Suggestions & Ideas: Where Both Come to Die




So a general perception is that this Suggestions & Ideas section of the boards is a completely fruitless place to post anything that an actual employee of Paragon Studios might notice, and given that when the dev's want players suggestion & ideas they totally bypass this area and post in the General forum, you'd have to say there's weight to that that belief.

So my question is, shouldn't this just be removed and let suggestions migrate to individual servers, or the general area where valid ideas would get a much wider swath of support?
Isn't this section just the equivalent to Forum Games, as a place to vent that doesn't add anything to the game?

What's more it would seem ironic that things that have made it into the game over the recent years like power customization and proliferation for example, were often repeatedly dismissed and heckled when they were brought up in this part of the boards.

So isn't Suggestions & Ideas just the place where essentially both come to die, or can it be improved in some way?



The devs do actually come to the Suggestions forums.

I recently sent a message to Arbiter Hawk to check out powerset ideas I posted, and he had already read them.

I think they probably don't post here much because people would pounce on them and bury them in questions about their own suggestions.

Trickshooter's Characters | @Trickshooter @Brightside



Originally Posted by Redoptic View Post
So a general perception is that this Suggestions & Ideas section of the boards is a completely fruitless place to post anything that an actual employee of Paragon Studios might notice, and given that when the dev's want players suggestion & ideas they totally bypass this area and post in the General forum, you'd have to say there's weight to that that belief.
There was also general perception that the earth was flat and the center of the universe. Perception is not reality.
So my question is, shouldn't this just be removed and let suggestions migrate to individual servers,
... which would help what, exactly?
or the general area
... where they'd get lost...

Isn't this section just the equivalent to Forum Games, as a place to vent that doesn't add anything to the game?
No, that's the "General" area.

What's more it would seem ironic that things that have made it into the game over the recent years like power customization and proliferation for example, were often repeatedly dismissed and heckled when they were brought up in this part of the boards.
Rewriting history is not your forte`. You should actually look at the history before making statements like that. Both were called - by the devs, I might add - a *lot* of work, especially when they were down to 15 people, and would take a lot of time. (I believe the redname comment was "Sure, we could rewrite everything and do that. Just don't expect anything else during that year.") When they got more people, both became possible.

Pointing out information from the devs, such as the above, is not "dismissing" or "heckling." Neither is criticizing, despite what some people may want to think.

So isn't Suggestions & Ideas just the place where essentially both come to die



having seen many notions from this forum work their way into the game over the years, I must disagree with the OP's thesis.

But that didn't stop the thread title from giving me a morning chuckle.


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Redoptic View Post
So a general perception is that this Suggestions & Ideas section of the boards is a completely fruitless place to post anything that an actual employee of Paragon Studios might notice, and given that when the dev's want players suggestion & ideas they totally bypass this area and post in the General forum, you'd have to say there's weight to that that belief.
I have anecdotal evidence that your assertion isn't true.

I posted a suggestion a while back regarding Regeneration getting some minor buffs.

Shortly afterward, Regeneration got some minor buffs.

Not especially compelling evidence in and of itself, but the minor buffs Regeneration got were almost exactly what I had suggested, down to the actual numbers being very close.

Does it mean *I* got Regen buffed? Not necessarily, and I'm not claiming that I did. But it does suggest that they had read my suggestion thread at the very least. It's entirely possible that they were going to do it anyway and I just happened to make a really good guess, and just as possible that they wanted to do something but didn't know exactly what until they read my thread. I'll never know the truth, nor do I really want to, but as anecdotal evidence goes it's fairly convincing.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Here is the relevant thread I started on the subject of Regen buffs:

Coincidentally, I posted that the day AFTER Closed Beta started for Issue 21 (the issue the buffs appeared in). I was not invited to the Closed Beta, so I had no idea about the implementation of the buffs until August 9th, when it entered Open Beta. I also had no idea that Brutes were getting Regeneration ported to them when I posted it.

Also, to give credit where it is due, several other people in that thread made some very good suggestions to tweak the original idea or add something that I had overlooked.

I do not know if the implementation of those buffs occurred prior to Closed Beta or after. I also posted a less fleshed out suggestion 6 months earlier in December of 2010.

