon 5750 and 16 GB RAM (I do enough at once that I asked for and got the RAM when we upgraded the machine).
8 gigs of ram should be plenty for COH. It's the mission itself.

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Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
CoH doesn't use more than 2 gigs, I thought.
Quite. My own 8 barely notices it.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
CoH doesn't use more than 2 gigs, I thought.
COH is a 32-bit Windows program, and as such, it *can't* use more than 2GB. Memory addresses are stored as 32-bit numbers, which means 4GB is a hard limit (because 2 to the 32 = 4.2 billion) and Windows splits that in 2GB for application usage, and 2GB for Windows itself. That means each 32-bit application gets its own 2GB of addresses, and shares the other 2GB with Windows stuff, regardless of how much memory is installed.

Note that there are certain versions of 32-bit Windows that can recognize up to 64GB of RAM, using something called Physical Address Extension, but that doesn't change anything on the application side: applications still "see" 4GB of addresses, of which they can use up to 2GB, and the other 2GB is for Windows stuff.

(Edit: wording was too technical, I dumbed it down.) Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!