No developer posted in either thread, and yet Regen got buffs that were very similar to things suggested in the two threads I posted.

It proves nothing conclusively, but it does suggest that the devs DO read this forum to get ideas about things at least.

I recall reading a very well thought out and written suggestion about a form of Bio Armor, and apparently we are getting something like that soon.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Redoptic View Post
So isn't Suggestions & Ideas just the place where essentially both come to die, or can it be improved in some way?
List of items first appearing as player suggestions before being added to the game.

Can any one person point and say, "that was my idea"? Probably not. Things get suggested all the time and frequently get repeated. Can you prove that these things weren't already on the drawing board before appearing on the forums? No. Still, that's a long list of ideas that were discussed by players before any official announcement took place.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



Originally Posted by Oldeb View Post
List of items first appearing as player suggestions before being added to the game.

Can any one person point and say, "that was my idea"? Probably not. Things get suggested all the time and frequently get repeated. Can you prove that these things weren't already on the drawing board before appearing on the forums? No. Still, that's a long list of ideas that were discussed by players before any official announcement took place.
The progression of changes to Rage is kind of hilarious.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
The devs do actually come to the Suggestions forums.

I recently sent a message to Arbiter Hawk to check out powerset ideas I posted, and he had already read them.

I think they probably don't post here much because people would pounce on them and bury them in questions about their own suggestions.
LOL but its okay that you PM a Dev to look at what you posted and ask questions about your suggestion.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
LOL but its okay that you PM a Dev to look at what you posted and ask questions about your suggestion.
That's not exactly fair. I never said it wasn't okay to ask the devs questions.

If, for example, Synapse, Arbiter Hawk, or Positron posted in any one powerset suggestion thread with their thoughts, it would:

A) Bring A LOT of attention to that one particular thread through the dev digest


B) Cause many people to post in that thread with links to their own thread(s), asking the devs to do the same for them.

That's a completely different situation than if I send a private message to a dev and get a private response back. A PM doesn't show up in the dev digest and avoids a wave of people expecting the same treatment all at once.

Sure, me saying here in this thread that at least Arbiter Hawk was willing to do it for me makes it seem a little contradictory, but I was only mentioning it as an example that the devs do come to this section occasionally.

Trickshooter's Characters | @Trickshooter @Brightside



I post my suggestions (and believe me I've posted quite a few) here simply to say I did. I got the idea out of my head and into public view in the hopes that the devs see something they like and make it a reality.

Not every idea is great but even the bad ones can lead to inspiration for something grand. But even if the suggestions aren't acted upon it doesn't make this forum useless. Sometimes there's just limitations whether technical or financial that can hold back even the greatest of ideas.

I have about 20 suggestions in this forum over the years. At least one became reality (whether inspired by my suggestion or not). I feel this forum has it's place whether we posters see our ideas implemented or not.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by Redoptic View Post
What's more it would seem ironic that things that have made it into the game over the recent years like power customization and proliferation for example, were often repeatedly dismissed and heckled when they were brought up in this part of the boards.
Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Rewriting history is not your forte`. You should actually look at the history before making statements like that. Both were called - by the devs, I might add - a *lot* of work, especially when they were down to 15 people, and would take a lot of time. (I believe the redname comment was "Sure, we could rewrite everything and do that. Just don't expect anything else during that year.") When they got more people, both became possible.

Pointing out information from the devs, such as the above, is not "dismissing" or "heckling." Neither is criticizing, despite what some people may want to think.
Rewriting history is probably another reason the devs infrequently respond to threads in this section. Far too often people twist what the devs actually posted/said to fit their own agendas and then get angry and defensive when they get confronted with what was actually said.



Strikingly absent from the dissecting of my OP was anyone commenting on the fact that when the devs themselves want players suggestions they choose not to create those threads here, in the, um, Suggestions and Ideas area.

Stalwarts would amply that it's a simi-important part of funneling players input into the game, whereas a lot of forum going players see it as being closer to this threads title. Who's right?

Yes though looking down the list I see a number of those I remember originating from areas that had nothing to do with this Suggestions & Ideas area of the boards.

A huge number of the suggestions on that list you linked originated from specific Archetype sections of the boards or betas, Ice Melee's buff for example came from Tundara in the tanker area, the same thing with Blasters and Defiance, Tankers and Gauntlet, animation times, Domination, melee kb to kd, Burn, Rage, Voltaic Sentinel, Elude, I could go on and on and on.
If the old boards still existed, and I had infinite free time, I could probably go line by line through that list and point to a main thread where a suggestion originated that wouldn't end up being Suggestions & Ideas.

Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
I feel this forum has it's place whether we posters see our ideas implemented or not.
That's a valid point, though if you knew you could post a good idea in an area where a dev might have a higher possibility of seeing it wouldn't you just go there?

The fact that Paragon Studio people post and reply considerably more in the General Discussions area then here is likely why suggestions-idea threads are created there all the time and without being modded.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Pointing out information from the devs, such as the above, is not "dismissing" or "heckling." Neither is criticizing, despite what some people may want to think.
When it becomes a looping echo that doesn't reach the I've thoroughly said my piece it's just a higher plain of lulz, right? I mean it happens no?

It's an area that's about imagination and ingenuity put to text often for debate, that gets a fair share of modding.
There's a degree of passion in some people over the Suggestions and Ideas area, no getting around that.

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I posted a suggestion a while back regarding Regeneration getting some minor buffs.
Shortly afterward, Regeneration got some minor buffs.
Not especially compelling evidence in and of itself, but the minor buffs Regeneration got were almost exactly what I had suggested, down to the actual numbers being very close.
Does it mean *I* got Regen buffed? Not necessarily, and I'm not claiming that I did. But it does suggest that they had read my suggestion thread at the very least.
I'm honestly not being a jerk, but weren't there long running threads in the scrapper section, and general to some extent, by Evilgeko among hosts of others forever talking about Regen buff suggestions?

The devs may have used your idea posted in this area, but as you say the thread was posted after they already had implemented at least the rough phase of their changes to regen on beta.

Either way, I don't think even you would claim the devs could only possibly have come here for whatever player input that might have inspired their decisions on regen, since the topic was everywhere on the boards for years.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Rewriting history is probably another reason the devs infrequently respond to threads in this section. Far too often people twist what the devs actually posted/said to fit their own agendas and then get angry and defensive when they get confronted with what was actually said.
It's hard to read into their motives, but they will post in other areas like General and of course betas, which is now basically open to everyone, and their quotes from those instances get highlighted in any number of threads, three that are current I could point to right now off the top of my head.

Rarely do they ever visit this area with their input, even with something as generic and noncommittal as a variation on "that's a neat idea", like they do in beta (of course), and general discussion and even occasionally in the ATs sections among others.

In short aside from the Mods, ps/ncsoft employees at best infrequently have a presence here in Suggestions & Ideas, and when they want our ideas they don't come here for them.

I asked can it be improved, but I guess like Greece if a plurality think things are fine, any ideas to enhance it would likely come here to um, die.



Originally Posted by Redoptic View Post
In short aside from the Mods, ps/ncsoft employees at best infrequently have a presence here in Suggestions & Ideas, and when they want our ideas they don't come here for them.

I asked can it be improved, but I guess like Greece if a plurality think things are fine, any ideas to enhance it would likely come here to um, die.
Pure bulldookey. Not only do the devs actively monitor the Suggestion Forums for new ideas they even get ideas from people arguing against bad ideas. Like where they got the idea for the new Team Teleport Flyer power.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill

Yes. This is a cut and paste reply that I keep handy, as well as a quick bit of instruction on how to search. Neither are meant to cause fights or to be insulting. The search instructions are in, not just because forum rules say flat out to search, but to help you and anyone else reading this use the search tool effectively.

The body of the cut and paste reply is the way it is because we've seen these arguments numerous times before. They're a summary of the salient points that come up each time. They are not here to insult you, make you feel stupid or otherwise "bring you down a peg." Instead, they are meant as instruction and information. Please read through the points and the explanation behind them to see the issues that are commonly brought up in response. They may not always match your suggestion 100% - in fact, you may have explained around one or two of them - but they're there for consideration and refinement of your idea.

Yes, I do look forward to the time, with some of these suggestions, that someone not only addresses all the points, but does so exceptionally well. It'll probably be added to the end of the cut/paste reply, with credit. For now, though, read and consider the points. They really are just there to help you, and move discussion along to help ideas evolve.

If you're going to see this and say an "evil forum vet is just shooting down your idea," or "You think you're the last word because of your post count," you're wrong. Heck, if you say the second, you've just worried more about my post count than I have in the last four plus years. Tongue-in-cheek comments in here are meant as humor, not put downs.

Searching Effectively

1. Click on "Search" up at the top of the forum.
2. On the left, under "Forum(s) to search," select "Suggestions and ideas."
3. On the right, Keyword Search Terms. This is probably where your problem was if you did search. Try the following, exactly as typed:

+vehicle -"re: "

This will search for anything with the string "vehicle" in the title.The -re: portion of it removes replies, so you'll see the root of every thread that comes up, letting you see just how many threads there are on this. (The last helps for other subjects, as well.)

Be sure to put the space between the colon and last quote.

4. Click the "In subject" radio button. This is a search, not a cute blonde in a bikini. Here, you want to ignore the body.

5. Leave Username Search blank.

6. Date range, Newer Than, change the 1 to a 3, and the time to Months.

7. Result format doesn't matter. Click on "Submit."

The subject at hand: Vehicles.
Vehicles as travel powers. This gets brought up a lot.

Short answer, don't expect it.

Long answer:
There are a lot of problems with the idea.

1. Movement.

Forward and back,even turning - ok. But you can do things that a vehicle can't - such as strafe (direct side to side or angular movement.) It doesn't work with a vehicle. There are also issues such as drift and "realistic" handling. We can go side to side, as mentioned, and make immediate right angle turns. Cars... not so much.

2. Movement, part 2.

Go stand in the road. No, not you personally. Take your character out and stand in the road, if you're heroside. Or even in the path of civilians. What happens? You get pushed. While not as big an issue with a motorcycle, perhaps, a car would have issues. What happens if two cars meet head on - yours and an NPC, or yours and another player's? Do you just pass through each other? Would you be satisfied with that very odd result? Or would you get stuck? How about those NPCs, can they walk and push your car, or are they walking through it? Neither answer is very satisfying, and intelligent, dynamic pathing is too computationally expensive.

3. Terrain.

Not every place has roads, or even makes sense for "off roading." Go look at Founder's Falls. Go look at Crey's Folley. Or Eden. Try to get to the north islands in Talos. What, do you have a kubelwagen? Look at the Pit in Sharkshead. Try to use your travel power (car) to get up to some of the doorways in high caves. Cars and motorcycles would be more like Superspeed - horizontal movement, period. And look - I'll be blunt - flat out *stupid* tied with, say, Combat Jumping or Superjump.

4. Combat.

You get ambushed on the way. How do you fight? Just have your powers blast out of the rolled up windows? How do you buff or debuff? EVERY power would need a new animation. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Then you want people with motorcycles instead of cars. Redo ALL the animations AGAIN. And they still wouldn't make sense - how do you use Footstomp in a car? Or Stalagmites?

5. Customizing.

Yeah, it would come up. Not everyone would want a sports car, or a mid-70s Buick boat, or an exotic, or a minivan, or whatever else.

6. Making "sense."

This was touched on in terrain - how do you get across water? How about the Shadow Shard? And if you want downright ridiculous looking, go do the heroside 25-34 Respec. Look at the Sky Skiffs inside of rooms or the reactor room. It makes no sense and looks *ridiculous.* Something that, yes, the devs try to avoid.

That's just a quick overview of why vehicles as generally envisioned aren't a spectacular idea for a travel power.
Further discussion

This I think merits a bit of extra commentary, honestly.

"Vehicles" covers a lot of different ground for different people. Some only consider cars/jets/motorcycles vehicles. Others add jetpacks, wings and the like. Much of the above considers cars and similar sized vehicles, with nods to motorcycle type vehicles.

Jetpacks and such, I don't see happening as travel powers. As costume options for Flight? Or as invented pieces that interact with Fly, similar to wings? Absolutely - but they don't need to be a separate travel power for that. I'm all for more jetpack and wing (or combination) designs. Besides, there are so many "temp" jetpacks, I don't see introducing yet another one as really being feasable - just my opinion.

But vehicles - cars, specifically - as a travel power, have issues.

One way to have them "somewhat" work.

For all that, I know some people *would* still like to pull up in front of a mission. So how do we do it?

A temporary power, based on the same tech from the Mac/Valkyrie pack Mission Teleporter. The temporary power would:

(a) be an invention - dropping from enemies. (A reward, because you saved... well, we'll get to that,)

(b) be a single use each time - you can only hold one at a time, not one of each, one total.

(c) use rarely used salvage, because... it's rarely used, and cheap. No Luck Charms here.

(d) come in multiple varieties.

How does this get around the various issues?

Terrain - It doesn't pass terrain. It just arrives.

It follows the same 'rules' as the mission teleporter - it's not indoors, doesn't go to contacts, etc. Just mission doors.

Customizing - It's not "your" vehicle. It's a temp power. You've called a cab, limo, or other transport.

Power animation - since you're skipping the space in between, no powers can be used 'til you arrive anyway.

The varieties?
- Limo: Stereotypical slightly stretched black limo.
- Checker cab: The classic yellow cab.



Originally Posted by Redoptic View Post
In short aside from the Mods, ps/ncsoft employees at best infrequently have a presence here in Suggestions & Ideas, and when they want our ideas they don't come here for them.
Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Pure bulldookey.

I mean really?

There are more then roughly three thousand threads in this section and how many official replies or threads of any kind are there?
I counted one from 2010, aside for a slew of Modding.

Compare that to a flood of comments by devs and employees in virtually all the other areas of the forums, frequently giving some feedback on suggestions and ideas which do not originate in, Suggestions and Ideas.

A couple of things have been pointed out that probably did get their start from here, though out of the sheer volume of threads created to what was implemented is this really a better place to get a large audience and possibly someone official to come upon your idea then the General (where all those dev links are posted) or the various Archetype sections?
You really think so?

Explain why the devs treat this section like the pvp forums

Is there no one who camps in Suggestions to green light or dismiss players ideas that believes it should be more efficient and somehow more of a useful resource to a larger audience?

If it already were that wouldn't all those links above be here?

I guess if Greece can't be helped.....



Originally Posted by Redoptic View Post
Strikingly absent from the dissecting of my OP was anyone commenting on the fact that when the devs themselves want players suggestions they choose not to create those threads here, in the, um, Suggestions and Ideas area.
You're right.

And this thread we are in right here is a shining example of WHY.

The attitude that comes out of people arguing against an idea is something the devs do not want polluting the official threads on things they want feedback on. So they post them in teh general discussion area where people are generally better behaved.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Redoptic View Post

A couple of things have been pointed out that probably did get their start from here, though out of the sheer volume of threads created to what was implemented is this really a better place to get a large audience and possibly someone official to come upon your idea then the General (where all those dev links are posted) or the various Archetype sections?
You really think so?

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Redoptic View Post
Is there no one who camps in Suggestions to green light or dismiss players ideas that believes it should be more efficient and somehow more of a useful resource to a larger audience?
No dev camps anywhere.

The reason why dev-initiated threads appear elsewhere is the simple fact that the devs place their threads into the most specifically appropriate forum, which is what every other player should do, by the way. Suggestions and Ideas was originally meant to be a catch-all: a place to discuss general ideas for improving the game that might be more general than what would be appropriate to any other specific forum. Players come up with ideas like that all the time: general QoL ideas don't always fit into any other forum. Proposing a new archetype doesn't obviously fit into any of the archetype forums.

However, the devs essentially Never ask the players for discussion on such broad, non-specific brainstorming ideas. The devs tend to ask the players for suggestions or feedback on specifically targeted areas, and those areas tend to fall into one of the other forums more specifically.

That doesn't mean the devs don't *read* Suggestions and Ideas, but because of the nature of the kinds of ideas often discussed in S&I, they are far less likely to comment in that forum. Getting entangled into general wide-ranging discussions about far-flung areas of the game simultaneously can only do bad things for the devs. Aside from the occasional community participation thread, the devs tend to, and are internally encouraged to, be focused when engaging the player community on specific matters involving the future development of the game.

If we measured the worth of a forum by how often the devs started threads there, we wouldn't have had a Blaster archetype forum past 2005. But its important to note that the primary purpose of the forums is to allow players to discuss the game with other players. Its secondary purpose is to interact with the devs. But except for when making official statements about future releases or when engaged in beta testing or debugging, no dev is *obligated* to read forum posts or respond to them. That's not their job. If you're posting because you want to discuss your ideas with the rest of the playerbase, great. If you're posting because you think you deserve the attention of the devs, that's not an efficient way to go about doing it. I would PM them if you actually desire a direct response to anything.

Here's a fact about dev responses. No dev ever responded to any of the posts I made about Elusivity. You know, the game mechanic that's in the game now. And there's absolutely no question its in the game as a direct result of my suggestion and my suggestion alone. But they never actually discussed it with me or anyone else on the public forums. You can't gauge interest or attention by whether a red name responds or not.

(Curiously, Elusivity is not listed on the Paragonwiki list of player suggested features. Actually, I don't see any of mine there at all, except for Martial Arts which wasn't unique to me.)

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



We read much, much more than we post.



Originally Posted by Arbiter Warrant View Post
We read much, much more than we post.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Although in this case its possible Arbiter Warrant is just following me around to see if I've made any other ill-advised bets recently.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Arbiter Warrant, thanks for letting us know that S&I is being monitored.

(At one time, when it was moved from one section of the fora to another, I vaguely recall that we were told in fairly explicit terms by the then-OCR team that S&I was intended primarily for forumites' amusement, not as an actual source of in-game suggestions. This was years and years ago, now.)

Arcanaville did a good job of summing up how I believe forumites (and devs) should use this forum. One point that bears quoting for emphasis:

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
But its important to note that the primary purpose of the forums is to allow players to discuss the game with other players. Its secondary purpose is to interact with the devs.
Too many forumites, especially in the past several years, have taken to viewing the fora as a means for reshaping the game, whether through complaining about development decisions they dislike or, more constructively, by proposing different development ideas. Those things are fine to do, but when we do them, we should recognize that we are doing so to receive validation (or rejection) from other players, not because we expect the game to change based on them.


Aside from Elusivity, here are some other Suggestions from the S&I forum (circa 2006) that made it into the game:

- Revamping Faultline, Dark Astoria, and the Rikti Crash Site.

- Putting a contact who gives repeatable missions in Rikti Crash Site.

- Rikti Pylons that can be destroyed to knock down the shield around the Rikti ship.

- Fighting a Riktified Hero 1 at the climax of the Rikti Crash Site story.

And those are just off the top of my head.

I can believe some of these were independently thought up by players and developers, but I remember posts discussing systems so similar to, say, the pylon system we have now that it leaves little doubt in my mind that the devs got them from this forum.

It is good to hear that it is being read (again?).

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
The devs do actually come to the Suggestions forums.

I recently sent a message to Arbiter Hawk to check out powerset ideas I posted, and he had already read them.

I think they probably don't post here much because people would pounce on them and bury them in questions about their own suggestions.
Actually Arbiter Hawk also had seen my Energy Orbs powerset in the Archetypes and Powers General Discussion section many hours before I got it to the point I felt I could send him a PM for feedback, too.

...still wish this set could be used for a cheap (development-cost-wise) powerset expansion

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



I wouldn't - or wouldn't just - put the sonic resonance graphic change there. That ended up as a good year plus fight to get done. And really less a "suggestion" than "Hey, devs, this part of your game is causing *physical pain and illness* to a part of your playerbase, and those affected can't just avoid the issue by not taking the set as others can cast this on them, this should be getting at least as much attention as actual coding bugs."

I've still got people I refuse to associate with because of their attitude toward that - either thinking triggering someone's migrane (sometimes for a few days) was "hilarious," or going on and on about how everyone complaining about it was a liar and a hypochondriac because it didn't affect *him.* (Want to seriously piss me off, tell me that while (a) it's affecting me and I've basically hurt myself ruling everything else out - note I normally don't GET affected by this sort of thing, and (b) it's making friends sick.)

After all that, BAB had basically said "We can't change it." Which just about had me drop the sub... but the changes showed up on test in less than a month after he'd said that. I don't know what happened there, but I'm not arguing...

Anyway, that was less a suggestion than a campaign and rather a lot of fighting. >.>